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【133】Balance Military Academy

Zhou Li'an initially refused to put modern machinery into equilibrium;

Because you can't let me vote, I will vote immediately.

The people of Kinkou know nothing about the relevant mechanical operations and principles; more importantly, they cannot understand the gods' need for those black ores.

There is no hope for the future development of the world.

Their basic need is just to survive.

Under the premise of being uncivilized, the way of thinking is extremely single and lacking.

It is almost impossible to directly instill modern ideas into the indigenous people. There is a real era gap.

So what Zhou Li'an can do is to complete the civilization first, so that their thinking and vision can reach a level where they can look up to the future, and then they can turn it into a driving force for development and enter a new era.

Therefore, he set tests and set goals again and again.

Moving south to California and unifying North America also depicts the prophecy of disaster that will come a hundred years later. On the premise of satisfying food and clothing, it creates a sense of crisis, and then controls it with divine authority, pushing the indigenous people forward step by step.

In short, without the foundation of culture and civilization, it is impossible to achieve industrialization.

The most striking example is actually the relationship between European countries and Okiyo.

The former experienced the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. The two waves of open thinking of the era contributed to the development of the industrial revolution and accumulated wealth.

The Qing Dynasty still maintained its status quo. On the one hand, it was to stabilize the imperial power and worry about the impact of the ideological wave necessary for industrialization on the rule. On the other hand... it was not interested.

Daiqing is still a pure ancient civilization system.

The same version can be found in Native North America.

The Westerners actually left enough buffer time for them to set foot in North America. However, they were only obsessed with the horses and knives exchanged with the Westerners, which could bring convenience to their hunting life.

But after being satisfied with food and clothing, we have no more desires and desires, and we turn a blind eye to the modern thoughts and spirits brought by Westerners.

In the final analysis, I still suffer the disadvantage of being uneducated.

Without ideological progress, there will be no material progress.

This is why Zhou Li'an's initial plan was to balance divine power with science.

All scientific foundations are originally given by divine authority.

The knowledge of any advanced scholar needs to be obtained from the Temple of the Law of Balance... No matter how talented a person is, the speed of self-understanding cannot catch up with the ready-made knowledge system.

And when these geniuses step onto the Temple Mount and see the true and unfathomable secrets of the laws, they will only worship balance, and their hearts of faith will become even more fervent.

This also avoids the hidden worries about the development of industrialization.

Nowadays, any Kinkou citizen will shout "Let the glory of Kinkou fill the earth", and if you want to achieve your goal, you must practice the "Secret Principles of Laws" given by our Lord Kinkou.

As a result, there are now thousands of law monks who have been enlightened.

This is the basis for Zhou Li'an to put in machinery and officially lead the Kingdom of God into the next era.

11 am.

More than 2,000 local craftsmen arrived at Meishan carrying tools.

Nevada mainly produces copper mines, but its coal output is low. Later generations relied more on coal mines in Arizona to provide support for thermal power plants.

For the current equilibrium, this amount of coal is enough for the development of an Enlightenment period.

The coal-producing area selected by Zhou Li'an is an "open-pit coal mine". As the name suggests, open-pit mining can be carried out without the need to explore the mine tunnel, which is suitable for the most primitive mining method.

The machinery provided is nothing more than excavators and crushers to crush rock and coal seams to meet the needs of manpower mining.

After all, we currently don’t have the foundation to operate large-scale machinery and equipment.

With these small equipment, mining efficiency can be greatly improved.

Following Zhou Li'an's decree, 2,000 people began to use local materials and cut down trees to build living quarters in the mining area.

At the same time, Zhou Li'an led a group of law monks to teach them how to use machines.

This situation is like an excavator practice class at Lanxiang College.

Zhou Li'an had already prepared for this. When extracting the equipment in this world, he specially asked Barbara to find an excavator master and study hard for several days.

It's far from easy to get started, but the basic operations are fine.

As for the technical improvement of these law monks, they must rely on work accumulation.

In this process, it is essential to educate them on mechanical principles and explain how the internal combustion engine works.

The high-temperature and high-pressure gas from fuel combustion drives the piston to operate, and the linkage gear completes energy conversion.

The Temple Mount had just been established, and they had not yet practiced various scientific laws. Hearing these words was like reading from heaven.

Zhou Li'an created several teaching tools and explained the concept of air pressure to them on the spot, and then went back from the internal combustion engine to the principles of the steam engine.

A group of young people gathered around, staring at a pot of boiling water and meditating.

When the water was boiled, the lid of the pot was pushed open by the steam. Snow Girl, because of her early practice, was the first to realize: "It was the steam that pushed the lid of the pot open..."

"The principle of a steam engine is like fixing a connecting rod on the cover, using the power of steam to move the connecting rod. If the amount of steam is large enough, it can generate power far exceeding that of human power."

Zhou Li'an nodded happily: "It can be understood this way, but if you want to generate enough energy, you need to ensure the intensity of the air pressure. Every time the pot lid is lifted, it means that the gas pressure is released."

"If the pressure is too high, the machine will explode. If the pressure is too low, it will not be able to generate enough force. This requires the operation of mathematical rules to find a balance point."

"Furthermore, the intensity of steel smelting also directly affects the amount of energy used to perform work."

Niu Shi suddenly had an idea and added: "The stronger the steel machinery, the greater the force it can carry! Just like our tanned leather bags, the tanned leather bags can carry more water without breaking. The untanned leather bags, It cannot carry more force."

"Then the same goes for steel."

Dozens of teenagers spoke frequently and started a heated discussion on academics.

It's like a group discussion among a group of primary school students.

However, this is the germination of scientific laws from scratch.

The next few days.

Houses were built one after another under the coal mountain, and dozens of teenagers began to try mechanical operations.

In the end, a few teenagers who learned the fastest were selected to become mechanical drivers.

Equilibrium 10 years, August 19th.

The breaker hammer continuously eats the ground, making the black coal mine appear in front of everyone's eyes. When a large piece of rock coal is broken, the black dust is stirred up, and the people around it soon become disgraced.

But people's faces were filled with smiles.

More than 2,000 indigenous people did not know the function of this black ore, and just marveled at the magic of the mechanical creation.

Only people like Niu Shi know that coal can make steel, and steel can create countless things.

They range from small pots and pans, weapons and armor, to large mechanical creations given by our Lord, and even the balanced flying sacred weapon that can ascend to the sky.

The excavation of this first piece of coal means the advent of a new era.


Half a month after the development of Meishan, it has already reached a corresponding scale.

The mountains and rocks that were once quiet over time have turned into a black mess, and the roads that have been rolled over by machinery are also covered with coal ash and dust.

The shirtless coal miners were all covered in black.

Not to mention primitive mining, modern coal mine development, the working environment of workers is not much better.

Zhou Li'an then issued a divine edict, ordering all miners to cover their mouths and noses with clothing, and implemented a rotation system whereby a group of people would be replaced every three months to work as miners in the coal mines.

How much help can be given.

Development requires sacrifice.

Just like this large mountain, it is now covered with dust. From a distance, it looks like black scabies growing on the ground, ugly.

There is nothing we can do about the destruction of nature caused by the industrial age.

Don’t talk about environmental issues at the beginning.

For example, some of the earliest public figures in China like to make a fuss about domestic industrial environmental pollution, comparing various data to show how low foreign industrial pollution is and how good the natural environment is.

What about the country? Black smoke is everywhere, smelly ditches are crisscrossed, and the coastline is completely black.

In the end, the moon in foreign countries is rounder than in China.

But what about the reality?

Want to know more about London, the foggy city?

Black fog and black rain enveloped the dust spewed in the industrial era, which once caused a large number of people to suffer from lung diseases. There are detailed records of a thick smoke, black fog and dust that could not be dispersed, leading to the death of thousands of people in just a few days.

Then, let’s look at the United States.

They are the real pioneers in all kinds of river pollution and chemical waste being dumped into the sea in barrels.

As soon as the Neon Devil saw his father's operation, he immediately learned: Where to throw nuclear waste? In the sea!

At the same time as the smog deaths and injuries in London, the smog incident also occurred in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles is a tourist destination in later generations. However, in the mid-19th century, the Los Angeles Smog War also took away the lives of more than a thousand people in a short period of time.

How can future generations imagine that the beautiful land of sunny California was once shrouded in the haze of industrial pollution?

The entire Los Angeles smog control took more than thirty years.

If you are so well-informed, how can you not see this history?

It’s not that I can’t see it, it’s that I don’t want to see it.

There are some opinions on the composition of these people.

September 8th.

Zhou Li'an led Niu Shi and others to set up a mining area in another place to mine limestone.

Coal mines already exist, and cement is next.

Shortly after the new mining area was established, everyone returned to the Owens Valley to complete the inspection of salt refining in the Mono Lake Salt Field.

Summer is almost over, and we have completed the salt harvesting process before the weather changes.

When the pure white salt was extracted from the lake water, the most shocked people were the Mono people. Their indigenous method of refining salt was taken from Mono Lake, and the harvest became a major trade commodity with the Paiute people.

However, the salt they refined was extremely bitter.

It is an inedible bittern.

Salt refining in ancient times was toxic because the excess potassium, magnesium and other components in sodium chloride could not be separated, which was the source of bitterness and toxins.

The indigenous people regard salt as a treasure and naturally cannot eat it in large quantities to avoid the possibility of poisoning.

Nowadays, salt that is comparable to the salt given by God is created by them according to the law. Such an impact is huge.

Zhou Weiguo also filmed salt refining.

Zhou Li'an returned to the real world to edit, and after returning to the main city of Balance, he stored the video and sent it to various cities to start playing.

As a result, the news was detonated in various cities——

"My Lord gave us the supreme law and asked the law monks to create the pure white salt given by the gods!"

"This is the gift of the divine power of scientific laws!"

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

Subsequently, the first batch of salt produced was sent to various cities for display, which brought the desire to learn to a boiling point.

As for mining, there is no big publicity.

At present, the coal mines produced are not used for any purpose. The results will be shown after the iron ore is collected and refined.

In the past two months, Niu Shi and others have witnessed the wonders of the creation of the law, and they cannot help but yearn for the Temple Mount in their hearts.

Although we have already started mining, making mud, and preparing to enter industry, the most important thing is to practice the law at this stage.

Otherwise, coal mines and cement output will not be able to achieve the next step.

Now I am looking forward to the magic of time to make the seedlings of civilization gradually grow and bear fruit.

Equilibrium 10 years, September 27.

Zhou Li'an brings Snow Girl back to the present world and starts the three-month acceleration of time.

December 27th.

One master and one servant come.

The leaders of each department and the elders came to pay homage and report the affairs of each city to our true Lord God.

The balanced seventh city has been built in the Bakersfield area, and the more than 300,000 natives who originally migrated have also been settled and dispersed to various cities.

Including the Owens Valley, more than 90,000 people have also relocated, focusing on the development of agriculture, and opening up the road between Owens Valley and Bakersfield as soon as possible so that grain and salt produced in Mono Lake can be transported.

Nowadays, there are two important agricultural towns in Balance.

Fresno, Owens Valley.

Other cities are also reclaiming land, but Zhou Li'an planned ahead and set aside large areas of land for subsequent industrial development.

In the sixth city of Sparks, mining progress is steady.

Xiaohua is the dean of the College in City 6, and often travels between the main city and City 6.

Educational matters cannot be delayed.

At the same time, she will also go to the Dharma Temple on the Temple Mount to borrow the Dharma Secret Scroll for her own practice.

The supervision of the two major mining areas also fell on her.

Then Niu Shi came forward and knelt down and reported: "My lord, I have been practicing the law in the temple these days, teaching other monks, and also providing enlightenment for the leaders of various war groups..."

"In addition, I found time to write about my experiences during the five-year expedition. Regardless of my mistakes or successes along the way, I did not hesitate to record them with pen and ink."

"While teaching the leaders of each department, I also reviewed with them the five-year expedition and simulated it, which played a good role!"

"If we resume the expedition, the time can be shortened by at least one year."

When Niu Shi was talking, a group of battle group leaders were eager to try, acting like primary school students who wanted to be praised by their teacher.

War review is not an afterthought, but a military study.

Zhou Li'an was also surprised that Niu Shi could think of this...

Snow Girl rarely showed a smile in front of everyone, and said to Zhou Li'an: "Master, it must be the lesson at Monohu ​​Saltworks that made Niu Shi think about it, and then he began to reflect on himself... All of this is due to your teachings, and

Tolerance, kindness to him!”

"Praise you, praise balance!"

As soon as the snow girl opened her mouth, there was a burst of praise in the hall.

Niu Shi also flushed with excitement, receiving a rare compliment from his sister.

Zhou Li'an smiled.

In my mind, I was thinking that the negotiation process between the leaders such as Niu Shi and Shan Shan could be regarded as the prototype of a military academy.

He was silent for a moment and then said: "This method can be implemented. You and other military warriors can summarize the advantages and disadvantages from past experiences. This is also the process of practicing military laws..."

"I have not yet given the secret book of military laws in the temple, but the road is the same. Clothing, food, shelter, and transportation are closely related to war and military affairs. You need to understand it. In the future, I will give you the military laws for you to practice, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort!"

"Therefore, in addition to the academies in each city, we have opened the [Balance Military Academy] in the main city to select young scholars from each battle group to teach Chinese language rules and to review and study the expedition together!"


Zhou Li'an suddenly stood up, walked towards the outside of the hall, and looked up at the southern sky at an angle of 45 degrees -

"After the Recovery Day and the New Year, I will give you a large atlas of various places in the south. All members of the Balance Military Academy must use the data in the large atlas to start conducting tactical deductions for the second southern expedition!!"

"Around the 13th year of the Equilibrium, you and others need to go out again to make the tens of millions of people on the earth submit to the Balance!"

Industrial development cannot be separated from the support of population.

It’s time to put the development of systematic maps of Central and South America on the agenda.

When Zhou Li'an's decree came down.

The hall was already boiling with excitement. The leaders of the battle groups who could afford to rest for several months were full of fighting spirit——

"Follow the decree of our true lord!"

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

"The balanced glory will surely spread throughout the world..."

This chapter has been completed!
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