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[195] God's grace, this is longevity

Xiaohua ordered people to start looking through the copies of the books left by Zhou Weiguo.

In his words, on the one hand, it is for backup purposes. After the city-state alliance surrenders and moves north and east, the book needs to be checked for punishment...

Anyone who commits a crime needs to be restrained by strict laws.

On the other hand, the books can be included in the "museum" built in the future.

The "Book of Crimes and Punishments of the City-State Alliance" has two volumes, the main and the auxiliary volumes, which are precious historical witnesses.

Laying the foundation for the historical heritage of the Kingdom of God.

Xiaohua is not keen on these matters, she is a doer; while Zhou Weiguo has been in charge of the "Sacred Artifact of Light and Shadow" from the beginning, and has a subtle understanding of the work of "propaganda mouth".


All of these are manifestations of the will of the deity Zhou Li'an. People make the best use of everything and everything is taken care of.

Material construction and spiritual civilization must be pursued with both hands, and both hands must be strong.

The snow girl didn't know what my lord meant, so she stepped forward to watch.

Xiaohua probably read through the contents of the Book of Crimes and Punishments, and after recalling it, she guided the law monks and explained to the snow girl——

"If you turn the book backwards, you should be able to find it."

"Na Didymar orally described the consequences of the crime, and first highlighted the key points, such as the Aztecs' human sacrifice, eating the heart; and the old king of Tepanix, who buried a girl as a cornerstone in order to seek longevity.

Underground, build temples to worship false gods..."

"Those with lighter punishments, or information about each city, are at the end."

"The hill city should be a small border town, and there is very little writing about it."

After hearing this, the Snow Girl thought and turned to look at the high platform, "Master, but the army of judgment has arrived at the hill city?"

Everyone who was flipping through the book couldn't help but look up.

If this is true, a war between the armies of judgment will begin.

Zhou Li'an smiled and nodded in reply.

Seeing that the gods were speechless, they did not dare to say more and quickly read through the pages.

About twenty minutes.

One of Xiaohua's disciples said excitedly: "My Lord! I found it!"

"Read it." Snow Girl said.

The disciple caught the attention of my master and the shaman, and his voice was slightly trembling, "The hill city is a small city in the far north of the valley. It is an important trade route for the coastal tribes gathering area."

"It is a vassal state of Tepanix, ranking fourth in rank."


The city-state alliance has clear class divisions, and is the same as the evolution of civilization shown in various parts of the world. They were the first to enter slavery.

No anti-theft

There is no classification for vassal states.

But for better interpretation, Didymar himself made a simple division.

Tepanix was the main country and made many small countries submit. The Aztecs were under his rule.

If it was a war, the Aztecs would be a large army.

Later generations believed that the strength of Tepanix was closely related to the loyalty of the Aztecs.

However, the old king passed away at the age of 100, and Tepanix fell into an internal struggle for power.

At the same time, Chimalpopoca, who had just succeeded to the throne, was assassinated because he was on the wrong side, which led to the Aztecs' betrayal of Tepanix.

His uncle "Yinzcoatl" launched the Three Cities Alliance and ate everything in Tepanix, thus laying the foundation for the "Aztec Empire".

Now, according to Didymar's explanation, the Aztecs were a "secondary" vassal state.

It can be understood as having the ability to influence the direction of the power of the "host country" and being the right-hand man of the host country.

As for the third level, the third level also needs to surrender to the second level, and so on. The lowest "hill city" needs to go through layers of exploitation.

The book describes these things very clearly, even those who are not familiar with the city-state alliance system can understand it at a glance.

This shows the wisdom of Didymar.

Zhou Li'an had previously seen the "diary" written by Didymar along the "Road to Redemption", recording the sin king's repentance process.

You can even make associations from this.

If history develops according to its original trajectory, after Chimalpopoka succeeds to the throne, this "Grand Bachelor" will continue to assist the young leader of the country.

Then it is very possible that the author of the "Chimal Popoka Picture Book" is him, Didymar.

After all, Zhou Weiguo was able to open the door to the laws of art thanks to the artistic core of the city-state alliance provided by Didimar, which made him aware of the use and charm of art.

Back to business.

When the law monk gave a brief description of the hill city, there was a slight silence in the hall.

Just because...

“Hill City didn’t commit a crime?”

"On the contrary, since the history of the hill city, it has encountered oppression and enslavement by great powers and wars countless times."

"That city-state alliance is really abominable!"

However, when the crowd was furious, the noble figure on the high platform let out a chuckle——

"Oh, did they really not commit the crime?"

Everyone's expressions froze.

Some people subconsciously said: "But the consequences of sin are not written in the scroll!"

At this time, Zhou Ruonan was among them, and she immediately realized: "Nadidimar must be hiding something, please let my Lord send down a decree and let me question him!"

Xiao Hua said, "No need to ask. If he knew, would he dare not to tell you?"

"The core of the city-state alliance and the hill city are nearly 300 kilometers apart, just like the distance from our main city of Balance to the No. 5 city Fresno."

"I have carriages and horses on average, and a fast horse can deliver the message in more than two days. However, the desert hills and obstacles in the southern land are not like the plains of Region 1, which are unobstructed. The two places are connected and interconnected once, and it takes at least 15 days.


"The caravan still needs to stay for trade. How can it take a month to come and go? This is fast."

"With the Aztecs' class, how could they take a small border town seriously? If Didymar hadn't been a bachelor, he might not have known about the existence of the so-called 'hill city'."

"Traffic hinders the exchange of information, which also hinders development!"

"Praise our Lord, praise the balance! If it were not for the coming of our Lord to create chariots and horses, even if we develop, we will definitely stagnate."

Xiaohua saw through the root at a glance and praised him.

Zhou Ruonan said in astonishment, "If it wasn't written on the scroll, Zhou Weiguo, as an inspector, might have been deceived."

Her words attracted the attention of several scribes and disciples.

The only three laws of the Kingdom of God are the Great Perfection, and it is also the second-level Great Perfection. You are the granddaughter of the Great Elder, and you dare to call her by her first name.

At the same time, they were also worried because of this sentence.

The matter of city-state alliance is far more complicated than they imagined.

However, Xue Nu said: "Ruonan, if you think so, you are looking down on Zhou Weiguo and Niu Shi."

"Although they are not as good as your teacher Huaien, they both followed my master and listened to his teachings!"

At this time, Zhou Li'an finally spoke and looked at everyone, "So, where do you think the crime and punishment of this hill city lies?"

The test came so suddenly that they were caught off guard and slightly panicked.

"My lord, we have never been there, how can we easily assert this?" Zhou Ruonan said.

She is indeed very courageous, even if she is childlike, she is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, and more importantly...

The last time I offered my advice, in front of the monks and the Supreme Elder on the Temple Mount, my Lord approved me, and I gathered my fearless heart.

Zhou Li'an did not blame him and said with a smile: "There are clues in the book, you need to think based on the clues!"

"Whoever answers first will be rewarded heavily!"

At this point, Zhou Li'an paused for a moment, then drew the cake, "Not just a few of you, you can make colleges in various cities, monks on Temple Mount, and even millions of people think about it."

"If you get the answer, I will grant you a 'hundred-year lifespan', and you can follow the wizard and me through the river of time for a hundred years and witness the rise of the Kingdom of God."

When these words came out.

Several people in the hall couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

Even the snow girl's eyes widened and she lost her voice: "Master... I'm afraid I'm so kind..."

Zhou Li'an just waved his hand and interrupted her.

The snow girl was very obedient, took a deep breath, calmed down, and looked at everyone, "You still haven't accepted the will of our Lord? This is grace! No matter who gets this honor, it will be a blessing to the kingdom of God and the joy of millions of people!"

A hundred years of life is just a matter of dozens of time accelerations. At that time, his body will be frozen and he can follow Zhou Li'an's own timeline.

No need to bring it to the present world.

As for whether such grace is too much?

Like cow dung, little flowers are first-class. The longer these high-level people in the kingdom of God who have been cultivated along the way live, the more they accumulate, the better.

The future will always look for opportunities to bestow grace.

And based on the current cultural background in God's country, there are only a few people who can come up with the answer, and they are basically locked in the Temple Mount.

If only civilians could come up with the answer...

That is also a great blessing, such talents can be reused.

It's just a "hundred-year lifespan". After calculating the cost of [time and space smuggling], it only costs hundreds of thousands of dollars dozens of times.

On the contrary, the difficulty of finding talents is the key point.

Informing the whole country will also make the desire to learn more.

In addition, and the most important point -

Lay the foundation for the crime and punishment trial after the trial battle.

All the people of the Kingdom of God should know why the sinners in the South committed crimes and were severely punished.

This is to alert the world.

Inside the palace.

After Xue Nu's words, several people immediately kowtowed, "Praise my Lord, praise Balance!"

"Balance lies in..."

They didn’t have many words anymore, so they could only praise from the bottom of their hearts, and then they saw our true god and the shaman disappear in the temple in an instant.

But Xiaohua and the others still couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Hundreds of years.

A hundred years of life, this is longevity!

To balance the whole kingdom of God and eliminate the witches, he gained the grace of "eternal life". No other person will receive this honor.

About ten minutes later.

Zhou Ruonan was the first to be unable to hold it in any longer.

Naturally, she also valued divine grace, but because she was young, she did not care about life expectancy.

She had just thought about whether her grandfather could live a hundred years if she got the answer.

But my grandfather had been given the gift before, but he had not received the divine grace.

Grandpa often said: "I have witnessed the coming of the true God of our Lord and the establishment of the Kingdom of God, which is enough for me! Now I just want to step into the door of the afterlife early and serve at my Lord's knees."

Zhou Ruonan tugged on Xiaohua's sleeve, "Chief, do you have an answer?"

Xiaohua suddenly came back to her senses, consciously losing her composure, and quickly adjusted her expression management——

God’s grace is vast.

But praying for divine grace is not that easy.

Xiaohua looked at the book of sinful fruits and fell into deep thought, but couldn't answer for a long time.

At this time, everyone had woken up and looked at the chief.

Xiaohua took a deep breath and said: "Call Tiaoyu to come and report this matter to the whole country!"

Later, she added: "You also need to think carefully. If you are enveloped by divine grace, it will also make me happy."

Everyone hurriedly shied away: "If the chief cannot, how can we see through the lies? The test of our true God is too difficult!"

at the same time.

Ten people on fast horses rushed to the meeting point agreed upon by the "scout team", lit wet firewood and smoke, and gave the order to assemble.

But "Quiztitco" was already dizzy. He had been in a daze since he got off the horse and had vomited several times.

About an hour later.

Twenty cavalry scouts returned, and when they saw outsiders, they immediately became vigilant.

Zhou Xiangxi said: "This is the servant of the city lord of 'Hill City'. I will be the representative to meet with the chief judge. Hill City is willing to surrender under the balance."

After hearing this, everyone was overjoyed and made some repairs to give the old servant some breathing space...

Afterwards, only one small team was left to continue to guard the main road and observe the situation, while the other twenty people quickly returned.

It's late afternoon.

In early March, the temperature in the northeastern part of the Valley of Mexico is still cool, and only the Yucatan Peninsula farther south has a tropical rainforest climate.

The war horses were breathing heavily from the attack and were exhausted.

And the whereabouts of the distant army have been revealed.

Thousands of meters apart, the two sides blew special horns to echo each other and exchanged secret signals.

Although war horses are unique and riding skills are difficult to practice, military affairs are still quite standardized, with orders and prohibitions.

After the establishment of the Kyodo Military Academy.

Our true Lord God has given us many military management methods, including training methods, battle formations, scouting and other skills.

Two years of preparation for the expedition made the expedition more sophisticated.

When the scout team approached, the army had already given the order to stop.

Climbing the mountain, Niu Shi and others quickly arrived in front of the formation, and immediately saw the old servant who was being hunched over by the knights.

After Zhou Xiangxi dismounted, he still gave him a hand, but Naquiztitko was still so weak that he fell to the ground, with no blood on his face, as if half of his life had been lost, his lips and teeth were trembling, and he could not speak.

Zhou Xiangxi knelt down and worshiped and said, "This is the servant of the lord of the hill city. The hill city gathered out of the city to meet the divine envoy in order to surrender and be balanced."

Everyone didn't speak in a hurry and looked at Zhou Weiguo uniformly.

Zhou Weiguo had already been familiar with the "Book of Sins" along the way. One of his disciples immediately spread out the map and pointed out a place——

"This is the location of the 'hill city'. When Niu Shi and I were patrolling with my lord, we looked down from above the mountain city. The mountain city is not big, with less than ten thousand people..."

"A few days ago, I heard from the locals that this is an important road for business travel."

"It seems like what Bullshit said, the arrival of the army has begun to spread to the city-state alliance!"

"It is a good thing for the hill city to surrender. We can use the hill city as a base and a place for logistics and supply."

Niu Shi asked: "Is there any consequences for Hill City?"

Zhou Weiguo thought for a while before shaking his head: "The book did not mention it because Shanshan City is the lowest vassal state and is oppressed by the big powers..."

He repeated what Didimar said, and everyone was thoughtful.

Afterwards, Climbing the Mountain issued a military order, "The entire army will be renovated. After the old man recovers, we will obtain information before advancing!"

"Take him down, feed him some salt water, and bring him in for questioning after he calms down."

Zhou Xiangxi immediately took the order.

Some sergeant craftsmen quickly built a simple awning.

Although Quiztitco was in a daze, he saw everything around him.

My body, which was already uncomfortable, became even more uncomfortable due to the shock.

Countless troops, everyone wearing that hard armor, he just hugged the sergeant's thigh and felt something.

The armor is harder than a tortoise shell, more like a copper vessel, but far stronger than copper.

He had seen the "Leopard War" of the Aztecs under the command of Tepanix, and had also seen the "Owl Guards" of Tecos, the great western country.

But compared with everything he saw at this time... he could not find the words to describe it.

The only thing I know is——

This is the Army of God, the only invincible army under the command of the true God in the world.

Someone brought water.

When he put it into his lips, he found that it was warm and had a salty taste.

He was suddenly horrified, "This is sea water? You can't drink sea water!"

Zhou Weiguo had already sat down beside him and said in the Aztec language he got from Didimar: "This is salt, salted water!"

"Why add salt to water? Salt is a precious commodity, and water with salt added will become bitter..."

"Ah, wait, why doesn't this water taste bitter?"

Zhou Weiguo was very patient.

Seeing the old man in front of him gave him an inexplicable feeling of intimacy, just like going to a prison and interacting with Didimar.

He took out his bag and grabbed a handful of table salt as white as snow.

"This is the salt given by the gods. The gods passed down the art of creation. It is created by us. It is not poisonous or bitter."

"Salt can restore your strength. Drink it. After you calm down, I have something else to ask you!"

After saying that, he lowered his head and started reading the "Scroll of Sin Result" again.

Didimar said that the hill city is a fourth-level city-state, which needs to go up three levels step by step. The second level is dedicated to the main country, and is subject to oppression by the big powers.

Therefore, there are no consequences, and they are the truly vulnerable.

Therefore, this is why they were so eager to surrender that they even marched out of the city to meet the army of judgment.

Balance will bring glory and blessing, allowing them to enter the kingdom of joy.


Zhou Weiguo frowned and murmured to himself: "Why do I always feel that something is not right?"

There was a floating feeling in his heart.

It's unclear.

Like a portrait painting, a person has sound limbs, bright eyes and white teeth, and looks extremely handsome.

It happened that he drew 6 fingers on one hand.

It's hard to detect at a cursory glance, but I always feel that there is an extremely disharmonious smell somewhere.

He was lost in thought...

I don't know how long it took, but I was awakened by the sound of cow shit, "What are you thinking? The presiding judge and the leaders have been waiting for a long time!"

This chapter has been completed!
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