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829 Divine Soldiers Descend from Heaven III

Hope of life!

The birth of a child represents a new beginning, which is a very auspicious omen. Some grown men couldn't help but wipe their eyes a few times and cursed: Damn it, the wind is so strong!

How big is the 500-ton ship? It is seventeen and a half feet long, four feet and three feet wide, and three feet and seventy feet high.

At the very bottom of the ship, there is a keel that extends downward. This part of the ship is two feet long at the front and reaches about five feet at its thickest at the stern. The design of sea-going ships is naturally to protect against wind and waves. This extended keel is

To maintain balance.

Because the ships of the Tang Dynasty did not have sails, their center of gravity was more than a foot lower than that of later Spanish galleons of the same size, so there were far fewer counterweight stones in the bottom of the ship.

The second generation design of Storm's 500-ton seagoing ship.

The rear bridge on the deck adopts a small two-and-a-half-story design. The level with the deck is only seven and a half feet high, equivalent to two meters. Here is the main activity room of the boatman, as well as a small weapons warehouse, and a stern door

Cannon. The second room is also equivalent to two meters high and is the captain's room.

Then the top half floor is the wheelhouse, or control room, of the ship.

There is also a three-and-a-half-story design below the deck. The first floor below is full of small rooms. This is the boatman's living area. Each room can accommodate eight people in bunk beds. There are only three beds between the two sides.

There are four beds on each side of the space. They are all fixed to the wall.

The full crew of the Tempest was one hundred and twenty-eight.

(The Spanish galleon, of the same tonnage, has a crew of 300 people. Of course, the Spanish galleon needs to sail)

The total length of the first floor is more than fifty meters according to modern calculations, and the actual width of each room is only about 2.6 to 2.7 meters. There are a total of forty rooms on the first floor, only twenty of which are equipped with beds.

, there are ten foldable beds, eight completely empty rooms, and two personal belongings storage rooms belonging to the boatmen, with small cabinets designed in them.

In addition to these, there is also a large empty room in the bow direction, which is equivalent to the size of four rooms. According to the calculation method of later generations, it is fifty square meters. You can drink, eat, and even take a taxi.

Play mahjong.

The second floor of the deck is still above the waterline. There is a large warehouse door at the stern of the ship, which is the cargo warehouse. Each warehouse door can be closed very tightly, and wooden strips can also be stuck on the outside of the door.

Even if there are wind and waves, the ship's posture will not be affected by the slippage of the cargo.

The deck is minus three, and when the warehouse is full, half of it is already below the waterline.

The stern of the ship is not allowed to be approached casually. There are steam engines and huge water tanks. There are also warehouses specially used to load coal. The rest is still a cargo warehouse, but the position of the bow is specially placed for gunpowder and cannonballs, and

A warehouse for weapons, as well as food and water needed by the boatmen.

The bottom half layer is for heavy items.

Canned food, water, and ballast stones. Especially when the ship is empty, you must carry some stones and put them in. The Storm almost never sails by empty, so in addition to the standard long stone originally equipped on the ship, the bottom

In the half-story, which is less than one meter high, the tin cans have become ballast stones.

The three captains are all sitting in the captain's cabin. No one is allowed to come in here. There is too much confidential information here.

"There are almost four hundred people on board. This is the limit on our ship. The warehouses of A and B are full of people. If this continues, even people who are fine will get sick. We need to dock." 2

The deputy spoke up.

Originally, I should have gone to rest, but now I didn't dare to leave.

"Dock to the port? Where to dock!" the first officer said helplessly, and handed over a dozen telegrams and newspapers in his hand to the second officer.

Those telegrams were communication telegrams with some states and cities. There are no ports available there. Because of the floods, the largest ports have been closed. Even if the ports in the surrounding small rivers are not flooded, a 500-ton ship cannot stop.


"Right now, there are two ways. One is to turn around and go back to Huating, and the other is to go further to Jingzhou!" Su Coral kept looking down at the map. The two methods she mentioned were also the two most suitable ones.

Then he said: "No, the rain is still falling. What will happen if the water rises again in Jingzhou?"

"You go and have a rest, and we'll turn around and go back to Huating." The captain made up his mind.

"Report, we saw another person trapped on the mound." The guard at the door passed back the information from the observation tower.

Su Coral said to Yi Yi very seriously: "Go to bed immediately, order the ship to start changing shifts in sequence, and order the patrols to protect the tranquility and safety of the lounge."

There was still a lot to do next, so I entered the back room of the captain's cabin. There were only two beds. They were four-foot wide beds, but they were also on two floors. If you can save space on the ship, you will definitely save space.


For the three captains, this is the tightest arrangement in the regulations. Each of them sleeps for four hours and works energetically for eight hours. For them, they dare not relax even a little bit, as they must know the carelessness of the captain.

It is very likely that the ship will be destroyed and people will be killed. The regulations must be followed.

Four hours is more unbearable than four days for those waiting for rescue.

But for someone who is already very tired both physically and mentally, it goes by in the blink of an eye. When he wakes up, it's already afternoon. Su Coral didn't say a word before going to bed, and just fell down on the bed and fell asleep.


The boat seemed to be stationary, and he wanted to ask something, but Su Coral had already fallen asleep. He didn't even take off his shoes, and he didn't have the strength to climb to the bed on the upper floor. This made him not even put on his own clothes.

and take it off the bed.

He helped to take off his shoes, turned over, and then took away the military uniform that was pressed down on him by Su Coral. Dressing neatly is an ironclad rule for soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. Military uniforms must not be messed up at any time.

On the deck, a man looked at the scene in front of him and was truly shocked.

The piles used for mooring the moorings, the hinge plate of the anchor, and the flagpole are all tied with very thick hemp ropes. There are already dozens of rafts and bamboo rafts on both sides of the ship and at the back. The elderly and infirm

The people were transferred to the boats, and the people on these rafts or bamboo rafts were all young people.

There are many people tying up new rafts.

"The water is still rising, and the mound about three miles away from here will definitely be submerged in an hour at most. So we must go there." The second officer stood beside the first officer and whispered.

He didn't answer immediately, he just climbed to the side and took a look at the water level.

"There are still seven inches from the highest waterline!" Obviously the second officer is also very concerned about this issue. There is no way to count how many people are on the ship. In this rescue, in addition to food, water and medicine, everything on the ship is

It was impossible to throw them away. Coal and purified water for steam engines were not even on the list of items that could be thrown away.

The two vice-captains looked at each other almost at the same time, with determination in their eyes.

The first sentence of the Military Regulations of the Tang Dynasty is: Don't complain, don't expect, don't despair.

Especially for the navy, when operating alone on a vast and boundless sea, without strong mental strength, it cannot face the stormy sea.

"Command, check the cable again, thirty to starboard."

At this time, Huating Port.

Wind and rain were still surrounding the entire port. A batch of relief supplies had just been shipped. The person in charge of the port returned to his office, picked up a large bucket of herbal tea on the table and poured it into his mouth.

A messenger rushed in like flying.

"Sea, His Highness's military emblem!"

"At sea?" This official from the fifth rank almost threw the small wooden bucket in his hand. You know how strong the wind and waves were at this time, and how heavy the rain was. Could it be that His Highness King Qin came from the sea?

Picking up the telescope and looking out the window, there was only a two thousand ton ship on the sea.

This ship was going to Nanyang to load rice, so it was definitely not this one. I looked around, but there was nothing there.

The words of the messenger could not be false. There was a large ultra-long-distance telescope on the observation tower, so it was impossible to see it wrong. The person in charge of the port quickly took his raincoat and ran to the observation tower.

There is a boat on the sea. It is silver, only about three feet long, one foot wide, and no more than one foot high. It is like a shuttle.

Huge waves hit one after another, and the boat broke through the waves and rushed towards Huating.

"So fast!" the person in charge of the port said with emotion.

"Visually, it is at least five times faster than the big ship." The sentry responsible for the observation also answered from the side.

In the blink of an eye, the ship was approaching Huating, and the person in charge of the port shouted: "Go and inform General Wolf! His Highness the King of Qin is here."

But the ship didn't have the slightest intention of entering the harbor. It entered the river mouth without slowing down at all. Only when it was less than five miles away could the ship's appearance be seen more clearly.

It is completely different from any other ship in the Tang Dynasty.

All the ships of the Tang Dynasty were larger and heavier in the rear half, which slightly raised the bow.

This ship has a large bow and an almost empty stern.

There is no flag on the ship, as long as there is the badge of the Guards of the Prince of Qin on the ship, at the highest point of the ship, King Qin Li Yuanxing wearing large goggles tied himself to an iron pillar, holding a disk tightly with both hands. From the telescope

It can be clearly seen from the video that King Qin Li Yuanxing has been clenching his teeth and the veins on his hands are popping up.

The speed is so fast, at least two hundred miles per hour.

In the blink of an eye, the ship disappeared from sight and sailed upstream along the Yangtze River.

In the stormy Yangtze River, the current was turbulent. In less than half an hour, Li Yuanxing caught up with the fleet heading upstream from Huating. Li Yuanxing did not slow down, his goal was Suzhou City.

Pei Xi walked to the deck with difficulty, first tied himself to a pillar with a rope, then took out two flags and waved them with difficulty.

Twenty-three hundred tons, a true ocean-going warship of the Tang Dynasty, someone had already discovered this ship.

The soldier in charge of the flag read it three times before he could clearly understand the content of the flag. He shouted at the iron pipe of the intercom: "His Royal Highness is on the small boat, and the flag is the army flag. It means that the big ship should go ahead, be careful of the current."

Huge and harmful floating objects in it.”

"Reply..." Before the captain finished speaking, the second officer next to him said: "Your Highness is already three miles ahead of our lead ship."

The captain put down the telescope: "That should be the rumored speedboat, with a pure steel hull! I heard that General Wang Ba might get the first one." (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better updated. Faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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