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【242】Under Watching

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

Mondaya sat in front of a mirror, constantly adjusting her breathing.

The mirror is made of polished obsidian with no cracks or impurities and is completely black. Looking at the entire valley, such mirrors are extremely rare.

And as the most beloved granddaughter of the Lord of the Valley, she has the most beautiful things in the world.

No one in the world resists beauty, but they definitely yearn for freedom.

For this girl, Keya, who came from beyond the valley, was the apple that fell into the Garden of Yin, giving her real desire.

"Your Highness, it's time to set off!"

A call came from outside the house, but the entire palace was already boiling with anticipation for the ceremony of the prince's mission.

Mendaya stood up. She had already changed into her costume.

In fact, there is another lining under the dress, so you can easily take off the dress and put on other clothes.

The waiters and servants lifted up the sedan chair and set off towards the high platform of the sacrificial temple.

Along the way, they met many teams of princes and nobles, and finally when they arrived under the high platform...

The sky is bright.

More than 200,000 people gathered throughout the city, and the army maintained order. When the princes and nobles arrived, they stood at the foot of the steep steps and waited quietly.

As a long horn sound spread, the drums sounded like a thunderous rhythm.

In the distance, a "moving palace" is slowly approaching, as if floating on a sea of ​​people.

The person in the palace is "Tezozomok".

The only king of this powerful country.

The palace landed dullly in front of the stairs, and the carpet rolled down and was spread flat. The old Lord of the Valley finally stepped down...

The nobles knelt down and worshiped.

At the same time, more than 200,000 people kowtowed to him like waves.

The ceremony is completed.

The eldest prince, who was also entering old age, came and followed his father up the steps.

At this time, a group of nobles slowly followed.

They will ascend to the place closest to the sky, pray to the "God of Balance", beg for her mercy, and accept surrender, goodwill, and tribute from the Lord of the Valley.

The process of climbing the ladder is extremely long.

People need to slow down and give terzozomoc some time to breathe.

And vaguely, there was a buzz of discussion——

"The Lord of the Kingdom has personally implemented it for His Highness the Great Prince, which will confirm the rumors in the palace..."

"What rumor? It's no longer a rumor. Everyone in the royal family knows that as long as the eldest prince returns from peace talks, he will be the next king!"

"The second prince and the third prince will be willing to do so?"

"Haha, maybe when the eldest prince sleeps in the underground palace, the old king can still drink three cups of tequila liqueur every day!"

"The eldest prince will only go too far. The real battle for the king lies with the second and third princes!"

"You have forgotten one person, Your Highness Mendaya."

Someone's eyes began to search, and finally they found that the young girl had walked to the old king's side at some point and helped him continue to go up.

"This kind of favor is unprecedented among the descendants of the royal family."

"The old king's love for her is truly out of the care of the elders!"

The discussion began to diverge, and Mondaya represented the unknown.

Among the crowd, the seventeenth prince naturally heard all this and looked at his daughter serving the king, feeling extremely proud in his heart.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from beside him, "Your Highness."

The seventeenth prince converged his gaze and looked at the man. It was he who sent the guards to chase down Keya and his son: "Is the matter resolved?"

"I have disappointed His Highness!"

"What?" Prince Seventeen couldn't help exclaiming, attracting the attention of those around him.

He immediately lowered his voice and said, "What's going on? It's been three days and you haven't found them yet?"

"I chased and searched all night long, and even sent out quick feet to go to the 'Shield City' and turned back, but found nothing."

"You know, all the city-states have been closed. If they enter the city, the whereabouts of the father and son cannot be hidden."

"And with the strength of their feet, they won't be able to go very far!"

The seventeenth prince cursed angrily in a low voice: "Did they have wings on their bodies and fly away out of thin air?"

"No, I suspect they came back after leaving the city!"

"What's the meaning?"

The guard said: "There is a secret passage inside the big city that connects to the outside of the city."

"I know there is a secret passage, but why did they know about it? Or, how could they have thought that I would hunt them down?"

The guard continued: "This is just a guess, but it is also possible that they did bypass Shield City and take a long way out of the valley!"

"However, I have arranged a large number of people to go to various cities in the north to deliver arrest orders. Anyone who takes the heads of these three people will receive a heavy reward."

"Your Highness, give me a few more days and I will give you a satisfactory explanation!"

The seventeenth prince did not want to say more, but in fact, in his opinion, the father and son would not have the courage to return unless they died.

Of course, it would be best if he could be put to death directly, because that humble servant had almost contaminated the blood of the royal family.

"Okay, after today's ceremony, you can go hunting again."

Soon, we will reach the top.

Another person walked up to the Seventeenth Prince and called him by his name: "Tiers."

The seventeenth prince suddenly turned around, and was about to get angry, but in an instant he changed into a smile and said, "Your Highness."

The person who came was none other than the third prince.

"We are all sons of the king, why don't you call me brother?"

"Your Highness, the third highness, is sitting on the staff of military power. How can I compare with you?"

"Tilse, why are you pretending to me? I know you have great ambitions in your heart and covet the position of the king; Mondaya has been favored like no other! 'Queen of the Valley' is such a glorious title, even if it is

In the history of our ancestors, there were only a handful of them."

Tiers was frightened: "Your Highness, please don't lie. The Lord of the country is in good health, and His Highness has gone on missions for all countries. Besides you and His Highness, Mondaya will never be able to do it."

"That's enough." The third prince grabbed his arm and used force, making him look hideous in pain, but he didn't dare to scream...

"Your Highness, what are you going to do?"

"Relax, I want to make you sober! Let's talk directly! It doesn't matter whether the eldest prince returns with success..."

"The focus is still on the few of us! I have military power, but I am subject to financial power. Without financial resources, the armies of several vassal countries will not listen to my orders."

"So, we have to cooperate! If you can get Mendaya to gain financial power, I will use the army to push Mendaya to power! Let's work together to eliminate the second child!"


Tiers gasped: "Why?"

"What can you gain? Wait until the future to kill my daughter?"

"No, no, no." The third prince looked at Mendaya on the steps and smiled: "I am her husband, and we are the co-owners of the valley!"

"Mr. Wang?!

"Tiers was shocked. This was something he had never thought of.

Royal blood marriages often happen.

Even if the Third Highness is Mendaya's uncle, it doesn't matter. On the contrary, it can make the royal power more stable, and the cooperation will benefit both parties.

And looking at all the countries in the valley, which country does not have the blood of its ancestors?

For example, the "Aztec" who was already a prisoner and the wife of the monarch who died in divine punishment was the daughter of Tezozomoc.

Mendaya always wants to marry, and if she marries out, there is a high probability that she will be her cousin.

Then why can't it be an uncle?

Seeing that Tiers was shocked and speechless, the third prince said: "This is the best choice!"

"And I give you my promise. My and Mundaya's child will have the first line of inheritance, and when I am old, she will still be young."

"She looks so much like her father, she may become the second longest-lived Lord of the Valley!"

At this point, Tiers could no longer argue: "Deal!"

"Hahaha, then coax your daughter. I know she will not listen to you when she grows up! Obtaining financial rights is our first step."

At this point.

The old king had already stepped onto the high platform, and the two of them did not dare to say any more. They just followed their own thoughts and walked into the temple with the team.

Afterwards, worship the statue of Balance.

"O the only true God in the world, please listen to my voice. I will send my most beloved son to your knees and send endless treasures!"

"I just ask you to forgive the people of the valley and show us mercy..."

After bursts of praise, Tezozomok was out of breath.

Everyone was in tears because of his speech.

Finally, the eldest prince led the officials of the envoy to kneel down.

When it's all over.

Tezozomok led everyone back to the platform and issued the king's order: "Pilgrimage mission, set off!"

"May you return with the grace of the gods!"


The horns and drums sound again.

Everyone followed the old king down the high platform.

And at this time.

On the lower floor of the sacrificial temple, Qi Boche was urging everyone: "Quickly, change clothes!"

"The envoy will leave the city directly from the sacrificial platform, and we have to blend in!"

Polypomar, Oyer.

Keya, father and son, are all taking action.

On the side, Mendaya paused briefly.

Qi Boqie said: "Mengdaya, do you regret it?"

"No!" Mendaya said instantly: "I have no regrets, I am just afraid that if I fail to take this step, all of you will be hurt because of me!"

Keya had already changed his clothes and stepped forward to grab Mundaya's shoulders: "My beloved, believe in me... no, believe in the true God! We will escape from the prison and enter her kingdom of joy!"

"It is because of the guidance of the true God that we can meet again, right?"

Qi Boche whispered: "There is no time! Everyone, praise Balance in your hearts, she will guide us, she will!"

Mendaya took the clothes and ran to the corner to change.

A few people were almost hanging at the end of the queue, followed down the stairs, and quickly overtook them, blending into the enslaved crowd.

All the way to the foot of the sacrificial platform.

Even though everything around them was boiling, they couldn't hear a second sound besides the beating of their hearts.

The things in front of me also seem to change into a frame that freezes and jumps, speeding up and passing...


The high walls of the great city are already in sight.

The city gate was opened, allowing the front line of the team to step out.

At this moment, Mondaya and the others no longer dared to breathe, and time and space seemed to be frozen again.

The body is not under control, only instinct, taking steps again and again.


A sudden loud noise came from behind them.

They looked back and finally realized that they had walked out of the city at some point, and the loud noise was the sound of the city gate closing.


Several people took a deep breath at the same time, and when the sweet air poured into their chests, it seemed that they came back to life!

"We made it!"

"Really successful!


They celebrated quietly.

Qiboche looked at Mendaya and smiled: "It can be as fast as four days, or as slow as seven days, we can return to Kema City!"

at the same time.


Main city temple.

"Master, did they really escape?"

Zhou Li'an was like an emotionless transmitter, immersed in the [Eye of the Void], but explaining the situation to Xue Nu and others——

"Yes, they have left the city of sin!"

"Cipoche told Mundaya that we can reach Kema in 4-7 days."

The words fell.

He has opened his eyes!

The hall was already cheering.

Zhou Ruoyu and Zhou Ruonan were both present and excited;

Xiaohua listened with fascination, probably feeling the love between a princess and a commoner;

Even the snow girl, who is used to maintaining her majesty in front of everyone, smiled. She focused on faith: "He who is willing to move towards balance will also move towards him!"

The original intention of this situation was for Zhou Ruoyu to record it and rehearse it into a drama.

Before us, there was the Aztec King of Sin, embarking on the road to redemption.

Later, Princess Tepanix fled and moved toward equilibrium.

These are the best "balanced promotional materials", which can be used to spread folk stories, and can even be "manipulated" and included in the holy book of balance.

How to operate it depends on Zhou Li'an's subsequent arrangements for several people.

And in fact.

At first Zhou Li'an didn't pay much attention to Qi Boche, but it wasn't until he led people into the sacrificial temple that he caught Zhou Li'an's attention.

Wondering what he plans to do.

Later, he conspired with the princess and rescued Keya and his son, which became more and more exciting.

Equilibrium requires the stories of these people to fill in the background.

Instead of showing a pale and cold look.

People like the most dramatic legends.

Jesus' success in spreading faith and the rich storytelling of the "Old Testament" played a big role.

Apple, poisonous snake, Noah's Ark...

Later, the writers of the "New Testament" followed suit and wrote "people-friendly stories" such as the Son of God walking around the world and curing the blind and lame.

Then there is the betrayal of Judas, which clearly reveals the good and evil of human nature, and the story sublimates...

Zhou Li'an sometimes wonders whether he should wait until the positive role models are set before setting up a few "villain role models".

Of course, backstabbing can exist, but successful backstabbing is impossible.

The final outcome must be for the Lord of Balance to teach them how to be human beings!

At this moment.

When the hall was boiling, Zhou Li'an suddenly spoke up again: "Do you think this is over?"

Even if it was a "live broadcast", Zhou Li'an did not tell everything.

Such as the conspiracy between Tiers and the third prince, etc.

The heir of the royal family is missing, and he is the most favored one. No matter how slow their reaction is, they can catch up with the mission within 4-7 days when they go to Tapong City.

When my Lord's voice falls.

The uproar in the field immediately stopped.

Zhou Ruoyu is always the boldest person.

He is like a later generation addicted to watching dramas, begging the screenwriter not to write his favorite characters to death...

"My lord, are the princess and others going to be overtaken by the Tepanix people?"

"My Lord, I beg you to show mercy and save them!"

Zhou Li'an seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and said nothing.

Without the Kingdom of Tepanix, the influence of the royal family will decrease infinitely...

Because, first of all, something needs to be made clear.

They went to Kema City to seek peace.

Once the pursuers arrive, Qi Boche can reveal his identity and say, "I am a citizen of Balance."

Then the problem is given to the royal family——

To kill or not to kill!

This is the boiling point of Zhou Li'an's expectations for the whole drama!

Kill my balanced people, and I will have reason to declare war again.

Even if these characters die...but a few "consumables" are nothing?

Instead, this story will become the preface to a new historical chapter.

Such as Ahal and Kema, which established the beginning of the surrender and equilibrium of the people of China and the United States.

The death of Qi Boche and others may be the end of the army of judgment's unification of the earth!

If they really make it to Kema...

That doesn't matter, the story of the little character is complete and rewarding.

And for the next advancement.

Zhou Li'an no longer needs to care.

Just like a few days ago, he said to Snow Girl...

The balanced fire has actually been spread in the valley!

This chapter has been completed!
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