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[236] Summation

At nightfall.

Only then did the people gathered in the palace leave; Tzozomok took the lead, his face showing fatigue and a hint of compassion.

His words echoed repeatedly in everyone's minds.

I believe in her, why doesn't she show kindness and mercy?

When everyone disperses.

Only a group of direct members of the royal family remained in the hall.

There was an eerie silence.

Either they lowered their heads in deep thought, or they peeked at a few key figures from the corner of their eyes.

The three princes seemed to have high status.

The eldest prince is already over sixty years old, and such an age is rare in the city-state alliance.

In his middle age, everyone had high expectations for him——

"The king is old and the eldest prince will inherit the throne."

However, year after year, this expectation has turned into "unjust"——

"Although the king lives a long life, he is not physically active. The eldest prince should start taking care of the royal affairs for the king!"

But starting from more than ten years ago, the voice of "crying out for injustice" has also faded.

It is a great blessing for the country that the old king lives a long life!

Because the glory of the old king shines, even the royal heirs will be healthy, and the eldest prince will also have the appearance of longevity.

So, here we are now.

No one mentioned the matter of inheritance anymore, because depending on the old king's health, who knows how long he can live happily in this world.

The voice of expectation also fell on the second and third princes.

Both of them are in their early forties.

They came up in sequence.

Before them, there had been several brothers and sisters, some of whom died young, some of whom married outside, or passed away.

When there are vacancies, the reputation is not good, especially when the old king seems to have a particularly long life...

If you are below the eldest prince, then you are the eighth prince.

Does that mean that the old king is "stealing the longevity of his descendants"?

Therefore, if we look at the succession of the throne in the future, it will fall on the second prince and others.

The second prince was in charge of the treasury;

The third prince has military power;

For the first echelon.

Later, there were several princes and grandsons who were very popular.

The benefits of the old monarch’s longevity have also been reflected since then.

After he killed his brothers, his children and grandchildren would not have to worry about fighting for power with their uncles.

Moreover, the old man was related by another generation, and the unfavored last princes under the third prince also had the possibility of ascending to the throne because of their children.

The seventeenth prince is the first person in the second echelon.

Because his daughter Mundaya was the most favored.

But in this quiet moment, he didn't dare to speak randomly, and just like everyone else, he peeked at the three princes.

As expected, the eldest prince, who had no intention of taking the throne for a long time and entered the university, was the first to break the silence: "What do you think of the wish of the king?"

He only looked at the two younger brothers and did not pay attention to the others.

Most affairs in the country are controlled by two people.

The second prince sighed: "I know the king's intention is to have his own way."

"But why not negotiate with the envoy for peace?"

"Since I have submitted my faith, it is better to regard the Kingdom of God as my main country, just like how other countries gave me Tepanix, and worship it year after year."

Some people nodded in agreement with this.

Seeking peace is one way, and it is this way that all city-states are pursuing now.

Each city built statues based on the "Image of the True Body of Our Lord", and the main seats in the temples where sacrifices were made were changed, without mentioning the name of the false god.

As powerful as Tepanix, Tezozomok calls himself "the attendant of the True God of Balance", and his attitude is kept to the lowest level.

So why not go a step further and start negotiations?

Of course, some people have different opinions.

"Are you still feeling lucky? News has come from Tapong City a long time ago that the Lord of Hill City has been executed!"

"And the oracle has already made it clear that everyone will be judged and embark on the road to redemption!"

"By then, everything we have will be in flames."

The man stopped shouting and walked to the third prince, "Prince, tell me what you haven't revealed today! Let them understand!"

Everyone was stunned: "What else has not been revealed?"

The third prince said calmly: "Nata Cave City is now Ahalkma City, which means the city of brothers!"

"After the city was destroyed, a witch from the Kingdom of God came and gave an oracle..."

He explained the origin of Kema City, and also revealed the important information of today's "trial": "Except for the few garrison officials who fled the night when the divine punishment came, the whereabouts of the others are unknown, and the rest have been punished, and they will all be punished with annihilation."

"Remember, it's everyone! No one is spared!


Having said this, he walked to the pillar, looked at the statue and said, "Is the true God merciful? Of course he is merciful!"

"But mercy is not for us!"

"On the contrary, this kindness is based on destroying us, and wants to use our flesh and blood as a gift to those lowly common people!"

"Seek peace? Those 17 people have made it clear that Kema City will be opened."

He glanced at everyone: "Which of you has the courage to serve as an envoy and go to Kema City to negotiate peace?! I can send troops to escort you and wait!"

At this point, those who had supported the second prince lowered their eyebrows.

The second prince was even more embarrassed and became angry: "Then why didn't you tell this matter just now?"

The third prince said disdainfully: "That's why I often say that your brain has long been filled with meat oil! If this matter is revealed, it will spread throughout the city-states, causing panic and rebellion, and will also make the people voluntarily move to Tadong.

, Surrender to balance!”

"We are the royal family and the lords of the valley! We are the ones who lead the will of the people, and we must not let the people influence our will!"

The second prince was so angry that he took a few steps forward, with his big belly pressed against the third prince, and shouted: "You also said that there are hundreds of people traveling with those 17 people, scattered in various cities!"

"Can you hide it from the people of Tepanix and other city-states?"

The third prince laughed loudly and sprayed spittle on his brother's face: "Do you think I am as stupid as you?"

"At noon today, I have obtained the results of the interrogation, and immediately sent Kuaizu messengers to various city-states to arrest those who returned from Nata Cave and block the news!"

This situation.

The second prince and the third prince were compared and judged.

The second prince's face was completely red: "At noon, the result will be at noon, why didn't the palace meeting be held until near dusk?"

At this time, someone finally couldn't stand it anymore.

The eldest prince walked up to the two of them, pulled them apart, and asked the third prince: "So, the king already knows what you just said?"


"So, the king spent the afternoon thinking about countermeasures, and that's why today's royal order was issued?"

The third prince smiled and nodded, and glanced at the second prince with disdain, his meaning was clear.

The eldest prince took a deep breath and looked at everyone, seeming to organize things and clear up doubts for everyone——

"The oracle of balance is very clear, and everyone who comes to her will be her subjects!"

"And it didn't talk about what we and other powerful people should do..."

"But the name of judgment has determined our fate."

"So, I think everyone has a tacit understanding of what choice to make!"

“But don’t give up until the end!”

"Therefore, the king is willing to believe in the true God and will not block the pilgrims' journey."

"If someone wants to leave, let them leave!"

"But the key point is... those who have returned from Tapong City are not allowed to enter the city and are not allowed to spread opinions. This can greatly reduce the unrest!"

"Even if thousands or tens of thousands of people flee from each city, it will not shake the foundation of our city-state!"

"After all, the number of people from various city-states living in Tapong City is limited!"

As everyone listened to his interpretation, their thoughts gradually became clearer.

The 17th prince said: "In other words, as long as we control the spread of public opinion, we can control the situation?"

"We can even make all people know the pain of judgment and migration!"

"Who would want to leave their homeland?"

At this point, a gasp of cold air could be heard in the hall.

Only then did they see the old king's strategy.

The stress from the previous moment suddenly dissipated.


At this time, the eldest prince stared at the third prince and said: "Then, let me ask again, if we can really negotiate peace, is the king willing?"

The third prince showed a flattering smile to his elder brother.

Because he knew that the eldest prince had long given up on fighting for power, and if he had his support, his weight would be even greater, so he has always been extremely polite to him:

"Brother, how do I know the will of the king? On the contrary, you are my brother and have assisted the king for many years. You should understand the king's voice!"

"Just like what you just saw, it is in line with true knowledge and worthy of the name of a wise man in the university."

The eldest prince had no objection to his flattery, but continued: "I think it would be best if we could seek peace."

The third prince then agreed: "This is nature. Only when the kingdom of God shines will we be more prosperous."

The eldest prince continued: "Have you ever thought about it, if the king responds like this now, God's punishment will come again?"


There was an uproar in the palace.

Blocking the news and letting the people leave is a lucky solution after all.

But in fact, the pressure of the true god always hangs over their heads!

When everyone showed frightened expressions again, the third prince remained neither humble nor arrogant. Only a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Then it depends on whether you, the heirs of the royal family, are willing to join the royal family with honor and disgrace!"

"To go is the punishment of judgment."

"To stay is to die as a punishment from God."

“But there is uncertainty in both!”

"In this case, I am willing to follow the lord of the country, because he is not only the lord of the valley and the highest authority; he is also my father!"

As the saying goes, death is inevitable anyway, why not take a gamble and stay?

Even if Judgment is lucky enough to survive, for the royal family like them, once they lose their authority, there is no point in surviving.

Because most of the people in this palace have been respected by all people since they were born, and are above all living beings!

"I am willing to follow the king!"

"The king is also my grandfather!"

"That's right, we are one with the royal family with honor and disgrace!"

The atmosphere on the court has been mobilized, the truth has been made clear, and they have no way out.

There was only one girl who looked blank and said nothing.

Beside her, her father reprimanded in a low voice: "Why don't you express your opinion? You are the most beloved granddaughter of the king!"

Mondaya said: "Isn't life better than death? Since we are a royal family, we should let our people live a happy and prosperous life!"

"If the True God of Balance can achieve all this, shouldn't we guide our people towards her?"

"You, you are crazy!

"The seventeenth prince's scalp was numb. He couldn't understand his daughter, "Mengdaya, what's wrong with you?"

"Could it be that just because you spent a few days with a slave as lowly as a wild dog, your noble will as a royal family has been tainted by him?"

"If the maid hadn't checked your body, I, I would have wanted to kill you, the person who has brought shame to the royal family."

Mendaya's face was extremely embarrassed: "Keya is not a wild dog! Father, if you want to kill him, just kill him! I will die with him!"

"But I'm afraid, the master of the country will kill you too!"

"You...you..." Prince Seventeen was speechless.

In the royal family, he was treated coldly, and his current status and power were all due to his father's superiority and his daughter's superiority.

Therefore, even at home, he has to treat his daughter with more respect than a normal father and daughter.

Otherwise, how could he not even bear to kill a slave and still delay it till now?

The two of them whispered, and received suspicious eyes.

The seventeenth prince did not dare to continue the quarrel and only threatened: "I may not kill him, but that doesn't mean I won't humiliate him!"

"Mengdaya, if you dare to say a word against the king again, I will make him suffer inhuman suffering! If you continue to seek death and life, I have nothing to fear!"

"You have to know what time it is now. The country is about to perish. Why should I covet the throne?"

After the words were settled, Mendaya was speechless.

It is at this time.

The eldest prince's voice aroused everyone's doubts again, "Then just do what you said before."

When the third prince saw that the eldest prince was speaking to him, he was puzzled and said: "Brother, what do you mean by this? Forgive me for being stupid..."

And the next moment, the eldest prince said something shocking——

"No one wants to negotiate peace, so let me go!"

"Instead of betting on the uncertain outcome, let me reveal the answer so that everyone can be mentally prepared!"

Block news and let those who run away go.

This is nothing more than lying down and trying your luck, betting on life and death.

But if someone is really willing to go to negotiate on behalf of the city-state, the extended results will have countless possibilities...

Is it possible to surrender to the equilibrium without eliminating the country?

Or, should the royal family not be sentenced to annihilation?

If he is born, of course everyone will be happy.

If it's death, then it's better to walk all the way to the dark side, do your best, and give it a try——

With such news revealed, the city-states are likely to truly unite and launch a confrontation with the army of judgment.

Instead of being like now, just caring about everyone's own danger, chaos is like a piece of loose sand.


The only victim who contributed to this incident was the eldest prince.

"Brother, how can I ask you to go to negotiate in person?"

At this time, the second prince also immediately said: "No, absolutely not! Even if you want to send an envoy to see the envoy, you must also ask the palace ministers and officials to go!"

However, the eldest prince smiled and shook his head: "If you want to ask for peace, but no direct descendant of the royal family comes forward, how can you be sincere?"

"I am the eldest prince and the heir to the throne of the king. My identity has enough weight."

"Even if we don't get the summation result, we can still present you with a final answer!"

"This is my responsibility as the eldest son of the royal family."

The words fell.

Everyone seemed to see a halo of light emanating from the eldest prince in this dark palace.

Even the second and third princes, who were fighting openly and secretly, couldn't help but look at each other and were shocked by the sight of each other.

It's late at night.

In the deep garden of the palace, the eldest prince alone knelt down to Tzozomok, who was sleeping on the soft couch.

He had made his mind clear when he heard a deep voice coming from the bed——

"I know you are unhappy with me for not passing on the throne to you for so long!"

"Why would you risk yourself?"

The eldest prince said: "Father, if I really covet the throne, I may cause turmoil when I am still in my prime! I respect you, and it is my happiest thing that you live long and healthy!"

"Now, I am old and have no intention of seeking the throne. Now that I have reached this point, I am willing to give my final strength to the kingdom!"

The figure on the bed sat up, looked at it, and said: "If you can really seek peace and return, I will retreat to you!"

"Father, I have already said that I do not covet..."

But before he finished speaking, the old man laughed and said: "If you don't covet it, just wait until I pass it on to you, and then you can pass it on to others!"

"Those who have made meritorious deeds should be rewarded. I will not hide this matter. I can also tell everyone that those who are willing to negotiate for peace on your behalf, if they succeed and return, they will be the owners of my throne and the scepter of the valley!"

This chapter has been completed!
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