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[213] The third letter

While young Cook Mo was praising the garden in his heart, the garden official left angrily and handed the mess to the housekeeper.

The steward was furious because he was humiliated. He took a few steps forward and shouted angrily, "Scourge them!"

"Hit me hard!"

"Anoint their wounds with bitter salt!"

"Death? None of you will die, I will torture you!"

"Of course." He stared at Keya with a sinister look and said sarcastically: "We, Keya, are as proud as mountain lions and cannot be harmed at all!"

"Let him watch his father and brothers suffer with his own eyes!"

Say it.

He turned and left.

Keya witnessed a group of guards tying his father and younger brother to the tree trunk beside him, and his emotions were about to collapse again.

Kumo shouted: "Brother, don't be weak! You are the bravest man!"

"Don't let them succeed, my father and I can endure it!"

Keya held back tears and gritted his teeth.


Snap, snap.

The sound of whipping and the muffled groans of pain from the father and son could be heard one after another.

The shabby clothes on their bodies became shredded, revealing the scars of their skin and flesh.

When the guards could no longer fight, he added bitter salt to the bucket and sprinkled it on them.

"Keya, why do you let your father and brothers suffer?"

"Lower your head!"

"We all know that you are a respectable warrior."

They were not trying to dissuade the housekeeper, but they admired Keya from the bottom of their hearts.

But pity is useless.

No one can disobey the master's orders.

However, they still left some rough corn tortillas, and then walked to the resting place far away to continue guarding.

The two people on the tree trunk were already dying.

The only one of the three father and son who can move is Keya, but his neck and hands are fixed by wooden cuffs. Now he can only kneel down awkwardly and pick up the food in an extremely humble and humble posture.

Then he walked to his father and said, "Father, eat some!"

Lava asked weakly: "Is there any water?"

Keya seemed at a loss and explained: "They didn't give me water. I would lie on the ground and drink the dew to quench my thirst every day before dawn when the morning dew gathered."

He looked at the small pit in the grass beside him. It was now empty, dried up by the sun.

However, the remaining temperature is just enough to allow water droplets to gather when the chill comes at night.

They don't know the principle, but it is common sense passed down from generation to generation.

Lava shook his head: "I can't eat it, so I'll give it to you."

However, Kumo also said tremblingly, "I won't eat! Brother, I have something to ask you!"

"Take a rest first. Your whole body is shaking. It's my fault."

The smell of salt water on the wound was like thousands of ants biting the body.

Seeing his brother's miserable state, Keya swallowed hard again.

But in fact, the more pain Cook Mo feels, the more awake he feels, and his brain is running at a high speed...

"No, this is important."

"Brother, why have you ended up like this?"

First, we must understand the cause, and then we will know the key...why these nobles did not kill Keya.

Keya didn't want to mention it, but when he saw his father's eyes following him, he knew he should give an explanation.

He said: "A year ago, I followed Dulan to Tapong City, and I found out that I was being trafficked. I resisted and went to the guards of Tapong City for help, but I didn't know that they were in the same group."

"Finally, he was sent to Azka Pocharco by Napoli Poma."

"I accepted my fate at that time. Seeing that this big city is prosperous, I want to develop, earn some feather coins, and buy a small courtyard in the outer city. Then I can bring you here."

Keya was brave and brave, and gradually gained the appreciation of the garden official.

Even though he was a slave, he became friends with the guards just now.

Everything is for the best.

The turning point happened half a year ago——

"Inside this woodland is the royal garden."

"The so-called garden official's residence is just a corner of the royal garden!"

Kukmo and Lava were shocked, "Is this the royal garden? Tzozomok's home?"

"Yes, but I have never seen what the palace looks like at such a deep place. There are palace guards guarding the forest."

"Half a year ago, the princes and nobles were hunting in the garden. The garden officials ordered us to guard the perimeter and drive the wild animals they captured into the central area of ​​the forest."

"On that day, I met a lost girl. I didn't know her identity at first. I thought she was also a garden official or a servant of a palace or a priest..."

"I protected her and found the guards and left."

"But later, she actually found this place again and asked me about many things, such as the hill city, Tapong City, and what I saw along the way."

"We became friends...or maybe I fell in love with her."

Lava and Kumo listened with rapt attention.

They had no cultural upbringing, let alone the vicious love stories of later generations.

Now as pure as a piece of white paper...

Listening to the continuation of the story, you sink into it and expect something to happen.

Then, there was Wang Zha——

"Her name is Mendaya, and she is the granddaughter of Tezozomoke."



The first sound was exclamation.

The second sound was caused by the pain of the wound.

As a father, Lava was already sluggish. His son actually fell in love with the granddaughter of the greatest emperor in the world?

This, how is this possible?

Even if they met the garrison affairs officer in Tapong City, if it weren't for the important information about the incident in Hill City, they would never meet again in their lifetime.

Not to mention, there was a dispute between his own son and the emperor's heir.

On the other side, Cookmo asked: "Then what?"

Keya said in a low voice: "Her maid guard discovered our meeting!"

"They notified the garden officer and Mendaya's father, and together they captured the scene of our meeting."

"Mundaya protected me and said that if she killed me, she would die too!"

"I didn't know until then that Mondaya was Tezozomok's favorite granddaughter! Even his father couldn't compare to her status in front of the King of Tepanix."

"Later I heard from the housekeeper and the gardener that Mendaya's father wanted to be valued because of the favor shown to Mendaya by the king."

"If the story about Mundaya and me gets out, they can't guarantee whether Tzozomok will hate Mundaya."

"Including, if Mendaya dies, it will be even more impossible to explain to the old king."

"So, I am alive now! In the next few months, they will ask Mondaya to come see me from a distance to confirm that I am still alive."

After listening to these words.

Rava felt like the world was spinning. He couldn't understand how this intersection of two parallel lines happened.

This goes against his cognitive outlook.

Cookmore is more accepting of the fact that young people can still have illusions about the most beautiful things in the world without going through hardships.

What is the most beautiful?

Of course it's not available.

To them, the prince's daughter is as unattainable as a star, isn't it?

"So, they want you to fight animals in a cage?"

"Yes! They want me to deceive Mondaya, fight with animals in a cage to win, and get rid of the slave status. In fact, they want me to die in the cage!"

"But I know that even if she does this, Mendaya will not go against what she said at the beginning!"

"We are in love, and she is willing to die with me!"



The father and son were silent.

After a long time, Keya sighed bitterly, "But now, I don't know what to do... No, I don't know what to do from the beginning to the end!"

"I can only be imprisoned like this, hoping for the day when a miracle happens..."

"Perhaps, when the true God comes, he will bring salvation."

Just when Keya finished speaking.

Cook said: "Brother, the true God has arrived! His army of judgment has arrived at the hill city!"

"What?" Keya was shocked and confused. "Then, why did you come here?"

The father and son seemed to smile bitterly, and then told each other about the stupid things they had committed.

But this time, it was Keya's turn to remain silent.

If my father and younger brother had not escaped from the hill city, they would not be enjoying peace and happiness now.

"Yes, it was me who caused you trouble."

Rava was speechless. As a father, he felt extremely frustrated.

He wanted to save his eldest son, but he and his younger son were also trapped in the trap.

But it was Cookmo who heard the complete story, and the hopeless expression bloomed again——

"No, father, brother, we still have hope!"

"It has been more than thirty days since we left the hill city, and the army of judgment will definitely break through the pass of Tadong City!"

"When the Army of God arrives in the Kingdom of Tepanix, we will definitely be saved!"

"These evildoers who have committed crimes will all face justice."

"We must hold on, we must hold on!"

"Both the divine envoy of the Army of Judgment and Quiztitco said that those who believe in him and repent sincerely will receive his merciful gaze and be granted salvation!"

Kukmo let out a low cry.

He looked up at the starry sky and saw that the halo of stars spread faintly, filling his eyes...

"I, I seem to have seen... light..."

In the midst of murmuring, he could no longer bear the fatigue and pain, lowered his head and passed out.



Only Lava and Keya were left, shouting urgently.

It's night.

A car and horse arrived at the foot of the hill city and were entering the city in an orderly manner.

Shan Shan and others were already waiting in the central square.

Seeing the two leaders of the team, everyone rushed to greet them, "Bullshit, Weiguo, you are finally back! What was the result of this trip?"

Niu Shi and Zhou Weiguo looked at each other and smiled, "Return with a full load! We can conduct test blasting in the back mountain tomorrow afternoon!"

"If nothing goes wrong, we can send troops to Tadong City at any time to break through the pass. The sword of judgment will point directly at the valley of that city-state!"

Enter the town hall.

Everyone can't wait to see God's will.

The two cow shits also hurried back after hearing the urgent report from the scouts. Otherwise, wouldn't the more black powder creations be, the better?

However, leaving the coastal forest, there are still craftsmen who continue to collect sulfur ore. With a continuous supply of materials, creations will continue to be produced.

Zhou Damin, who was responsible for delivering the decree, took out the secret letter.

Three letters in total.

"The first letter is a message to the presiding judge, deputy presiding judge and inspector."

Niu Shi was responsible for opening the envelope and recognized it at a glance, "This is the handwriting of a witch!"

Everyone showed joy and hurriedly asked: "Where is the content?"

Cow shit first read through it briefly to make sure there is nothing secret before saying:

"My lord the true God has a purpose——"

"In the holy name of Balance, I send down my will of judgment, so that the evil land full of sin can be purified and baptized."

"However, the world is ignorant and has been poisoned by sin; when the sword of judgment is waved down, there is only panic and fear, but they don't know..."

"Thunder, rain, and dew are all divine grace!"

"I came with a merciful heart, but I saw people abandoning my deeds, turning their backs on me, and heading toward falsehood and sin without looking at balance."

"What you need to know..."

"Anyone who abandons me and stays away from me will also be ignored and exiled by the balanced people; he will be allowed to ask for help but will not be saved."

"Only those who are close to me, willing to walk in my way, and dedicate themselves to devout repentance will be my people. I will cast the light of salvation on them with mercy, save them from the edge of death, and regain their new life.


The words end here.

People couldn't help but look at Quiztitco.

Quiztitco had a legal monk translating beside him. Hearing these words, he understood everything. With tears in his eyes, he knelt down under the statue of the god in the hall and praised endlessly.

Niu Shi took a deep breath and said again: "The battle in Tapong City needs to end within 10 days..."

"However, at this point, the journey of judgment is complete!"

At this point, all the bullshit in pronouncing the will is covered.

There was also an uproar in the venue.

"What, what does this mean?"

"We won't fight after we capture Tapong City?"

"But the real sinner is in the valley further south."

Zhou Weiguo was also at a loss, but he regained his composure in a very short time, "Quiet! Whether we are advancing or retreating, it is His guidance and instructions. We only need to follow them! This is a devout belief."

Hear this.

Everyone was busy shutting up and singing praises——

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

In fact, there is another story.

Niu Shi said: "The army of judgment has entered Tadong City and must carry out judgment again!"

"Everyone who commits sin must be judged; make known to all peoples and preach my balanced teachings."

"The world should know that those who are willing to surrender to Balance can embark on a glorious journey home with the army of judgment and gain joy and peace!"

"Anyone who comes to faith, you must treat him as a brother or sister, protect him, help him, and be his solid shield."

"If he doesn't want to, just ignore him and let him go;"

"Those who are not judged and purified will eventually be swallowed up by sin and disaster!"

"When the last person who is willing to embark on the glorious return journey arrives, it will be your day of triumph; I have sent down the 'Blessed Land' on the return journey so that you will not be disturbed by hunger and poverty during the test of the difficult journey!"

Read this.

Cow shit closed the letter, indicating that the first edict was over.

The march of judgment ends in Tapong City?

At first it was hard for everyone to accept.

But after listening to the instructions behind them, they gradually came to a clear understanding——

“Can our Lord’s grace be available to anyone?”

"If the whereabouts of the 49 people in this hill city are unknown, and it is written in the divine edict, our Lord must have watched and seen the signs of their desertion!"

"How can our Lord favor someone who does not want to get close to a balanced person?"

"Those who abandon themselves are the people abandoned by God; they can only be swallowed up by disaster, but we should not show mercy, because this evil outcome is their choice."

After some interpretation, everyone finally resonated with the balanced will.

in short--

We are here to save you, but you are still unwilling, so why should I bother you?

At this time, Shanshan said: "We all obey God's will and will never disobey!"

"I would like to protect and redeem those who are my brothers and sisters, and be a solid shield for them!"

"If you don't want to, ignore him and let him go; you will suffer the consequences!"

Everyone nodded solemnly, "Thunder, rain, and dew are all God's grace! Praise my Lord, praise balance..."


Niu Shi took out the second letter, and he smiled when he saw it, "This is a letter from home, written by Xiao Hua... Wynn!"

When everyone heard this, the serious atmosphere in the hall disappeared and turned into teasing and joking.

The affair between bull shit and the chief executive is now well known to everyone.

However, after hearing the content of the letter, everyone could not laugh anymore——


"Zhou Jijun received the grace of my Lord's 'Blessing of Immortality'?"

"Did you read that right? It's the Jijun? The Jijun who is as stupid as a cow..."

"Huh?" Shanshan frowned and searched around with sharp eyes...

Who, who openly slandered my son?

Can you say that my son will be blessed with eternal life?

Impossible, this is impossible!!

And at the same time.

The messenger Zhou Damin took out the third divine edict, opened the envelope and divided it into two parts. There were actually two letters.

One copy was given to Zhou Weiguo.

The other was given to Quiztitco.

Zhou Damin said: "Quiztitco's letter is a secret letter and cannot be read by third parties. It is my Lord's decree to burn it after reading it!"

"Anyone who disobeys will be punished by God!"

The words fell.

The noise and excitement in the venue a moment ago was instantly silenced.

This chapter has been completed!
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