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Chapter 340 [339] Go north

Chapter 340 【339】Going North


Zheng He's face was twisted, and he was about to scream in surprise.

Wang Jinghong's eyes were quick and he covered his mouth: "Shh!"

“Don’t say anything inappropriate!”

Zheng He suddenly swallowed back the next words, his eyes unconsciously glanced elsewhere, and finally landed on Gao's head again...

What a risk, no one noticed!

However, he also thought whether this "don't say anything inappropriate" refers to the prince, or to that indescribable existence.

More than a dozen people disappeared out of thin air, and Zuixian Tower collapsed.

Like, so similar!

If it was really the work of the gods, then Nanjing... no, the entire Ming Dynasty would be in danger!

The city-state called Tepanix was half the size of Yingtian Mansion, and it only took a few seconds for it to be destroyed.

"In addition, if there are any results regarding the King of Han's affairs, His Highness can send someone to come over to report to the branch, so as to avoid the news being inconsistent before the emperor."

Perhaps, this is a warning?

Will Ming Dynasty experience the same thing in the future?


The prince also wants to show off at the East Palace.

Zhu Di became the king of Yan and established a feudal vassal in Beiping.

In the city-states in the land of redemption, wouldn’t all the nobles and wealthy families be dismantled and their wealth distributed to all the people?

I also had a preference for Prince Ning in my heart.

"Prince Ning is the major shareholder of Zuixian Tower. If he wants to sell it at a different price, Prince Ning needs to speak up. You go and talk about it!"

Wang Jinghong's thoughts went astray, but Zheng He pulled him back: "What revelation?"

Zheng He was at a loss for words. The prince said this... is it because the matter cannot be done?

However, Wang Jinghong was indifferent and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, it is right to consider Zhou Dao, but who said that he would take it back into the imperial family? It is just buying and selling to realize charity for the poor."

Inspiration... Well, it was obviously Dong Chengfeng who said it.

"However, the collapse of Zuixian Tower today also alarmed all the divine envoys. When the divine envoys visited Zuixian Tower and saw the collapsed building, they inexplicably became interested in wanting the land of Zuixian Tower!"

But the King of Han, Ji Gang was gone, and he was secretly happy in his heart.

Zheng He got straight to the point: "Your Highness, the divine messenger has brought grain and other blessings. It is not convenient to say more at the moment;"

Wang Jinghong went straight to the Siyi Pavilion and prepared to take the envoy to board the ship.

Zhu Gaochi shouted loudly, looked at the eunuch and eunuch, and began to draft the decree in the hall.

Zheng He and Wang Jinghong, the two parties involved in the case, almost laughed out loud.

After talking about arriving at the East Palace, the two of them did not go in again. They left after saluting and took the time to go back and pack their things.

To put it bluntly, it's just that the left hand is the right hand.

When the divine envoy from the Kingdom of God arrives, the first person he wants to see is naturally his father.

Of course, this god of balance will also have similar purposes and doctrines.

Someone whispered: "What does Zheng Sanbao mean? Want to be a hands-off shopkeeper? Leave the mess to us?"

But who would have expected that Lao Wang, who had a warm complexion, took out a letter and handed it to him, showing the hope of entrusting him with a heavy responsibility.

In particular, King Ning was surrounded by Taoists.

It seems as if the entire Ming Dynasty has been shrouded in the shadow of destruction.

The meaning of the Divine Envoy is to do charity, not to get the products of Zuixian Tower.

Zheng He went to the Forbidden Army camp in the north of the city and ordered the Western troops to prepare for departure.

Dong Chengfeng broke out in a cold sweat on his back, thinking that Wang Jinghong was going to trouble him for today's events.

"If it's that person... haha, we can't interfere!"

Wang Jinghong is familiar with Prince Ning.

Wake up?

Zhu Gaochi can also understand.

It's over.

"Xiao Dong, I am quite harsh on you because I want to test your character."

"Territory?" Zhu Gaochi didn't understand.

He returned to the topic: "Then I'm going to bother you two about going north! Just collect your funds today and set off tomorrow?"

Zhu Gaochi was satisfied. He was a humble man and did not want to offend all parties. Now that Wang Jinghong has taken over everything, he was very satisfied: "I'll talk to the other small shareholders and let's make it that way."

Then he pulled Dong Chengfeng aside.

Even if we were to set off tonight, it would still be daylight tomorrow before we could pack up our belongings and set sail.

King Ning gave him tea and taught him how to make tea. They were both friends of the tea ceremony.

After going north to report all the events in Balance, it will be seen that Balance must have had many impacts on the Ming Dynasty.

"In addition, Zuixian Tower must also satisfy the wishes of the gods, what do you think?"

The two of them said nothing more.

"One is for Western affairs;"

"Because of this revelation, the envoy of God wants the land of Zuixian Tower! After selling it at a high price, the money obtained will be used to charity to the poor people. That's why I came to you to talk about this matter."

Mr. Zhou must be in Nanjing.

"You can do it! Even if he doesn't leave now, he is still on his way to the north! What does the Nanjing incident have to do with him? He has been overseas for two years and happened to encounter this kind of thing when he returned. You can't blame him!


After such an analysis, Zheng He calmed down, but the question returned to the original point: "What happened to Zuixian Tower?"

Zhu Gaochi is now judging the gains and losses in his heart.

Dong Chengfeng's brows were filled with joy and he no longer had any fear: "I don't dare to take it, I don't dare to take it."

"Dong Chengfeng? Don't you like him the least?"

However, Wang Jinghong sighed again and changed the topic: "I know what you are thinking, but you are thinking too much."

On the way back to Siyi Pavilion.

After Yongle's great cause was completed, Prince Ning became a wealthy prince. He made good friends with him, and it was not considered a taboo, and he actually became a friend.

But since the divine envoy agrees, let’s just generalize.

No matter whether they are found or not, the disappearance of the two kings of Han cannot be concealed.

Instead of continuing to worry, it is better to go north to report first.

Wang Jinghong then said: "I'll go...oh, no, I'll send someone to Nanchang to talk to the prince about this matter. Since it's a charity thing, the prince should be happy to hear about it, so there is no need for His Highness to speak."

"As a holy judgment!"

As for finding him again after he leaves, at worst, he will send someone to deliver a letter and update the news.

Why are you talking about such an important thing now?

"!!!" Zhu Gaochi was stunned and had forgotten to exclaim. He stared at Zheng He, not knowing whether to get angry or admire him.

Zheng He did not dare to go into details, so he just asked: "Then the King of Han and Ji Gang just don't care?"

"Your Highness, there is something I can tell you now..."

at the same time.

Zheng Hecai said: "You know that there is a kingdom of God overseas, but you don't know..."

On that day, Zheng He, the secret agent of the East Palace, did not reveal the veil of "God's Envoy", but since he was leaving, there was no need to hide the matter anymore.

Zheng He asked strangely: "Who are you going to send to see King Ning? I thought you were going to stay."

Balance and Taoism are closely related and should be discussed.

"The divine envoy of the Kingdom of God has arrived in the Ming Dynasty with us!!"

Now I have really reached the sky in one step!

Things are different now.

Wang Jinghong frowned.

Wang Jinghong was waiting for this sentence.

"Hehehe, okay! Brother Dong, please bear with me if I have done something wrong before. If this happens, when the envoy and I come back, we will definitely seek a rank reward for you. You and I will not fight.

We don’t know each other anymore.”

After the great event was completed, King Ning succeeded in following the dragon, and the enfeoffment was moved from the remote north to Nanchang.

Zheng He's expression changed again and again.

With this matter finalized, he waved his hand: "Let's break up! But the search in the city cannot stop. As soon as there is news, we will report to the palace immediately!"

"Now it seems that it is a good one!"

"The shares seem to be scattered among various families, and Prince Ning holds the majority. Back then, he was 'awakened' by his father and raised the flag together to appease the troubles, and he was rewarded later!"

Wang Jinghong patted him on the shoulder very seriously: "I will arrange for someone to take you there. Give this letter to the prince, and the prince will meet you on his own."

Seeing that Wang Jinghong really had to do something else, Dong Chengfeng became anxious.

These two are not lovable!

One is fighting for the position of prince, and without Deren, the hostility is scattered.

He did have good relations with Prince Ning.

When Zhu Gaochi saw that he spoke but had no words, he waved his hand and asked his servants to retreat dozens of steps away.

And it involves religion.

"Moreover, the disappearance of King Han and Ji Gang at the same time caused the Tiance Guards to almost mutiny. If this matter is not reported as soon as possible, the emperor will be furious!"

Moving the capital has been on the agenda for a long time. The palace in the north has been under renovation. If we don't move it now, we will still move it in the future.

"Maybe it's the middle of the night, look at the people's hands and feet down there!"

"If you are not willing, then I will think of someone else who can take on this important task."


The so-called Daning is the boundary of Inner Mongolia in later generations.

In the first year of Jianwen's reign, the flag was raised to appease the enemy, and all the northern armies were ensnared and coerced and lured.

"I won't take you with me on this trip north. You can have a good rest in the capital for a few days and spend time with your siblings and nephew!"

Assuming this is really some kind of revelation, Zuixian Tower is the leader of the 16th floor in Nanjing, and the guests it receives are either rich or noble. Isn't this the most superficial manifestation of false prosperity?

Abolition of this place will benefit all people and is consistent with the doctrine of balance.

"As for this letter, I wrote it to Prince Ning's Mansion in Nanchang..."

The latter's power was so powerful that even the first-rank officials would retreat when they saw it. It would be better to just die!

Even if the prince is weak now, he still makes people obey him.

"Secondly, the divine messengers bring divine grace and blessings of grain, which is a good sign."

I can only give in.

After a moment, he said: "The divine envoy said that what happened at Zuixian Tower may be a revelation."

Ning Wang Zhu Quan was the seventeenth son of Taizu. He was granted the title of Daning in the 24th year of Hongwu and became a vassal in the 26th year of Hongwu.

Linqu alley in the outer city.

"Okay, as you wish!"

All the food and seeds given by God were put on board.

Dong Chengfeng's two suggestions were recognized by the divine envoys, and the words of "revelation" did have some truth.

Zheng He added: "But it would be disrespectful to just send someone!"

Before leaving, it is best to finalize the affairs of Zuixian Tower to avoid any changes later.

After hearing this, Zhu Gaochi nodded slightly and could tell that Wang Jinghong had an idea: "What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Wang Jinghong also knew this, but the candidate had a special status, so he avoided common etiquette: "The surname...Dong Chengfeng is recognized by the divine envoy and is also noble, so it is most appropriate to meet Prince Ning!"

The two of them added up.

Of course there was no mention of "false prosperity" in the process.

Fear is fear...

The carriages and horses left the city and gathered at Longjiang Port.

There was a commotion in the hall.

Wang Jinghong concealed what happened today.

"At that time, you will ask for Zuixian Tower and explain the cause and effect to him!"

"Well, after all, I am working for the envoy of God, so I am bound to do it!"

Zheng He cleared his throat, his voice startled everyone, and made Zhu Gaochi, who had been irritable all day, open his eyes——

The crowd dispersed.

Isn’t the man named Dong just pretending to be a ghost? Is he really feeling something secretly?

"And I, the Ming Dynasty, have no feedback, and even if there is any feedback, His Majesty should make the decision himself!"

Prince Ning is right next door, so he naturally wants to be "awakened", but in reality, he is being coerced.

He had never dared to think about meeting the prince before.

Giving alms from Taoism and Buddhism, wandering in the clouds, is also compassion.

Taking into account the relationship between Qingliang and Malindi, we also brought apostles from several small countries on the East African coast, so that His Majesty could later inquire and verify the process.

"What am I staying for? It's related to the divine travel. After meeting with His Majesty, the dozen or so people involved in the divine travel will all testify against each other. This is appropriate."

"The money is still coming from within. If the prince still wants Zuixian Tower, he can buy it back at a higher price when the time comes. Is it possible that there are still blind people who dare to rob it from Prince Ning?"

"His Royal Highness, I have requested that you leave for the north to have an audience today!"

Siyi Pavilion.

Wang Jinghong explained the compassionate heart of the divine messenger...

"Control? Who can control it? If the King of Han disappears by himself and the Jin Yiwei can't find him, what else can others do?"

Dong Chengfeng suddenly trembled and became even more frightened: "Wang, Lord Wang, me? I'm going to see Prince Ning! I'm just a commoner, how can I get on the threshold of the palace!"

Wang Jinghong informed the envoy of the temporary departure, and everyone had no objection.

However, when he saw Zheng He and Wang Jinghong's magnanimous expressions, he came to his senses...

If King Ning doesn't wake up, he will die.

"Didn't you and I both guess that Taoism might be related to balance? It's a legacy left by our Lord True God a very long time ago."

"Even if I don't like it, can I still disobey the balance? He is destined to be a person with the balance! Let's do it! Then I will personally edit a letter, and Prince Ning will understand."

If Wang Jinghong really becomes a divine messenger in the future, Wang Jinghong is afraid that he will settle old scores, so now he can repair the relationship.

This is also the importance given to divine messengers.

If he goes north, he will miss the opportunity to meet.

He hadn't had time to think about these things. If Zheng He hadn't said that the clues ended at Zuixian Tower, he wouldn't have combined it with what happened at the Divine Envoy today.

If he were to meet with matters involving gods, he would inevitably overstep his bounds and be suspected by his father!

As he was about to leave today, Zheng He could confess. This was the most respect he could show.

It's night.

"As long as I am not as stupid as Natzozomok and dare to blaspheme the gods, basically nothing will happen."

Wang Jinghong’s words were serious: “False prosperity will be destroyed!”

Zhu Gaochi said: "Uncle Prince Ning is in Nanchang, and I'm afraid he doesn't know about the collapse of Zuixian Tower! Now if I want to take it back to the imperial family, I'm afraid my father will have to issue an order. Although I am the supervisor of the country, I am also a junior."

"If it is as you guessed, why did King Han Ji Gang disappear?"

Otherwise, the entire city will be destroyed and all will be buried in the wrath of God.

If King Ning could sell the goods well to the envoy in advance, it would be regarded as a good relationship.

"Even if that person... really gets it, he doesn't have much hostility towards Ming."

Wang Jinghong glanced at the stage: "Ask for the order, go north to Shuntian Mansion, meet with His Majesty, confess everything, and we can feel at ease if everything is implemented!"

Zheng He followed him again and wanted to raise the issue of the envoy's request for Zuixian Tower.

Before the ink was dry, the imperial edict of supervising the country was in Zheng He's hands...

"Zui Xian Tower..."

"Really? You've thought about it!"

"Master Wang, I agree! I will go to see the prince!"

"This is an opportunity, don't miss it! Not only did you do something for the envoy, but you also got close to the prince..."

The ministers stayed there for a day and were all hungry and tired.

Looking back...


He also wanted to find out the relationship between Mr. Zhou and Qian Li.

"With the rank there, what does Ming Dynasty mean?"

Compared to matters of balance, Hanwang and Ji Gang are nothing.

Zheng He had a lot of questions in his head, why was the Zuixian Tower land involved again?

But if you think about it carefully, it will make sense.

Now that Wang Jinghong is gone, won’t the opportunity come?

"Hey, that's all, I know about this! There will always be a chance to see you when you return."

All the tribute tributes from various countries were also taken away.

"What's more, do you think I will be so... slow?"

"Second, I will report the matter in the capital to His Majesty!"

Zheng He nodded.

Zheng He wants to go north, so he should go up with news.

This is the mercy of the divine saint who gives all people the grace to stay away from the land of destruction.

Zhou Li'an in the house opened his eyes, very satisfied, and said to Snow Girl: "Let Mr. Mo and Cook Mo prepare the matters for opening the store!"

"You will set off with me tomorrow. First go to Nanchang, then visit various places, and finally go to Shuntian Mansion, where the emperor is!"

If you explore the map of the Ming Dynasty, the Eye of the Void will appear everywhere.

After leaving a few people in the Ming Dynasty, it was time to return to balance, coordinate the great migration of various ministries, and perfect the overall plan of the Kingdom of God.

Time acceleration should also be turned on!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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