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【127】My Lord is testing me?


As expected, the army's iron hooves successfully marched across Michigan in Region 22.

In the 15th century, Michigan was owned by the Algonquian people, a very large tribe with more than 40,000 people.

There are countless ethnic branches in the tribe.

When later generations of colonists arrived, the Algonquians, who were loosely organized and not good at war, quickly retreated and either hid in the mountains and lived eking out a living, or became slaves.

More deaths are due to infectious diseases.

At the same time, during the Little Ice Age, the tribe also divided into the "Miami people" and "Mohawk people" who were familiar to later generations, separated from the larger tribe and migrated far away.

The Algonquin people's "warlessness" is written on the Great Lakes Aboriginal people's pillar of shame.

Even if we don’t mention the conquests of later colonists...

The Iroquois confederacy, which was separated from them by a large lake, often went around the lake to come to Michigan to withdraw money from the Algonquians.

The latter were often defeated and were attacked, killed and enslaved.

Geography and living environment often create a nation.

Minnesota and Wisconsin are rich in lakes and water systems, so that the distance between tribes is only tens to hundreds of kilometers.

The indigenous people are constantly fighting over the ownership of the lake, declaring sovereignty and snatching resources.

Michigan is different. The large tribes are unified. They have lived here for tens of thousands of years. Each tribe is related to each other and does not usually fight among themselves.

When the brutal Iroquois arrived, they were left to their own devices.

Just like why the little devils are crazy, they also know that the neon bullet land is not enough to survive, and it is full of disasters, so they covet a wider world.

When the cavalry army swept across Michigan, the success of the battle shocked everyone.

Now that they have surrendered to the Balance, the Iroquois warriors who were selected into the cavalry corps sneered, "Even the elk in the forest are stronger than them!"

"They are the weakest tribe on earth!"

The benefits of reconquering the Iroquois were realized.

Some of them were proficient in the Algonquian language, and after all, they owned many Algonquian slaves.

Under the powerful rule of force and the invitation of gods and oracles, more than 40,000 Algonquin people chose to surrender, gathered together, and began to move south in mid-July.

In early August, the Ohio State Raiders began.

In order to seize the time, Niu Shi was planning to go south before the end of summer and divided his troops into two groups.

Conquer Ohio all the way, and use the Balance Mark to run through the eastern end of the "Balance Avenue" to facilitate subsequent tribes to migrate directly on the road.

All the way, continue eastbound to Region 24, Pennsylvania, New Jersey.

The division of the eastern states is complicated.

When Zhou Li'an set up the map, many areas were integrated, such as Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and Virginia and West Virginia.

The northeastern corner of New York State was temporarily abandoned.

The upper territory is actually now controlled by a branch of the Algonquian people, extending to most of southeastern Canada.

Just like the state of Washington where Seattle is located, it was also abandoned.

The journey is long and the gains are not much, leaving them for future development.

1,000 people from the 9,000-strong army camped to guard the Algonquians. After the population of the three regions was gathered, they all moved on the road.

It's nearing the end of August.

The army was stationed on the New Jersey coastline for repairs.

Most of them saw the vastness of the sea for the first time, and even the coastal Miwok people who lived by the sea had an inexplicable awe for the deep sea.

Niu Shi has long known that there is a group of evil spirits living on the other side of the sea, and they will come across the sea in the future to carry out killings and conquests.

Our Lord once said that only by balancing the self-improvement of the people can the prophecy of disaster be avoided.

You can even pre-emptively make the land and people full of evil and filth be purified and baptized by the balanced sacred light!

"I, Zhou Liangchen, am still young. One day, I will set foot on that land and bathe all generations in balance..."

"A balanced sky is a sunny sky!!"

"There is no more evil and darkness in the world!"

Mid September.

The last scorching heat of midsummer has died down.

A cool breeze blew in the evening.

Comfort is written on everyone's face.

Only the cow dung is still a little tight. Once summer is over, the temperature will drop off a cliff.

Fortunately, the division of troops speeded up the expedition, and the three-region expedition mission was completed in late summer.

A total of 70,000 people live in the three regions and will be relocated soon.

500 people will serve as guides and lead the various ministries to set off.

Now that the whole line of Hexiang Avenue is connected, if a railway is built in the future, there will be a guidepost. Along the way, Niu Shi and the students recorded the geological conditions, which will become a reference for future project construction.

In today's world, relevant information can be easily retrieved in universities and archives.

The ready-made experience of future generations is before our eyes, and it would be a pity not to copy it.

Finally, at the end of summer, 70,000 people hit the road.

Of course, the cavalry army will not neglect it. Having experienced the bitter cold in this far north, they do not want to stay here for several more months.


From Indiana to Kentucky.

Then, they will use a zigzag method to complete the conquest of West Virginia and Virginia eastward, and finally let the army repair in North Carolina.

California, the main city of Balance.

Over the course of several months, more than 80,000 people from North Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas arrived one after another.

The 3,000-kilometer journey was a great test.

Even hundreds of years later, before the Pacific Railway was opened to traffic, the migration by horse-drawn carriage would still take a total of seven months.

The later Pacific Railway shortened this process to 15 days, which is why the project was listed as one of the "Seven Wonders of Industry."

at the same time.

The construction of City State No. 3 has been completed.

It is the end of eight years of equilibrium, and the people have long been accustomed to the convenience brought by tools.

In addition to horse breeding in the Owens Valley, the 1,000 horses originally left at the Equilibrium Station have also multiplied to a certain scale.

People skillfully built oxcarts and horse-drawn carriages, using animal power to improve productivity and transportation capabilities.

The new main city was completed and groups of people moved away.

Zhou Li'an issued a decree: "All departments need to be integrated, and more importantly, culture, skills, rules and good habits need to be passed on. Therefore, it is necessary to 'bring the old into the new'."

The old balanced people need to be dispersed and lead the new people to move to the new city.

The adults taught them their jobs and established the rules of life, while young monks initiated language education for the children in the new school.

No one has any complaints about this.

The sooner people surrender to Kyoumei, they will inevitably feel a sense of superiority, and they have firm beliefs. Even if they cannot read, they can still recite some of the oracles of our Lord.

Under balance, everyone is a citizen.

People should be united and friendly, and should support the weak.

The old man and the new man live together, and the latter will be quickly brainwashed. And when they arrive in the tribe, they have all seen the miracles of our Lord, and they no longer dare to be disobedient.

What's more, with these three balanced cities standing, even the Hohokam people would be ashamed, and hundreds of thousands of people can live and work in peace and contentment. This is the true power of the gods, which brings blessings to all the people of the earth.

Because of this, no one has any resentment against them for having been conquered.

The emotion here is more of regret.

Why were my relatives so ignorant that they had to fight to the death against God’s army? Obviously, this is the true God’s blessing for us!!

In addition, Zhou Li'an ordered many movie projectors from reality to continuously display the majestic power and divine power of the Balance Cavalry and broadcast them in rotation in the three major cities.

Among them, the "Battle of Hohokam City" received the most enthusiastic response.

God's punishment is coming, and it has the power to destroy the world!

If it were not for the mercy of our true God, there would be no trace of the Hohokam people in this world. How could they live a prosperous and happy life?

More than 80,000 people migrated here, and the equilibrium population exceeded the 400,000 mark.

A balanced fertility situation is good. Although there is no medical law to follow, the improvement of physical fitness is the foundation.

Before leaving, Zhou Li'an opened the [Eye of the Void] again and learned about the movement of the army...

They have arrived in Virginia.

Equilibrium 8 years, end of December.

More than 8,000 troops are stationed in North Carolina, bringing together 100,000 tribesmen from three regions and four states.

North Carolina's indigenous history is pale, as the state is the birthplace of plantation culture.

In the early days, the existence of the Indians was almost completely wiped out, so that they could live and work in peace here and lead the Negroes to start a noble manor life.

Later generations of North Carolina residents could easily dig up Indian burial sites in their backyards and obtain a large number of jewelry and handicrafts, which reflects the prosperity of aboriginal life here.

But on paper, there is nothing.

History is covered in cement.

On the contrary, in the United Kingdom, an explorer's travel notes became the last narrative text here; an explorer lived with the local indigenous people in North Carolina for more than a year and a half, and made many paintings to bring back.

The aborigines who first met Europeans once despised these Europeans who suffered from continental diseases, were malnourished, and were smelly after traveling long distances.

On the contrary, the aboriginal people are all muscular and handsome, with bare skin covered with bear oil, just like the handsome men in Roman sculptures.

These paintings were brought back to Europe for preservation and became extremely rare pieces of Aboriginal history.

And in the current equilibrium of time and space, future tragedies will never happen again.

It’s another year of recovery and New Year.

Zhou Li'an brings Snow Girl, Xiao Hua and Zhou Weiguo arrive.

One hundred thousand natives were shocked and knelt down when they saw the gods coming to the world. They had long been impressed by the strength of the army, but now they only wanted to be balanced.

Receive generals and warriors and bless them.

He also informed them of the upcoming migration test in the local indigenous language.

Then, listen to the report of cow shit——

"My lord is above."

"Our great conquest will be completed."

"After the Recovery Day and the New Year, we will set off to conquer areas 27-34..."

After New Year.

Explore South Carolina, pass through Georgia, and reach the Florida Peninsula.

This is the southernmost point of the United States, and it has also been a vacation destination for the wealthy since the beginning of the "Gilded Age" in the United States.

The old money families and the nouveau riche from New York would take the train to the coastal estates in Florida to spend the cold winter, play croquet, compete in equestrian competitions, and hold aristocratic parties, which became very popular.

After capturing Florida, head north to Alabama and to Tennessee.

Finally, by zigzagging, we go south to the Mississippi Plains, and then we can return west, from Louisiana to north to Arkansas.

Next door to Arkansas is Oklahoma.

Next, you don't even need to continue north to the Central Line's "Equilibrium Avenue", you can go from the southern line in North Texas all the way to Phoenix, Arizona.

Retrace the starting route and return, passing through Nevada, and finally return to equilibrium.

Cow shit pointed out the road on the map and explained the reason: "My lord, if we follow the plan and return to the equilibrium along the south, there will be no need to experience the bitter cold."

"Although there will be no material supply points given by you for support, I plan to escort the tribe all the way back to the west."

"The army can take care of their food and drink."

"The most important thing is that I want to find a new path and make plans for the future."

"Because my Lord once said that in the future, the balance will require an expedition to the south, with Region 10 (Texas) as the main military city."

"I would like to inspect the terrain first and make adequate preparations."

Zhou Li'an was filled with joy.

Take one step, think three steps, and be prepared for a rainy day.

As the snow girl said, after four years of long expedition, the cow shit has matured.

Instead of immersing himself in reading books, he led an army to attack the land, and the rich experience he accumulated was realized personally.

Zhou Li'an didn't rush to reply, and pondered for a while.

He calculated the final route, and there were still 8 states to conquer in the future.

Adding all the 100,000 people now, the total number may exceed 300,000. It is not that simple to lead 300,000 people to migrate, and the supplies required are massive.

Even if there is a large army hunting and taking care of food, a lot of time will be wasted in the process.

Zhou Li'an said: "Your idea is good, but in the future, if 300,000 tribes are gathered to migrate, and only 8,000 troops collect hunting food, the progress of the return journey will be slowed down."

This is like a van towing a large container semi-trailer. Not only does it look strange, it is also undesirable. If it encounters a slope, it will not have enough power to move up. In the end, it will be dragged down by the heavy cargo, causing the vehicle to crash and kill everyone.

Niu Shi was stunned for a moment and said: "My lord, you...are you testing me?"


Zhou Li'an was also stunned for a moment, but on the surface he looked at the cow dung with an unfathomable expression.

When Niu Shi met the true God's gaze, he was immediately at a loss. His initial confidence turned into timidity and uncertainty, and he whispered:

"My Lord, this is what I consider."

"With 300,000 tribal people migrating, it is impossible for them to gather in one place..."

"The 8,000 army is divided into 3,000 main combat forces to open the way for conquest. This force is enough to sweep any tribe!"

"The 5,000-strong army is divided into multiple divisions and escorts each division's migration."

"With the army in front, they can also collect geographical intelligence, explore the migration and gathering places of bison, determine the hunting location ten days in advance, and leave markings."

"In this way, it looks like hundreds of thousands of people are migrating, but in fact it is still the same as before, divided into multiple departments, with hundreds of people each guarding the migration of tens of thousands, and lengthening the migration front."

"Even if the army at the front is unable to catch up, we can always send cavalry to deliver military orders to the rear and call for support!"

As soon as the words fell, there was silence in the room.

Everyone was dizzy when they heard this, and when they saw my lord was silent, they felt weak in their hearts.

Zhou Li'an's worry is that the van cannot pull a container.

But cow shit splits the power of the van.

This becomes a group of three-wheeled motorcycles to transport goods in a container, which is more flexible than semi-trailer trucks on rugged mountain roads.

There were also front troops clearing the way, like police cars escorting them.

So what else is there to worry about?

So, just a minute later, everyone saw my lord looking very happy, stepping forward and slapping Niu Shi on the shoulder——

"You are worthy of being my good minister!"

"That's right, I'm just testing you!"

"Although I have not yet given you the supreme 'military law', I don't expect that during these four years of conquest, you have had an epiphany and touched the threshold of the 'military law'!"

Voices of praise came out.

Everyone in the account was overjoyed.

Niu Shi's face turned red even more, and he asked excitedly: "Praise you, praise the balance! Our Lord's laws are profound, and Niu Shi is not as good as the last chance..."

Niu Shi knelt down, with a look of expectation and begging on his face: "My Lord, Niu Shi only asks for your kindness and generosity, and in the future give Niu Shi the truly profound and profound 'military law'!!"

On the sidelines, everyone heard this...

Looking for rules?

So what are you waiting for?

Kneel down quickly——

"We pray that our Lord will be kind and generous and grant us profound 'military laws'!"

Ah, this...

I know a lot about military affairs.

But Zhou Li'an didn't panic.

I'm a jerk!

He glanced at the crowd and said in a cold voice: "When the army returns in triumph and all the people worship and balance..."

"I will give the [Temple of the Law of Balance] to those who have achieved glory and meritorious deeds. They can step into the temple, refer to the holy scriptures, and gain the practice of the supreme law!!"

The voice fell.

The people who knelt down were already red-faced and looked like Gao Chao.

"My lord is on high!!"

"We will fulfill our mission and make all the people on the earth worship our Lord in balance!!"

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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