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I learned that the army was about to enter the city.

Zhou Li'an naturally wanted to pay close attention and pay close attention.

When the divine punishment came to various cities, it left a deep impression and made countless people fearful and uneasy.

However, over the past two years, the impact has faded somewhat.

In addition, a more important point...

The city-state alliance is unlike the North American tribes. The achievements of "low-level civilization" have been achieved, and classes have been formed and perfected for thousands of years.

The human heart is complex.

However, the various tribes in North America are still primitive clan societies that produce together and do not have a formal cultural and educational system.

Once the balanced will is enlightened, it will be their first impression of the world, and it is easy to complete the "transformation of the people".

On the other hand, in the hill cities, the gods have come to the world, but they do not have the enthusiasm to surrender and worship.

Instead, they think about how to protect themselves and avoid disasters.

And just like the old king of Tepanix, he set the King of Sin on the road to redemption.

But if he really focuses on Balance, he has already set off to go north to find the true God.

This is just like the kings of ancient Eastern countries who sent envoys to search for immortal mountains and elixirs in the hope of immortality and eternal imperial power.

But they don’t even think about it, even if there are gods, why should gods give it to you if you ask for it?

And you sent an envoy to do it for you. Where did you put the immortal's power?

in short.

The monarch will not subconsciously think that his status is lower than that of the gods.

The two exist in two separate realms.

The human world should be managed by a king, and gods should not interfere with the human world.

Therefore, the battle of judgment will not be so simple, and there must be strong enough force to complete the conquest.

Inside the temple.

Snow Girl is thinking about Zhou Li'an's question.

Zhou Li'an also fell silent.

Helpless with cow shit, Zhou Weiguo’s brainstorming.

"Quiztitco? Why would I choose a bad old man for nothing?"

But if you think about it carefully, this old man's performance can indeed help the situation and set an example.

The two nobles "King of Sin" and "Didimar" have set an example of their surrender.

Quiztitco represents the lower class.

If it is run properly and a good character is created, it can serve as a "representative" for millions of people in the southern land to surrender and balance.

In the future, after several times of 'cryonics', a legend will be spread -

Judgment Battle Chapter of "Bible of Balance": The barren people of the southern land let out a brave cry, holding the sword of judgment given by our Lord Kinkou, and severing the consequences of their crimes against the nobles who exploited them...

The wise man named "Quiztitco" was chosen by the attention of our true God, and he called his brothers and sisters by her holy name to devote themselves to their devout faith.

‘Quiztitco’ received the grace of the gods and lived to be 230 years old; he was one of the longest-lived people in the Kingdom of God.

I have the outline of a plan in mind.

Snow Girl also woke up from her thoughts, "Master, Snow Girl is stupid and really doesn't know what's wrong with this matter."

"If it doesn't feel right, keep thinking about it. This matter has been finalized and cannot be changed. It is just for you to broaden your horizons and think!"

The words fell.


Zhou Li'an has disappeared.

The snow girl was so frightened that she knelt down and felt aggrieved, "Is the master angry? He left the snow girl and left?"

However, she quickly adjusted her mood and started thinking again.

I'm not worried that the owner won't come to pick her up.

After all, the master is used to sleeping with her soft body in his arms.

Present life.

Zhou Li'an and Patricia leave the island.

Take off from the airport on Cayero Island and fly to Mexico.

It will take until next month for the dash 8 to arrive, and high-endurance modification and body reinforcement are not that simple.

However, the Piper m600 was delivered ahead of schedule.

This means that the flight from the main city of Balance to Austin, Texas, the 12th largest city, has been reduced from the original 10 hours to 4 hours.

And then turning around to the Valley of Mexico only takes an additional 2 hours.

Wherever the balance goes, everything is within the range of God's punishment.

Patricia has not gone to the mining area since her last return. After more than a month of recuperation, it is time to return to her original post.

After arriving in Juarez, the girl reluctantly said goodbye to Zhou Li'an, "Master, I will continue to work hard to learn Spanish, and one day I will get your approval."

Patricia saw Zhou Li'an disappearing in front of her eyes with the Snow Girl every day.

Just because she doesn't ask anything doesn't mean she doesn't know anything.

At least from the exchange with Yuki Onna, I got fragmented information and put it together... Yuki Onna comes from a kingdom of gods, and everyone in the kingdom of gods respects my Lord Balance.

It goes without saying who is the equilibrium.

Patricia watched her father write the first edition of the "Bible of Balance" word for word with her own eyes.

She knew in her heart that she was never allowed to come into contact with her master's secrets, because she had not yet received true recognition.

The prerequisite for being recognized is to be a "useful" person.

Patricia does not think that she has been "brainwashed" or "objectified".

She has completely fallen in love with Zhou Li'an.

If it hadn't been for his appearance, hatred would have turned her into a complete madman living in a cold poor community in Oregon.

My father will carry his guilt with him for the rest of his life, instead of becoming a well-known figure in the Mexican business community like he is today.

If people want to repay their kindness, if they add a sweet love, it will be the icing on the cake.

Patricia went to the mining area first, and her father Jonah and David Liang arrived later.

The big boss is inspecting, no matter what happens, Ma Zai will come over to say hello.

"Boss, the acquisition of the engine company has come to an end, and it is expected to be put into production in the third quarter of this year..."

"Of course, provided there is an order!"

There is something in David Liang's words.

He is a businessman through and through.

On the other hand, Jonah and Barbara would never talk so secretly.

Zhou Li'an looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile, "David Liang, we have been together for so long, you should be familiar with me; I don't think my attitude towards you has changed much, so why have you changed?"

David Liang's face turned violently pale, and fear filled his heart.

He knew that this was the big boss's nod to him, and his words were not direct enough.

In fact, he also had troubles in his heart——

The boss hasn’t changed?

Oh, shit!

After meeting the big boss several times in recent times, he and Jonah had a lot of chatter afterwards, and the boss's aura is getting more and more terrifying.

Even compared to Cayero, the gang boss, he doesn't give in too much.

On the contrary, the introverted aura is even more sharp. When it comes out of its sheath, no one can withstand the pressure.

Zhou Li'an himself didn't know that people like David Liang had only met each other for a month or two, but they had a profound understanding of it.

In fact, this is the cultivation of the majesty of the gods.

Being supreme in the kingdom of God, he naturally formed a domineering aura that despised everything.

David Liang said quickly: "Boss, I don't mean anything else, it's just...just..."

He was speechless and unable to explain.

Jonah rolled his eyes at David Liang and smoothed things over for him, "David is used to being cautious and cautious in doing things, and there is absolutely no problem with his loyalty to you!"

"The thing is like this, after you and Mr. Cayero made the decision about the engine acquisition, the official could only support it, and gave us half-sold and half-gifted companies that were on the verge of bankruptcy."

"Mr. Cayero and we naturally believe in your strength, but the official people pay more attention to reality. Everything is subject to a written contract. If the reorganization of the engine company is completed but no orders are received, the group will have to bear huge expenses. Although it can support

But a bloated business model is an unhealthy business model."

Jonah got straight to the point and let David Liang get away with it.

Zhou Li'an glanced at him and said: "In the future, just like Jonah, if you have anything to say directly, there is no need to cover it up, let me see your sincerity, okay?"

"Yes, yes, boss, it's my fault this time!"

Zhou Li'an calculated the time.

Time acceleration will definitely not be enabled during these days.

The two parties' space-time flow speeds are parallel. On the one hand, the aircraft has arrived and the engine company acquisition has been completed.

On the other hand, in July 1414, he completed the transatlantic flight and headed for Africa, waiting for the landing of Zheng He's fleet.

It seems that Zheng He and the engine company were completed at the same time.

That is to say, after the meeting, the engine can be put into production, providing material support for the equilibrium, and thus starting the industrial infrastructure mode.

Construction of the so-called salt road that is difficult to build will also begin.


"Boss, do you want to prepare a contract?"

Barbara has a blessed soul and has long understood her boss's tricks.

The new wholly-owned company has been completed a long time ago, and it has been used to sign a series of subscription agreements with the Equilibrium Group.

"Get ready. An initial order of 5,000 motorcycle engines will be made. The first batch will be 500, and the remainder will be delivered at 1,500 and 3,000. We also need supporting by-products such as wheels, tires, frames, etc."

Steelmaking in No. 6 City can also make vehicle frames and wheel hubs, but the productivity is hundreds of times worse than the modern assembly line.

And what can we do with tires without rubber?

The system chain of the petroleum industry is still in the improvement stage, and synthetic rubber is an afterthought. Now it is only used to improve the output of gasoline and diesel and supply the large number of engines that are about to arrive for energy use.

Natural rubber is in South America, and a new research team needs to be established to study it from cultivation to actual utilization.

The entrance to South America is the Amazon jungle.

It is almost impossible for the Iron Cavalry to conquer, so they can only start from the edge of the continental shelf and develop from the outside in.

The Inca Empire was certainly the first to suffer.

Then it entered the hinterland of South America from Peru and completed its development.

Stop thinking for now.

Zhou Li'an added: "The preliminary order is enough for official delivery. I will discuss subsequent engine orders with Barbara!"

"Also, we have a mutual cooperative relationship with the government. We have created taxes and jobs for them, and we should be the ones being provided! You need to adjust your mentality."

"In addition, I will also communicate with Cayero and Juan this time when I go back, and put appropriate pressure on the officials. Don't always think that we are taken advantage of!"

David Liang was taught a lesson twice in one practice. He was so frightened that he nodded repeatedly and did not dare to breathe.

Finished talking about the business.

The two also wanted to invite Zhou Li'an to a local chamber of commerce party, but Zhou Li'an declined.

They were also very knowledgeable and knew that the boss and Barbara probably had something to discuss.

As expected.

After they left, Zhou Li'an said: "How is it going with Lao Wang?"

Barbara said: "There is nothing to worry about in the fur business, it's just a simple relationship between supply and demand! He hasn't been in Juarez much recently."

The fur business earns tens of millions of dollars a month, which is no small sum.

Some miscellaneous material investment can be withdrawn from this dividend, and there is even a large part of the surplus.

The production of bison hides has never been put down. After all, the source of meat for the Kingdom of God still depends on hunting.

Livestock breeding is an afterthought.

But now, Lao Wang has really announced that he is offline; he will just wait for the opportunity to meet in Juarez at the same time for a casual meal in the future.

Lao Wang is a smart man. He knows that Zhou Li'an has a mysterious background and does not dare to get involved.

Barbara took over and became the number one tool person now.

"Let's get down to business, I need to purchase a large amount of grain, farm tools and breeding cattle..."

When the city-state alliance migrates, supply depots must be set up, and food cannot be left empty in the early stage of land reclamation.

Farm tools and breeding cattle are the basis for agricultural development.

Then there is the weapon manufacturing, which still needs to rely on the support of worldly materials.

Barbara never asked for details, she opened the tablet and started recording it.

After the quantity details were agreed upon, Zhou Li'an added: "In addition, help me collect monsoon and ocean current data from the East African coast of the Indian Ocean to Southeast Asia!"

"Find a professional to issue a sailing chart for sail power! Remember, it is a sailing chart for pure sail power and does not rely on any mechanical power."

Barbara was stunned and said: "I have a friend who is a navigator. I have also experienced short-distance sailing travel. Even a sailboat will be equipped with an engine, because there will be ships coming in and out of the port. Without the engine to provide power, there is no way to

Avoid collisions in time.”

"Don't think about this, just do as I say. It would be best if there is a global navigation chart! Just treat it as a simulation test!"

“I won’t be stingy with design fees.”

Today’s world has a very comprehensive grasp of ocean currents and monsoons.

In 1414, the Portuguese had just begun to explore the West African coastline.

Next, we will be tortured by ocean monsoons and windless zones.

A global data map of monsoon ocean currents and a comprehensive navigation plan would have been worth more than a country's wealth to navigators in the 15th century.

This is the gift Zhou Li'an will give to Zheng He.

Open the door to a new world for him.

It is impossible to sail to the Cape of Good Hope and go to Europe, but it is possible to explore the South China Sea, go to Indonesia, and visit Australia.

And nautical charts may not necessarily be kept confidential.

Zheng He's fleet consisted of tens of thousands of people, and even though the top officials talking about the matter only had a few dozen people, they were divided into many factions.

Then there are the pilots from Southeast Asia and Arabia, who will all come into contact with nautical charts.

There are always people in this world who are good at using their brains. If the navigation charts are written down and circulated, it will obviously accelerate the development of the navigation industry in an era.

Ming Dynasty may not have the heart to colonize Australia and Africa.

But Europe is different.

If someone lands in Australia in advance and engages in basic development, wouldn't this facilitate the equilibrium?

Of course, America will be erased.

Leave a little Easter egg surprise.

Otherwise, what if Columbus doesn't come?

Barbara only felt that her boss was getting more and more outrageous. What's the use of a sail-powered navigation chart?

But a nautical chart is nothing compared to another thing.

"Finally, we still need a batch of the previous statues, do you understand?"

Barbara nodded solemnly...

In my heart I was complaining.

The boss's self-portraits have been produced in the millions, right? At this growth rate, it won't be long before they can be connected to circle the earth.

The next day, Zhou Li'an followed Barbara to Juarez Airport for test flight acceptance.

After Piper Company heard about this rich man's generosity, they even sent a beautiful test pilot to explain it.

There is not much difference between doing business at home and abroad.

"This is the parachute knob. If you encounter an emergency, you can contact our company's specialists to recycle the parachute for you. Each parachute has a recycling life of three times and needs to be replaced after three times."

"But I believe you will never have the chance to use this switch."

The whole parachute can be said to be a gimmick, but it is better than not having it.

After receiving the signature.

Under the resentful gaze of the beautiful test pilot, Zhou Li'an took off, first from Juarez to Mexico City, and then from Mexico City to the Caribbean.

at the same time.

The heated discussion among the people in each city of Balance has been going on for two days. Instead of diminishing, the heat has become more and more heated. People continue to come from each city, trying to resonate with the will of our Lord, Balance.

What are the consequences of Hill City's crimes?

This seemingly simple question is completely blank in the consciousness of the people of Balance who have not experienced the civilization of slavery.

From a modern perspective, what’s there to think about? Just open your mouth!

But for the indigenous people, they need to first build the outline of a civilization system in their minds with thinking, and then they can follow the reasoning and reveal the truth bit by bit.

As for Niu Shi, Zhou Weiguo and others saw it with their own eyes and saw through the lies.

At the same time, the special edition of the newspaper was also delivered to the prison.

The Sin King was extremely excited, "Didimar, you must know the answer, right?"

"If you can answer, you will gain the grace of the true God! I, the Aztec, will be saved!"

This chapter has been completed!
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