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【134】Love playing with fire, right?

In the 11th year of equilibrium, New Year’s fireworks light up the night sky on Recovery Day.

People from all over the city gathered to worship the true God, the Lord of Balance, and listen to His oracles, teachings, blessings and grace.

Zhou Li'an didn't do anything fancy.

The New Year's fireworks on Recovery Day will become a balanced tradition.

What is tradition?

It takes time to settle and ferment.

The cities have been peaceful for more than half a year, and more than 300,000 New Balance people have witnessed this miracle for the first time...

Of course, the people already have the origin of the law monk Mingxiao Fireworks.

First of all, of course, it is given by the gods, and then after exploring its principles, the secret volume of the "Chemical Laws" in the Temple Mount has already shown the creation -

"My lord, is this a derivative of gunpowder?"

Niu Shi and a group of students gathered around Zhou Li'an to ask for advice.

One of the four great inventions of the ancient oriental countries.

Gunpowder is not a derivative of fireworks and firecrackers. It was first discovered for blasting furnaces in alchemy. Later it quickly became used in celebrations and was made into medicine-haired puppets by circuses.

Firearms began to be developed at the end of the Tang Dynasty and the beginning of the Song Dynasty. It is not that the technological tree has grown crooked.

Qi Jiguang of the Ming Dynasty also focused on firearms, and his technological level was about the same as that of the West.

There was also Nicolas Zhiron, who bombarded the Dutch fleet and swept across the Southeast Asia.

By the end of the Ming Dynasty, the great country was about to collapse, the climax of the Little Ice Age was coming, natural disasters were happening, and there were traitorous civilian officials and man-made disasters, so how could anyone bother to engage in science and technology?

When the Qing Dynasty came to rule the Han people, there was constant opposition, and banning firearms became a key point. The Qing army also had firearms camps, but the historical evolution of the feudal dynasty was similar, and the body structure and system were bloated...

The Eight Banners disciples are becoming more and more extravagant. They claim that their ancestors conquered the world on horseback. Even the Ming Dynasty had firearms and was unable to defeat them. Their development was completely weak.

Zhou Li'an thought of this and glanced at the Temple Mount.

The country is founded by balancing scientific laws, and the divine power is bound to science. This is really the wisest decision.

"Yes, derivatives! Once you wait for the laws of physics and chemistry to break through to a higher level, you can use gunpowder to create bombs. This kind of fireworks is just a trail."

One sulfur, two nitrates, three charcoal, and some sugar.

North America is rich in sulfur ore reserves. Not to mention charcoal, white sugar mainly relies on corn syrup to refine...

However, South America is already planning a journey. In the future, Brazil's cane sugar production will account for more than 20% of the world's sugar, and now it will all be owned in a balanced manner.

Saltpeter, that's all.

Before the advent of synthetic nitrate, it was also an important strategic material that could be made into gunpowder. It was also an important agricultural resource and could be used as fertilizer.

Before the discovery of saltpeter mines in modern Western Xinjiang, there was only one country producing natural saltpeter, Chile.

Therefore, at the end of the 19th century, the South American Pacific War began, with Chile, Bolivia, and Peru fighting for saltpeter resources.

In the same way, the existing saltpeter mines will be owned by Equilibrium.

Before the development of maritime transportation, nitrate could be synthesized and used. After the development of maritime transportation, the cost of transporting it by ship from Chile was even lower.

Except for saltpeter, Chile's copper reserves rank first in the world, and other minerals are equally abundant.

South America is a rich treasure house of industrial resources.

Recovery Day New Year passed.

The Kinkou Military Academy was established under the Temple Mount. Heads of departments such as those who climbed the mountain early in the morning had already started construction. Now they are expanding their scale and confirming the same status as the academies in various cities.

The main enrollment group is the generals of the Knights. Niu Shi and his students are used as teachers. They first popularize the laws of the language and then study military strategies together.

It may not have much effect in the early stage, but in the future it will become a palace of balanced military talents.

The Military Academy was established.

Zhou Li'an also wants to put the development of the map of Central and South America on the agenda.

Central America is not large in area, and is mainly the Mexican region, extending all the way to the narrow corridor from Panama to South America.

The exploration of Cuba, Dominica and the Caribbean islands in the Gulf of Mexico is on hold, the indigenous population is sparse, and the equilibrium has not yet planned to develop navigation, and there will be no delay in restoring equilibrium in the end.

When you arrive in Panama, you can stop.

The territory of South America is huge, so it is better to wait until China and the United States complete the reunification before continuing downwards.

Because the Aztec Alliance alone has a population of about 15 million, this data is simulated from the heyday of the Aztecs.

Now, in the early 15th century, the population may have been greatly reduced.

If you want to develop in a balanced way, you must proceed step by step. One bite cannot make you fat. With the influx of more than 10 million people, city-state construction and daily necessities must keep up with the pace, otherwise the building will collapse.

Nowadays, it is unrealistic to feed more than 10 million people in a balanced time and space with the resources of this world.

The daily rations consumed are astronomical.

Therefore, Zhou Li'an must be cautious and build this glorious and supreme divine kingdom step by step.

Once China and the United States are in their pockets, they will have city-states to rely on to facilitate continued conquest and unification.

I have an outline in my mind.

Zhou Li'an returned to the present world without accelerating.

As per the old rules, order the "Idol of My Lord True God" on a large scale.

Quetzalcoatl can take a break.

Our Lord, Balance, will come to Central and South America and bestow enlightenment and blessings on millions of people.

In addition, salt is still a hard currency, even though the Aztec civilization was at its peak, the gods were rich in lineage, and the salt-making method became mature after thousands of years of evolution.

But the salt they made was still bitter.

The salt produced in this world can be regarded as a treasure.

Arrive in Juarez.

A group of tool people gathered together. It was already September in this world, and the mergers and acquisitions of various companies by the Balance Group had long been completed and were on the right track.

The integration of mining engineering machinery and power generation equipment industries, as well as two pharmaceutical companies, and the merger of many factories and workshops owned by Zhou Li'an can satisfy the budding industrial development of balanced time and space.

Barbara said: "Boss, the vaccine production workshop has been put into operation, and the annual output can reach 30 million doses."

The workshop scale design was approved by Zhou Li'an.

If the output is too high, it will cause resource overflow. In the future, the equilibrium will be to develop its own medical technology.

Even if the output is too low, time will accelerate and the time flow rate between the present world and the equilibrium space-time will not be equal.

Zhou Li'an doesn't want to waste time waiting for the vaccine to be produced.

Last question...

"The group's liquidity is insufficient. The gold proceeds are used to acquire various companies. The investment in vaccine production lines is also a huge amount of funds."

"Moreover, the personal financial records you entrusted to me show that you made a charitable donation of up to 100 million U.S. dollars in the past few months? Later, there were many donation records of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions...


As soon as these words came out.

The group of people were completely confused, and everyone gasped.

100 million charitable donations? This is 100 million!!

Not to mention the many small donations that followed?

Zhou Li'an was also stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that system usage deductions were classified as charitable donations.

100 million dollars, a few months ago...

Oh, that was the cost of extra horses in the middle of the expedition.

Subsequent use of [Eye of the Void], [True Body Dharma] and Creation [Academic Center] resulted in numerous scattered bills.

Combined with the mergers and acquisitions of several companies, the capital chain does appear to be tight.

Zhou Li'an relies on gold as his source of funds, and invests all proceeds into the group's subsequent industry development.

This is not to say that Cayero did not pay a penny. He held 20% of the shares and invested a small amount. The large profits from the gold sales were still pocketed in his own pocket. With the help of the Equilibrium Group, he completed many lizard money operations. Rich

Gotta shed oil.

Officials do not mention it. The initial share capital was based on the issuance of mining rights and licenses. Subsequent mergers and acquisitions were also directly merged with several half-dead factories.

The only person who really contributed the money was Zhou Li'an.

Therefore, the Balance Group has attracted much attention from the government since its establishment. It has been making great moves, acquiring various industries, providing employment and tax revenue.

Such an enterprise that serves the country and the people makes men cry silently and women cry.

In the eyes of Cayero and Juan...

Mr. Zhou is worthy of being a righteous man and a man with great ambitions.

Mr. Zhou is not seeking money at all, but for the ultimate goal.

In this regard, Zhou Li'an does not feel that he is at a disadvantage.

The three-party cooperation aims to achieve a win-win situation, without so much intrigue, and everyone can be happy and get what they need.

When balanced time and space enters industry and has a solid foundation, there will be no need to rely on current resources for support in the future.

The source of gold is in his hands, and he can abandon it and run away at any time.

After all, no matter how well you do in this world, you are still controlled by others.

The super rich are not worth mentioning in front of the state machine. How about the American and Korean chaebols controlling the country?

But the fundamentals have long been taken over by these people, and it is impossible for Zhou Li'an to subvert it.

So, instead of being a dog in this world, why not be a god in balanced time and space?

Zhou Li'an also had a lot of imagination...

In the distant future, when time and space are balanced and unified, time is accelerated, and technological development far exceeds that of the current world, is it possible to counterattack and come back?

However, the system's prompt sound instantly killed this dangerous idea in its infancy.

[Rule 404 of the Space-Time Management Bureau: No time-space wars are allowed!]

At that moment, Zhou Li'an shuddered violently.

In the dark, it seems that he is being watched by a certain gaze, which is so terrifying.

My thoughts returned to the dinner table.

Zhou Li'an said calmly: "I will solve the money problem, and the vaccine can be put into production. In addition, the several sets of engineering equipment I want will be sent to your email in advance, so you can start preparations."

Once oil extraction, steel smelting, cement production, and basic industries start to be balanced, self-sufficiency can be gradually achieved.

The end of the meal.

Zhou Li'an lowered his voice and said to Barbara alone: ​​"You understand the most important things to be done now, right?"

Barbara was suspicious and still thinking about what to do.

When she took a closer look at her boss's embarrassed expression——

"Oh, I understand, it's your own creation..."


"Yeah, I understand!"

The next day.

Returned to the United States and completed helicopter maintenance at the Airbus branch in Texas.

Heading to the Caribbean again in a few days.

When we landed on the main island of Cayero, a dinner was indispensable that night.

Zhou Li'an made a request: "I recently want to learn how to fly a fixed-wing aircraft. It is best to find a flight instructor and complete the practice on the island."

Helicopters are easy to take off and land, and can be used for map exploration.

However, the stability, safety and range are not as good as fixed-wing aircraft.

After the triumphant return of the Equilibrium Expedition.

Niu Shi proposed to build the first Outer Region city-state at the former site of Phoenix City of the Hohokam people.

Because Zhou Li'an had decreed that a military base would be established in Texas during the southern expedition.

The Phoenix City of the Hohokam people can serve as a transit point between the two, opening up links across large areas and equilibrium.

Not to mention its important strategic significance, if Zhou Li'an traveled between California and the main military city, flying a helicopter would be too torture.

Now is the time to consider learning new skills.

When Central America and South America are included, this is a long-distance cross-continental voyage, and helicopters will no longer be enough.

Can be prepared with both hands.

The first is to build airports in various places and complete the transfer of flights.

The second is to learn jet driving skills if you have enough time.

Long-range aircraft are available.

In the Old Continent, is the Ming Dynasty still far away?

The airport on Cayero Island is suitable for the takeoff and landing of private business jets, making it a perfect place for learning.

It's just that the take-off and landing of planes will destroy the quiet island environment.

But Mr. Zhou has needs...

Can Cayero say "no"?

He immediately agreed and took him to the dock personally after dinner to board the boat and return to Greystone Island.

Of course Zhou Li'an wanted to reciprocate the favor, so he called Cayero early the next morning——

15 tons of gold are in place and Salvador is asked to pick up the goods.

A full 529,000 ounces of gold can bring in nearly 1 billion in income. The three companies share dividends, and Zhou Li'an can personally earn 500 million.

The capital chain is tight?

Doesn't exist!

If it weren't for the fact that the aircraft piloting course hadn't started yet and he didn't have much confidence, Zhou Li'an would have wanted to order a new aircraft in advance.

Caello was so impressed by Mr. Zhou's work that he showed humility and arranged for a professional pilot to land on the island the next day.

A veteran European airline trainer in his 50s, Caello has his own caution to avoid being hired by relevant U.S. departments.

The old coach couldn't leave until Zhou Li'an learned how to land on the island.

Of course, the salary and remuneration must be attractive enough. Cayero offered a high price of 200,000 U.S. dollars a month. After completing this job, the old coach can announce his retirement and enjoy life.

After more than two weeks of study, he still started with theory. Even if he did not take the aircraft piloting qualification test, Zhou Li'an had to fully master this skill to avoid killing himself.

In the process, I also learned to skydive.

In the event of an accident occurring in balanced time and space, the system will travel through parachutes to save lives, making it foolproof.

Even if you land in a remote area, you can always create a helicopter and leave.

Present in October.

Zhou Li'an officially started learning how to operate a jet aircraft, while Barbara finally took care of her boss's "little privacy".

Head to Juarez to pick up your order.

In fact, you can also send it to the Caribbean by sea, but the time will be extended.

This month of driving learning has already delayed a lot of time. The sooner we can explore the system map, the sooner we can make detailed plans for the southern expedition.

The outline of the general direction of the expedition remains unchanged. It mainly depends on the current distribution of the tribes in the Aztec Alliance and ultimately a complete strategic deployment.

At the same time, exploring the system map, blessing each department, and performing miracles will all be time-consuming.

Equilibrium year 11, February 4th.

Our Lord comes in equilibrium.

Create a flying sacred vessel in the main city and patrol each city.

The eighth city of Balance has been established and is designated as North Los Angeles. Counting the Owens Valley, Balance is home to 9 large cities, each with an average population of more than 80,000.

Among them, the main city of Balance ranks first, with a population of more than 120,000.

The city of Los Angeles was established on the 8th, and the next city to be established was "Palm Springs".

A holiday destination for future generations.

Today it is still a desert, and water channels need to be built to promote a living environment in urban gathering areas.

System map in hand.

Zhou Li'an handed over the detailed terrain and water conservancy map to the Hohokam elders.

They are experts in water conservancy projects and can judge how to carry out new city reconstruction and construction.

From Palm Springs to Phoenix, it is the more famous Route 66 in the world.

Zhou Li'an will follow this road and build it.

The road and railway network planning in the United States is very old. Most of them appeared in the early development period of the United States. They minimized the difficulty of construction and avoided extreme geological conditions.

With current data as a reference, a balanced development direction can be facilitated.

If this road is completed, it can connect California to Phoenix, Arizona, and then cross from Phoenix to New Mexico to reach the city of Texas.

I mean, why not just go south from Arizona and into Mexico?

Because going south from this point happens to be the east-west center line of Mexico.

Central Mexico is blocked by the Cordillera Mountains, with mountains and plateaus in the middle, and only narrow plains on the east and west sides.

For example, the state of Chihuahua, where Juarez is now located, all the way south is the Ocampo mining area controlled by the Cayero Group. It is a vast mountainous and barren place.

The equilibrium is not yet at the point where a large amount of manpower and material resources can be invested in building roads in the mountains of Mexico.

The goal was to move south from Texas into the open plains of northeastern Mexico.

Along this long and narrow plain road, iron cavalry can sweep across China and the United States.

In addition, just looking at the main territory of the Aztec Empire, you can see that they were mainly concentrated in southern Mexico.

The ruins of Tenochtitlan, the most prosperous capital city of the Aztec Empire, are located "underground" in modern Mexico City.

Why underground?

What good things can the colonists do when they arrive?

Burning, killing, and looting turned the ancient city built in the early 14th century into ruins, and the later Mexico City was built among the ruins, completely annihilating a civilization.

Therefore, the dream of War of the Seven Kingdoms is not just talk.

You love playing with fire, right?

Come, come, let's play together.

This chapter has been completed!
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