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【79】Bee Ma Wen?

Passing through the clouds, you are thousands of meters high in the sky.

It's like letting your body and mind go through a baptism.

That’s it, Zhou Li’an.

Mainly the snow girl, she sat on the chair and didn't dare to move at first, shivering nervously.

But after flying smoothly, she couldn't help but look down.

Suddenly, there seemed to be an invisible force that suddenly hit her brain, causing her ears to buzz continuously.

The sky is so vast.

Everything on the ground has become small.

Is this the power of scientific power?

"Snow Girl, Snow Girl..."

Calls echoed in the headphones.

After realizing it, the snow girl suddenly woke up, stretched her head forward, and wanted to kneel down, but found that she was tied to the seat with a rope, which was very awkward.

She could only shout: "Master, I, I am here."

"Don't be so loud, I can hear you. Unbuckle your seat belt...forget it, I'll do it."

Turning on automatic assisted flight, Zhou Li'an stepped over and opened the seat belt for her.

Then he asked her to sit in the passenger seat.

"Don't move around. The view will be better if you sit here. Look around. If you see any tribal settlements, remember to remind me."

Part of the portholes on both sides of the cockpit protrude outward to facilitate observation of the situation below.

The snow girl didn't dare to do it at first, but after getting used to it for a while, she became interested.

Zhou Li'an discovered that she was not afraid of heights, nor did she feel dizzy and nauseated due to the sudden weightlessness.

There is always something to gain when you travel.

Zhou Li'an's destination is San Francisco. The straight-line distance from the Equilibrium Station is 170 kilometers and can be reached in less than 40 minutes.

However, he deliberately slowed down and planned to explore along the Sacramento River to the outlet of San Francisco Bay.

If there are other tribal tribes in California, then there must be gathering areas near the river.

as expected.

After more than ten minutes, the snow girl made a discovery.

"Master, there is a settlement there!"

Zhou Li'an took a look and found more than a dozen villages scattered among the woods along the river.

Lower altitude to 150 meters.

The movement in the sky has already disturbed the indigenous people on the ground.

The two could vaguely see countless tribesmen kneeling in worship in the settlement. They had probably never seen such a huge bird, and they already thought it was some noble god.

Zhou Li'an watched this scene in trance, feeling something in his heart, and came up with a new idea.

The engineering machine comes with its own loudspeaker equipment for rescue.

After lowering the height again, he turned on the external speakers.

Think about it for a moment.

In the language of the Miwok people: "I am the only true god in the world, the ruler of all things; the master of all precepts, rules, and laws in the world, the master of balance."

"I came to the world to create a balanced kingdom of God and bring joy and peace to the humble people on the earth."

"Those who surrender to balance will live forever."

"Those who desecrate the balance are sentenced to eternal destruction."

It’s still the same old lines.

When the sound spreads down.

The group of natives became even more crazy. They stood up, jumped and shouted, as if they were responding to something.

Although he couldn't hear their words clearly, looking at the reaction, Zhou Li'an felt convinced.

They are undoubtedly Miwok, a branch of the mountain Miwok people.

The ancestors of the Miwok people arrived in California 4,500 years ago. Most of them settled along the western Sierra Nevada Mountains, while a small number lived in river basins and offshore areas where they made a living by fishing and hunting.

The first people the colonists discovered when they arrived in California were the Miwok people living offshore.

The current number of people in this cluster is probably less than 500, but it should be balanced.

Zhou Li'an added: "My kingdom of God is located in the east. You can search up the river. If you see a warrior riding a beast, shout out the name of Balance and you will be summoned by me."

After notifying them three times in a row, they ignored them.

They sent warriors to explore, and if they could find the best, they couldn't find it...

The gray fog on the system map of this part of the area has been lifted. Zhou Li'an can make a map and distribute it to the Balance Chapter, allowing them to go and gather these Miwok branches.

Take off and continue along the river.

You don’t know if you don’t see it.

Before reaching the mouth of the sea, we encountered more than thirty villages one after another.

Zhou Li'an took the trouble to call them from high in the sky, so that the tribesmen knew that the true god had come to the world.

At least we've laid the groundwork first, so that when the war group goes on an expedition in the future, they can avoid fighting.

The snow girl seemed excited but also a little ashamed, "Master, the snow girl doesn't understand the languages ​​of other tribes, so she can't share the worries of the master."

Zhou Li'an smiled and touched her head, "Your duty is to educate the children of the tribe. They are the future of balance."

Arriving at the mouth of San Francisco Bay, the north shore is the current city of Vallejo, an immigrant city where blacks and Filipinos alone account for more than 40% of the population.

Here, they discovered a new tribe.

Then, along the north shore of San Francisco Bay, all the way to Marin County, and then across the Golden Mountain Channel, which will be connected by the Golden Gate Bridge in the future, to the city of San Francisco. Then continue to go south to Millbrae District, San Mateo, and Redwood

At San Jose, we turned back and headed up to Hayward on the west coast of San Francisco Bay, and finally returned to Vallejo, making a big circle.

One lap was only 250 kilometers, but it took a full three hours.

But the harvest is huge.

One Master and One Servant wiped out all the tribes along the Bay Area, and opened all route maps from the Balance Station to the San Francisco Bay Area.

So far.

There is still plenty of fuel.

Zhou Li'an flew towards the western coastline.

The bay is only a large lake and is far from truly endless.

When the sun on the west coast is about to sink into the sea, the entire sea surface is covered with a dazzling golden color.

The snow girl couldn't help but stood up and looked at the beautiful scenery outside the windshield, falling into obsession.

After a long time, she asked softly:

"Master, is this the sea?"

"Yes, this is the sea."

"Everything is so beautiful, the snow girl likes it so much, master."

Zhou Li'an smiled and said nothing. He also looked at the sea and sky, his thoughts drifting away, "Snow Girl."


“Do you know what’s across the ocean?”

"Master, the snow girl doesn't know."

"It's exactly where the evil spirits in my prophecy live."

"Ah——, what should we do?"

"In less than a hundred years, they will arrive, but if the people of KILO can obey my edicts, work hard, practice and learn the power of science and technology from generation to generation, maybe before those evil spirits come ashore, KIJIANG's people can take the lead

Set foot on their territory and baptize and purify them of their evil."

The snow girl turned sideways excitedly, "Master, the people will definitely be able to do it, they will definitely be able to do it! With your leadership, the earth everywhere in the world will shine with balanced glory."

Change direction and return.

Before nightfall completely fell, the behemoth landed in the open space of the Balance Station.

The people of Balance knelt down and worshiped again, praising the mighty power of our Lord, Balance.

At the same time, also on this night.

Zhou Li'an convened a group of elders and told them that there might be tribes who were inspired to submit to the balance, and ordered them to send out scouts to investigate or lead them.

When my Lord leaves.

The elders discovered that the witch's temperament had become different again.

At that time, the great elder of the Tushi Tribe had the courage to ask: "Great shaman, under the guidance of my Lord, have you seen anything in the vast sky?"

The snow girl was deliberately serious, and now she was even more profound, "I saw the ocean, it's boundless."

"My Lord guides me in the direction. The other end of the dazzling sea is the country where the evil spirits live in the prophecy. If we, the people of Balance, cannot strengthen ourselves, disaster will eventually come in the future."

When everyone in the elders heard this, they were all shocked and speechless, and once again felt frightened and uneasy.

The Snow Girl continued: "But my Lord has said that if the people of Kinkou learn the knowledge given by our Lord and practice the laws of technological and divine power, they can cross the sea and reach their country before the evil spirits come, and make Kinkou's sacred

The light purifies all evil."

"I, the most devout apostle and servant of the Lord of Balance, would like to swear an oath to obey the sacred will of my Lord, follow him, worship him, lead my people of Balance, cross the ocean, purify, and annihilate all evil

Power, let the glory of balance fill the earth!"

At this point, she devoutly praises——

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance."

All the elders looked serious and chanted along in a sacred and solemn voice, "Balance exists among all things."

It's been half a month since the Kinkou Chapter set off for the expedition, but there has been no response.

Judging from the number of branches of the Miwok people, the mountain Miwok people are the main line and their numbers should not be underestimated.

After the capture, it is naturally quite time-consuming to control the large number of Miwok people migrating back, which may take a month or more.

Zhou Li'an was not worried about the war situation. He just urged the tribes to develop infrastructure every day, build houses, build stables, and cultivate rice fields.

At the same time, piloting the aircraft is like plowing, dispersing the gray fog in the system map, and mastering the map of the entire California.

When encountering tribes, he switched to various southwestern tribal languages ​​and issued orders to them.

The result doesn't matter.

It's just a warm-up to give them the idea that there is a true God in the world.

May 10th.

The map of California north of Sacramento is fully open, and Zhou Li'an continues to explore south.

Considering that the technology is not yet available.

He did not dare to fly at low altitude into the Yosemite Valley to look for traces of the Kinkou to avoid crashing.

However, you can cross the mountains and explore the Owens Valley where the Paiute people live.

For this purpose, he called the Snow Girl and the elders of the Mono people.

"Have any of you ever had any experience with the Paiutes?"

Upon hearing this, the Mono elders immediately selected several guides who had led caravans to the Owens Valley.

Zhou Li'an made some inquiries and selected the two warriors who seemed to be the shrewdest.

Both of them are already members of the Knights of Balance.

If you can ride a horse and run around, you won't get airsick.

As for the problem of fear of heights, there is no solution. After getting on the plane, they were tied with seat belts and took off.

The plane takes off.

Zhou Li'an and Xue Nu only heard cries coming from behind them. They didn't know if they were grateful to the true God for blessing them to step into the realm of the sky, or if they were simply in awe and fear.

After observing them to make sure they didn't wet their pants, they ignored them.

If the Balance Chapter goes to the Owens Valley, they will either have to go around the canyon in the north to reach the valley in the large fault area, or they will have to climb several mountain peaks and take a small path.

The Mono people chose the latter. A caravan of twenty or thirty people from several villages could travel over the mountains and reach the destination in the shortest time.

But now, as helicopters take off, the peaks that were once so towering to the Mono people are now at their feet.

The top of the mountain is covered with snow, showing holiness.

The direct flight distance of the plane was only more than 200 kilometers. When the last mountain peak was left behind, the huge valley plain formed by the geological fault revealed its true appearance.

There are countless large and small lakes, divided into dozens of streams and long rivers.

Let’s put it this way, when southern California was experiencing drought and needed development, Los Angeles County purchased 1,200 square kilometers of land and water rights and successfully built an Owens Canal with a total length of nearly 400 kilometers.

Soon after, Owens Lake dried up year by year, eventually leaving a giant salt-alkali land of 300 square kilometers.

And in today's equilibrium year.

The Owens Valley is absolutely heaven on earth.

The two Mono guides on the plane were completely useless. When Zhou Li'an asked the Paiute's location, they could not tell it at high altitude.

Zhou Li'an had no choice but to use stupid methods to push forward little by little, making Xue Nu and the two of them explore downwards.

About an hour later.

They discovered a medium-sized tribal settlement living beside a lake under a mountain stream.

There are more than 500 people in one settlement alone.

The roar of the helicopter quickly attracted the attention of the tribesmen.

After Zhou Li'an descended from the altitude, he repeated his old trick and emitted the voice of the gods at high altitude to reveal the truth of the world to them.

The true God has arrived.

The Mono and Paiute languages ​​have the same origin, and it is impossible to trace their ancestry back.

The indigenous people of North America suffered the disadvantage of being uneducated.

It is very sad that the history of our ancestors can be left behind, but it was all destroyed because of the encroachment by colonizers in later generations.

When the tribesmen of that settlement knelt down and worshiped, Zhou Li'an landed on the grassland on the other side of the mountain stream and lake.

At just the first glance, Zhou Li'an determined that Owens Valley was an excellent horse farm.

There are abundant aquatic plants and can be stocked on a large scale.

The valley extends from north to south to the boundary of Los Angeles, with a length of about 200 kilometers, and an average width of the valley of 30 kilometers. Excluding the obstacles of the mountain topography on both sides, the valley plain for horse racing covers 4,000 square kilometers.

It is easy to raise 100,000 horses.

Originally, Zhou Li'an wanted the Paiutes to migrate with him, but now he had other ideas.

Aren’t the Paiutes the Bute Mawin?

The surname should be "Ma"!!

Now that there is a helicopter, Zhou Li'an can travel between two places, be kind and take care of everything.


The next generation of children of the tribe must go to the Balance Station for language learning.

That’s not right, you don’t need that many people to raise horses.

The tribe is divided into two, and a group of people are replaced every three years to breed and raise horses. They take turns to enjoy the education in a balanced way, so that they can completely return to their hearts.

Got off the plane.

When the snow girl saw her master frowning and contemplating, she took on the responsibility and said to the two Mono people: "You will go and bring the Paiute people to worship our Lord!"

Neither of them spoke Modoc.

But when the snow girl said "balance", they understood.

Our true God is supreme, so the humble Paiute people naturally have to come to greet and worship in person.

The two set off running.


Zhou Li'an was still focused on his thoughts, and with a wave of his hand, a tiled map of the real world appeared, and he re-analyzed the possibility of Owens Valley as a balanced horse farm.

Until much later.

The snow girl gently reminded, "Master, the Paiutes have arrived."

This chapter has been completed!
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