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【126】California Treasure Land

Equilibrium 8 years, February.

The average temperature in Iowa is still below freezing. The ancestors of the Iroquois Confederacy from Minnesota and Wisconsin were good at building longhouses to keep out the cold. The indigenous people who were used to such bitter cold also sighed at this time -

Winter is coming.

The 15th century was a turning point in the migration of tribes and tribes in the Great Lakes region of North America. The famous southwestern tribes such as the Cherokee and Apache were all originally residents of the Great Lakes region.

Similar to the Sioux, Cheyenne, and Omaha people mentioned.

The extremely cold weather forced them to bow to reality and start migrating south.

Living by water and grass is the most primitive law of survival.

And a month ago, the true God came, giving these "forced" natives to see hope. This was no longer a slave exile after defeat.

The gods sent down their will——

Under balance, everyone is a citizen.

During this time, the group of invincible armored warriors mingled with them, becoming brothers and sisters, and becoming very close to each other.

He also selected the warriors from the tribe, taught them riding skills, and taught their children to learn the language of the true God.

Teaching riding is a bullshit proposition.

The Hohokam people accompanied the army on the expedition, which greatly helped the expedition.

The prosperous Great Lakes region has frequent trade exchanges and mutual communication of languages. If they accompany the army on an expedition, they can persuade various tribes to surrender.

And my Lord also left an oracle.

At the last stop of setting up material supply points, he once again went to the Great Lakes region to deliver a balanced decree and avoid war.

"Cow shit, how long do we have to wait? Our Lord came to bless the bitter cold land. We balanced warriors have received divine grace, how can we neglect our Lord's great cause! My precious armor seems to be hungry and thirsty, the red color that represents balance

Mottled, needs to be fed with blood!"

A group of war group leaders were restless all day long.

Now that supplies are sufficient, there is no need to worry about feeding the war horses.

The so-called thinking about food and clothing yy.

Even if you are well fed and idle, you are also idle. Of course, you must open up new territories for my Lord!

After climbing the mountain, he reprimanded: "What bullshit?! My Lord, the True God, has given my son a name. How dare you disobey the True God?"

These days, climbing mountains is nothing more than a joy.

Among the only three names given to him by Balance, his son was one. My Lord said that day that it was because of his piety that he was given the name of a good minister.

Far more favor is needed than "building an army" and "defending the country".

Everyone smiled awkwardly at this.

I just feel that Liangchen is hard to pronounce. After all, they have different language rules and can only skip a few words here and there, which is not very standard.

So Zhou Li'an had already made up his mind that the future of balance lies with the next generation.

I hope this group of indigenous people can learn Chinese and be imaginative.

Niu Shi smiled and said: "All the leaders are elders of the clan. Although I have been given a name by the grace of my Lord, Niu Shi can also be called by a nickname, so I can be called by each leader."

Then, he continued to talk about the war, "I see [weather forecast] that in early March, the temperature will warm up and the earth will recover!

Although it is still covered with ice, we can send a small number of troops to take the new knights of the Iroquois Alliance out for training, go to areas 19 and 20, explore the roads, and if conditions permit, we can bring the tribesmen to migrate here."

"If we can spread the news and let the tribes in the two regions announce to us that the balance has arrived, whether they spontaneously gather and migrate or form an alliance to fight against our cavalry army, it will be a good thing for us."

Tribes from various states have trade relations.

If there are those who return to their hearts, they will naturally be prepared to migrate and surrender to balance.

On the contrary, as Niu Shi said, if a small group of cavalry harasses and panics the natives, they will naturally form an alliance with the intention of resisting.

However, they don't know that there are thousands of Hexiong cavalry and they are invincible.

When spring comes and the cavalry army sweeps across, they can be swallowed up in one fell swoop and save the trouble of running around.

When everyone heard this, they all burst into laughter, "How can each ministry be our opponent before the glory of equilibrium is shrouded in it?"

"I'm willing to fight!"

"I'm also willing to fight!"

Halfway through January.

He even trained his troops in the ice and snow, and selected the fiercest warriors from more than 60,000 indigenous people for riding training.

Iowa is surrounded by the Missouri and Mississippi rivers.

The camp is located on the border of Iowa and Wisconsin.

The remaining indigenous people did not rest on their laurels. They took advantage of the ice and snow to freeze the tributaries of the Mississippi River to hunt and catch fish. They also felled trees and materials under the guidance of the locals and built vehicles in advance for subsequent migrations.

In early February, 2,000 cavalrymen set off in five teams.

There are 400 people in each team, conquering areas 19 and 20.

The former is Missouri in the south of Iowa, and the latter is Illinois in the east.

It would be best if the tribes can be collected and migrated. On the contrary, the road can be explored in advance and balanced road signs can be set up to lay the foundation for the war after the spring.

However, the fighting spirit of the leaders of each war group had been brewing for a long time, and each of them made great progress, and gradually made the tribes surrender and migrate.

By early March, 5,000 tribesmen gathered at the border between the two regions to swear allegiance to the Balance.

March 20.

A total of more than 70,000 people embarked on the pilgrimage westward.

The "Broadway of Balance" from Iowa to California has now been fully connected, and the natives of the central and western states have surrendered, and there is no longer any fear of harassment on the road.

Just look for the road signs and traces left by the people before you, and you can arrive smoothly.

The 9,000-strong army was assigned 200 horsemen as guides.

On the second day of their departure, the army set out. The first goal was to complete the conquest of eastern Illinois, and then go north to Indiana next door to attack the center point of the Great Lakes region——


Equilibrium 8 years, April.

Three months were accelerated, and Zhou Li'an and Snow Girl arrived in the main city of Balance.

The elders met and reported on their work.

The No. 3 Big City of Balance has been put into construction.

The construction of the city did not rely on materials. Zhou Li'an only needed to give a large number of tools and nails, and the main wooden structure was made from local materials, which were almost inexhaustible.

When a forest disappears, a big city will rise from the ground.

[Eye of the Void] is turned on.

The movements of the army far to the east were all visible.

There is nothing to worry about. When the Recovery Day and New Year comes, a large amount of supplies are left behind, and the weapons of the army are replaced. There is nothing to look at wherever they go.

Complete a material recording.

Zhou Li'an arranged for Snow Girl: "Nowadays, children from all tribes are studying in the main city, but as each city is established and the people live apart, schools should be set up in each city."

"Coordinate the number of high-level and low-level practitioners of the Chinese Language Law, and first open a test site for the new school in the No. 2 main city."

"You personally preside over this matter. You are my apostle and can be the incarnation of my representative."

There will be more and more things to do in the future, and Zhou Li'an will not be able to do anything at all. Since he has tools, he must make good use of them.

A bullshit has won the hearts and minds of the army and can lead the conquest.

Yuki Onna has always been the number one person among the true gods, and Anne is the best.

Balanced children are the new blood of civilization. It is necessary to imprint in their hearts the status of the Snow Goddess, below the goddess, and above ten thousand people, so that they can manage and lead in the future.

Of course, Yuki-onna is one of the "protagonists" in "Bible of Balance".

The story of her sacrificing herself to appease the wrath of the true god has long been known to all children who enter the school to practice the laws of language.

So now it’s time to show off her friendly side. The Snow Maiden is not a god, so she doesn’t need to be solemn and rigid, but can show her friendly side.

In the future, when the kingdom of God is reorganized and divine punishment comes, Snow Girl can sing in harmony with Zhou Li'an, with red faces and white horns.

Finally, Zhou Li'an added, "Let Xiaohua follow you. What level of law has she reached now?"

Xue Nu said happily: "Xiaohua is extremely talented. She has cultivated the Chinese Law to the middle level and high level, and her mathematics method is also far ahead of everyone. It is at the same level as the Chinese Law."

Today's legal realm (grade) divisions are still very vague.

For example, in terms of Chinese language rules, the lower level is primary school, with a literacy rate of 70%. You can pass; the middle level is middle school, you can use words and sentences fluently to write compositions; the high level requires familiarity with some physical and professional terms to lay the foundation for learning subsequent rules.

The most important thing is to be able to write the "Creation Chapter of the Holy Book of Balance" silently, so that the seeds of balance can be deeply rooted in the hearts of children.

The laws of mathematics are now only popularized among a small number of people. One reason is that there are too few teachers; secondly, the popularization of language is a top priority right now.

Zhou Li'an said: "Let Xiao Hua's practice progress be put on hold first, and we will make every effort to cultivate tribal children who speak the Utah Aztec language, so that the language can be popularized faster."

"The migration of the ministries is coming..."

"In the future, schools will need to be opened in every city, and there should be teachers of the laws of language in every ethnic group and every language department, so that my balanced holy will can be known to all people."

Snow Girl quickly said seriously: "Yes, Master!"

At this stage, there is no need for grade-level education, but in the future, when the [Academic Center] is completed, it will be divided into lower, middle and higher-level colleges.

After graduating from an advanced college, you can come to the [Academic Center] "Temple of the Law of Balance" in the main city of Balance for further studies, choose the direction of law training, and make breakthroughs in various fields.

The balancing matters have been arranged.

Zhou Li'an disappeared in a flash, and Xue Nu was going to Sacramento to build a new school. At this time, he could arrange his current work.

Suspend the opening time to speed up and give the reality that is holding you back some time to breathe.

Now, time has finally arrived in April.

Barbara has already replaced Lao Wang as the top tool person and joined the Balance Group.

In mid-February, Zhou Li'an requested to acquire mining equipment and power generation equipment manufacturing companies, and now there is finally good news.

"A total of two medium-sized equipment manufacturing companies were merged, and there was official matchmaking..."

"In addition, the vaccine production line has also been determined, and designers are completing the transformation of the sterile workshop in the new factory area. It is expected to be officially put into production in three months."

What can Zhou Li'an say?

Slow down!!

He has delayed the timeline as much as possible, accelerating every 3 months, and will stay in the equilibrium for 1-2 weeks to settle tribal matters and let Yuki-onna teach Xiaohua and other students to improve the realm of law.

The vaccine was put into production three months later... and could barely keep up with the migration of various ministries.

On the contrary, two existing equipment companies have been merged, and they already have equipment inventory that can be withdrawn and activated at any time.

Engineering equipment is mostly diesel engines.

Purchasing fuel from this world…

That's a porter again!

It is better to directly transport equipment to refine oil and form a resource supply cycle.

If everything starts with manpower, digging mountains and mining, and making steel by local methods, the speed will be too slow.

And machinery is inseparable from oil, and oil cannot be refined without machinery?

Then get rid of the paradox of ‘which came first, the chicken or the egg’.

If you put a chicken in this world, wouldn't it be able to lay eggs?

Mining equipment and oil extraction and refining equipment can all be released from this world.

Moreover, California is really a treasure land. It not only contains gold, but also has large reserves of crude oil.

In later generations, oil well platforms off the coast of Southern California were often in the news, and there was always an oil leak scandal.

It’s still too early for Kyodo to want to exploit the ocean.

But on land, California's oil output cannot be underestimated.

How did the city of Los Angeles rise?

It was precisely because of the discovery of the oil fields in the Los Angeles Basin that Rockefeller built a refinery in California. After the 19th century, California's oil production once ranked first in the country.

To this day, Los Angeles continues to produce oil, even triggering protests from residents over the noise and pollution from oil field mining.

Zhou Li'an can master a large amount of mining data from that year in this world, and even drilling data.

Wherever there is oil, order it...

The Lord of Balance has a thorough understanding of everything in the world. It’s just underground oil. Isn’t it just easy to get it?

The resource supply cycle promotes it. As long as the system does not deceive people and the [Academic Center] has sufficient data and balance, we can complete the big step into industry.

"Help me order a set of crude oil mining and refining equipment."

"..." Barbara was silent for only half a second, and agreed without even asking, "Okay boss, I will send the relevant equipment parameters to your email as soon as possible."

Later, Zhou Li'an called Juan again, "I need a batch of diesel, which should be filled in a 100-liter barrel and placed in our mining area in Ocampo."

Oil extraction takes time, and in the early stage, the use of mechanical equipment cannot be avoided, and it is necessary to store a batch of diesel.

In short, be prepared for a rainy day so as not to be blinded when you need it.

Juan agreed wholeheartedly.

The Cayero Group was already engaged in mining development in the Ocampo mining area, which required a large amount of diesel consumption, so it was a piece of cake to do things for Zhou Li'an.

About four days later, Zhou Li'an arrived in Chihuahua, Mexico.

The person who came to pick him up was Patricia.

I haven't seen the little girl for two months. She is stationed in the mining area to cultivate her own power and hangs out in Mexico, with no one under her.

When they met, Patricia opened her mouth and said——

"Hello Zhou, long time no see. How are you?"

The Chinese of "Crooked Melon Split Date" is a translation accent.

Who knows if foreigners learn Chinese, why should they learn such useless greetings?

Is it possible that I still want to reply to her, 'Oh, I'm doing well, how about you?'

Zhou Li'an looked at her with a strange expression and was speechless for a long time.

Patricia turned to English and frowned: "You asked me to learn Chinese."

"You learned... well! Let's find a different teacher next time. This teacher is not quite right."

"Oh." Patricia was still taciturn, nodded, and took Zhou Li'an into the car.

Come to the warehouse in the mining area.

Zhou Li'an did not shy away from her and put the mountains of oil barrels into the system space.

Diesel is packaged in 100-liter barrels, which can avoid system space usage charges.

After all this was done, Zhou Li'an asked: "How did you learn Spanish?"

"&%¥..." Patricia performed on the spot.

Zhou Li'an couldn't understand it, but from the pure taco flavor, he knew it was the right one.

After all, she is stationed in Mexico, and her subordinates are all veterans, so she has the local language environment.

“Very good, keep up the good work!”

I didn't stay in Mexico long.

On the same day, I went to Juarez to collect a large amount of supplies and urged Barbara to have the factory rush to produce a batch of armors. The initial plan was to produce 20,000 sets.

The equilibrium is accelerating rapidly, and the conquest of South America is just around the corner.

Return to the Caribbean.

Come to the equilibrium, bring the snow girl back to the world, and accelerate the start.

Equilibrium 8 years, May.

More than 25,000 people from Illinois were successfully eaten by the Balance Cavalry, and the army moved into Indiana.

Niu Shi planned the expedition route, "At the end of June, we must enter Region 22, complete Regions 23 and 24 in the summer, and then quickly go south to complete the final expedition to the southeast..."

"Before the summer of the 9th year of Balance, we will lead the last tribe to return to Balance and enjoy the shining of the glory of our Lord!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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