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Chapter 339 [338] The true god has arrived?

Dong Chengfeng's origins are a mystery, but his first words of praise made it impossible for people to ignore him.

In addition, Zhou Ruonan quoted the "Bible of Balance" to endorse him, and his identity as "the chosen one" was confirmed by at least 70%.

In the past few days from Quanzhou to Nanjing, he has been quiet and his presence has been reduced, but he doesn't want to make another blockbuster today——

Is the collapse of Zuixian Tower related to equilibrium?

Is this a revelation?

In the hall, Tiaoyu was the first to come to his senses: "What is Zuixian Tower? Why is it related to Balance again?"

Wang Jinghong, who had been left hanging at the door, suddenly woke up.

The person surnamed Dong is obviously telling nonsense, using the name of balance to deceive the divine envoy!!

"Master Little God, please don't listen to his nonsense..."

Zhou Ruoyu interrupted impatiently: "Don't speak yet, let him speak!"

Wang Jinghong did not dare to disobey and looked at Zhou Ruonan again.

Who knows Zhou Ruonan even said: "Brother Dong has feelings, how can it be nonsense? You go down first."

"..." Wang Jinghong was shaking with anger.

As expected, all the princes gathered together and looked embarrassed.

The printing research team has a lot of training, and they know a little bit about everything.

The words fell.

"Now that the Zuixian Tower has collapsed, isn't it a revelation?"

"Zuixian Tower! The owner of Zuixian Tower is alive. He first welcomed the King of Han and several ministers, and the internal officials went upstairs;"

"But Ruonan also said that the burning and collapse of buildings was limited to the building construction area and did not affect the streets. This is very strange!"

"What did he say?"

"You can ask the owner of the land what he wants, and we will repay it, but it may take a little longer..."

Wang Jinghong was stunned immediately.

"Thank you very much..."

He knew in his heart that he had made the right bet again this time.

But at least one thing is clear...

"It's just that Zuixian Tower is owned by others, so we can't dispose of it as we please, right?"

Wang Jinghong's figure almost flashed in: "Dear envoys, have you made a discovery?"

Everyone was surprised and happy...

"I'll go take a look!"

"Praise my Lord, praise..."

Dong Chengfeng also followed the praise, feeling the majestic and solemn atmosphere, and felt a little fear in his heart.

"When we return to the Kingdom of God next time, we will report the truth to our Lord. No matter whether the incident at Zuixian Tower is related to the balance or not, the compensation we should pay will not be in vain!"

Then, the dinner started.

He was just using the tiger skin to pretend to be a ghost.

When Wang Jinghong entered the palace, someone immediately went to ask for the order. After the prince agreed, he came to the palace.

"The Zuixian Tower has collapsed, leaving the land empty and useless. We want to see if we can get it and sell it. The money we get will be used to help the poor people in the city!"

This trip was to visit the Ming Dynasty. Excluding the two little ones who took Adina on board the ship, there were originally six people.

"Jin Yiwei is still checking, but he's like a headless fly because the thread has shrunk and broken!"

It's not that he's afraid of Dong Chengfeng's rebellion, but it's just that the feelings he spent months cultivating are not like this.

"Master Wang, we have something to ask of you."

"Ji Gang leads the Jin Yiwei. Who doesn't know that the Jin Yiwei's hands and eyes can reach the sky?"

As soon as he turned around, Wang Jinghong pulled him down the steps and asked urgently: "What's going on? What happened today?"

But Wang Jinghong had really seen the divine punishment that destroyed the world and turned a city into a wasteland.

"What the hell!" Wang Jinghong cursed secretly, "The creation of the divine machine mine is all in the hands of His Majesty, and the annual quota is output. If one more or one less person is produced, the relevant people will suffer a big disaster!"

"Otherwise, it would not have collapsed before or in the future, but it would have collapsed suddenly on the night when the envoy and others arrived in the capital."

Tiaoyu said: "The incident at Zuixian Tower may be some kind of divine revelation, but we don't know whether it is specific..."

He has been running the palace for decades. When it comes to flattery and favor, who can compare with him?

Although they did not give the answer directly, the implications in their words were already very clear.

The words end here.

To put it bluntly, this is not something that humans can do.

"God's envoy, I didn't see anything, I just felt something in my heart and got it by chance..."


"If Dong Chengfeng has ulterior motives and commits fraud, he will definitely be exposed by the divine envoy. Why should Sir Wang worry?"

Tang Jingdao: "It's nothing special. I just wandered to Zuixian Tower. The two young envoys suddenly asked Dong Chengfeng what he thought about the burning and collapse of Zuixian Tower..."

Everyone looked at each other and knew what these Ming officials were thinking.

Dong Chengfeng!!

The words just fell.

"What's more, the proceeds from the sale of this building are also distributed to the poor!"

He frowned and said, "So long? It's been most of the day. Could it be that the prince has left food behind?"

As she spoke.

But you can't go around without gunpowder...

"In the name of our Lord, we have brought God-given food and seeds, and will also give us all kinds of education. Isn't it too much to ask them for a building?"

"Zui Xian Tower has been in business for decades and has made a lot of money. It is exclusively for the enjoyment of rich and noble families. However, the wealthy family is frozen to death due to the smell of wine and meat..."

Cook Mo just asked him to try to sell Zuixian Building at a higher price anyway.

"No matter what happens to the envoy of God, I will definitely do it even if I risk my life!"

"Everything has His traces and imprints..."

"This is so sad!"

Dong Chengfeng was even more surprised.

He knew that the reason why divine envoys were so valuable that they were obeyed by Zheng He and Wang Jinghong was because they saw the true God overseas.

"He didn't answer and came back later!"

Will I... suffer retribution?

Dong Chengfeng was also listening carefully to the conversation between several people just now, trying to absorb as much effective information as possible.

"Sure enough, he was climbing up the pole. Otherwise, if he didn't say it at the time, he would feel it now?"

"I just said something is wrong with Dong Chengfeng!"

Now that the words have come to this, how can Wang Jinghong refuse?

He looked at Dong Chengfeng again: "Is this your proposal? The idea of ​​hitting the Zuixian Tower?"

"Besides, where in an area like Zuixian Tower can someone like me get my hands on it?"

Tang Jing did not struggle, left silently, and closed the door.

Wang Jinghong cursed, "Something's coming to him. How many times does he plan to use this move?"

In order to prevent the loss of high-end technology, the three people who came here are all new members of the team, and they have mastered the development and application of black powder.

Zhou Ruonan sighed and made another shocking statement: "On the eve of the trial, the chief of the clan climbed the mountain and led his army southward to open up roads and explore the Copper Valley, in order to attract the sinner king Qimar Popoka..."

He looked coldly into the room, suppressing his anger a bit.



Wang Jinghong retreated.

Everyone shook their heads. Except for the two little ones, they had never even been to Zuixian Tower.

Zheng He couldn't laugh or cry: "You are overthinking. What is the prince like, and you and I still don't know?"

Dong Chengfeng didn't make contact with those eyes at all. He only looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose. The old god was there.

"Sir Little Divine Envoy, please, please don't call me "sir!"

As long as you pull off this tiger skin, you will be invincible.

The door was knocked open.

But I heard that Zheng He had not returned yet after entering the palace.

He glared at Dong Chengfeng fiercely and retreated.


Zhou Ruonan was talking about the Zuixian Building: "The four-story building collapsed, and there were no beams or wooden beams. Almost all of them were reduced to debris and burned."

This is enough.

The hall fell silent again, everyone looked pious and shouted praises——

"Is this really some kind of guidance given by our Lord?"

"It was getting late, and the shopkeeper couldn't stand it any longer, so he told him to go home and rest, but not long after he got home... something happened in Zuixian Tower!"

"Hehehe." Tang Jing couldn't help laughing.

"Worshiping my lord in the mountains caused the earth to shake and the rocks to collapse. The statue of my lord's true god fell somewhere on the map of the world, and he pointed out the traces of the sin king. A few days later, he rescued the sin king and his servant Didimar.


"You also know that it's not something you can get your hands on? You are self-aware!"

"How dare they?"

I am afraid that the respect that the prince and father-in-law show to me is no more than this, which shows that the sacredness of balance is supreme.

Mr. Zhou, please don’t mislead me!

Just praise.

"We must remember..."

Dong Chengfeng's heart beat wildly, knowing that something big had happened.

"His." Wang Jinghong realized it later and glanced at the stage, "Could it be the prince..."

There are three professionals present, so it depends on their judgment.

"Later Ji Gang and Commander Pang Yingcai arrived."

"If there is anyone who really possesses the Divine Machine Thunder, it is the King of Han and Ji Gang!"

The issue of money or not is not within his scope.

Zhou Ruoyu couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm not sure either. I asked Ruonan at that time, but she didn't hear it. I was the only one who heard it, but it's possible that the listener was wrong!"

What he said sounded like he said something, but also seemed like he didn't say anything at all.

And his expression also made Zheng He feel bad: "What's wrong with you? But what did you think of?"

Wang Jinghong approached Zheng He and asked, "What's going on?"

"Unless you use higher laws and secrets to create chemical explosives!"

Neither the team leader nor the deputy team leader arrived.

"If it was just burned down, why would there be a smell of gunpowder?"

Wang Jinghong's face turned pale, and his whole body was agitated.

I have this guy named Dong and his whole family in my hands. Is there anything my grandpa can do to control him?

"Hmph, you can still live if you do evil by God, but you can't live if you do evil on your own!"

"What's more, Mr. Wang knows the majesty of the gods better than I do. If someone deceives someone under the guise of the name of Balance, what will happen to this person?"

"What?" Several people were shocked, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"When I walked to the street, there was a strong smell of gunpowder..."

Who would have thought that today the boat capsized in the gutter, and a businessman who jumped out of nowhere took advantage of him.

Dong Chengfeng may not know the wrath of the true god...

If not a human being, who else could it be?

Has our Lord really come to Ming Dynasty?

"Of course, this is not robbery;"

Tiaoyu made a decision: "Then let's try this first. Brother Dong is destined to be a chosen one. How about we listen to his judgment?"

Zhou Ruonan said: "You feel something? What did you see?"

It doesn’t matter!!

"The grace bestowed upon Ming Dynasty by our Lord cannot be repaid by even one restaurant or even ten streets!"

Everyone gasped, vaguely feeling a gaze watching them from all around, and subconsciously murmured:

"Praise for balance!"

Wang Jinghong became embarrassed.

"He is the only true God in the world, the embodiment of laws and rules, and the creator of the stars in the universe!"

The other three are members of the "Gunpowder Research Group".

"Balance exists among all things!"

Zheng He said: "After being suppressed, the prince had already planned and ordered the Jinwu Guards and other forbidden troops to surround the Tiance Guards' camp in advance!"

"Where's the break?"

Zhou Ruoyu said: "Brother Tiaoyu, there is something I haven't said yet..."

"When I came back, I said that the incident at Zuixian Tower might be related to Balance!"

Dong Chengfeng did not benefit from this matter, so what was his plan?

But seeing that he didn't look fake, I didn't bother to think too much.

"Just because——"

"When I landed at Quanzhou Port, I really wanted to hear the voice of a witch for no reason."

Just listen to Zhou Ruoyu shouting: "Wang Jinghong, Lao Wang, Lao Wang, come in quickly, I have something to discuss with you!"

"How do you describe this feeling?"


In the hall.

But it is this ambiguity that makes people unable to help but think wildly.

Mr. Zhou must have had plans in advance!

Wang Jinghong was suspicious.

Then the problem returns to the key person——

"It may be because the divine envoy said before, why the Ming Dynasty does not distribute real estate and makes the people's lives miserable!"

Just saying "Master Wang" only caused the wound caused by frustration to be pricked again by the tip of the knife.

"Then why don't you continue the investigation now?"

After the three of them listened, they asked for a few more details, then looked at each other, not daring to come up with answers easily, and just said:

"The structure of a four-story building must be complex and the materials used are solid. If a two-story house is built in the Kingdom of God, it will leave structural debris after blasting. I can't say it was completely burned."

He sighed helplessly, feeling a little frustrated for a moment.

Zhou Ruoyu said: "After all, it involves a bunch of useless money!"

Wang Jinghong didn't like looking at him: "Why are you laughing?"

Although he smelled the smell of fireworks in front of the building, this could not be used as evidence.

But there is another mystery before us: "Why is it Zuixian Tower?"

"This is also a project that the gunpowder research team is working on, and we have not yet reached the threshold."

Zheng He sighed: "But the facts are right in front of us. The Tiance guards are all angry, saying that someone is plotting to kill the prince, and want to send troops into the city to search!"

The messenger of God named Dong Chengfeng as his brother.

"I think we should do something..."

Zhou Ruonan spoke.

Our Lord, the True God, has insight into all things in the world. How can the glory of Dexiao Xiaoling's balance be stained with dirt?

After drinking and eating, Wang Jinghong hurried back to discuss with Zheng He.

"Some onlookers said that there was something strange everywhere as thunder struck down from the sky."

"I agree!"

Wang Jinghong swallowed and spat: "Today the two little envoys visited Nanjing and went to Zuixian Tower!"

Zheng He said: "We have searched the whole city, but there is nothing! No one alive, no dead body!"

Zhou Ruoyu rolled his eyes at him.

"It's just as mysterious as it is mysterious!"

"The Crown Prince and the family members of the King of Han are also under guard!"

And he used the name of the true God to commit fraud.

Dong Chengfeng "walks and sits upright" and has no fear: "Master Wang, please don't accuse me wrongly. Zuixian Tower is sold and I don't have the money to buy it. What I do is consistent with the will to balance and help the poor."

I glanced sideways at Dong Chengfeng and saw that he was still looking at his nose and his nose, so he knew that this kid had deceived him.

"But you also know the result. Not to mention the King of Han and Ji Gang among the corpses in Zuixianlou, there are not even any of their subordinates. More than a dozen people disappeared out of thin air!!"

Several divine envoys felt that the case of Zuixian Tower was closely related to the existence of the mysterious people.

"Of course, if the explosive charge is large enough, everything will turn into fly ash!"

All eyes were focused on the three law monks;

The true God appears...

Tiaoyu led two members of the printing research team, who were mainly responsible for teaching planting methods, fertilizing fields and saltpeter creation methods.

"As long as the envoy of God says a word, I will immediately send people to interrogate him strictly. I will definitely find out where he got the name of Balance."

Wang Jinghong turned around and changed the topic: "I will discuss this matter with Mr. Zheng, find out the owner of Zuixian Tower, and then the imperial court will come forward to purchase the land, and then give it to several divine envoys, and then the rest of the matter will be left to its own devices."

"But why is it Zuixian Tower? If it weren't for Ruonan and Ruoyu who were out today, we wouldn't have known about it at all."

The young eunuch guessed: "My lord, the whereabouts of the King of Han and Lord Ji Gangji are still unknown. This has alarmed all the princes in the court. Perhaps the matter is being discussed in the palace."

The prince closed his eyes and said nothing, and the atmosphere was depressing.

Is this how you are born?

"But I still want to respond!"

Tang Jingdao: "Master Wang, the authorities are confused! Not to mention other things, but when it comes to balance, can anyone deceive a few divine envoys?"

"Equilibrium consists in..."

"Prince Prince Han entered the palace earlier and said that Tiance Guards asked craftsmen from the Firearms Camp to investigate. The flood in Zuixian Tower was not an accident, but was caused by the detonation of the divine machine mine! Someone is planning to kill the prince!"

"I never cared..."

"But you have to say that the King of Han and more than a dozen people from Ji Gang will not be seen alive, and their bodies will not be seen dead..."

"Tell me, does this seem familiar?!"

"I am afraid!!"

"My Lord, the True God, has arrived in the Ming Dynasty!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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