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[246] welcome

The prince ordered.

The mission set up camp outside the mountains of Kema City.

Although it is late May, the nights are still cold and cool, and the valley is located in a plateau basin between mountains.

Frost is rare in winter and scorching heat is rare in summer.

Bonfires were lit throughout the camp and meals were cooked to keep warm.

But the migrants who had been accompanying them for several days were unwilling to stay long. They only had to walk until midnight to reach the city of Kema.

They took their relatives and family members to migrate for many days, and they couldn't wait to move.

When everyone leaves.

The mission, which had been lively in the past two days, suddenly became deserted. Compared to the joy and expectations of the migrating people...

Instead, the hearts of everyone in the mission were filled with a layer of suppressed emotions.

An official sat next to the eldest prince and said: "Your Highness, if the migrating people enter Kema City in advance, the news of the mission will definitely be known... Will the army of judgment come out overnight and kill us...


The prince looked at the fat official and smiled bitterly: "Didn't you say before that this trip will be a success?"

"Why are you scared now?"

"You have to know, no matter whether the migrating people brought the news in advance, the moment we entered the city, our lives no longer belonged to us. Even if the army of judgment arrived overnight, what could you do?"

"on the contrary……"

The prince smiled.

Everyone around him picked up their spirits and continued to listen.

The prince said: "Rather than rushing into the city to contact the army of judgment, it is better to let these migrating people bring the news back!"

"Let the divine envoy have time to decide what to do with us."

"The divine envoy is also a human being, and as long as he is a human being, the decisions he makes in a hurry are impulsive."

"And after thinking about it all night, maybe I won't be asked to wait until tomorrow to face trial directly."

heard these words.

Everyone didn't know whether to feel comforted or terrified.

But one thing is beyond doubt——

After entering the city, they had no control over their fate.

As a result, the mission took a rest all night, which actually kept most of the people awake all night.

The sky was slightly brighter the next day.

Let the team set off again.

The originally open land suddenly tightened, and a valley extended into the mountain.

The deeper you go, the narrower the valley becomes.


A roaring sound came from deeper in the valley.

At first it didn't attract anyone's attention, but as the sound got louder and louder, it sounded like thunder.

The team in front gradually stopped, and fear of the unknown appeared on everyone's faces.

I heard someone shout again——

"The army of judgment, the army of judgment!"

"Just like the legend, they actually controlled beasts as huge as bison!"

"O God, please forgive my sins, I, I don't want to die..."

"Run, run away quickly!"


The scene gradually got out of control, some people knelt down and worshiped, and some started to turn around and run away.

Everyone in the mission knows the legend about the Army of Judgment.

Listening and seeing are two different concepts.

Most of them were skeptical about the rumors, but when the army of judgment that controlled the ferocious beasts really appeared in front of them, they realized their own ignorance and the terror of the army of judgment!

"Your Highness, Your Highness, what should we do?"

Seeing that the guards of the mission were enslaved out of control, the officials quickly stood in fear beside the eldest prince.

But the eldest prince was looking at everything in front of him blankly, his eyes were trembling, and he was ignoring everything around him.

At this time, hundreds of Judgment troops riding ferocious beasts had already arrived in front of them.

Make the team subconsciously tighten up and stick together.

It was equivalent to clearing the way for the army of judgment. Dozens more riders rushed out, forcing those who had not run far back, and then completely

Surround everyone.


A whistle sounded.

Under the control of the army of judgment, each ferocious beast calmed down and moved closer together with small steps.

It only takes a moment.

The roar of iron hooves from the previous moment was no longer there, and it suddenly became silent, with only the heavy breathing of the beast flowing.

This situation.

The luck in everyone's hearts was destroyed.

Not to mention the coming of divine punishment, these hundreds of armies of judgment had frightened them out of their wits.

The beasts and their armor and stomach are secondary. This kind of formation is suffocating and shocking.

This is something they have never seen before -

true order.

Of course, there is order in the city-state alliance, but it is all scattered and vulgar.

The Tepanix people were once proud of their army, but regarded the Tezcarans living in the southern jungle as barbarians who did not know what civilization was.

But when these armies of judgment appeared in front of them, they turned into barbarians like the Tezcarans.

It is also like the control of the host country over the subject country. As long as the tribute is paid and the oath of surrender is taken, a power organization system is formed.

It seems that there are masters and servants, but in fact they are loose and chaotic, and everyone has different intentions.

And what about in front of you?

From the soldiers to the ferocious beasts they control, everything is integrated from top to bottom.

Just because of a whistle, orders and prohibitions are made.

Who among the city-state alliances can do this?

If one sees the big from the small, it is hard for everyone to imagine how powerful and prosperous the God of God will be.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Everyone in the mission has lost their strength, and only the eldest prince can support them.

The eldest prince finally came to his senses.

But he didn't wait for him to speak.

Another whistle sounded, and a gap opened in the team to make way.

They saw an old man stepping down from a large instrument with a rope connected to two ferocious beasts.

Following behind the old man were four sergeants who had just rolled off the beast.

All of them were wearing full red armor, and they were intimidating.

Among this group of people, this old man was the calmest, but because of the iron cavalry, he appeared unusual.

The eldest prince dare not neglect him again.

He quickly pushed away the crowd, stepped forward and knelt down: "I, the Lord of the Valley, the eldest son of Lord Tepanix Tezozomok, and the successor of the kingdom "Loboda", pay my respects to the envoy."

As he knelt down.

Only then did everyone in the envoy react and immediately followed suit.

But the old man laughed: "Although I am balanced by my faith in our Lord, and have received the grace of my Lord to gain responsibility and glory, I am not an envoy from the Kingdom of God."

"I am Quiztitco, a slave of the Lord of the Hill City!"

"But now, I am the deputy of the inspection team of the Army of Judgment. You can call me deputy inspector, or you can call me by my name."

Everyone was stunned.

Servant of the Lord of the Hill City?

But he became a big figure in the Judgment Army?

Even the Lord of the Hill City, the officials in this mission didn't look down on him, but now everyone is kneeling before his servant?

However, even though everyone had complicated thoughts in their hearts, they did not dare to express them.

Because the army of judgment behind the old man was the manifestation of his authority.

"Deputy...inspector?" The prince said it a bit hard to pronounce, because this position was said in the language of the God of Balance.

Quiztitko said: "It means supervision, guidance, and investigation!"

Just an explanation.

He glanced at everyone again: "You can board the car with me into the city, it will be faster!"

"As for the rest of the people, they can follow the cavalry team into the city on foot."

Loboda hesitated.

But then I heard Queztitko say: "You have to think

If you feel uncomfortable, you can bring four more people, otherwise the carriage won’t be able to fit in!”

Loboda raised his eyes and looked at this man of similar age to him, feeling shocked again in his heart.

His calmness is not like that of a slave to the lord of a small town.

Even if you are now blessed with power and glory, your transformation should not be so fast.

Not to mention, his words are hard to resist.

For example, the sentence "you have to feel uncomfortable" is not "you have to feel fear".

There is a world of difference between discomfort and fear.

"You, you, you two, follow me, sir... board the car."

"Car" is another new word.

The four people selected are all important members of the mission.

They stood up cautiously and saw the old man smiling at them and turning around to lead the way.

The five people came to the "car".

Following Queztitco's example, he climbed onto the frame and sat on the wooden stool.

Quiztitco reminded: "Learn like me, hold on tight and be careful not to fall!"

Everyone did it.

He then said to the guard on the side: "Zhou Damin, order the team to set off. Don't make it difficult for the people of the envoy. Arrange for them to wash up and have a full meal after entering the city."


Zhou Damin passed the order and blew the whistle again.


The carriage moved first and moved forward slowly.

Loboda and the others, who had never experienced this kind of experience, were obviously stunned for a moment. They were probably reminded by Quiztitco...

After all, Quiztitco had experienced this before.

When he first saw the Judgment Army, he wasn't even treated to a ride in a carriage. He was put on the back of a horse and lay prone, almost losing half his life.

However, before a few people could exclaim...

Boom boom boom.

The hundred-man cavalry was immediately divided into two groups, with one group leading the way and following beside the carriage.

The other department will lead the remaining members of the mission to the city.

There was the roar of iron hoofs all around, and the sound made the five Lobodas dizzy and even more panicked.

Without exception, they were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

Quiztitco slowed down the carriage and moved the escorting cavalry team further away.

At this time, the expressions of several people relaxed a little.

But a hint of cunning flashed across Quiztitco's face.

Only by balancing the people can we know the glory and joy.

Even if Loboda is the prince of the most powerful kingdom in the world, does he still look like he has never seen the world?

Quiztitco certainly has a sense of superiority in his heart, which is human nature.

The shock here is also specially designed for mountain climbing.

They learned of the arrival of the envoy last night. The chief judge and the leaders of the war groups originally intended to send out troops in person, leading three to four thousand people to frighten the envoy.

But in the end it was rejected by bull shit.

So it was changed to what it is now, a small team of only a hundred people, but all of them are old men in cavalry, with strict discipline and strict prohibitions.

Even Quiztitco, who was accustomed to the power of the iron cavalry, was shocked by this squad of 100 people.

The team marched for about ten minutes.

Seeing that the conditions of several people were getting better, Quiztitco spoke again: "If we walk, it will take half a day to enter the city from here, but with a horse-drawn carriage, the time can be shortened to an hour."

The four officials did not dare to interrupt at will.

Only Loboda said: "One hour?"

"This is the unit of time given by our Lord. There are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute."

"One second is one, as I count, 1, 2, 3..."

"To 60, it's 1 minute."

Loboda is not stupid, but is extremely smart. "That means counting 60 60 times is one hour?"

"Yes! If you are riding a fast horse, it only takes 20 minutes and counts 20 times to 60."

The city-state alliance follows the calendar system of the Mayan civilization and uses the base-20 system, which is similar to timekeeping. He also has mathematical skills, so it is not difficult for Loboda to understand.

On the contrary, it was Quiztitko who made His Highness the Prince curious: "Sir Deputy Inspector, I can see that you have great wisdom, and such wisdom should not be possessed by a slave."

"Why can't we have slaves? Are slaves not human beings?" Quiztitco was not arguing, just joking.

Loboda quickly shook his head: "That's not what I meant, it's just that slaves can't learn knowledge."

Quiztitko asked again: "Why can't we learn knowledge?"

Loboda did not answer any more.

Because he already understood what Quiztitco wanted to say.

"Haha." But Quiztitco did not make things difficult for him, but answered the initial question: "I studied in a big city. When I was young, my family was rich. My father owned a caravan and owned a hill city.

A whole cocoa forest supplies many nobles in the valley."

"But the lord of the hill city killed him and seized his wealth. When I returned from studying, I was demoted as a slave by them."

Loboda didn't ask stupid questions like "Why don't you seek justice?"

He is over 60 years old.

He also used his authority to dominate and bring blessings. Not to mention slaves and common people, even some nobles were allowed to be bullied by the royal family.

Therefore, he just sighed: "No wonder you are valued and given authority by God's messengers."

However, Quiztitko smiled and shook his head: "The one who gave me all this is not the messenger of God, but the true God of our Lord."

He told what happened after the army of judgment entered the hill city——

"That night, I was destined to die, but at the moment of death, I saw the light in the dark night!"

"At this moment, the angel of God came with his iron cavalry and saved me!"

"You may be wondering why the true God gave me the authority I have now? Because, a month later, my Lord's will was sent to me by Zhou Damin. My Lord had never seen me before, but he knew everything about me, and sent down the will to bestow upon me

I am responsible and accountable.”

"All the divine envoys of the Army of Judgment are called, I am the one chosen by the true God of our Lord!"

Having said this, he looked serious and told several people: "You must know that my Lord has a thorough understanding of all things in the world and is watching the world all the time."

"Therefore, there is a balanced motto——"

"Balance exists among all things!"

The words fell apart.

Loboda and others were shocked, with goosebumps all over their bodies, and even looked around unconsciously, as if they felt a gaze from the dark side watching them.

Regarding miracles, there is no doubt about it.

Because they have all seen divine punishment coming, and now they even see the power of this army of judgment.

And the words end here.

The talk also ceased.

Listening to the sound of horse hooves hitting the ground, several people lost their minds and fell into silence.

Unknowingly, the carriage faintly picked up speed.

Just when the sun rose high and finally passed through the shadows of the mountains and shone on them, they also saw their destination——

Aha Okemah City.

The wall at the south gate of the city is not tall and cannot even be regarded as a city wall.

Because when the city was first built, it was thought that if Tadong City was destroyed by the northern tribes, they would not be blocked by high walls if they wanted to seize it back.

But now, Tapong City is destroyed.

They also lack the courage and strength to reoccupy it.

Entering the city, the carriages and cavalry did not stop, but the leader raised his arms to signal.

On both sides of the city gate, I saw sergeants wearing armor and stomach, stamping their feet, waving their arms, shaking their breastplates, and shouting in unison——

"Praise for balance!


This scene made several people stunned again.

When they regained consciousness, they had arrived at the central square of Tapong City. There were still cliffs on both sides, but there were more densely packed buildings.

Under the valley, there are mostly low-rise buildings and residences for civilians.

Because of this, looking north from this angle gives you an unobstructed view.

At the first glance, they saw the legendary place of divine punishment——

The 20-meter-high wall actually opened a huge hole in the middle, and the surrounding earth and rocks had already been cleared away.

But the remains of the high walls on both sides were still black from the burning.

Such a scene makes people involuntarily think of it in their hearts... Is there a giant falling from the sky and smashing the high wall with one punch?

But Loboda remembered what the migrating people said.

That is not the power of divine punishment!

It is the power displayed by the secret laws and principles given by the only true God in the world to her people!

This chapter has been completed!
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