Turn off the lights
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828 Divine Soldier Descends from Heaven II

"Reporter, I heard a faint shout, very faint. I also saw a little light, which only flashed a few times."

On the big ship, the person in charge of observation on the mast passed the news down, and then someone reported to the captain's cabin.

The captain turned out to be a woman from Jeju Island, a woman of the Jeyi tribe. One of the best boat operators in the tribe, she could smell the storm from the sea breeze, and she could feel the storm from a bucket of water drawn from the sea.

No schools of fish will appear.

A foreigner, and a woman at that, defeated hundreds of competitors and became the captain of a sea ship.

Although it only has a tonnage of 500 tons, it is already the pride of the whole clan.

This ship is named Storm.

After receiving the order from Huating, we sailed upstream. This was the fastest boat. Half of the boatmen on the boat were women of the Jiyi tribe. There were also ten Mohe women and five Japanese female boatmen.

This one is not a battleship, it only has four cannons, and the cannons are also operated by women from the Jiyi tribe.

Of the thirty people on board, half were boatmen and half were combatants, ten of whom were Goguryeo female warriors.

There are only two people from Tang Dynasty on this boat.

One person is the deputy captain, and the other person is in charge of the telegraph machine.

After hearing the report from the people below, the captain named Su Coral nodded: "Whether it is true or not, drive over and have a look, and order the boat to be prepared. The boat is moored, and you must not dare to leave the ship." Captain Su said with a half-familiar hand

After speaking in Chinese, he gave the order again in Jeju dialect, just because he was afraid that the order was not clear.

The subordinates went to deliver the order.

The vice-captain, who was sitting in front of the map and drawing coordinates, slowly raised his head.

"Three years ago, there was a flood in Luoyang. I never thought that someone would come to rescue me. When a sergeant dragged me out of the mud, I was even more scared. Do you know what I did at that time?"

Su Coral didn't understand and just shook his head. What should he do at that time?

"I smeared mud on my face because I was afraid that the sergeant would harm me!"

"Ah, let him come, isn't he handsome?"

Su Coral said this very seriously, and the vice-captain almost laughed out loud. The customs are indeed different. However, Su Coral had already learned etiquette in Datang, so she smiled and said: "I know, in Datang

Women are very precious."

"Yes!" The vice-captain nodded.

The person who just went out to report the news came in again: "It seems that someone is slowing down and approaching."

"As long as there is one, you must go and see it."

A ship has a total of three captains. They are divided into captain, first mate, and second mate. Then there are boatswain, charge captain, stoker, gunner, medical chief, telegraph chief, cook, and logistics chief. Chapter

The second mate is sleeping at this time, and it will be her turn to change shifts in a few hours. Each person has six hours, but they are on cross duty. It is guaranteed that there are always two captains in charge of the ship.

A ship of five hundred tons is too small for future generations.

But for Datang, it was already a very big ship.

There are many people on the ship, but even if there are twice as many people, the ship's income will be enough to support these people, not to mention that all the ships now have over-staffing in order to train shipwrights for future ships.

Putting on special raincoats, the captain and deputy captain came to the deck.

Su Coral took a look at the telescope and then handed it to the deputy captain. The deputy captain also looked at it and said: "The wind and rain are too heavy to see clearly. It looks like a torch, but even if it is a will-o'-the-wisp, you have to go and have a look. Use that lamp.

It can be regarded as giving them a hope. At this time, people may not be able to support it in their hearts."

"You give the order, I can only sail the boat!" Su Coral shouted loudly.

In the wind and rain, even if you stand in front of your face, you may not be able to hear even a low voice.

"Order, prepare hot porridge in the kitchen. Prepare ten rooms in the lower warehouse. Prepare dry towels, and the medical officer will prepare them. The charge leader will distribute weapons, everyone is on duty, and all lounge doors are closed. There is no need to get up without an order."

Su Coral understood the order to take turns to rest. After all, he didn't know how long he would be busy. The others understood it. They just didn't know why the stormtrooper leader was asked to distribute weapons. They were not bandits.

"Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the worst. What if the rescued person is a bad person, or someone who doesn't obey the command, or is just a bastard. We are all girls on board, and we can't tolerate that kind of trouble."

Su Coral nodded, thinking that the captain was very thoughtful, so he immediately gave an order, and everyone hung their daggers on their leg pockets. If there was to be a fight, of course, everyone in the same boat had to take action.

"Turn on the lights!"

This light cannot be turned on casually. It is a strong light made by Datang. It is made of pure silver plated on the glass to concentrate the light. What's more, this big light alone consumes a

The power of the steam engine is almost half. When the lights are turned on, one of the twin steam engines basically serves the light. In addition, when rescuing people, most of the lights in the entire ship's interior are lit, and one steam engine is completely used.


The desperate villagers could only see a few very faint bright spots in the distance, and then a beam of light.

Suddenly, as if the sun jumped out of the ground, a dazzling light group appeared, and then a dazzling light beam shot towards them. Almost everyone subconsciously covered their eyes with their hands.

After the strong spotlight was shined on, the people on the mast also shouted: "There are people, almost a hundred or ten people."

"Slow down and be careful of the bottom of the ship." The deputy captain ordered loudly.

Now that it is clear that it is a village, if there is any relatively high hard object in the village that has just been submerged in water, even a wooden stake, it will be extremely dangerous if it hits the bottom of the boat.

The Tang Dynasty's 500-ton ship has a load capacity of 500 tons, not a displacement of 500 tons.

According to the calculation of the Tang Dynasty, the length was seventeen and a half feet, which is more than fifty meters in modern times. It was larger than the early European Spanish galleons with a displacement of 500 tons, and was similar to the later Spanish galleons with a displacement of 1,000 tons.

Since there is no sail, all the weight is used on the hull.

Such a large wooden ship has a draft of almost one meter. As a sea-going ship, and there is no anti-collision on the bottom of the ship, the captain is extra careful. If their ship breaks down here, they will probably be laughed to death by other ships when they go back.


"Avoid the place where there are obvious trees and stop the boat a hundred steps away."

There must be trees in the village. It is not strange for such a flood to break down a tree. If the broken tree hits the bottom of the boat, there is no need to save people, but you need to call for help.

A hundred steps away, you can see clearly even at night. The strong light has been turned off. Only an ordinary light is still on.

Anchor was dropped and the four boats were lowered.

When they saw that the driver and the people on the boat were all women, the people in the village were stunned.

"Help, there is a baby here." An old woman shouted.

At that moment, several young men jumped into the water, took the ropes from the boat and tied them to the beams. There were steel rings on the boat. Among the ropes, there was another long rope used to pull the boat.

Individuals struggled to carry the injured and several pregnant women onto the boat, and the boat began to pull the rope.

All the young men in the village were gathered together, holding the other end of the rope, ready to pull the boat back at any time.

After the four boats came and went several times, the strong young men did not get on the boat, but just held the rope and swam towards the big ship.

There are lights on the ship. When you enter the cabin and see the female soldiers wearing Tang Dynasty military uniforms, no matter whether the soldiers in front of you are male or female, this military uniform makes people feel warm. Many of them are full of strength just now.

All the young men were sitting on the floor in the passage. They didn't even have the strength to wipe their faces with towels.

Does prayer help?

If someone is responding to this prayer, then the prayer is useful.

After the disaster, it was as if all the strength had been drained away. There was no wind, rain, or cold, and it was still very bright here. The feeling of hunger was still there, and it even felt unreal.

"Everyone stand up!" After shouting, a female general wearing an officer's uniform pointed at the person sitting on the ground with a sheathed dagger: "The younger ones will help the older ones up, and everyone will go to the room assigned to you.

Go inside. This is a Tang Dynasty ship, and everyone must abide by the rules. Failure to abide by the rules will affect the safety of others."

"I.I..." The young man wanted to say something, but he was pointed at by the handle of the knife but did not dare to speak out.

"Come into the room, your woman is fine. The medical officer on the ship is using the needle." After that, he put a box in the young man's hand: "Go and give three pills to everyone, swallow them and prepare for porridge."

Good strength. Next time we rescue someone, let’s go together!”

This was the tone of command. A female captain was giving orders to a group of grown men.

She was also scared and nervous. No woman had ever dared to yell at a man, and no woman had ever given orders to a man. So she raised her voice a lot, trying to make herself as powerful as possible.

Men, or women. At this time, there are only victims and rescuers.

After getting weak from drinking, several young people who were in good health marked the map in the captain's cabin and analyzed how many villages there were in the surrounding area. It was possible that that village could still be rescued. A big ship would definitely not be able to pass through that village. But it shouldn't be too dangerous.

, just need detailed information such as food.

As for where to send these people, the captain didn't pay attention. Dongting Lake is completely filled with water, and the lake is almost 40% larger than before. Some docks are also submerged in the water. You can only take one step at a time. When the limit is reached,

Turn around and go back to Huating.

At night, two more people from the village were rescued. No one cried or complained. The people in the village behind saw the men listening to the orders of the women wearing Tang military uniforms, and they followed suit.

Afterwards, some people asked these people why they listened to women. Many people replied: What they saw in their eyes was not women, but only the military uniforms of the Tang Dynasty and the badges of the Tang army.

Because when I saw the military uniform, the military emblem, and the army of the Tang Dynasty, I felt an indescribable sense of security in my heart, as if that military uniform could block the flood from the sky. If there is really a metaphor

, that military uniform is the statue of the god worshiped at home. You can hear the sound of prayer!

It's dawn... A loud sound of a baby crying came out from the cabin, causing the busy people to stop what they were doing and invariably turned their attention to the direction of the sound.

A female crew member with blood still sticking to her hands walked to the deck: "Boy, mother and son are safe!"

This chapter has been completed!
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