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[81] City-state prototype

That night.

Zhou Li'an presented the beef brought from the Balance Station and the fruits and vegetables stored in the system, and ordered the tribesmen to light a bonfire and start a night of carnival.

The snow girl was invited to rest in the hut of the leader of the flute tribe.

19 Mono people also received the highest courtesy.

If I were not a brother of the Mono tribe, I, Paiyute...ah, no, how could I, the balanced Ma family, be able to see the true God?

Late at night, Zhou Li'an left in a flash, greeted by thousands of people.

This scene once again shocked everyone.

The next day it was sunny.

Zhou Li'an came back and began to give rewards to the seventeen Ma clans.

The seventeen Ma clans have a total of more than 7,000 people, which is so large that they were regarded by the original Mono people as the most powerful clan in the world.

Now that we surrender to the Balance, not counting the 1,000 warriors left behind, there will be more than 6,000 people, which will increase the population of the Balance Station to more than 23,000.

A blessing that almost killed Zhou Li'an.

After giving weapons, the Balance Pendant and the Balance Statue, more than 7,000 people came to pay homage to our Lord one by one, and he would say two words of blessing to his people.

Brainwashing and returning to the heart cannot be omitted.

Since the surname is given to the Ma family, their importance needs no explanation. Everyone needs to remember the honor of our Lord and worship and praise it in their hearts day and night.

Later, Zhou Li'an gave them enough food on the migration journey, so they didn't need to carry too many supplies. By then, they would be able to travel lightly. The balanced Kingdom of God would not lack anything.

Considering that the 1,000 people left behind also needed to solve their personal problems, Zhou Li'an ordered them to keep their wives so that they could continue to give birth to more newborns for the sake of balance.

However, the two-year rotation rule remains unchanged.

They also need to go to the Balance Station to receive education and integrate into the group so that they can have cohesion and centripetal force.

In addition, Zhou Li'an also plans to send craftsmen to guide them in building houses in the Owens Valley.

The Owens Valley is a geomantic treasure, but with the advent of the Little Ice Age, they and their horses need to consider how to withstand the severe cold.

After spending two days to get these things done, Zhou Li'an took the Snow Girl and drove the Balanced Artifact back to the station.

The Mono people stayed behind and would serve as guides, leading them to migrate and find the location of the Kingdom of Balance, so that they could enjoy joy and peace.

Two of the knights will start training their equestrian skills.

Master it as soon as possible so that Zhou Li'an can release the horses. He will need to lead more experienced knights in a few days.

May 25th.

After climbing the mountain, I finally remembered to send a scout to report back.

More than 20 tribes of Miwok people have all surrendered and are migrating out of the valley. They have now arrived at Mono Lake, the original territory of the Mono people.

Zhou Li'an felt relieved.

Migrating from Monohu, it can take up to a week to arrive.

It just so happened that the gradually phased-out tents in the camp could accommodate the Miwok people; while it would take one and a half to more than two months for the seventeen Ma clans to come over the mountains.

After all, it was a great migration of more than 5,000 people, and the mountain roads were difficult and difficult, not as easy as the Modoc people's migration south.

When they arrive, more houses will be built and excess tents will be used for their temporary residence.

This evening.

Wang De bombarded him with phone calls several times, and Zhou Li'an also knew that he could not delay any longer, lest the old guy think that he had skipped the ticket and ran away.

Book a flight for the next morning and prepare to go to Juarez for delivery.

May 26, 10 am.

Zhou Li'an met Lao Wang at the tannery with two truckloads of fur.

"6,000? Didn't you say 10,000?" He was a little dissatisfied.

Zhou Li'an said: "I said the minimum guarantee is 10,000 tickets in June."

"This doesn't count June? The furs tanned now will be sold in June."

"Okay, okay." Zhou Li'an said impatiently, "6,000 cards are enough for you to be busy this month, and I will definitely do it next month."

After paying the final payment for the aircraft purchase, 35 million was left in the account.

This month, the price of furs dropped to 3,000 knives each, and 15 million was received in payment for 5,000 furs. The 1.5 million was divided between two people. After deducting operating costs, the 1.3 million was divided equally between 650,000 knives and 650,000 knives.

No wonder Lao Wang was so anxious that he wanted more supplies.

The price of furs is reduced too quickly, and because the supply of goods is not clean, the price can only be based on the buyer's market price.

However, in fact, this profit situation has exceeded Lao Wang’s previous expectations.

I get a net profit of more than 600,000 yuan a month. Where else can I find such a good thing?

The main reason is that he has barely recovered the cost of building the factory and cannot feel the joy of making a net profit.

Zhou Li'an is different.

The account balance is 35 million, and another 14 million was recorded this month, almost breaking the 50 million US dollar mark again.

But the money has already been put to use.

There are still 999 horses waiting to be released in the system, and 10 million needs to be deducted; the remaining nearly 40 million should not be used for anything else.

35 million will be used to invest 3,500 horses, and the equilibrium station will be stocked with 1,000 horses, while 4,000 horses will be put into the Owens Valley to breed offspring.

The remaining 5 million is just enough to buy horses.

Your own bottom can be drained instantly.

There is no use keeping the money. The breeding of tribal horses is related to the formation of the knight army, and the monthly revenue is constant...

Besides, there is a lot of gold still waiting to be mined in the river.

Money, it's just a bunch of numbers.

The time has come for June.

Before the arrival of warm spring, the temperature in California became hotter and the climate became abnormal. The Modoc people who migrated from the cool mountains of Oregon were unable to adapt.

I was wearing thick clothes almost two days ago, but now I have to go shirtless in the past two days, and my whole body is covered with a layer of stickiness.

However, in the past two months, thousands of people have cultivated and planted rice fields, and green seedlings have already grown.

Because summer started late in North America, Zhou Li'an immediately organized manpower and began to empty public toilets, build fermentation tanks, and convert feces into fertilizer.

Do some fattening before releasing water in the rice fields.

The tribesmen couldn't understand why my lord asked them to handle the feces and even threw the feces into the fields.

Can this kind of thing be eaten?

However, no one can disobey God's will.

June 2nd.

The Kung Fu regiment finally stepped out of the Yosemite Valley, leading more than 20 troops and more than 4,000 mountain Miwok people to arrive at the Kōng Kōng station.

Not to mention the changes along the way, the Balance Chapter suffered slight losses, but at least they arrived successfully.

Not surprisingly, the Miwok people were shocked when they saw the prosperity of the Balance Station.

When they saw the Balance Sacred Artifact rising in the sky, a figure emitting divine light stepped out from the Holy Artifact and issued a deafening voice of the gods to them. More than 4,000 meters of Walkers swore their surrender to the Lord of Balance.

At the same time, tribes from western California, the San Francisco Bay Area and the Sacramento River Basin also gradually arrived.

Zhou Li'an showed kindness and blessing to the Miwok people.

When tens of thousands of people in the audience all praised the name of balance...

[Ding! Population 6519!!]

The number of balanced citizens reached 23,000.

After just over a month, the seventeenth Ma clan arrived, with a population approaching 30,000.

South of Sacramento, Zhou Li'an has also sown the seeds of balance and is waiting for the harvest.

Therefore, it is only a matter of time before it breaks through the 30,000 mark.

The balanced battle group went out for a long time, and when they came back, the station had changed so much that they could not recognize it.

The vast rice fields are lush and green, with the fragrance of seedlings and manure floating around.

The number of houses built has exceeded a thousand, and the forest land that was previously located on the side of the camp has been cleared.

They once didn't know what the kingdom meant, but now they have some understanding.

But my lord said...

This is just a small city-state in the Kingdom of God.

When the balanced glory fills the earth, there will be countless city-states like this or even larger than this standing on the earth. Countless city-states will form together to form the prototype of the Kingdom of God.

And to balance the future of the Kingdom of God...

It is four oceans and seven continents.

The people still don't know how to explain it.

Only the Snow Girl has now obtained the first revised version of the globe.

The four oceans are divided by lines and have not yet been named. The seven continents are just blank, with only one place saying "Da Ming".

The snow girl asked: "Master, why don't these places have names?"

Zhou Li'an said: "Except for the Ming Dynasty, all other places are evil spirits and barbarians, waiting for the purification and baptism of Balance!"

"When equilibrium comes, these places will be defined and named by equilibrium."

This chapter has been completed!
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