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【80】Balanced Markov

Zhou Li'an never makes simple things complicated.

When two Mono men and a dozen Paiutes approached, a sacred golden light appeared all over him.

The snow girl was slightly stunned.

Zhou Li'an walked over to meet those people.

A ray of light more dazzling than the sun formed a shadow of the true form of the god in the sky behind him.

No further elaboration in language is needed here.

In fear and shock, more than a dozen Paiutes knelt down and surrendered to the glory of the balance.

This tribe is called the "Flute Tribe" and is a branch of the Paiute tribe.

The patriarch is an old elder who is also the tribe's priest and witch doctor.

In addition, he is also an artist.

A shiny coiled flute hangs from his waist.

The tribesmen are all good at playing the flute.

This is the oldest musical instrument of the North American aboriginal people. It was called the Indian flute by later generations. It can be regarded as a precious intangible cultural heritage left behind after being destroyed by the colonists.

The tribe has nearly 700 members.

After the cold winter passed, most of the people in the settlement looked a little hungry and thin.

The balanced people could not feel the severity of climate change during the Little Ice Age, but now the Paiute people have personally experienced a bitter cold experience.


When people gather under the altar to worship the true God.

Zhou Li'an gave them blessings, food and salt, as well as sharp knives, daggers and spearheads.

Then, God issued a decree.

The tribes of the Utes were ordered to gather here and wait for the judgment of the true God after 14 days and nights.

Those who surrender will enjoy joy and peace.

Now the rewards they receive will become proof of the coming of the true god, and they can call other tribes to come.

At noon.

Under the respectful gaze of hundreds of people, the huge Balance Sacred Artifact flew into the sky, once again making them feel the greatness of the gods.

Later, Zhou Li'an flew a plane to explore the valley.

The long and narrow valley is only 30 kilometers wide at its widest point. If you explore it from north to south, you will have an unobstructed view of everything you pass.

Soon, they found 17 tribes of Paiutes, but this time there was no need to land.

Instead, they used airborne loudspeakers to announce the arrival of the true God at a low altitude.

Just waiting for the messenger from the Flute Department to arrive, they will be led to gather to meet the great Lord of Balance.

Before evening.

The plane landed at the equilibrium station.

The harvest of this day is huge.

It doesn't take a single soldier to bring a tribe of thousands of people home.

Returning to the present world, Zhou Li'an began to think about the horse breeding plan in Owens Valley.

Judging from the current geographical location of the Equilibrium Station, the Owens Valley is closed and inconvenient to communicate with each other.

However, a gap opens in the valley to the north, and there is a road that leads directly to the Nevada state capital "Carson City", and then from Carson City to the "Sparks" area.

Returning to the Equilibrium Station, there is also a road leading to the Sparks area. This road is the famous Interstate 80.

Starting from San Francisco, a long line runs through the east and west of the continental United States, all the way to New York and New Jersey.

Parallel to Route 80 is the famous "Pacific Railroad."

Construction started in the mid-to-late 19th century, consuming a lot of manpower and material resources. Chinese laborers played an important role in this railway project.

Of course, it is still early to build roads and railways.

However, using the Pacific Railway as the route design is definitely the best solution for traveling through North America.

Because the construction engineering technology and equipment of that time are incomparable with those of today. The designers of the "Pacific Railway" avoided the harsh terrain along the way as much as possible, and this road was also one of the main routes for bison migration in the first place.

This is why the Americans want to kill all the bison to avoid affecting the railway system.

So for the current equilibrium.

The conditions for raising horses in the Owens Valley are favorable.

Even if they are separated from the base, they can assemble in the Sparks area for future expeditions.

Then, set off along the route of the Pacific Railway to achieve the purpose of unifying North America.

From this perspective, look at North America.

Several railroad routes at the beginning of the founding of the United States could point the way for the Knights of Balance to set out on their expeditions.

Think of this.

Zhou Li'an was extremely glad that he did not rush to put the 1,000 horses directly at the tribe's headquarters.

The number of horses stationed at the station is limited to 1,000, and the rest are put into the Owens Valley to breed offspring and prepare for the unification of North America.

The next day.

Zhou Li'an did not slack off and continued to be busy developing the system map south of Sacramento.

All you have to do now is wait.

Waiting for the 17 tribes of Paiutes to gather.

The balanced battle group, which had been waiting for nearly a month to go on the expedition, returned victoriously and led the migration of the Miwok tribe.

Five days later.

Zhou Li'an traveled to Los Angeles and discovered several tribal settlements along the way. He announced the existence of equilibrium at low altitude and recorded the location, waiting for subsequent invitations.

May 16th.

A scout reported back.

Zhou Li'an originally thought he got news from mountain climbing, but he learned that it was the arrival of a branch of the Miwok people previously discovered in the Sacramento River Basin.

They sent envoys to explore, and were eventually discovered by the knights of Kinkou.

In the evening, the delegation representing more than a dozen settlements stepped into the balanced station and were shocked by the bustling scene in front of them.

And after worshiping the true God.

Zhou Li'an bestowed blessings on them and performed miracles.

Order them to set off and return tomorrow, so that they can lead the tribe to migrate and fall into the arms of Balance.

Putting in helicopters is definitely the wisest decision. It can gather the tribes without the need to balance the battle group.

However, this method is limited to California.

Even Zhou Li'an flew a plane to other states to find the indigenous people and told them that the true god had arrived and was waiting for their visit.

Each tribe will also look confused, not knowing the route and specific location.

Therefore, the expedition of the Balance Chapter is not only to make the tribes surrender, but also to pave a way for the migration of the tribes in North America in advance.

Only when the tribes migrated and unified, and were taught the language and writing, could they achieve self-development and progress.

Otherwise, Zhou Li'an alone would not be able to complete his ambitious hegemony.

May 23.

Lao Wang called to urge the next batch of fur supplies.

Zhou Li'an postponed it for two days.

The Balance Chapter has been on an expedition for more than a month, but they haven't returned yet. After all, he still feels a little worried in his heart.


No news is the best news.

First of all, the probability of the Balance Chapter's defeat is extremely low. Secondly, even if it fails, it is impossible for the entire army to be wiped out. There will always be someone to report.

Since there is no news now, all we can do is wait.


The 14-day period has expired.

Zhou Li'an took the Snow Girl and 19 Mono guides aboard the Balanced Sacred Artifact and flew to the Owens Valley again.

Snow Girl had already adapted to flying. On the way, she turned her head and looked behind her from time to time, and asked Zhou Li'an, "Master, do you want to send the Utes to migrate here under the leadership of these guides?"

Zhou Li'an couldn't help laughing at her question.

When the snow girl saw him laughing, she blushed in embarrassment, "Master, did I say something wrong?"

"You're right, but only half right."

As her studies in cultural classes progress, she often asks questions and thinks for herself.

She is no longer an uncivilized native and is growing up.

"Half?" Xue Nu thought for a long time, but couldn't figure it out.

This question is out of scope.

After all, she didn’t know much about horse breeding, and she didn’t have the vision to unify all of North America.

Zhou Li'an explained to her that half of the Paiutes would be left behind to herd and raise horses in the Owens Valley to breed more horses for the Balanced Cavalry.

Talking all the way, we soon arrived at Owens Valley.

The 19 Monos in the back row, except for the two who had the earliest flying experience, all turned pale with fear.

When the helicopter approaches the flute department.

Outside the tribe, large camps have been set up for the migration and gathering of various Paiute tribes.

14 days ago.

Zhou Li'an not only came to the flute department to issue divine decrees; he also flew to 17 tribes before leaving to show the majesty of the gods.

Therefore, now that all 17 tribes have arrived, no one dares to disobey.

The roar of the gods' sacred vessels came from the sky.

Thousands of Paiutes knelt down tremblingly, kowtowing and praising the black shadow in the sky.

Until the plane landed.

People also dare not raise their heads to look at the true God.

After getting off the plane, 19 Mono people also knelt on the ground and praised our Lord for Balance. In fact, they were so frightened that their legs weakened after taking the plane.

Zhou Li'an used a wireless headset to connect the helicopter's loudspeaker equipment, allowing the loud sound to spread without having to carry speakers and generators——

"Where are the leaders of the Paiute tribes?"

At the front of the crowd, 17 men and women stood up and walked over with bows.

The leader was a strong and brave man. When he came closer, he knelt down again and said, "Holy God, the humble Paiute Chief Mountain Lion, I would like to offer you my piety and sincerity, and I would like to be a servant at your feet.

You sweep away the dust from the road ahead..."

Zhou Li'an repeated his old tricks.

Activate system skills.

When the light and shadow of the divine true form are revealed.

Not only were the 17 tribal chiefs kneeling in front of them trembling in shock, but the gathering of thousands of people behind them also caused an uproar.

The voice of the gods returns—

"I, the only true God in the world, the ruler of all things; the master of all precepts, rules, and laws in the world, the master of balance!"

"——Accept your surrender."

"I see your piety and hear your awe and worship of balance..."

"I will give you a 'steed', and you will become the most loyal horse herders under the command of Kongli. You will dedicate your piety and sincerity to Kongli from generation to generation."


A horse appears out of thin air.

The horse woke up and was frightened by the scene in front of him.

"Snow Girl."

As soon as Zhou Li'an gave an order, Snow Girl stepped forward to comfort him. She was already a skilled knight and often rode the Akhal Tekin horse outside the station.

When the horses were calmed down, Zhou Li'an waved his hand and handed over the saddle and harness.

at this time.

Without Zhou Li'an and Xue Nu's orders, the two guides from the Mono people who were selected as the Balance Knights hurried forward and put saddles on the horses.

Being familiar with the use of horse gear is their first lesson in riding.

Saddle binding.

Zhou Li'an nodded to Snow Girl, and saw her stepping on the pedal with her left foot, her body moved upward lightly, and after crossing her right leg, she sat firmly in the saddle.

Only then did his voice spread out again——

"The horse I created can be your most loyal partner, carrying you across the earth, crossing streams, and becoming a knight of Balance. For me, the Lord of Balance, I will spread my glory all over the earth."

At that moment, the horse neighed loudly, and under the control of the snow girl, it sprinted out.

The sound of horse hooves rhythmically trampled the ground, trampling the hearts of thousands of Paiutes.

They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

With a wave of his hand, the true god created a huge beast.

And that ferocious beast can be tamed, and a petite figure can easily control it and run quickly across the earth.

After running around, no one could take their eyes off the snow girl.

Until she turned over and dismounted.

The voice of the gods once again attracted everyone’s attention——

"Are you willing to surrender to Ji-Jing and become the most loyal Wrangler under Ji-Jing?"

Thousands of people stood still for three to five seconds, and then started to stir like boiling water——


"Are you willing to become a knight of KINO, riding a horse across the earth, so that KINO's glory can shine on this world?"


"Then you must praise the balance and praise the name of my god!!"


The boiling sound shook the earth.

Thousands of people shouted in praise.

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!!"

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!!"

Before the last sacred light was extinguished, Zhou Li'an gave them surnames——

"From this day on, you are no longer Paiutes, but citizens of the Balance."

"I have inspired your piety, so I will give you a surname today."

"You should be proud of herding horses and make a living from horses..."

"It should be named after a horse."

"Mountain Lion!"

The muscular chief shouted, "My lord, the mountain lion listens to your will."

"I gave you a name, with Ma as the surname and the name Jianjun!"

"I send my blessings to you. I hope you can raise and breed thousands of horses for Balance, create a balanced knight army, and spread balance throughout the earth!"

The chief was very excited.

Being given a name by the gods is probably the highest honor in the world.

He shouted excitedly, showing off his name to everyone, "I am Ma Jianjun, I am Ma Jianjun! This is my name!!"

His pronunciation is not standard, but now he roars with enough momentum.

Countless people cast envious glances at him, and their position as leader was determined to be unshakable.

Zhou Li'an didn't want to change the organizational structure too early.

Since the chief came to surrender in such a wise manner, there was no need for Zhou Li'an to kill him.

Returning to the heart and surrendering does not necessarily require bloody methods.

As for the Modoc chief at the time... he could only blame himself for being too stubborn.

I surrendered and enjoyed the food and drink.

You must seek death.

That’s okay, I’ll help you.

At present, a sacrificial ceremony lasted for most of the day, and finally ended with Zhou Li'an's divine decree——

"Balance Ma's orders!"

"The seventeenth clan of the Ma family should order the elderly, women, children, and children to migrate, and be escorted by half of the warriors in the clan, to the balanced country, where they can enjoy peace and happiness."

"The remaining people formed a new settlement here, learned the skills of riding, and were educated in the art of breeding. Then they built a horse farm and raised countless horses for balance."

Of course, they cannot understand better based on will alone.

Wait until the sacrifice is over.

Zhou Li'an summoned the heads and elders of the 17 clans to gather together, arrange detailed matters for them, reward them with sufficient salt, and planned to give sharp magic weapons to each clan member the next day.

There are abundant resources in the valley, and countless buffalo herds gather there.

As long as they are equipped with brand new weapons, they can be self-sufficient without worrying about food and clothing.

At this point, the first balanced clan appeared.

They just need to be educated in writing and language.

On the Ma family’s genealogy, the name “ancestor” will appear——

Ma Jianjun.

Male, year of birth unknown.

He received the name given by our lord, Heping, and served our lord with a pious heart. From then on, he created hundreds of years of glory for the "Kingliang Ma family".

This chapter has been completed!
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