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early morning.

Jonah's living room was as cold as an ice cave.

The middle-aged man was sitting at the dining table writing a manuscript, with only a cup of hot coffee to keep him warm. Jonah couldn't afford coffee before, so this coffee and coffee pot were bought by the Asian man yesterday.

He still feels a little weird, and he doesn't understand why he agreed to cooperate by accident.

In one overnight stay, he completed the first third of the "Bible of Balance".

The opening chapter is titled: Genesis.

Just like God creating the world, he first created a magnificent mythological worldview. The difference is that "Balance Bible" directly uses modern scientific theories——

The Lord of Balance created the solar system 4.6 billion years ago.

Hence the star Sun, and the eight planets, Blue Star being one of them.

Human beings were not created by gods, but reproduced naturally.

The narrative of the first few thousand words does not sound like religious superstition, but more like a children's popular science book... A Hundred Thousand Whys Planet.

As for the birth time of the solar system and the universe, there is no mention of it.

This is required in the syllabus.

Zhou Li'an's idea has always been very clear. The disciplinary system that has not yet been fully confirmed cannot appear in the "Bible of Balance" to avoid being overturned by later generations.

For example, the Bible says that God created man, first created the man Adam, and then used his rib to create Eve Barabara.

The time span covered in the Bible is only more than 6,000 years ago, and the world-destroying flood occurred more than 4,000 years ago.


Modern and reliable ancient human remains date back to more than 1.5 million years.

Can Jesus be slapped in the face? He created man thousands of years ago? He launched a great flood to destroy the world thousands of years ago?

This is their fatal injury, and it is impossible to come back from it!

Why do so many people still believe in a religion with huge flaws? It is nothing more than a spiritual sustenance that deceives oneself and others.

What inspires people to do good and soothes the soul.

After all, this is a history book and part of the development and changes of human spiritual civilization.

The ancestors of Westerners have believed in it for so many years. If it is completely overthrown, what is the difference between spitting on the graves of their ancestors?

I can't keep my face.

Furthermore, you can never wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep. People just believe in it and follow it as a cultural system.

Similar to how a little girl is obsessed with rice circle culture...

The idol's scandal was exposed and his house collapsed. Little fans would also say: "Brother didn't mean it. He apologized. You can be so ruthless. You don't know how to feel sorry for your brother."

After some time passes, idols can continue to be active.

The same is true for Jesus.

Black material? Loophole? Flaw?

A big idol with more than 2 billion fans in the world, why don’t you allow someone to make a few mistakes?

Don't be so unkind. Brother Su has been popular for thousands of years and has brought spiritual comfort to tens of billions of people. Can't you just be considerate of the old artist?

Having learned from past mistakes, the great master of balance certainly cannot make the same mistake.

Cover it with later scientific theories, and after a little research, people will find that astronomy and paleontology are the same as what is described in the "Bible of Equilibrium".

Next, we will introduce the mathematical methods, physical methods, chemical methods, etc. of the "Bible of Equilibrium".

Then "Bible of Balance" is no longer a purely religious book, but also a scientific textbook.

The book of Genesis describes the general development of human history.

End of chapter.

The Lord of Balance traveled across the void and came again to the solar system he created to provide educational guidance for human development.

As for why the Lord of Balance has nothing to do to guide mankind?

Zhou Li'an did not give complete 'writing guidance advice', Luke Jonah himself wrote -

"The true will of God cannot be fathomed."

Just like a movie with an open ending, a thread is left, and how to weave it later depends entirely on one's own will.

a thousand reader with a thousand hamurate.

Brainstorming is a good thing.

Ever since.

After writing all night long, Luke Jonah became more and more excited as he wrote. He drank three or four pots of coffee and his mouth felt sour.

His whole body started to tremble with coldness, but he didn't care and forgot to eat or sleep.

Because, for him, this is a critical process, finding loopholes in the Bible and exposing the hypocrisy of religion bit by bit.

In reality, he is submissive, but on the Internet... ah, no, he punches hard on his laptop.

The more perfect the Lord of Balance is, the more huge his flaws will be.

This is very satisfying for him.

Eight in the morning.

When Patricia got up, a puppy rushed out and wandered around anxiously.

The last one couldn't help but squatted on Luke Jonah's feet and peed.

He suddenly woke up.

I just felt a very comfortable warmth rising on my cold and stiff feet, just like my feet feeling hot when taking a hot bath in winter.

But when he lowered his head, he said, "Fuck, damn you, you stupid dog!"

The dog ran away in fright.

Patricia walked out and looked at her father steadily.

In front of his daughter, Jonah didn't have any temper. He took a deep breath and stood up: "Patricia, let me make breakfast for you. Yesterday... that Asian guy bought a lot of ingredients and left them...


He forgot the person's name for a while. After spending the whole night and exhausting his mental energy, his mind was so muddy that he couldn't remember it... In fact, they didn't even tell him how to call him.

When he stood up, he felt dizzy again.

It was as if there was a curtain covering my eyes and nothing could be seen.


He fell down and fell into coma.

When Jonah regained consciousness, when he opened his eyes, he saw a white ceiling and soft light.

There is a smell of disinfectant in the air.

A handsome Asian face broke into his sight, "Are you awake?"

"W-where am I?"

"Hospital, you are in a coma! Fortunately I came today, otherwise you would have frozen into popsicles in your living room."


"Dogs cannot enter the hospital. She is playing with dogs downstairs. Don't worry, she listens to me and won't run around."

Playing with dogs?

So, I’m in a coma and hospitalized, and my daughter is playing with the dog?

Even though he knew very well that his daughter had a mental defect, he still felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

"Your fever has not subsided and you are malnourished. The doctor recommended that you be hospitalized for observation. I paid the medical expenses. They are considered employee benefits and are not included in your royalties."

"I've read the manuscript you wrote. It's great. I can continue it after I'm discharged from the hospital."

"It's already noon. I'm taking Patricia to eat. There are nurses in the hospital to take care of you, so I won't accompany you. After all, someone has to take care of your daughter."

After saying this, he was ready to leave.

The man on the hospital bed said weakly: "Alas!"

Zhou Li'an looked back.

"Thank you."


"By the way, what's your name?"

"You can call me Zhou. There is a burner phone in the drawer and my phone number. If you need anything, you can call me. Let's go."

"Thank you...please take care of Patricia. You...are a good person."

"Haha, let's go."

Luke Jonah is a talent.

Zhou Li'an recognized his professionalism and said that he stayed up all night to write the manuscript, which was very satisfying.

After careful consideration, Zhou Li'an could not find any loopholes and could directly translate it into teaching materials.

Go downstairs and leave the hospital.

I met a few acquaintances on the way and exchanged pleasantries.

This is the unit he once worked for.

However, it’s time to let the tea cool. These days, my bestie with hairy hair is a stranger even if I don’t interact with her, and the friendship between colleagues is not worth mentioning.


Patricia was playing with the puppy. The Labrador was still all black and looked a bit ferocious because of its skinny body.


Pressed the door lock.

Zhou Li'an waved: "Let's go, let's go eat."

The little girl made up her mind and glanced at the hospital building.

"Luke is fine. I hired a nurse to take care of him. You come with me."

The two people and the dog immediately got into the car.

The original plan was to take her to Lao Wang's restaurant for Chinese food, but she brought up the old story again: "Gun."

Zhou Li'an smiled, turned around and went home to fulfill his promise.

Hood Farm.

Patricia put on her body armor and stood in the open taking aim.


After the loud noise of the pistol being fired, the wine bottle in front served as a target and remained intact.

She is not discouraged either.

Boom boom boom!

After a continuous shooting, she was not afraid at all, but instead became enthusiastic and excited.

When the barrel of the gun became hot and her hands were numb from the shock, she reluctantly ended.

He lowered his head and looked at the skinned little tender hands in a daze.

Zhou Li'an performed another stunt.

Trauma spray was created out of thin air and sprayed on the wounds on her hands.

Patricia spoke a complete sentence, no longer skipping words: "How do you do it? Can you teach me?"

At this time, Zhou Li'an probably realized how Xue Nu felt at the beginning.

"You, can talk?"

She didn't feel offended, nodded, and said, "I went to middle school, but I was kicked out of school because I broke a boy's leg with a chair."

"Why do you do that?"

"He wrote me love letters... I didn't like him and was irritated."

Zhou Li'an looked at her, she was a pretty girl, and he also observed three seconds of silence for a certain male classmate who was a good artist and bold.


Zhou Li'an felt a little numb.

After sending the girl home and leaving her alone, she became agitated and went to beat people on the street.

He said he wanted to take her to the hospital, but she hugged the dog and wouldn't let go.

In the end, Zhou Li'an had no choice but to leave her behind and called Jonah to inform her.

Jonah was not worried about anything happening to his daughter.

Instead, he reminded Zhou Li'an to pay attention to safety, and his daughter went crazy and refused to recognize her relatives.

That night.

Zhou Li'an did not travel through time, but found someone in the WeChat group to introduce the translator.

The group is all former college classmates. Of course they don't like this translation job, but they can recommend relatives or junior students at home to study abroad.

Several of them are still studying for Ph.D.s and have connections in universities.

Soon, a college student added his WeChat account. He was a graduate student in the Department of Western History. He was a top student who won a full scholarship, not a second-generation person just messing around.

My family background is average, so I still have a research assistant job, that is, working for my tutor. I get a monthly salary of about 1,500 U.S. dollars, which is enough to support my life while studying in the United States.

Writing skills are of course not a problem.

Jonah's opening chapter was about 20,000 words. Zhou Li'an did not price it based on 1,000 words, but priced it at $1,000. He told him that it was a long-term job, and this was only part of the content.

The other party readily accepted it and sent back the trial draft later, which was successfully passed.

Three days later.

Jonah was discharged from the hospital.

To Zhou Li'an's surprise, he completed another part of writing about 50,000 words while he was hospitalized.

Lying down in the hospital bed was also lying down. Zhou Li'an paid his medical bills and helped him take care of his daughter. He had to perform well.

The end of Genesis.

The Coming of Equilibrium chapter begins.

Our lord, Balance, traveled to the continent and discovered an indigenous tribe in North America, a tribe called the Modocs, who became the first people of Balance.

The short stories that happened during the period were all left in Zhou Li'an's outline. He polished and filled them in, making them very dramatic.

In this regard, Jonah also expressed his inner confusion: "Zhou, what on earth are you doing with this Scripture of Balance?"

"The Lord of Balance has come to North America? Discovered the New World? What should I write next? Save the Indians?"

He has discovered the continuation direction of the story line from the outline.

When a god comes to North America and converts believers, it will certainly not stop there.

Fictional stories, fictional literature?

Do you still want to publish it? Luke Jonah doesn't think there will be a market for this kind of thing.

Zhou Li'an said: "For a game with a different world setting, if you want to develop the world view and background, you just have to write it."

"That world is controlled by theocracy, and the protagonist of the game will eventually rule the world, so it is necessary to add modern subjects to the game."

He described his ideas one by one, using game development as an excuse.

Luke Jonah has long been out of touch with society, knows nothing about the Internet, and only half understands what he said, but he still nodded in agreement.

The boss gives him money and he does the work.

The most important thing is...

Patricia, who I haven't seen for three days, has become a lot more cheerful. She is no longer taciturn and can sometimes speak complete sentences.

This was something that psychiatrists did not do at the time.

Not to mention that as a father, he has been trying hard for 13 years, but he still can't get his daughter to open up.

After dinner, when Patricia returned to the room, Jonah asked: "How did you do it? Why does Patricia listen to you so much?"

It is not convenient for Zhou Li'an to explain.

If Luke was told that Jonah took Patricia to masturbate...Jonah would probably become even crazier than his daughter.

After all, she is a psychopath.

"I used to be a doctor and know some trauma psychology. To put it simply, Patricia needs an outlet. Anyway, leave her alone. I won't harm her. Well, she is quite cute."

[System time January 20, 1401]

Zhou Li'an only comes here at night recently. After listening to Snow Girl's daily reports on the tribe, he will continue to teach her Chinese.

The first part of the translated version of "The Holy Scripture of Balance" has been marked with Chinese Pinyin and is used as a language teaching material.

Snow Girl mastered it very quickly and can now talk to Zhou Li'an in simple Chinese.

Of course, it's a bouncing word, with Modoc mixed in.

But this is a good start.

Language learning is a process.

After the snow girl became proficient, she also began to let the tribal children recite and master it.

Zhou Li'an's plan is to enable Snow Girl and more than 60 tribal children in the language class to fully master reading and writing within one year.

They don't have to do anything else and attend classes eight hours a day.

The will of the gods must not be disobeyed, and learning the language of the gods is an honor for children.

Therefore, Zhou Li'an also gave names to these more than 60 children and taught them how to write their own names.

After they studied during this period, they also shared the learning content with other children under the assignment of the elders of each tribe.

Including the elders who heard that our Lord gave the "holy scripture", they also began to learn Pinyin voluntarily, hoping to understand the holy will of the gods.

With a passionate learning process, the efficiency is amazing.

Zhou Li'an estimates that in one year, many children will be able to communicate in Chinese in daily life.

And under the subtle influence, tribal people will also master some daily expressions.

It's another evening.

After climbing the mountain for several days, he led the knights who went out to explore and returned to meet Zhou Li'an.

"My lord is on high!"

"We found multiple small tribal settlements in a mountain valley two days' journey to the south. Each settlement has about 6 to 70 people."

"We captured a slave and came back. They don't wear clothes, they don't speak the same language as us, they grow crops in multiple settlements, and they can only hunt small animals for food."

Zhou Li'an was a little surprised.

After more than half a year, we finally discovered a second tribe besides the Modocs?

The west is barren, cold and sparsely populated.

There are not many traceable indigenous tribes in California, and the central and northern parts rely on water systems and woodlands to survive.

The south is extremely dry.

The Southwest Indians that can be identified are either further down in Mexico, or slightly east in the Colorado River Basin.

Like the ancients in various regions of the world, people rely on mountains to eat mountains and water to eat water, with large river basins as gathering areas.

If it were not for the large number of bison hunted with iron tools for food, and horses and carriages as means of transportation, more than 10,000 Modoc people would not have been able to survive when they moved south to California.

Zhou Li'an ordered them to bring the people up.

A man with sunken cheeks and a thin body was trembling and crying.

Keng Shan and the others didn't understand, so they were already impatient and wanted to use body language like "slap" to shut him up.

But before he could take action.

Everyone saw that my lord spoke words similar to that of the man.

Then, the man stopped crying.

"Are you Mono or Paiute?"

These two tribes are the earliest aboriginal people in California and share the same language; Zhou Li'an can tell his identity from his language.

The man had come all the way and had already seen the power of the people of Balance, and he even guessed that the person in front of him must be the chief of this powerful tribe.

"O great leader of the most powerful tribe on earth, you are as hot as the blazing sun in the sky..."

"I am a Mono people, a small and weak tribe. If the great leader is willing, we are willing to become your slaves and dedicate everything to the Mono people."


He voted.

This chapter has been completed!
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