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After Zhou Li'an was stunned for a few seconds, he stood up from the ground and dusted off his pants.

He wanted to chase it and have a look.

After all, part of the reason for that girl's rampage was herself.

That's a girl with mental illness.

In Zhou Li'an's mind, he could clearly remember the look on the girl's face just a moment ago.

Angry twists, teeth and claws, and seems to be full of hatred for the entire world, without any other emotions.

But looking at the open door, he hesitated for a moment and walked in, wanting to know more about the father and daughter.

He had a bold idea in mind.

But, it's still just an idea.

This father and daughter no longer belong to this world...

inside the house.

It was cleaned and tidy, just like Jonah's clothes, which were very shabby and cheap, but not dirty at all.

The curtains in the house are all closed, so no sunlight shines in. Instead, it creates an ice cellar-like temperature environment.

But what surprised Zhou Li'an was...

There was a faint warmth coming out from the end of the corridor.

He walked in curiously and saw that the bedroom was decorated in pink that little girls liked, but it was also old-fashioned.

Warmth arises from the floor.

After Zhou Li'an squatted down, he felt warmth.

It's floor heating.

But apparently only the valve in this bedroom was opened.

This reminded him of the first time he met Jonah. He did not accept charity because there was still food at home, but as a father, he hoped to let his daughter eat some beef.

This is why the girl only wears thin pajamas.

A stubborn and crazy father, no matter how bad his life was, he did his best to provide everything for his daughter.

Inside and outside the bedroom, there are two worlds: severe cold and warm spring.

The walls inside the house are covered with wallpaper.

There were countless scratches on the wallpaper, and there were even blood stains that couldn't be cleaned off.

A scene of a girl waking up in the middle of the night, screaming and scratching like crazy, popped into my mind.

Zhou Li'an did not stay long.

I closed the door without worrying about theft.

Because the poor do not harm the poor.

Mainly because there is nothing to steal.

He drove into the car and searched in the direction in which the father and daughter ran.

Soon, Zhou Li'an found Jonah looking around blankly at the end of a street. Apparently he had lost track of him.

Zhou Li'an lowered the car window and shouted: "You go to the east, and I'll go to the west. No matter whether there is any harvest or not, we will meet at your house in two hours."

"I'll call the police for you."

Jonah was still very angry, but he held it back and nodded as a thank you.

The soldiers split into two groups and the two continued to search.

Zhou Li'an called the police and was informed that a girl with severe mental illness had run away from home and was wearing thin pajamas and no shoes.

The police station said that patrol officers would be dispatched immediately.

Zhou Li'an is actually not too worried.

Even a crazy girl couldn't run very far in the snow with bare feet, so he didn't go too far.

Instead, he stopped the car and walked through the alleys of the community streets.

What he didn't expect was...

Ten minutes later, he discovered something.

Outside a stinky garbage room, the sour juice was frozen into ice.

The daughter in pink pajamas was shivering in the garbage.

Zhou Li'an breathed a sigh of relief and approached slowly.

When the girl heard the noise, she turned around like a cat with a stress response.

Zhou Li'an saw a dirty, furry head exposed under the open opening of her pajamas.

It's a dog.

"Patricia, I am your father's friend, come on, come back with me!"

The girl was furious. Her face, which was calm a moment ago, suddenly turned ferocious, and her throat roared like a wild beast.

And the dog in his arms started barking at Zhou Li'an.

It’s hard to imagine…

This person and dog can create a friendship in such a short period of time.

And now Patricia was like a crazed wild dog. She was trembling with cold, and she was baring her teeth to vent her unfounded anger.

Zhou Li'an suddenly felt that it was very difficult.

Jonah didn't have a cell phone, so he couldn't contact him.

It would be difficult for him to convince this manic girl on his own.

If the time goes on, the girl will get sick.

He had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and call the police station again, explaining his location and asking for the police's assistance.

Next, it’s just a matter of waiting quietly.

He thought for a while, took off his clothes and threw them away: "Wear them, it's cold!"

The girl remained unmoved and continued to growl like a beast.

On the contrary, the little puppy in her arms stopped grinning and curled up in the opening of her clothes, making babbling noises.

Zhou Li'an has no experience in dealing with mentally ill patients.

He thought for a moment and planned to find a way from the dog and take a roundabout route.

"She's just a little lunatic..."



Zhou Li'an waved his hand, and the bison meat stored in the system space appeared in his palm.

There is still blood on the beef, and there is no passage of time in the system space. It is as fresh and tender as if it had just been slaughtered.

Then he conjured a dagger and cut off a small piece.

"Give it to the dog. He must be hungry."

Zhou Li'an threw it over, just in front of the girl's feet.

The girl was stunned.

She was attracted by Zhou Li'an's magic, and her anger was replaced by doubt.

The little puppy smelled the scent, barked and struggled.

Patricia took it out, and the puppy bit the beef crazily and devoured it. When it was about half a year old, it had already acquired the ability to eat omnivores. It didn't care whether it was biting or not, it only cared about swallowing. Otherwise, it would never have grown like this.


Watching the dog eat...

Patricia smiled, very happy.

Dirty, dirty.

The police siren sounded, and they arrived.

The first person to get out of the car was Jonah. He should have asked the police for help halfway, but he happened to get in the car.

After seeing Patricia, he didn't rush over in a hurry.

Instead, just like Zhou Li'an, he stood far away and coaxed her: "Patricia, come, come here, okay? It's too cold, let's go home."

Patricia ignored him and just watched the dog eat the meat.

Two police officers also came.

Looking at this scene, they looked at each other.

"Sir, this is not the way to go, she will get frostbite!"

"How about forcing her into a police car?"

Jonah immediately said: "No! She will be scared and even crazier. I know she can't use drastic measures."

The police officer had no other solution. After waiting for a while, he lost his patience and said, "Sir, I think our mission is completed."

Jonah nodded and said a few words of thanks.

Instead, he was a little worried that the police might force his daughter into isolation and send her to a welfare mental hospital.

This kind of thing has happened before.

Because Patricia scratched a passerby after escaping once.

After the police car left, Zhou Li'an asked: "Please think of a solution quickly. He should listen to you, right?"

Jonah looked a little sad, and the answer was ready to come out.

Based on Lao Wang’s original description.

The girl has been completely crazy since the incident when she was five years old.

But now it seems that this kind of madness is more serious than others imagined, and it is a state of disownment.

"Where is your car? Can you drive it over? I'll try to get Patricia into the car and take her back."

Zhou Li'an agreed.

But just as he was about to turn around and leave, an accident happened.

"You, meat!"

The girl's voice became calmer, completely different from the angry growl before.

Jonah was stunned.

Zhou Li'an also stopped and turned around to look.

The girl's eyes met his and she said again: "Meat."

Jonah didn't know what happened between the two of them, but he was extremely surprised: "You, how did you do it? Patricia has never said a word to outsiders!"

Zhou Li'an thought for a while and threw the key to Jonah: "Go and drive to the door of the laundry two streets away."

Jonah's surprised look turned cold, and he was a little worried.

Zhou Li'an said: "If I wanted to harm her, I wouldn't call the police for you and come here. Go quickly. Teach me here and I will try to communicate with her."

"Didn't you say that too? She hasn't spoken to anyone else!"

Jonah finally chose to accept it, took the car keys and ran away quickly.

At this point.

Zhou Li'an followed the same method, took out the beef from the system space, cut it into a small piece and threw it away.

He took back the piece of meat and the dagger.

The girl watched the whole process very carefully.

Even after the magic was over, her eyes continued to jump back and forth between the puppy and Zhou Li'an.

Zhou Li'an knew that she was interested in him and said, "How about we be friends? I can take you to play games."

"For example, I can show you magic tricks."

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

He took out various things in the system space.

Food, fruits, long knives, and even firearms... Then he waved his hand again and took the things back.

The girl looked dull again.

Her eyes trembled and she said the third sentence: "Gun, you have a gun."


"Give me!"

When Zhou Li'an heard this, he automatically identified her with a sociopath. The manic patient took a gun...

It should be in the news tomorrow.

"Children can't play with guns!"

"As friends, I promise you, you will give me a gun!"

Zhou Li'an was silent for a moment, "What do you want a gun for?"

The girl's expression was ferocious again, and she said coldly:

"-Kill him!"

On the car.

Zhou Li'an was driving, and Jonah was in the passenger seat.

In the back row is Patricia with a dog.

Luke Jonah's eyes kept scanning Zhou Li'an, and in this kind of confined space, people's perception becomes very keen.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"How did you do it? Why did Patricia listen to you?"

Zhou Li'an glanced at the girl in the rearview mirror. She was playing with the dog with her head down, as if she was indifferent to their existence.

"We are friends."

"Friend? This is impossible!"

Zhou Li'an smiled and shouted: "Patricia, are we friends?"

At this time, the girl still didn't raise her head, but said: "Yes, friend."

"Oh my god... oh shit!"

"I mean, it's not scientific."

People who lost their faith once again shouted the name of God.

Zhou Li'an thought he was funny.

But now he has found a breakthrough.

"Jonah, oh no, Luke, can I call you that?"

Jonah hesitated for half a second and nodded: "It's up to you."

Zhou Li'an said: "How about helping me write for Patricia's sake?"

This time, Jonah did not refuse firmly, but remained silent.

But a minute later, he still shook his head: "No, this is a matter of principle."

Zhou Li'an said "Oh", then turned around and said: "Patricia, I don't want to be friends with you anymore, your father doesn't like me!"

Just at this moment.


Patricia roared without warning.

"Friend! Friend!"

"Promise! Friend! Our promise!"


She yelled like crazy, fluttered her limbs, and started hitting the car window with her head.

Bang bang bang!

One sound after another, the sound was made with all one's strength.

Jonah was confused, completely confused.

He didn't understand how his daughter was bewitched by this man, and why he couldn't reach communication with Patricia after more than ten years.

But this man only spent less than an hour!!

"I, I..."

"I promise, I promise, you, please stop her from hitting her, please, I beg you, okay?"

The old man in his forties was bursting with tears, and he even burst into heart-wrenching screams and cried.

But no matter how much he vented, Patricia in the back row remained unmoved.

Zhou Li'an spoke: "Patricia, go to my farm tomorrow and I will fulfill my promise to you."

The scream stopped suddenly.

It's like there is a secret valve controlled by Zhou Li'an.

The girl lowered her head and continued to ignore the world.

And Jonah continued to cry. His inner defense that had been strong for more than ten years was broken on this day, and he also needed release and catharsis.

Back to Jonah's house.

Zhou Li'an got his wish and sat on the sofa in the living room.

Patricia returned to the bedroom with the dog in her arms.

Jonah brought a cup of hot water: "Sorry, I don't have coffee."

When an American can't even afford instant coffee, you can imagine how miserable his life is.

However, Zhou Li'an knew very well that he avoided unnecessary expenses and used them all to raise his daughter and even provide heating for her.

"Well, let's talk business. You agreed to the job, right? Otherwise I wouldn't come over to visit Patricia tomorrow."

"Can you tell me how you did it?"

"You'll find out tomorrow, but before tomorrow comes, I want to see a draft."

"Is this all you'll do to threaten me?"

"Threat?" Zhou Li'an shook his head, "This is the second time I have met you, and the first time I have met your daughter!"

"Patricia likes me. This is beyond my or anyone else's control. You must hope that I can make her cheerful, but I have no obligation to do this for you, so this is a fair transaction. No.

There is no form of coercion."

"You can agree or refuse."

On the way back, Zhou Li'an had already figured out one thing.

Luke Jonah's persistence in overturning the verdict is largely due to Patricia.


Perhaps only in this way can Patricia get out of the closed psychological haze.

And while in the garbage room, Patricia proved it.

Zhou Li'an asked her why she wanted a gun.

She said, kill him!!!

So, if Patricia can be redeemed without overturning the verdict, Luke Jonah cannot let this opportunity pass.

The only meaning of his existence in this world is his daughter.

"I promise." Jonah lowered his head and made the final choice.

Zhou Li'an took out the outline again and placed it on the coffee table: "Let's start writing. I'll go out and pack some takeaways."

"Oh, you don't have to refuse, this is what I invited Patricia to eat."

Just when Zhou Li'an was about to go out.

The girl in the bedroom ran out again, frowning, looking at him quietly without saying a word.

Zhou Li'an laughed: "I'm going to buy food and come back. Do you have anything you want to eat? I'll treat you, your father, and the puppy."

Jonah looked back at the scene.

Patricia's brows relaxed a little, but they were still slightly wrinkled, but this expression showed that she was thinking...

"Pie, chocolate pie, okay?"

At this moment.

Jonah, who was sitting on the sofa, made a strange "burp" sound in his throat, and his tears poured down unconsciously.

He covered his face, buried his head and cried.

Zhou Li'an ignored him.

Just thinking...

Chocolate, is it that delicious?

This chapter has been completed!
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