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[247] Disturbed

"Your Highness, how did this high wall break down..."

The four people beside Loboda were also dumbfounded, their mouths wide open enough to hold down a fist.

Another rumor became a reality, and an invisible force struck their hearts hard.

"Laws... secrets..."

Loboda murmured.

And unconsciously, a contrast emerged in my mind.

Because Tapdong City is located in the gap between two mountains, it can take advantage of the terrain to erect a high wall barrier between the two mountains, and this city wall is actually stronger and taller than the city wall of Panix Capital City.

If the army of judgment moves south, no city will be spared.

"Over there is the sculpture given by our Lord, the embodiment of courage - the Kema statue."

Quiztitko pointed to the side, "The spirit of Kema has become an apostle under my Lord and enjoys eternal glory."

Not far away, a tall bronze statue stands.

A few people walked over out of curiosity, and saw that the man seemed to be kneeling down, his back was full of arrows, and there was even a carving on his back that looked like blood dripping down the arrow shafts.

When you look back in front of you, every detail is lifelike.

It's like a living person, magnified several times, and then solidified into a sculpture.

"A miracle!"

"I have never seen such a beautiful sculpture."

"This is a skill that the world cannot master, just like the 'True Statue of Our Lord' given by the true God."

In every city-state, there are countless statues of Kinkou scattered around. Small wooden sculptures are kept in the homes of the people, and large wooden sculptures are mostly housed in sacrificial temples.

Therefore, Zhou Li'an's appearance has actually been spread throughout the valley and is known to everyone.

When several people were amazed, Quiztitco added: "Sculpture, painting, singing and music are all the laws of art."

"As long as there is a desire to learn, everyone can practice various laws and eventually sail into the sea of ​​endless laws to explore the mysteries of the universe."

"What is the universe?" Loboda didn't know how many times he heard new words.

Quiztitco smiled and pointed to the sky.

Loboda was obviously wrong, "The universe is the true god of balance?"

Quiztitco shook his head: "The universe is space, including the earth planet we are on, which is also a part of the universe."

"The planet was created by my Lord, and there are countless such planets scattered throughout the universe."

"But the current scientific divine power laws of the Kingdom of God are not enough to reach the realm of the sky, let alone break through the shackles and step into the galaxy!"

"You can understand that flying to the highest sky and stepping into the stars we see every night is the universe."

These words completely subverted their understanding.

There were so many doubts that even Loboda didn't know where to start.

Quiztitco certainly understood how they felt, because he was also confused for a long time when he learned about these "common sense of the secrets of the law".

But as long as you understand the operating rules of the planet and solar system, everything will be accessible.

At this time, I have to explain all this to several people, and there is not enough time.

He stepped aside and extended his hand to invite you: "Come with me, you guys, go wash up and change clothes first."

When the officials next to the prince heard this, they were a little embarrassed, but they did not dare to get angry. They just said tactfully: "Emissary, we were resting outside last night. We have specially changed our clothes and tidied up our appearance to show our respect for the true God and his envoys...


The implication is that you think we are dirty?

Quiztitco chuckled and said: "You have misunderstood. Washing and changing clothes in the city is a health management regulation."

"Well, it's a bit complicated to explain, but you can roughly understand it as custom."

Starting from the Tushi Valley in the Tushi Department, health regulations were established.

In the future, all parts of North America will be unified, and they will undergo sanitary baptism before entering the city, which is the simplest way to isolate the epidemic.

Since the operation of Kema City, it has completed the health inspection of the people in the city and strictly complied with the health management regulations.

Those who leave the city and return with their relatives will naturally have to go through the inspection again.

Most of the people in the city were puzzled by this move and found it a bit cumbersome.

But if you want to be a balanced citizen, of course you must obey orders.

As for the army of judgment...

To be honest, it is impossible for them not to discriminate against the people of these city-state alliances.

Even if the army is running around, everyone loves to be clean.

It has been 14 years of equilibrium, and the issue of personal hygiene has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Naturally, the people of these city-state alliances are not so particular about it. Due to the cold weather, they only take a bath once a month or even more.

To put it bluntly...

That's right, I just think they are dirty.

Quiztitco always spoke politely and politely, and Loboda knew that he was already very polite, so he didn't ask any more questions.

They are full of curiosity about everything in the city and can observe and understand bit by bit.

"Okay, follow the arrangements of the envoy of God."

The prince spoke, and everyone followed Quiztitco to the mansion on the mountainside.

The houses of the nobles in the city have all been vacated, half of them have become the residences of the Judgment Army, and the other half have been distributed to the city residents who have no place to live.

Migration is imminent and there is no point in building houses now.

As a result, they saw many civilians along the way. Most of the people were in a hurry, but the joy from their hearts was always there.

When I saw Quiztitco, everyone said hello and said hello——

"Praise for balance."

Quiztitco also took the trouble to respond.

The prince and others discussed privately: "What are they going to do?"

"have no idea."

"There don't seem to be many people in the city. It stands to reason that Tadong... Oh, no, there are at least 150,000 people gathered in Kema City, and there are 40,000 people from the Judgment Army, which is almost as good as the royal capital of Bitpanix."

"I also saw people from the Northern Tribe..."

"And this Kema City is much smaller than Wangdu City, but I didn't see many people along the way."

The prince also frowned in thought, but this time he did not ask questions and just continued to observe.

Quiztitco took them to Tugo House, one of the few noble houses in the city, which now serves as the office and residence of the 'Inspection Team'.

At this time, the guards had already boiled water and prepared clean clothes.

The open-air bath in the courtyard emitted a layer of white mist.

From the bathhouse, you can overlook everything in the city.

It has to be said that the enjoyment of the nobles of the city-state alliance is no worse than that of later generations.

Although it is too extravagant for the current balance, there is no need to destroy it, just make the best use of it.

"I won't disturb you any more. You can find me in the outer hall after you wash up."

Another person among the four said: "We want to bathe with His Highness? Where is the maid?"

Not far away, the law monk who led everyone inside was immediately amused: "Maid? Where did the maid come from!"

"There is balance here, everyone must support themselves!"

"What? You want someone to help you take a shower? Okay, I'll shave your skin!"

There was a burst of joking, and the man was so frightened that he hid behind a few people.

Quiztitco pressed his hands to calm down the atmosphere, and then said: "Your Highness, when you get to Kema, we will provide you with food, clothing, housing, and transportation, but there will be no one to serve you here."

"If you are a citizen of KILO, you actually have to work hard to have food to eat. But now that you are guests, this is already KINO's highest courtesy."

Loboda was shocked: "Even if you are a divine envoy, there is no one to serve you?"

Quiztitco nodded: "Under balance, we are all subjects, and among subjects, we are all brothers and sisters."

“Will you let your brothers and sisters serve you?”

"Of course, if your wife, your child, is willing to serve your husband, your father, that is a personal choice."

"But in equilibrium, all people are equal."

"My Lord has said that the strong should protect the weak and give them support and help."

"When everyone is strong and healthy, then this Kingdom of God will be powerful and invincible!"

After that, he looked at the sun and said, "Guys, please hurry up, it's lunch time soon. If you miss it, you'll be hungry."

Quiztitco turned around and left with the people, leaving a few people in a daze.

Of course they can't understand it all...

"People are equal? ​​How is this possible!"

"The sergeant who rides the beast and wears armor obviously respects him. This is respect and inferiority!"

"There are also people who said hello to him along the way. Which one is not because of his status?"

"It is really hypocritical for a slave to dominate and do things well after he has gained authority."

However, Loboda laughed, and while taking off his clothes in front of everyone, he said: "I have respect, but...who do you think is humble?"

"Didn't the young man who just scolded you hold his head high and his chest high? Did the citizens along the way kneel down and worship?"

"From now on, you guys remember, read more, talk less, and don't forget where we are now! If we really arouse the wrath of the envoy of God, you will know the consequences very well."

The four of them looked at each other, then realized that they were speechless, and looked around in fear.

After confirming that no one was there, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But seeing that the prince was already naked, he was embarrassed and at a loss what to do.

When the prince walked into the bath, they could only follow him with blushing faces and be honest with each other.

During bathing time, no one spoke.

Everyone was sorting out what they saw and heard when they entered the city, and they all felt that they were in a strange place.

When the water temperature gradually dropped, they gradually came to their senses and stood up to wipe and change clothes.


Just then.


A long trumpet sound resounded throughout the city.

The obese official who had just stepped out of the bath was so frightened that he slipped and fell heavily to the ground, but he still shouted——

"Attack the city! Someone is attacking the city!"

The rest of the people were also scared to death, but they did not forget to help the prince: "Your Highness, hurry up, hide quickly!"

Loboda was also shocked, but he immediately couldn't laugh or cry: "We are in Kema City, who else will come to attack the city? A city-state alliance?"


Everyone froze for a moment and looked at each other.

"What is that horn..."

When curious.

Under the valley, the sound of people boiling could be heard again.

The five of them were standing high, overlooking the city.

Outside the broken high wall, a huge crowd was seen walking into the city.

When they first saw it, they were panicked and thought it was an siege.

But soon I discovered that the crowd was walking slowly, in separate groups, laughing and chatting as they moved forward.

Countless people poured into the originally empty city, and then divided into several groups, heading to several newly built large houses in the valley.

"Look, when have the tables and chairs been set up over there..."

"Those people lined up again, waiting for something in front of the big house."

At this moment.

A voice came from behind several people, "Dear guests, have you finished washing? The teacher is waiting."

They turned around and saw the young man, but he was no longer the law monk from before.

The young man said: "My name is Dedege. I follow the deputy inspector to learn the secrets of the law and also handle some trivial matters together."

"The law monk just now said that you are unclean and contaminated by sin, and he is unwilling to receive you, so he has no choice but to let me come."

"Oh, I was originally the bodyguard of this mansion, but I have surrendered to the balance."

After several people heard this, they felt angry again.

Just say you want to change people?

Because you think they are unclean?

The prince ordered several people: "Get dressed quickly, remember what I just said, read more and talk less!"

They put on clean underwear and prepared furs, feeling extremely warm.

"This fur coat is far thicker than ours."

Dedege was still waiting not far away and explained: "This is the bison hide from the North. It lives in a cold environment, so the fur is thick."

"It was originally prepared by the wives of several war group leaders for their expedition, but because I entertained a few of them, I gave it to you as a gift."

Loboda said: "Thank the leaders for me."

Dedege should be.

Loboda pointed down the mountain again, "Dedege, what are the people below doing?"

Dedege said: "It's lunchtime, and the horn sound just now was the meal trumpet..."

"Because the people working outside the city could not hear the shouting, they replaced it with the sound of trumpets."

"Place the food?" They were puzzled again.

Dedege explained: "Three meals a day in the city are prepared by dedicated personnel."

"Didn't you say that there are no waiters in the city? Why are there still people to serve them when they are eating?"

Dedege couldn't help laughing: "That's not a waiter, but a canteen staff."

"In Kema City, the people perform their duties! Those who are good at hunting join the hunting team and hunt buffalo with the army of judgment..."

"Those who are good at hard work go to the dense forests in the mountains to cut trees."

"There are also craftsmen making tools and utensils in the open areas outside the city."

"Therefore, there are also people who are good at cooking and are responsible for cooking meals for the people in the city."

"In this way, those who work hard will have food to eat when the time comes, and everyone has put in the work."

Several people asked again: "No one thinks it's unfair?"

Dedege asked back: "Why do you think it's unfair? The harvest of the hunting team was turned into meals in the canteen and supplied to the people of the city, and the furs were also made into clothes."

"The loggers obtained the wood and gave it to the craftsmen, who then built a residence so that everyone could have a roof, just like the big canteen..."

"Therefore, people in the canteen should also cook for hunting teams, craftsmen, and woodcutter. We are all brothers and sisters, united and friendly."

The entire chain left several people speechless.

They had never thought that the city-state could still operate like this? But if they put themselves into it...

They shook their heads slightly again.

These people are all rich and powerful, why do they still have to work in the fields?

Wouldn't it be nice to have slaves to do things for you?

Of course, they never dared to reveal their feelings, so they just arranged their appearance and followed Dedege out.

Loboda alone was lost in thought.

He probably understood why God sent judgment and said they were guilty.

Balanced joy is shared.

The joy of the city-state alliance only belongs to a few people, and what the few gain is the benefit of the many.

Therefore, the rich and powerful can enjoy their gains.

But in this process, some of the majority of people are destined to have insufficient food and fall into poverty.

There is no need to compare the two, because the city-state alliance has no place to be ashamed of in front of the Kingdom of God.

Loboda could imagine that if everything here was known to the people of the valley...

The authority of the city-state alliance will be completely shattered!

And when he looked at the four people beside him, he found that they had no feeling at all about all this.

There is neither fear nor yearning.

He knew that this was deliberate ignorance on the part of several people.

Because they are the current ones in power, how can they tolerate their authority being shattered?

Likewise, Loboda himself is a member of an interest group.

But the problem is, his mind is already confused.

(End of chapter)
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