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[243] Escape

That night.

Zhou Li'an and Xue Nu return to the present world.

Before going to bed, I received a call from Barbara: "Boss, the preparation of dash8 has been completed. It only needs to register with the aviation bureau. It will be able to fly in 10 days. Now it depends on where you want to pick up the plane. I can ask them directly.

Sent to Cayero Island."

The equilibrium time and space is already May 20th.

The plane rolled off the assembly line exactly in June.

By mid-June, Zhou Li'an planned to set off.

The estimated time of "Zheng He's Fleet" by domestic old professors is between July and September, and there must be errors before and after.

After landing in Africa, you have to cross the continent to Malindi in the east, a total distance of more than 6,000 kilometers.

Arriving at your destination is all about waiting.

Zhou Li'an has no plans to get involved in Africa. It is far away from the Atlantic Ocean and the tentacles of Balance cannot reach it for the time being.

The development of America is just about to begin. With abundant resources, why bother to open up wasteland here?

It would be great if Europeans were willing to come and open up wasteland.

Wouldn’t it be beautiful to sit back and enjoy the fruits of a balanced future?

Zhou Li'an thought for a moment and said, "I'd better go to Juarez. Are all the supplies I need ready?"

"Yes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn seeds are the most productive varieties today!"

"In addition, vaccines and injections are also being shipped out from our pharmaceutical companies one after another, including a complete set of mobile medical stations for field medical treatment, as well as a large number of basic oral antibiotics, vitamin tablets, etc...."

Food crops are rewards given to the Ming Dynasty.

According to the original historical trajectory, American crops were introduced to the East more than two hundred years later in the late Ming Dynasty.

And it was not developed and used for a long time. Instead, it was regarded as a strange delicacy by the nobles and rarely flowed into the people.

But now, as a gift from God, the positioning of high-yielding crops has been clarified, and the situation will inevitably change, bypassing the officials and nobles and handing it directly to Zhu Di.

In the Ming Dynasty, the wheat yield per mu was more than 200 kilograms, while the rice yield was only about 500 kilograms.

Potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes are all in place, and they can all be added to the list of staple foods, with output exceeding 1,200 kilograms.

The method of making and eating them can save them the process of exploration. Only with abundant food can they have the motivation to "do things".

Zhu Di made five expeditions to Mobei, but none of the targets he struck were ideal and wasted a lot of money.

Zhou Li'an has now given him staple food. After the material level is improved, the combat effectiveness and sustainability will also skyrocket.

In addition, the most critical point is the "black powder technology upgrade."

The development of firearms in the Ming Dynasty was relatively mature.

It is often said that firearms of the Ming Dynasty are stronger than those of the Qing Dynasty. From the formula data, the formula used in the Ming Dynasty is closer to the optimal ratio of modern science.

But if you want to increase the power, you must also purify the properties of the raw materials.

The ancient Eastern countries have always been in a state of "technology but no science", so during the process of boiling nitrate, it is impossible to distinguish the composition properties of sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate.

If the raw materials cannot be purified, the power will never be effectively improved.

And the modern black powder that is actually mixed with potassium nitrate creates the big explosion scene of "broken tower cave city".

One more thing...

The cost of taking nitrate.

In ancient times, saltpeter was mostly mined from mineral sources. Most European countries did not have mines, so they used excrement and urine to create saltpeter ponds.

In the Ming Dynasty, saltpeter mining, transportation, and saltpeter boiling were all a production route. In ancient times, transportation capacity was extremely low, and the cost was infinitely high.

Then there is the saying, "A thousand days of saltwater boiling is not worth a general's shot."

It is too difficult to obtain saltpeter.

Then when equilibrium gives the Ming Dynasty the simplest method of artificial salt production, military costs will be reduced.

The result of Zhu Di's second expedition to Mobei is likely to undergo major changes.

And by eliminating the need for several subsequent expeditions, the life of the Ming Emperor could also be extended.

When Mobei was unified.

The products and military force were infinitely improved. Zhu Di's ambitions could not be limited to maintaining the status quo. He established the Sebari Pavilion to allow the Sebarians to come to the court.

Coupled with balanced provocation, the world situation will shift to a new development trajectory.

As for bringing the Ming Dynasty back into balance.

Just look at the League of City-States…

The emperor wishes to live forever, but he will never give up the inheritance of his ancestors.

Conquer by force?

It’s far from time!

The Ming Dynasty has already sailed to Africa, and the equilibrium has not even explored the inland rivers.

After the great development of the east, Mississippi shipping was the starting point for a balanced shipping industry.

So, it’s still the same old rules…

Fatten them before killing them.

And during this process, the news of the true God’s coming into the world cannot be blocked.

Zheng He's entire fleet consisted of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians, most of whom were from aristocratic families along the southeast coast.

Their ancestors and descendants, including themselves, may have held public office while engaging in smuggling and piracy at sea to support their families.

This group of people is most likely to be the first to surrender to the equilibrium.

My Lord, I will draw a circle in the South Pacific, which will serve as a place for their struggle for hundreds of years to come.

Develop the New World of Australia and establish a balanced outer enclave.

In this way, it is more practical than taking them to immigrate to America.

It's night.

The capital of Thepanix.

Inside the palace.

The seventeenth prince Tiers was sitting alone in an empty palace drinking alone, but he did not appear lonely. Instead, his face was filled with smiles.

His Highness the Third Prince's words in the morning kept flowing in his mind.

Seize financial power and combine military and financial power.

Perhaps he knew very well that when the third prince became the king's wife, he would definitely cover the sky with one hand, but the scepter of the Lord of the Valley was still in his daughter's hand.

Even in name only...

But he prides himself on being a very self-aware person. Even if his daughter is in power, she will probably be a puppet.

But when it came to having children for the third prince, the results were different. The third prince was almost fifty years old.

It is rare for the old king and the eldest prince to live as long as they did.

Authority can be gained little by little, and the days are still long.

But before that, it's still a question of whether he can rise to the top.

Why worry about the future?

You should focus on the present.

"Come here!" He called, and the maid stepped in, "Please come over, Your Highness the Princess!"

The maid took the order.

But not long after, another rush of footsteps was heard, and several maids looked frightened under the dim light of the brazier in the palace——

"Your Highness, the princess is not in the house..."

Tiers sat up suddenly, and the huge movement overturned the table in front of him, causing the drink to spill all over the floor: "What did you say?!"

He glanced outside the door and said, "It's already late at night, why isn't the princess in the house? But the king has summoned her?"

For some reason, bad emotions arose in his heart.

Then the maid said: "After today's sacrifice, the princess disappeared. We thought the princess went to serve the king... Doesn't your highness know?"


Tiers' mind went blank.

He suddenly remembered that the last time he saw Mendaya was when he climbed the steps of the sacrificial platform.

Mundaya served beside the old monarch.

It was also at that time that the words of the third prince's arrival made him completely confused, and he never saw Mendaya again.

And before that...

The words of his trusted guard jumped into his mind.

"There is a secret passage in the city. I suspect they are returning..."

Many people know about the secret passage in the city.

But it is definitely not something that three slave fathers and sons can understand.

Tiers also questioned at that time, how could they have thought that he would hunt them down?

But now, the answer to this question is ready to come out.

The person who knew that he was going to be hunted was not the father and son, but Mondaya.

That's why she sent them out of the city in person, and refused to return long after they left, just to delay the process.

Then, the guard's speculation may become reality.

Mendaya had arranged everything in advance, letting them go first, delaying time, and then returning from the secret passage!

But there is another problem...

"No, Mendaya definitely does not have such wisdom, and no one around her will betray me for her!"

This is the thought.

Tiers strode over the overturned table, came to the maid, picked her up, and said angrily: "What has the princess done these days, and who has she met?!


"Your Highness, the princess's daily routine is as usual. I have informed you. You, you know..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Tiers threw her to the ground and kicked her in the face again and again, as if she could hear the sound of the skull cracking.

There was a cry of pain, which soon turned into silent convulsions, and then fell into death.

Several maids on the side were frightened, and they were all trembling. Some even became incontinent, and their bodies were filled with filth and a foul smell.

Tiers looked like a madman and grabbed another person's hair: "Tell me, who has the princess seen?!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The maid cried loudly, and her survival instinct made her blurt out, "Princess, the princess goes back to the temple to offer sacrifices every day. Even these days, the time for sacrifices is much longer than before!"

"I don't know, I really don't know anymore!"


Tiers kicked the man to the ground, his eyes widened: "Sacrifice to the Temple! Yes, it is the Temple of Sacrifice!"

At this time, the guards outside the palace heard the commotion and all rushed over.

Tiers looked at them and said: "Catch everyone in the sacrificial temple, I want to question..."

Before anyone could react, he strode out again and changed his mind: "No, call all the guards and come with me!"

After a long time.

On the high sacrificial platform, a group of sacrificial priests and waiters all knelt down and worshiped.

Tiers tried his best to suppress his anger, because he knew that the disappearance of Mondaya must not be spread.

If the old king and the second prince were the first to know about it, hunt her down, and find out that she had voluntarily fled and betrayed the kingdom, even if she survived because of the old king's favor, there would be absolutely no chance of her becoming a leader again.

Therefore, he could only organize his words and inquire about the situation these days in a roundabout way.

After waiting for a group of sacrifices, the waiter finished the story.

Tiers looked at the high priest and said: "So, you are saying that Mondaya personally appointed several merchants to provide tribute to the temple a few days ago?"

"Yes, we have checked their situation, and they are a businessman with a good reputation in the city, named Polypoma..."

When he heard these words, the temperature in Tiers' heart dropped to freezing point.

After he appeased all the priests and waiters, he hurried to the city with his people.

But when he broke open the door of the house and searched the entire house, there was no one inside.

Under the moonlit night, he stood on his knees in the small courtyard and yelled: "Ah——"

The guards around him all remained silent and did not dare to approach, allowing him to vent his anger.

I don't know how long it took.

A person walked outside the hospital and hurriedly came to Tiers: "Your Highness, I have heard about the situation!"

"The princess must have infiltrated into the prince's mission when she ran away!"

"I have mobilized all my manpower to pursue the mission to the north. The mission will not move too fast. I am confident that I will catch up and bring the princess back before tomorrow afternoon!"

Tiers shouted angrily: "Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you go quickly?!


But the man said: "Your Highness, I need you to accompany me on this trip!"

Tiers was puzzled: "Why?"

"If you stay and the old king asks about Mendaya's whereabouts, how should you explain it?"

"Only if you bring Mendaya back with me can we explain that you were worried about the mission of the mission, so you took the princess with you and sent her to a distant place, only to be persuaded by the eldest prince to come back!"

"Therefore, if the princess is hiding in the envoy, you still need to convince the eldest prince and agree with him."

The words fell.

Tiers pondered for a moment and then made a decision: "You are right! I want to speak in unison with the eldest prince!"

"Let's go, leave the city now!"

Without further delay, the group gathered a team of sixty or seventy people and left the city through a secret passage.

If so many people leave overnight, even with Tiers' power, it is impossible to ensure that the news is suppressed.

On the contrary, he wanted to make it look like he had left the city to see off the delegation during the day.

After running all night, they only took a few short breaks.

Even if Tiers couldn't walk, he would only be carried by strong guards in turns.

Before I knew it, it was already noon the next day.

Everyone's face was pale and exhausted.

Kuaizu, who was sent to the front, reported back: "Your Highness, we have caught up with the envoy and informed the eldest prince that you will be arriving soon, allowing the envoy to stop for a while."

Tiers struggled off the guard's back, came closer in a few steps, and asked tremblingly: "Have you found the princess?"

The man shook his head: "Your Highness, we dare not publicize this matter for fear of being known by the officials in the mission, but we have asked the eldest prince to seal the mission and not allow anyone to escape!"

Tiers breathed a sigh of relief, and his body burst out with the last strength, marching into the distance, and finally saw the location of the mission.

The eldest prince had been waiting for a long time and came to greet him: "Tiers? What are you doing here?"

Tiers did not use the rhetoric of his confidants, but said: "My guards investigated yesterday and found that a thief escaped. He may have disguised himself and infiltrated the envoy!"

Even if you want to tell the truth to the eldest prince, there is no guarantee that he will still tell everything when he returns.

At this time, a group of guards had swarmed into the missionary crowd, causing a commotion.

He had already sent an order to knock the princess unconscious immediately and take her away when he saw her, so as to avoid others knowing the truth.

The eldest prince frowned and pondered, but didn't say much: "Then just check it out, don't wait too long!"

Tiers forced a smile, said a few words of endearing blessing, and then hurriedly entered the envoy to check out the faces one by one.

But as he checked one by one, the sigh of relief he had just breathed gradually tightened again.

Cold sweat kept falling from my forehead.

"No, no, no!"

"...Still not!"

"How is it possible, how is it possible!


He once again fell into madness, leaving everyone in the envoy at a loss.

"Check, check again from the beginning, be sure to find... the person!


at the same time.

On a hill far away, Qiboche and others were lying on the ground, watching the pursuers arrive, and asked the mission to stop and blockade them.

Oyer's voice trembled because of fear: "Sir, as you expected, they are really coming after me!"

On the side, Mundaya and Keya also looked pale and felt very sad.

Late last night, Qi Boche said that something might change and asked them to escape in the dark.

Now, the prediction has come true, and he has narrowly escaped disaster.

However, only Qi Boche knew that all this was not his fault...

His eyes looked at the young man beside Lava, Kumo.

Last night, it was this young man who found him and warned him: "If we escaped from the city a few days ago, they would come to hunt us down, but now that we have brought the princess with us, they will not let us go!"

Qi Boqie suddenly woke up, and only then did he realize that he was overwhelmed by the joy of escaping.

On the contrary, it was this young man's cleverness that saved everyone.

At this time, Polypoma said: "Sir, what should we do now?"

Everyone's eyes were focused on Qi Boche.

Qi Boche glanced at the young man and remembered what he said yesterday——

"Can't go north!"

"Every step of the way will be blocked and strictly investigated!"

"Only in the opposite direction!"

“Go south!


Everyone was stunned: "Then we will not be able to reach Kema and reach equilibrium!"

Qiboche looked up at the sky and praised: "Praise my Lord, praise the balance..."

"Our hearts have gone to you! We beg you to give us guidance and tell your people where the final road is!


This chapter has been completed!
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