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[295] Rewards for meritorious deeds

The ruins of the great city are filled with the smell of destruction.

But at this time in the palace, thousands of people felt a fiery tremor in their hearts.

Mondaya doesn’t need to say anything more…

Two thousand soldiers dropped their weapons, took off their clothes, and walked alone.

"I am willing to surrender to Balance!"

"This is a crime we committed. How can we let Her Royal Highness bear the consequences for us?"

"You all must remember that whoever dares to disobey the balance from today on, even if God's punishment is not available, I will be the first to pierce the disobedient who has failed God's grace and His Highness..."

They kept shouting and warning;

They all walked up to Mendaya.

Not far away.

Zhou Weiguo and Quiztitco looked at each other and praised Balance in unison.

Immediately, he issued an order: "Those who are willing to move toward equilibrium deserve redemption and guidance."

The heavily armored infantry all moved into action to recruit these two thousand soldiers.

Quiztitco added: "These two thousand people need to be distinguished from the people outside the city..."

"Including their relatives and family members, they also need to bear the same oath restrictions."

Zhou Weiguo nodded.

Since Mundaya imitated the witch's feat, the matter cannot be treated as a trivial matter.

"How should we arrange it specifically?"

Quiztitko glanced at the sky, his eyes were hot and trembling, "Everything still needs to be decided by my master and the witch."

Soon after.

Two thousand sergeants were recruited, and under the guard of the heavily armored infantry, they walked out of the city on the road they came through, baptized by the rain.

On the high ground of the palace, the old man was still standing there.

He was angry and unwilling.

The scepter in his hand shook slightly with trembling.

He has no one left to rely on.

The holy vessels in the sky roared incessantly, but no words of her judgment were heard.

Mendaya's thoughts were gone. She walked up the stairs alone, as if she was completely unconscious, but every step she took was extremely firm.

"Zhou Damin." Zhou Weiguo called, "Guard Mendaya, don't let her get hurt!"


Zhou Damin and several infantrymen followed immediately.

Just a frail old man, any cavalryman can easily subdue him.

Soon, Mondaya came to the top of the stairs and faced Tzozomok face to face.


When she calls out the title, tears still fall down.

"Oh, how am I qualified to be your grandfather? You are someone who can talk to the gods."

Mendaya took a deep breath and said, "Even now, haven't you confessed your guilt yet?"

“Tens of thousands in Tenochtitlan starved to death because of your ban;”

"The city-states in the valley also blasphemed and offended the true God because of your deception!"

"Obviously we can lead our people into her kingdom of joy, but you stubbornly insist on letting evil permeate this valley!"

Tezuozomoke didn't answer, he raised his head proudly and only stared in the direction of the sacred weapon.

Mengdaya could only talk to himself: "The eldest uncle has surrendered to the balance; the third uncle has also brought the Eagle Guard to serve the balance..."

These words made the old man look moved and angry: "Why don't they come to see me?"

"Because I can't bear to see you annihilated in divine punishment."

Tezozomok laughed: "Hahaha, why can't you bear it? If you can't bear it, how can you betray me?"

"Mengdaya, it's not in vain that I love you the most. You are the only one who is willing to come and see me for the last time!"

"You are also the most capable of achieving things. If you surrender to this god early, you will receive favor!"

"At least, the bloodline of my Teotihuacan ancestors will not be cut off."

"Come on, let me see how courageous my most beloved heir is!"

The old man's expression suddenly became ferocious, and he raised his scepter high and was about to smash it down at Mendaya.

Mendaya exclaimed, and subconsciously pulled out a dagger that was blessed by the city in the lake.

The dagger has no decoration, only the blade is horribly sharp.

"How dare you!!"

Zhou Damin shouted, the long sword was in his hand.

But before he could strike, the old man staggered and fell forward.


Several people around heard a faint sound of penetration.

Mendaya felt her hands were wet and warm, and red liquid flowed down from her hands.

The dagger had already fallen with the old man, sinking deeply into his chest.

Mendaya was completely stunned, but she suddenly felt a sharp pain on her shoulder, which was caused by the tight clasp of Tezozomok's fingers.

The hoarse fading voice woke her up——

"Spirit of the ancestors of Teotihuacan, please let the sun god bless my descendant, Mondaya!"

"Let her see the true light and restore the glory of Tepanix!"

"Evil gods will surely be annihilated!"


"My Mondaya..."

He whispered his name, the color in his eyes gradually faded away, the last moment before his death.

It seemed as if Mondaya had seen the favor of the kind old man again.

His tightly clasped fingers were unable to loosen, and his body was about to slip.

Mendaya hugged him and murmured with tears: "Grandpa, you are wrong!"

"There has never been any glory to the Kingdom of Tepanix..."

"There is no such thing as a sun god."

"How I hope you can wake up at the last moment, so that you can at least be guided by my Lord and step into the door of the afterlife."

Mendaya did not cover up her words deliberately, she was alone and magnanimous.

She let go.

The old man's body suddenly collapsed.

Turning around, Mondaya raised the dagger in his hand: "The blasphemer is dead! From this moment on, sin will no longer pervade the valley, and balanced glory will spread everywhere -"

"Balance exists among all things!!"

Countless people were stunned under the stairs.

Followed closely.

Boom boom!

The sound of armor shaking was deafening, and the heavily armored infantry let out a mountain cry——

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

"Balance exists among all things!"

And in front of the battle.

Quiztitco was a little confused. He had imagined countless scenarios of the end of the trial, but he never thought it would end in such a dull way.

Of course, all three cities in the Kingdom of Tepanix have been reduced to ruins.

But the trial of this criminal was too ordinary.

He looked up to the sky, as if there was still hope.

But when Zhou Weiguo's words came, he was stunned: "It's over!"

"Knot, is it over?"

"Well, the blasphemer is dead, so it's naturally over!"

"But my Lord has not sent down divine punishment..."

Zhou Weiguo shook his head: "A mere blasphemer is not worthy of being judged by our Lord himself!"

"And the judgment of his descendants represents the choice of the people of the valley themselves..."

"They chose equilibrium!"

"Open a new era and a new chapter, leading to a prosperous age of balance and joy!"


He took out the pen and paper again, and sketched out the rough edges, which he would fill in later.

Finally, he wrote a few words on the side: "The Trial of the Girl"!

The draft, which has no details yet, already shows the weakness of the girl and the madness and ferocity of the blasphemer...

One fell down and the other stood still.

The contrast is so visual that it makes people feel shocked.


Gao Tian finally ushered in the will of the gods again.

"Preach me and get your will!"

"Balance the army of judgment, rectify everything in the valley; judge the sins, compile a list;"

"The people of each city will form a 'brigade' unit to complete the migration lottery selection!"

"Move half of the people to the eastern part of the Kingdom of God to carry out the great development of the eastern part!"

"Instituting the Aztec Crime King, Qimal Popoca, as the deputy leader of the Eastern Development Supervision Group, assisting Li Huai'en, the chief of the left Temple Mountain, to lead the land reclamation and land reclamation for the Eastern Development!"

"Establish Mondaya as the president of the temporary courts of the cities in the valley;"

"To preside over matters of judgment under the law;"

"When the migration begins, Mondaya will accompany him, making a pilgrimage to the first main city of the Kingdom of Balance, and entering the Temple Mount to practice the secrets of the law..."

"When will we break through the Great Perfection of the Law, and when will we return to the valley and take office!"

"Previously, Quiztitco was appointed as the acting president of the temporary courts of the cities in the valley, assuming the responsibilities of Mundaya;"

"Initiate, deputy chief judge of the Judgment Army Niu Shi, and bring 20,000 cavalry to form the first legion of the 'Salvation Land' to stay in the valley and preside over the rectification, legislation, trial and other matters in the valley!"

"Stand up, the Chief Judge of the Judgment Army climbs the mountain, takes 20,000 cavalry, and leads the people to move north to make a pilgrimage to the Kingdom of God. On the day of victory, he will enter the Supreme Council of Elders and sit at the top of the list!!"

"Inspector of the Inspection Team of the Army of Judgment, Zhou Weiguo, is established as the Chief of the Temple of Balanced Law in the Land of Redemption..."

"Supervise the establishment of balanced colleges in each city and take charge of administrative matters in each city."




The divine edicts issued one after another are not only rewards based on merit, but also a temporary framework for completing the overall layout of the north and south of the kingdom of God.

In the north, the large-scale development of the east was presided over by Qimar Popoka;

Because the Aztecs are now the most fanatical believers in balance, they can set an example and facilitate the work.

Of course, he still has a lot to learn, and Xiaohua is still responsible for the main affairs.

In the south, to pacify the people in various cities, we must rely on Mondaya;

But Zhou Li'an also said...

Mondaya also needs to go to the Kingdom of God to practice the secrets of the law. He will not be able to return in the next few years, and everything must be done by Queztitco.

In addition, of course, all the power in the valley cannot be handed over to the people in the valley. The core power still lies with Zhou Weiguo and Niu Shi.

One person in charge of military power can intimidate the people and train new recruits for the next step towards South America.

One advocated administrative enlightenment and further "baptism and purification" to wash away the old marks of the valley from the roots and complete "balanced".

Once the proposition is established, the north-south movement will be complete.

Soon, the Kingdom of God’s law monks will continue to come and take up administrative positions in various cities.

Of course, dharma practice will not be put on hold.

Everything is still in ruins, and the development of industrialization is not only an increase in the level of civilization, but also a learning process for the monks on the Temple Mount.

Practice is far more useful than studying hard.

A divine decree was issued, and Zhou Li'an pressed the record and replay button;

The holy vessel flew outside the city and began to play the will repeatedly.

Under the steps of the Royal Palace...

Zhou Weiguo's expression was filled with joy and surprise, and finally turned into trembling, pointing at his nose: "I, did I hear you right?"

"Am I the chief?"

"Wouldn't that mean we are on equal footing with Xiaohua?"

The surrounding law monks were also shocked and stunned.

The Chief Little Flower of the Temple Mount, but a shadow weighs heavily on their hearts, and their authority is not even weaker than that of the Grand Elder of the Supreme Elder Hall.

Now my Lord divides the north and the south.

Establish the kingdom of God as a place of divine revelation.

Make the valley a place of salvation.

From this point of view, it is also appropriate to create a new law temple.

While Zhou Weiguo was still in a daze, the disciples beside him had already begun to congratulate: "Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

"Teacher, congratulations!"

"You are the only three Dzogchen Laws in the Kingdom of God, and the name of the Chief of the Law Temple of the Land of Redemption is none other than you!"

Zhou Weiguo was all excited and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha..."

"If Xiaohua knows this news, she will definitely curse me in her heart, saying that I am not enough to take on everyone."

"But now this is my Lord's decree, what can she do? Hahaha."

outside the city.

There was also a tremor and noise everywhere.

Around the mountain climb, a group of war group leaders gathered around, ecstatic.

"Brother, you have finally got your name corrected. You have entered the Supreme Elder's Hall and have the first seat. Doesn't that mean that I will be the Great Elder of the Kingdom of God from now on?"

Climbing a mountain can never define one's position, but one can control military power.

Most of the people of the Kingdom of God call him ‘the patriarch’ in the old way, but in fact this title is far from intimidating and is not as awe-inspiring as Xiaohua.

That’s why some people say that mountain climbing can “rectify one’s reputation” and reach the sky in one step.

Of course I am happy to climb the mountain, but I am a little hesitant: "If I become the great elder, what will the great elder do?"

Everyone was stunned and at a loss.

Niu Shi said: "Father, there is no need for us to worry about this matter. Our Lord and the witch will definitely make arrangements according to their will!"

"What's more, as we grow older, we should enjoy our happiness and not be more tired than weary!"

After hearing his words, everyone's expressions relaxed.

Hearing again that Niu Shi had won the position, everyone congratulated him again: "Nu Shi, you are now going to take charge of the military power of this place."

"To rule the people of dozens of countries in the Land of Redemption, the cavalry must expand, and the number of people will surely exceed 50,000. This is an achievement that even your father has never achieved!"


Only the congratulations fell, but no one responded.

When they looked at it, they discovered that cow dung was making magical shapes.

"Cow shit?" Climbing the mountain woke him up, "This is my Lord's grace to my father and son, why aren't you happy?"

"Praise my Lord, how could I not be happy? It's just, just..."

He hesitated and couldn't speak for a long time.

Just when he was about to get angry while climbing the mountain, Dou Crocodile's laughter came from beside him: "Hahaha, I understand!"

"Now we want to lead our people to migrate and return to the Kingdom of God; but the cow shit has to stay in the land of salvation..."

"Then he won't be separated from that girl Xiaohua for a long time?"

"These two little guys are now matchable!"

Hear this.

Everyone suddenly realized.

However, the laughter and congratulations were even more enthusiastic——

"Okay, great patriarch, your children are all favored by our Lord, and we can't even envy them!"

"A legion commander, a chief, and the grace of a witch; even a bastard like Zhou Ruoyu has been blessed by my Lord's immortality!"

"The marriage is not urgent. With my master and the witch here, are you still worried that it won't happen?"

When Niu Shi congratulated a group of uncles, he finally became happy. He looked towards the north and said, "The love between children can be put aside for now. Let the glory of balance spread to all parts of the earth. This is the first priority for devout believers like us!"

High in the sky.

The carousel of divine decrees ended after several rounds.

The sacred weapon of equilibrium no longer stays for long, disappears into the clouds, and disappears.

Hundreds of thousands of people knelt down and surrendered.

Shout praises.

On the divine magic weapon.

Zhou Li'an also took back Zheng He and others, and waited until they appeared next time, then it was time to return to Malindi, East Africa.

An adventure traveling with gods will become an indelible memory for them in their lifetime.

Zhou Ruonan and Adina were also included in the system.

Now that we are returning to East Africa, we don’t need to be so anxious. We can stop and go along the way and enjoy the mountains, rivers and lakes with the snow girl.

Before that, he had to return to the Kingdom of God to arrange the personnel transfer of the law monks and dispatch human resources to support the construction of the valley.

Only when the north and the south start at the same time can the process be accelerated.

On the contrary, if you wait for the cavalry to return quickly, it will take at least two months to travel, which will slow down the pace.

This chapter has been completed!
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