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Wang Defa is also an old hermaphrodite.

Good people don't live long, but disasters last for thousands of years?

As a bystander, Wang Defa's judgment on the incident was not subjective, so the truth of the incident was obvious.

"There are not a few people who know about this, right?"

Lao Wang was very confused as to why Zhou Li'an was so curious about this matter. He nodded and said: "It was very sensational at the time, but you also know that the church will not let this kind of scandal ferment."

"When force majeure occurs, onlookers will choose to avoid it because the matter has nothing to do with them and there is no need to ask for trouble."

"Only the person involved would choose to persevere, but as time went by, people gradually became confused about the content of the matter. In everyone's eyes, Luke Jonah became that lunatic who didn't know how to advance or retreat."

"He held up signs and shouted on the streets every day, and people's feelings towards him changed from pity to helplessness, and even disgust."

Having said this, Lao Wang paused and said anxiously: "Ah Zhou Sheng, you are not passionate about seeking justice, are you?"

Zhou Li'an smiled.

"What prompted him to persist for 13 years was definitely not justice; he should have seen clearly the nature of this world long ago. There is no justice, or in other words, power is justice, and he is not the one who holds the power."

"So, his motivation for perseverance is just hatred."

"As for me?" Zhou Li'an shook his head, "I'm not that free yet."

[System time January 2, 1401]

Zhou Li'an came to the tribe, summoned all ministers and elders, and promulgated the calendar.

Let yesterday be the equilibrium year, January 1st.

The people of Kinkou completed the test of our Lord, and because the Snow Maiden awakened from her eternal sleep, it was designated as the first festival of Kinkou God Kingdom, ‘Resurrection Day’.

The distinction of year, month and day is copied from the Western Yuan calendar and divided into four seasons.

Early morning open space.

Zhou Li'an wrote on a whiteboard and imparted new knowledge to the tribe elders.

Each ministry has its own unique way of notating time, which is mostly the same.

The aboriginal people have no concept of weeks. They calculate time by the waxing and waning of the moon, but they do not know the year.

After all, they are a nomadic people. Since they do not need to cultivate, they have no concept of the division of the four seasons. They only know the hot summer and the cold winter.

Zhou Li'an didn't expect them to truly understand; all he needed was rote memorization and a basic concept of time.

Do you want a group of half-buried old guys to learn Chinese?

forget it.

The future of the Kingdom of God lies in the children.

After the elders of each tribe learned it, it began to be popularized within the tribe. Learning to understand time will change many things.

Arranging the work and rest schedules of tribal people, so that they no longer do things passively and improve their subjective initiative, can make productivity more efficient.

For another example, when hunting teams and knights go out, they are no longer scattered. Each team has a captain, distributes watches, and plans reasonable task execution time for scout exploration and hunting team hunting, instead of waiting somewhere for someone who has not returned yet.


Mastering time brings more order to the lives of the tribesmen.

But if language and writing are not popularized for a day, they will always be uncivilized barbarians, unable to climb the technological tree.

Therefore, Zhou Li'an began to write teaching materials.

The current language enlightenment textbooks are mostly fairy tales and Tang poetry and Song lyrics; but in a balanced country...

Naturally, it is the various miracles performed by our Lord after his coming.

Not every tribe member is lucky enough to witness a miracle. For example, in the Mad Bull Rift Valley, our Lord, Balance, annihilated hundreds of bison with his own strength. Only the Red Deer and Earth Snake tribes were lucky enough to witness it.

As a person involved, Zhou Li'an wrote down everything he experienced after time travel into short stories, with pinyin marked on each word. This was the original language textbook.


The Chinese language class of Lord of Balance has started.

Snow Girl is no longer the only student, each ministry has selected and sent the brightest children to study. There are nearly sixty people in the class, and if Zhou Li'an hadn't controlled the number of students, each ministry would have loved to send more children so that they could listen to the teachings of the true God.

After they master it, they can then be responsible for handing it over to more children.

One week later.

The tribesmen gradually became accustomed to the settled life after migration.

In addition to sending out knights to explore the surrounding area, hunting teams also started to go on daily expeditions by horse-drawn carriage.

Because the settlement is located on the edge of a forest lake, it is not a gathering place for bison.

They need to go to the eastern grassland valley, where there are a large number of bison. After hunting, the bison meat and furs will be transported back to the tribe by horse-drawn carriage.

In the words of a mountain climber: "My lord, the bison in the plains of the Eastern Valley are enough for us and other people of the Balance to eat... for one year and six months."

As the leader of the clan, he climbed mountains and became an author. He quickly mastered the new knowledge of time and calendar, and was able to keep track of time in an orderly manner.

This is due to the fact that he has a good son, "Niu Shi", who is one of the rare "educated people" in the tribe.

Zhou Li'an knew it well.

With a reserve of one and a half years, the total number of bison is at least tens of thousands. This is just one area they explored. The number of bison in the entire California must exceed 500,000. Moreover, bison migrate every year, and bison from other places will be continuously replenished.


In this way, there is no need to worry about fur harvesting.

As for gold mining.

Zhou Li'an was not in a hurry to start.

With the leather factory as a cash cow, there is no shortage of money for the time being.

I came here to build a country and develop, not just to make money and enjoy it in time and space. Once a large amount of gold is brought to this world, there will definitely be a lot of trouble.

After all, it's Juarez, the City of Sin.

Zhou Li'an is not in the mood to fight against gang forces for the time being.

He has another matter to solve.

January 10th.

All walks of life in the United States have ended their New Year holiday carnival. The statutory holidays actually only last from the week before Christmas to the Monday after New Year’s Day.

But in fact, all companies will also provide benefits to employees, and only the public sector will strictly follow the statutory holiday regulations.

Wang Defa set out on his journey three days ago. It has been a month and a half since the factory was established, and he has not yet received a penny, but has spent every penny.

He was panicking.

You can never make money by lying down, so you can only work hard to become stronger.

Zhou Li'an, who he regarded as a hands-off shopkeeper, was actually not idle at all. When factories resumed work, he ordered various primitive hand-made gold mining equipment.

In fact, it's just screens, basins, and the like; not even metal detectors are needed.

The tribe does not have the conditions for mechanized mining;

Step-by-step instruction?

Just like teaching an elderly person how to use a smartphone, it's not that the old person doesn't understand the culture, but that he or she has no experience in using technology products from generation to generation, and there is a generation gap.

The indigenous people don't even recognize Arabic numerals, so it's impossible for them to operate them.

Besides, with the surface gold reserves in the Sacramento area, there is no need for machines at all.

The 12 million ounces of gold produced in the seven years of the gold rush were all mined out little by little by gold prospectors with water basins.

The gold mining tools were bought first, and we would see when they would be used. Then we ordered thousands of sets of logging axes and carpentry and construction tools.

Tribal tents are only used for excess.

Rich forest resources can be used to develop residential buildings. California is humid and sleeping in tents for a long time is prone to diseases and snakes and insects.

Zhou Li'an didn't want malaria and fever to break out in a concentrated manner.

In addition, when building a boat, don't consider large ships for now. Start with a small boat and accumulate experience. Once the culture is popularized, with accurate measurements and mathematical calculations, the technology will improve quickly.

Northern California has rich water systems, and traveling by land is far faster than taking a boat; and the Sacramento River has always been connected to the San Francisco Bay, so it will definitely be beneficial to find out the water map as early as possible.

Mining and iron smelting are not considered.

Ordering all the iron tools and nails used in construction; asking the tribesmen to polish the nails is a waste of time, and it would not cost much to buy several tons of nails in this world.

Finished the purchase.

Zhou Li'an opened the backend of the recruitment website and looked at it, and finally gave up recruiting talents on the Internet.

It's been more than half a year and nothing has been achieved.

This kind of thing is just like hailing a taxi when there was no internet.

When you don’t want to take a taxi, you won’t see an empty taxi for half an hour. If you don’t want to take a taxi, the empty taxis passing by will honk you to attract customers.

It's hard to find.

But now, Zhou Li'an has really met a talent.

He took out the flyer and dialed the number on it, but what he got was a notification that the phone had been shut down.

Food vouchers cannot be used to charge phone bills.

The mad pastor has led such a miserable life, and it is normal that he cannot afford to pay for his mobile phone.

To some extent, he has become disconnected from society.

Fortunately, there is a mailing address on the flyer, which is a common contact method in the United States.

Today, with the popularization of information technology, bills in the United States are still delivered to the mailbox by letter.

Zhou Li'an followed the address and came to the old city of Salem.

As a state capital, even in slums, there are no black boys wearing crotchless pants and gathering on the streets.

It's just that compared to the tidiness of other communities, the courtyards and lawns in front of every house have been trimmed... The community where the crazy pastor lives is in a mess, with weeds growing in front of the door.

There are even ruins of half-collapsed and abandoned old-fashioned houses without repairs.

Outside some villas, an elderly man sits in a lounge chair in a daze, letting flies fly around on the garbage pile not far from his seat, creating a smoky atmosphere.

The garbage fee is shared equally by the residents of the community. In a community like this, it is impossible for the garbage company to collect the garbage fee. It may only come once a month out of obligation.

Everything around him seemed dull.

A one-story residence.

On the eaves of the porch hangs a declaration handwritten with canvas and paint, criticizing the evil deeds of a certain church dignitary.

The canvas is very worn and looks to have seen some age.

However, the paint should be refilled and reapplied frequently to keep the handwriting brand new.

In the words of Lao Wang...

Luke Jonah was the rising star of the regional church back then, and because of the evil things he encountered, he saw through the nature of faith.

This is definitely the best writer of "Bible of Balance".

Walk onto the porch.

Zhou Li'an knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" came a hoarse voice, and then the door opened.

He was dressed just like the last time we met, with a faded coat and jeans. When he opened the door, there was no warmth, but a chill that was even more biting than the outside.

Jonah's lips and face had varying degrees of frostbite.

But at least he is clean and doesn't look like a homeless man on the street.

"Is that you?" He recognized Zhou Li'an.

For white people, it may be difficult to distinguish the appearance of Asians, but there are very few Asians he has come into contact with, so he remembers Zhou Li'an.

Jonah then asked: "What can I do for you?"

Obviously, he had no intention of inviting Zhou Li'an in.

Zhou Li'an got straight to the point, took out the prepared plan outline and handed it to him: "I have a job at hand, and I think you are the best candidate."

"The remuneration of 500 US dollars for 1,000 words is my sincerity."

Jonah was stunned for a moment before looking down.

When writing a missionary text for the church, you can refer to the Bible, but the protagonist is a god named ‘Lord of Balance’.

What the hell?

What kind of dental cult leader is this Asian?

Jonah frowned and refused decisively: "Sorry, I'm not interested."


500 for 1,000 words, 5,000 for 10,000 words, and 50,000 for 100,000 words; and the unit of calculation is US dollars.

The key is that we can learn from the Bible, not to mention plagiarism, and translate the central ideas from English to English. Anyway, they are all self-justifying theoretical routines; it does not take much time at all.

It can be done in one month, and the word count reaches 500,000, which is a huge sum of US$250,000.

Zhou Li'an was a little surprised, but felt it was reasonable: "I know you have psychological resistance to this kind of thing, and you no longer have faith in your heart."

"But this matter has nothing to do with Jesus. Why don't you use your own skills to make some money?"

"I know you have lost your love for life. In your words, this money can be used as weapons and ammunition to destroy your enemies, right?"

Luke Jonah shook his head: "I'm still not interested."

"What's the reason?"

"In your opinion, those knowledge are my abilities; but in my opinion, those are the gangrene on the bones, they make me sick, nauseated, and hateful."

"Using this so-called skill to make money? Then the money will only be dirty and smelly."

Zhou Li'an now agrees with Lao Wang's name for him.

Crazy priest.

He has gone crazy.

If he were not crazy, it would be impossible for a normal person to persist for 13 years and do something that has no hope at first sight and the result is already destined.

Obsession makes people crazy.

"Okay, I don't want to discuss these philosophical issues about worldview and life value with you. Please make some conditions and tell me how you can help me."

"Or, I will give you this money as a grant, and then you will just help as a friend out of friendship?"

Jonah still shook his head: "I understand what you mean. I am very willing to accept your funding and I am willing to do anything for you."

"I can clean your house, be your driver, and be your nanny, but... I don't want to do this, do you understand?"

Zhou Li'an was speechless and was about to speak.

Jonah handed him the plan, used his strength to push him out a little, and closed the door: "I'm sorry, you don't have to say it, I won't agree to it."

Before the door was completely closed.

Zhou Li'an said quickly: "Do you think you can succeed? Can you find justice? Impossible! You are doing useless work and at the same time you are wasting your life."

"You know very well that this world is rotten."

"The so-called justice is in the hands of others. The justice you want to pursue is just procedural justice."

"Then why don't you try factual justice?"

The door that was about to close stopped.

One of Jonah's eyes was staring at Zhou Li'an through the crack of the door, and he grinned: "Procedural justice? Factual justice?"

"You think I haven't tried it?"

"Okay! Since you said it so grandly, how about you help me fulfill the facts and justice, and I will help you write it?"

"Go, kill him, kill him, kill that old beast Spencer! Hahahaha!!"

Jonah laughed.

Zhou Li'an looked at him calmly.


Neither of them noticed that a figure rushed over behind Jonah.

The man pushed Jonah to the ground, then opened the door and bumped into Zhou Li'an again.

Zhou Li'an subconsciously avoided it, and with only half a second left, he planned to avoid the danger by traveling through time.

But at this moment, he saw someone coming.

A girl over 1.7 meters tall, with disheveled hair and wearing only a thin nightgown, rushed out and jumped down the porch steps.

Stepping on the snow-covered ground with bare feet, he ran wildly and fled.


Zhou Li'an finally sat down on the ground, his tailbone aching, and he just watched in shock as the figure quickly crossed the street across the street, rushed into the alley and disappeared without a trace.

Inside the door, a heart-wrenching roar sounded——

"Patricia, Patricia! Come back!!"

"Damn, damn!" Jonah crawled out and glared at Zhou Li'an fiercely: "It's all you, it's all you who made my Patricia crazy."

With an angry curse, he ran away in the direction of the figure.

This chapter has been completed!
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