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When thousands of people saw the old man under the early morning light, they felt goosebumps all over their bodies.

The aloof city lord was like a pile of rotten flesh, tied to the stake of judgment. Although he was still alive, life was worse than death.

But the slaves who were once oppressed by him have now truly stood up.

Didn’t this sense of immersion come all at once?

Perhaps there are only a few people who know about the old incident of 'Quiztitco'.

But the truth or falsehood of the matter is no longer important at this time.

Whoever can speak up has a point.

Whoever speaks louder makes sense.

This is the alliance of South American city-states in 1414, not the little microblog writer who frequently overturned more than 600 years later.

Even the Judgment Army behind the crowd was at a loss at this time.

Although most people can't understand Quiztitco's language, just looking at the atmosphere he created on the stage is like dreaming back to the kingdom of God and seeing the true God of our Lord on the stage.

Next to the high platform on the other side.

Niu Shi also looked stunned, "Um, did you teach him these words?"

But when he turned his head, he saw Zhou Weiguo's mouth, which was obviously bigger than him, and he was stunned.

After a long while, he came back to his senses and asked again: "Could it be that Quiztitco is really, as we thought, the person chosen by our Lord?"

An old servant from a small town has such infectious energy.

If those words were not given by the will of the true God, could they be thought of by himself?

Niu Shi took a deep breath and looked at the sky, "No matter what, my Lord has understood everything..."

"Whether Quiztitco has the favor of our Lord or not, his effect has been shown."

"Based on this trial alone, everyone in Shanshan City will show balance to our Lord and devote their faith to it!"

Soon after.

Quiztitco's "lecture" is over.

His voice was hoarse, and when he uttered the last word, his whole body seemed to have lost all strength and was about to fall backwards.

Fortunately, Zhou Weiguo had already come and caught him quickly.

There was also a commotion in the audience.

Niu Shi came after him, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Weiguo smiled bitterly, "I am an old man. Yesterday I was tired from traveling and traveling, and was frightened at night, and then stayed up all night due to the interrogation. When we return to the Kingdom of God, would you like to ask the great elder what time he rests every day?"

"You're kidding!" Niu Shi took the old man and saw that he was still smiling when he looked at the two of them. He knew that nothing was wrong and quickly helped him down to rest.

The old man's son Dhuruvni also came.

"Father, what's wrong with you?"

The old man said hoarsely: "I'm fine, I'm just too excited and happy and need to rest!"

Niu Shit said again: "Quiztitco, those words you just said on stage were all your own thoughts?"

Quiztitco was stunned for a moment, "I, I don't know what happened, but at that moment, it seemed like a hot spring rushed into my head, and I had a very mysterious epiphany!"

“I can’t help but reveal my true feelings.”

The old man is very sincere.

And these words sounded to bullshit ears...

Can’t be wrong!

This old man is indeed the one chosen by our Lord!

But in fact...

Things like improvising on the spot, being forced to the juncture, can only have two endings.

Or screw it up.

Or reach the highlight moment.

Quiztitco is obviously the latter. He feels relieved that his great revenge has been avenged, and everything is blessed and logical.

Dhuruvni said: "Messenger, I, I will send my father home first."

However, the old man said: "No, I want to watch the trial of Vihutel, and I won't leave!"

A son understands his father.

After so many years of silence, how could I not hate him in my heart? Knowing his father's mentality, Duruvni only asked the divine messenger to uphold justice last night.

Therefore, it is useless for anyone to persuade me now.


Even if he is exhausted to death after witnessing a trial, Quiztitco will have no regrets and will sleep with joy.

Cow shit called the sergeant, "Get a carriage, lay out fur cushions, and let Queztitco rest."

The sergeant didn't ask why, he just did as he was told.

Soon after, a coachman came driving a carriage.

Quiztitko was flattered and was about to say something when he was interrupted by Cow Shit, "Listen to me, sit on the carriage and watch the trial while resting!"

"If you want to go on a pilgrimage to see our true God, you must take care of yourself from now on!"

"Thank you so much for the envoy, and praise the true God!" The father and son expressed their yearning for the true God and thanked him again and again.

At this time, the old man's wife and daughter-in-law also came with their grandson, and the family gathered together, full of joy.

On the stand again.

Zhou Weiguo has begun to read out the charges against 'Weihuter'.

Cow shit came to the front of the army.

Shanshan looked at his son on the horse. There was not much surprise in his eyes. He had already known what his son was capable of, so he was even more pleased.

On the contrary, Dou Crocodile on the side saw Zhou Weiguo's appearance and kept nodding. He was still urging the law monk on the side, "Quickly, quickly record it for your teacher..."

"What happened to the hill city will definitely be recorded in the "Bible of Balance"!"

"Oh, no, the entire trial battle will be remembered by the world. You must record everything that is true."

The law monks were equally shocked.

It was probably the first time for them to go on an expedition with the army. Where had they seen such a scene? They saw the people who were originally afraid of them, shouting praises one by one.

This feeling is so wonderful.

Climbing the mountain: "Is this what you and Wei Guo got from one night's plan?"


"What happened to the old man? Why did we find him a carriage? If he feels unwell, take him home!"

Niu Shi didn't hide anything and whispered: "Father, don't underestimate him. If you ask the law monk, you will know what he just said on the stage."

"Both Weiguo and I feel that Quiztitco will be the second 'little flower'."

"???" I was confused when climbing the mountain, "The second little flower?"

"What's the meaning?"

Cow Shit translated and paraphrased Quiztitco's speech on the stage, and added: "Just last night, he was calling out to the depths of the night, as if he could see the arrival of equilibrium."

"Combined with today's performance, it is difficult not to think that he has been selected by our Lord."

"After all, there is precedent for this matter."

When I climbed a mountain and listened to it, I was horrified to think about it.

I also thought about the trip to the Copper Valley a few months ago, where the army was trapped deep in the mountains in search of the sinful king and had no direction.

At that time, I called upon my Lord and the earth moved.

"Balance exists among all things!"

Climbing a mountain makes me sigh.

On the high platform.

Vihuter's crimes have been listed, and the monks of Law wrote the list on a piece of treated cowhide with natural pigments.

Although the people of Shanshan City do not understand the "laws of language", they are still angry because of the density of words.

Zhou Weiguo now knew why the old man almost fainted.

After staying up all night, he still had to shout at the top of his lungs. His physical strength was exhausted rapidly, but he gritted his teeth and had to hold on, shouting again——

"This is the result of last night's interrogation, as well as the testimony of Quiztitko and his son Drufni."

"Whoever still needs a confession is willing to submit it."

There was a sudden commotion and heated discussion.

Putting the lord of a city on trial was something they had never dared to imagine; in other words...

Even if they are bullied and oppressed, they are used to it and think this is normal.

The hill cities are all owned by the city lords. They are their people and should dedicate themselves to it.

So many people want to speak, but when the words come to their lips, they don’t know where to start.

Zhou Weiguo was not surprised by this, and he was not even anxious. He changed the subject and said, "Weihuter's trial is temporarily suspended."


"Who's next?"

It was the young man who was searching for the South Road who came over and said, "Inspector, I have decided that the one with the loudest voice should be Raolotok first."

"The south road of the city is a trading market, with close exchanges between city-states and ministries and business groups. Due to the transactions of money and silk, the people are often oppressed by the position of 'guard chief' of the road south of Lao Lautok, in order to make money."

"Bring Ralautok to the stage!"

After giving an order, among the people who were about to be judged, a middle-aged man was carried up with a wooden frame by several sergeants.

Up to this moment.

The scene was once again agitated, and the voices were clearly louder than during the trial of Vihutel.

Kanshan, who was watching everything from a distance, had no idea what he meant, and asked his son, "My son, why is this? The people hate this guard chief more than they hate Vihuter!"

Niu Shi said: "The city lord is aloof and wants to do evil things, so naturally he won't do it himself."

"And those who are given the power can do whatever they want and do whatever they want."

"However, it seems that everyone hates Lao Lautok more, but the mastermind is the most responsible. Without him as a guide, if he is given powers and indifferent, or even connives, what will happen to the people in the city?

I will suffer this."

"Father." At this point, Niu Shi became quite serious, "Now the kingdom of God has been divided into subordinates and responsibilities. This hill city, and even this entire city-state alliance, is the best lesson."

"Our Lord has asked us to come here to judge, so that we can understand the truth from these sinners and take them as a warning. We should not just commit crimes!"

"Otherwise, one day those who judge will be judged."

When I was reminded by my son when I was climbing the mountain, I still couldn't save my face, and said shyly: "When will it be your turn to teach me a lesson? Can I not respect the will of our Lord and True God? Use so-called power to oppress the people?"

Niu Shi said quickly: "I'm not referring to you, but I want you to educate the leaders and sergeants in the army. This principle should be known to everyone, remember it at all times, and regulate your heirs in the future."

"That's pretty much it." Satisfied, Climbing turned around and shouted to a group of leaders, "Did you hear that? Whoever dares to use the grace of our Lord to dominate and oppress his people will be punished by judgment.

Don’t blame me for not saying the ugly things first.”

A group of leaders waved their hands repeatedly, "How dare we go against the balance?"

"No, no! Under balance, we are all citizens, and we should love each other with our brothers and sisters."

After climbing the mountain, he started to learn and sell again, and said to Niu Shi: "That little brother of yours is really worrying. You need to be more disciplined and disciplined when you go back."

However, Niu Shi smiled instead, "Jijun? Jijun wouldn't dare to do evil even if he wanted to. There are little flowers in the Kingdom of God watching him, not to mention the personal teachings of my lord and the witch. At most, he will be stupid and will not


"It's true that with Jijun's stupidity, he can't commit a crime!"

Niu Shi didn't know whether he was crying or laughing, "..."

at the same time.

The scene was already full of noise and shouts of abuse and responsibility towards Larotok.

Among them, Lame Snake, Old Cobbler and others were the loudest.

In the end, no one knew who shouted, "Kill him, kill him, the sinner!"

Then, thousands of people shouted in unison.

"Kill Ralawtok, kill Ralawtok!"

Public dissatisfaction boiled.

That Lao Lautok was originally a strong man with a fierce appearance, but now he released a pool of feces and urine, cried loudly, and shouted hysterically——

"No, it's not me, it's not my fault!"

"It's all Vihutel, Vihutel asked me to do this!"

"I robbed you of your wealth, but I still live in South Road and don't have much wealth."

"Everything was taken away by Vihutel and used to build mansions and manors to worship the nobles of that city-state!"

"I can find a witness, Dulan, Dulan can testify, he knows everything!"

Zhou Weiguo said: "Who is Dulan?"

The young man explained: "The warrior captain in the city tried to fight with my army of judgment last night. All his men were annihilated, and he was finally captured alive."

"Take Dulan!"

Another strong man was carried up.

At this moment, Lao Lautok shouted again: "Dulan, speak quickly, speak quickly!"

"Everything we do is what Vihuter means."

However, the strong man laughed loudly and said, "Lalawotok, you weak-ass waste like a turkey!"

“What’s done is done!”

"Didn't the old cobbler's daughter die because of you? Did the city lord get any benefit at all?"

"I plead guilty! Since the day the true God came, I have had trouble sleeping and eating, knowing that such a day will come!"

"Kill me!"

"I only ask for forgiveness for my relatives. They are innocent."

Under the stage, several bound women shouted——



Compared with Lao Lautok's evasiveness, Dulan was more decisive.

Zhou Weiguo shouted: "Quiet!"

After the room was quiet, he said again: "Does anyone agree with his words? His relatives have not done evil?"

The people in the audience looked at each other in silence for a long time.

At this moment, a young man squeezed out of the crowd and shouted: "I, I can testify that the warrior chief's relatives did not do evil!"

"Moreover, his daughter often gives food to orphans in the city who lost their parents due to military conscription!"

"Little Tudou, where are you? Quickly, testify for your eldest sister!"

So, another group of children ran out.

"Angel, my sister is a good person. She always gives us food and doesn't let us starve!"

The young man continued: "God's messenger, I can swear an oath that if there is any falsehood in what we say, the divine punishment of the true God will come and we will be annihilated."

On the stage, Zhou Weiguo nodded slightly.

However, before he could speak, "Dulan" burst into laughter——

"It turns out that I don't like you, the son of a melon seller!"

"But today, you are the only one who stands up to protect her! If my daughter really likes you, I would like to bless you!


He then heard the bound girl cry loudly: "Father, Father! Please beg for mercy! Those are all evil things done under the instigation of the city lord."

Duland said: "My silly daughter, where do you think the food and clothing you give to the children come from? I didn't plunder them from other people's homes!"

"I plead guilty! Even though Weihuter ordered me to do so, I still plead guilty! I am just a member of my family and has nothing to do with all this!"

far away.

Climbing the mountain, Dou Crocodile and others couldn't help but sigh, "This warrior captain is a real warrior!"

"It's a pity that his loyalty was paid to the wrong person."

"It's just that he wasn't born in my home, otherwise he would have been our brother!"

"Some people are born in a balanced environment, while others are born in a bad land!"

"Bullshit, I won't mention this warrior leader, but can you forgive his daughter?"

Many leaders begged for mercy, but Niu Shi still shook his head, "Judgment matters should not be based on relatives, likes and dislikes! Everything must be based on the will of the supervisor of the country."

And on stage.

Zhou Weiguo was also deep in thought.

After a moment, he said: "Dulan, if you can tell the city lord the crime, I will forgive your relatives!"

He did not hesitate, "I am willing to testify."

As a result, another list of crimes and punishments committed by the city lord was confessed in front of thousands of people.

Only then did people gradually see the true face of the city lord, and their hatred for him began to grow.

A trial is in full swing, opening a new chapter in the southern land.

at the same time.

Balance, main city temple.

Zhou Li'an opened his eyes and escaped from the consciousness of [Eye of the Void].

Snow Girl has been waiting for a long time, "Master, how is it? Have Niu Shi and Wei Guo found any clues?"

Zhou Li'an nodded and sighed again, "The trial of those sinners in Shanshan City has begun!"

The snow girl was pleasantly surprised at first, but then felt something was wrong, "Master, since they have seen through the truth and discovered the consequences of the Lord of the Hill City's crimes, why are you still not happy?"

Zhou Li'an stared at Xue Nu with a half-smile, "I've told you why the Lord of Hill City committed crimes and punishments, so you don't need to think about it!"

"Then think about it."

“Why is it that the Hill City trial has begun, but I’m not happy about it!”

The other side.

In the No. 2 city of Sacramento, dozens of fast riders set off from the printing team and rushed to various cities.

After a long time, agitation started in various cities——

"[Balance News] A special edition is issued. Our Lord gives a test, and those who answer it will receive the grace of 'immortal life'."

Equilibrium Year 14, Thursday, March 3rd.

This day will be remembered by countless people of Balance.

Because of the balanced oracle, people other than "witches" may be blessed with "long life".

Although it is not eternal, the period of a hundred years is beyond imagination!

The balance is shaken in every city!


Beginning of North America 1400: Nation building in progress

This chapter has been completed!
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