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[196] The sixth finger

Ah, oh." Zhou Weiguo's thoughts were interrupted and he was separated from that mysterious contemplation.

In an instant, all the things I had been thinking about the previous moment were cleared away.

Because I didn't have any clue.

"I'm distracted."

He looked at Quiztitco and saw that the old servant could stand up and was no longer trembling and weak.

Niu Shi said in Aztec language that was more proficient than Zhou Weiguo: "Have you rested well?"

"Praise the true God, and praise your mercy." The humility shown by the old servant is not offensive, because it reveals sincerity.

No matter what others thought, he came with a godly heart.

As he had previously persuaded the city lord, the army of judgment had arrived and there was no point in hiding.

It is life and death, both are under judgment.

Rather than being frightened, it is better to show sincerity.

Therefore, when he came to this large army formation, he was more shocked than frightened.

Niu Shi and Zhou Weiguo also reacted to his emotional feedback.

"This old man is not that simple. He seems neither humble nor overbearing. He is quite like Didymar."

"From this point of view, people from the city-state alliance should not be underestimated."

The two communicated using the "laws of language" and were secretly frightened.

Immediately, he took the old man to another awning.

The battle group leaders and law monks such as Keng Shan had been waiting for a long time. When the old man entered, all eyes were on him.

But Shanshan did not ask questions, but looked at the cow shit: "I can't understand their language, so you come to ask..."

"The law monk is the translator."


On the way, I thought of my words and tried to reassure myself, "This is the chief judge and the leaders of the army of judgment. You don't need to panic. You just need to state the true words..."

"You must know that our Lord is watching everything in the world. If you tell lies, you will be punished in the future."

The old man nodded solemnly and became serious.

Niu Shi asked: "How many people are there in the hill city? What do they do for a living? In return for the scouts of my army of judgment, have you already surrendered to my lord, Balance?"

The old man answered: "The population of Shanshan City is 7,013. They cultivate farmland on the mountain and down the mountain, with corn as the main food. They also cultivate cocoa forests on the hillside, and the cocoa beans are produced and traded in cities in the south."

"In addition to various caravans, the hill city also has its own caravan team. I was the leader of the caravan many years ago."

"It is precisely because of this that the various ministries have a close relationship with the hill city, and the news of the arrival of the divine envoys spread to the city..."

"The city lord has long been looking forward to the arrival of the god's glory. After hearing the good news, he gathered the people of the city all night long to search here in order to welcome the arrival of the army."

The words fell apart.

There is no room for whispering in the shed.

"They grow crops as their staple food. Can they eat enough with that shriveled corn?"

"What are cocoa beans?"

"The hill city cannot be taught by my Lord, but it is also balanced with me. It counts the number of people. Otherwise, how can the number be zero and round?"

This is the first collision between two civilizations, and comparisons are inevitable.

Everyone here has seen the prosperity of the city in the lake, and has countless desires to explore and learn about this alliance of city-states.

Niu Shi and Zhou Weiguo looked at each other and paused briefly.

Then Zhou Weiguo asked: "Why do you accurately count the number of people in your mountain city? What are the pros and cons of doing so?"

The old man didn't think about it, just answered the question, "The hill city is respected by the Tepanix country, and the great powers are constantly fighting. The Aztecs are extremely good at fighting, and they overwhelm the jungle land further south, Tlaxcala."


"The tribesmen from the forest did not build city-states and were regarded as barbarians; the Aztecs went to war for the Tepanix country, obtained serfs for labor and sacrifice in the jungle, and brokered transactions with the cities."

Zhou Weiguo said: "What does this have to do with the population statistics of your mountain city?"

The old man cried and laughed: "Every year, the country of Tepanix issues a conscription order, and the people of my hill city are severely tortured."

"Most of the soldiers who were recruited never returned, and were used as vanguards by both countries, consuming the Tlaxcala people's combat power."

"Even those who come back often suffer from injuries and disabilities."

"The people are counted for the purpose of recruiting soldiers. In the war years, five families will select one male, and in the small war years, one male will be selected from every ten families! Those who return from injury or illness will be exempted from conscription for five years!"

"O messenger of God, this is why we are looking forward to the coming of the gods to save us from suffering. Only a peaceful life is our greatest joy."

The words fell.

The shed was already bursting into flames.

The law monk also translated the words to Shanshan and others.

Fighting Crocodile was inexplicably angry, "Are you going to obey when they call for help? Why don't you resist?"

Translated by Law Monk.

The old man was helpless: "The Aztecs had an army of 30,000, including more than 5,000 Leopard Warriors, who were famous in every city!"

"The State of Tepanix claims to have an army of 100,000 people, but the Aztecs are just a powerful city under their command. How can I, with only 7,000 people in the mountain city, be able to fight against them?"

Some people sighed because of this, "My Lord, praise the balance!"

"This is a testimony to the proverbs of our Lord!"

"The south of this earth is a bad land! The prosperity we have seen before is all false!"

"Everything in that prosperous city is built on the suffering of all sentient beings!"

"For this reason, we should carry the balanced holy name of our Lord, hold high the sword of judgment, cut off the consequences of sin, and purify evil with balanced glory."

"In the name of balance!"

"In the name of balance!"

The crowd shouted and their blood boiled.

Although the old man didn't understand the meaning of his words, he felt for the first time the strength he could rely on from the crowd's emotions, and his eyes couldn't help but moisten.

In contrast, Niu Shi and Zhou Weiguo are relatively calm.

The former asked: "What is the attitude of each city towards my army of judgment? How many cities are willing to surrender?"

The old man shook his head and said: "I don't know, my hill city was the first to know the news of the arrival of the army, and there must be detailed operations in each city in the hill city. After we leave the city, the news should spread."

"To the due south, there is the Sea Crow City. The city is built here closest to the waters of the river. It relies on the power of the water and ships to be able to defend itself from infringement. This is why it is independent."

"Going southwest, you will reach the territory of the Kingdom of Tepanix, where you will station your troops in thirty-four cities."

"If a large army enters our hill city, the hill city can send envoys to let all cities know the good news of the arrival of God's army. If there is repentance, those who believe in the true God will surely surrender."

Niu Shi said: "It's not urgent!"

"Can the hill city accommodate my 40,000-strong army of judgment?"

The old man nodded, "If it is enough to use the mountains as a camp, we can also allow the people to move out for the gods' envoys to live."

The words end here.

Niu Shi turned to climb the mountain, "President, you can go to the hill city first and then make plans!"

"Now that the news of the Army of Judgment has spread, if there are those who are willing to submit to the Balance, they can be recruited and there will be no need to fight!"

"It can also test the attitude of each city and make corresponding judgments on crimes and punishments."

Mountain climbing agrees: "Yes."

Turning his head again, he issued a military order, "The army marches quickly and stays in the city on the hill tonight!"

The army mobilized quickly.

This is a temporary pause and moves very quickly.

Quiztitco saw the sergeants taking out tools he didn't recognize, deftly dismantling two awnings, and placing the materials on another huge "wooden frame."

The wooden frame is supported by two huge "circles" on both sides.

He is observing.

Two young men have come to his side again, "I am "Zhou Weiguo" and he is "Zhou Liangchen". I still don't know your name?"

The old man showed respect again, "How dare I call the envoy of God by his name? My name is Queztitko."

"Quiztitco?" Niu Shi was stunned for a moment.

Zhou Weiguo said: "What's wrong?"

"Quiztitco means "golden tree."

"I know, is there anything special about this?"

The two communicated encryptedly, and the old man could only wait blankly.

Cow shit said: "Before I was given a name, I was cow shit. Even now, people who are familiar with me call me that. What was your name before you were given a name?"

Zhou Weiguo was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Hahaha, I know, when you were born, the patriarch stepped on bison dung, so you got your name!"

"..." Niu Shi: "So what's your name?"

"you do not know?"

"have no idea."

"Then my name is Zhou Weiguo. I can't remember my previous name. You know my memory is far inferior to that of you and Xiaohua."

Cow Shit was trembling with anger, and looked at Quiztitco again, but finally calmed down, and only glared at Zhou Weiguo, "Let's put it this way, you are also a Dzogchen Dzogchen, and you should know the history of the human race."

"The city-states and tribes in this southern land actually have a common ancestor with us."

"Take Region 3 as an example. The language of the Hohokam people has the same origin as theirs."

"Therefore, we have a lot of agreement in many traditions and customs, including naming and naming after the test of coming of age ceremony."

"If I am not given a name by my Lord, I will receive a new name after passing the test from my elder Modoc."

"For example, my father climbed mountains. He was the first person in the tribe to hunt bison in the snow-capped mountains because of his outstanding achievements, so he was given the name of mountain climber by the old witch."

Having said this, Zhou Weiguo gradually understood.

"Just like the crocodile-fighting leader of my Chishui tribe! I remember when I was young, he triumphed during the coming-of-age ceremony test and was surrounded by the entire Chishui tribe. The tribe elders gave him the name "The Warrior Who Fights Crocodiles."

Niu Shi's eyes lit up, "So, you are from the Red Water Department. I will ask the leader of Dou Crocodile and I will know your nickname."

"My Lord!" Zhou Weiguo panicked and said quickly: "So, what do you want to say?"

Bull shit is not teasing him anymore, "What does the name of the Sin King mean?"

"Chimalpopoka, a shield of burning flames!"

"What about Didymar?"

"Weeds in the lake?"

"What's the difference between the two?"

"Huh?" Zhou Weiguo frowned, almost grasping the point.

Seeing that Bull Shit was about to tell the truth, he immediately waved his hand, "Don't tell me yet, let me think about it, let me think about it!"

Niushi ignored him and smiled at "Quiztitco", "You will follow Weiguo immediately."

When he turned around, he saw that he had already brought the war horse with him.

He turned over, his temperament and expression had changed. Although he was not wearing iron armor, he was vaguely more majestic than those armored warriors.

"Let's go and follow me to the scout base first to investigate the situation for the army."

"Yes, Deputy Judge!


The old man's eyes also became blank. He vaguely remembered that the big man who was surrounded by everyone just now was called the "Presiding Judge".

He remembered the pronunciation, but didn't know its meaning. He just remembered it secretly in his mind.

Just then.

Zhou Weiguo came back to his senses and saw that there was no trace of the cow dung. He couldn't laugh or cry: "This guy deliberately didn't give me a chance to show off, so he can make me look stupider than him, right?"

After complaining a little, he sat on the "wooden frame".

Then he said to the old man: "Come up!"

The old man was stunned.

Zhou Weiguo explained with a smile, "Just listen to me, I won't harm you! On the contrary, I still have something to verify with you."

The old man sat on the wooden frame.

When the coachman saw that the two of them were sitting firmly, he pulled the reins and waved his whip gently.

Horses stamp their hooves.

When the joints of the wooden frame made a harsh friction sound, the entire wooden frame actually started to move on the ground.

The unexpected situation made the old man almost fall down, but he was pulled back by Zhou Weiguo, "Haha, sit tight, this is a carriage!"

"The horse is the beast you saw, the creature created by our Lord!"

"A cart is a thing that uses wheels to provide transportation and loading capacity. Horses can fight and pull carts."

"If the carriage is used as a tool for the trade team, do you know what will change?"

"First there will be roads to facilitate carriages."

"And as you said, in the Sea Crow City just south, the catch caught in the morning can be sent to the hill city at night, so that you can taste the fresh catch."

"Finally, horses can also cultivate the land and be connected to a farm tool to convert labor force into animal power."

"Of course, in the Kingdom of God, we use cattle for farming, and horses are important strategic materials. You can also understand them as our partners and friends."

Zhou Weiguo's chatty attribute was turned on, and a lot of information was thrown out, making the old man dizzy and yearning again.

"How can bison be worked by humans?"

"...Hai Crow City is at least three days' walk away from the hill city. How can the catch caught in the morning be delivered at night?"

Zhou Weiguo said: "Three days' journey is one hundred kilometers. You don't know one hundred kilometers, right? In other words, if you take three days' journey with a carriage, you will arrive in one day. Of course, the prerequisite is that there is a road."

"I can tell you more specific matters slowly, but you have to answer my questions first."

"Your name is "Golden Tree"?"

The old man was confused by the speed at which this topic jumped, but he didn't dare to neglect, "Yes, Quiztitco."

"Who named you?"

"My father."

"Then...where is your father?"

"My father..." The old man was sluggish, as if he was lost in memories. As his cloudy eyes trembled, his face suddenly turned red and his body was trembling.

But in the end, all the emotions turned into a breath and came out——

"My father has passed away a long time ago! I am already 60 years old, how can he still be alive?"

Zhou Weiguo still looked at him with a smile. In fact, he had seen everything, but he still stabbed him without hesitation——

"Then how did he die?"



The old man was silent.

And this silence is the best answer.

The reminder from cow shit gave Zhou Weiguo an epiphany.

Be it tribesmen or city-state alliances...

Even those who are bathing in the glory of the Kingdom of God today do not respect their surnames, but they value the meaning of their names.

As my Lord bestows a good minister to defend the country, if he is a man, it all has a meaning.

The name of the Sin King is "The Shield of Burning Flame", which is based on Zhou Weiguo's understanding of the city-state alliance from Didimar.

"Generals" are mostly nobles. Even sergeants who have made military exploits are the second-class noble class under the social system. Above them are the princes and nobles.

Generally, farmers cannot get shields.

Even if they are recruited into the army, they usually carry clubs, and shields are equipment only for senior soldiers, such as the Aztec Leopard Fighter.

Therefore, Chimalpopoka is obviously not the name of an ordinary person, which shows his class.

Then look at the Queztitco, the golden tree in front of you.

This name is intriguing.

Gold and copper are the raw materials for making jewelry. Before the advent of equilibrium, they were also treasures.

Those who can be named after "gold" are either from wealthy families or have some cultural background.

And the impression this old servant gave people was not that simple.

But he was dressed simply, not luxurious, and he had already made it clear that he was the servant of the city lord.

A servant is a slave.

Although they can rely on the glory of their master's family and have many privileges, fundamentally speaking, slaves are obviously inferior to common people.

Zhou Weiguo is not inserting a knife, he just wants to find out the basic facts.

Because this is his duty.

But now, he seems to have vaguely noticed the "sixth finger" that violates the harmony of the painting.

"Quiztitco, answer my question!"

But the old man held back his tears and looked stubbornly towards the distance where the army was going -

"He, he died of illness! I have nothing to say... God's envoy, God's envoy, don't blame me!"

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【196】Sixth Finger free reading.

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