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Chapter 216: The First Intermediate Skill

Chapter 216 The first intermediate skill

Zhang Junping did not rush back to the hotel, but found an abandoned house nearby and stayed there all night.

He, a Chinese, was riding a bicycle on the road in the middle of the night, which was too eye-catching.

Basically, any policeman you encounter will stop him and check your passport.

Who knows, when the old man wakes up, he will be impulsive and call the police.

In that case, he is the biggest suspect.

Compare two people taking photos of each other.

The next day, Zhang Junping rode his bicycle back to the hotel.

When I got back to the hotel, I took a shower first to wash away all the fatigue, coldness, and excitement from the night.

After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, Zhang Junping went to the restaurant to have breakfast.

Then he returned to the room and threw himself on the bed.

The excitement cannot be concealed.

This time, a total of 11,556 oil paintings were harvested.

There are also many works by famous artists such as Picasso, Renoir, Henri Matisse, and Marc Chagall.

Depend on!

The Prussian authorities were so evil that they just swallowed the bulk and gave them a fraction.

Looking at the fragments of experience like stars in the museum space, Zhang Junping was temporarily fascinated.

Two hundred and sixty thousand fragments of Western painting experience.

This is the first intermediate skill he got.

Advanced skills require one million experience fragments, so there is a long way to go!

After Zhang Junping clicked to get it, a storm of consciousness suddenly appeared in his mind.

After the storm, there are dreams one after another.

The dream is extremely real.

In the dream, he is a painter in every life.

Rural painters, wandering painters in the city, young painters, late blooming elderly painters, high-spirited court painters...

By the time Zhang Junping woke up again, it was already night.

This is the protection of the space for him. It only takes a moment to accept the inheritance of knowledge. It takes a lot of brain cells to digest so much painting knowledge, skills, and experience.

Space allows Zhang Junping to fall into a deep sleep, which is a kind of protection. Deep sleep can allow brain cells to recover at a faster speed.

After waking up, Zhang Junping felt sore all over and his head was confused, as if there was an iron knot tied around him.

It felt like a cold or a high fever.

Even though I had just taken a shower this morning, I still felt sticky and uncomfortable.

I forced myself to take a shower, returned to bed, reached for the phone on the bedside, ordered a room spa, and made a reservation for dinner.

Let the front desk calculate the time and send it to the room after the spa treatment.

Pure Green Health Spa is quite good.

After the spa, Zhang Junping felt much more relaxed all over, and even his head was not as heavy as before.

I signed the order, gave a tip, and sent the technician off.

As expected, the connection is seamless. When the technician goes out here, dinner is delivered there.

The must-try steaks, grilled snails, cheese lobster, foie gras, caviar, pasta, and a lot of other things. He had just finished the spa and his stomach was growling. Zhang Junping didn't care about tasting any delicious food and just drank it all.


I drank a glass of French dry red and sent the waiter away with a tip.

Lying on the bed, he fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I was full of blood and full of strength.

I feel like you are in better shape than before.

Thinking of the descriptions in some later novels, such as Rebirth and the Flying Era, and other novels, Zhang Junping guessed that his own space might also have this function.

It's just an incidental function. Every time you receive a skill inheritance, it will be a process of cutting off the hair and cleaning the marrow.

It's just that it was a basic skill before, so I couldn't feel it.

After washing up, I went out to have breakfast and then returned to the room with the newspaper.

Reading newspapers is Zhang Junping's daily routine.

Although he was visiting flea markets, stealing treasures, and planning to hunt for treasures in the mountains, it did not mean that he had forgotten his mission.

However, you can’t just rely on enthusiasm to do things, but also pay attention to methods. Our ancestors have said that we must pay attention to the right time, place, and people.

Zhang Junping slowly flipped through today's newspapers, and suddenly a piece of inconspicuous news came into Zhang Junping's eyes.

The total length of the article is less than 200 words, and it is only an area the size of dried five-spice tofu.

The purchasing group arrived in Prussia, but I don't know what they got.

Do you want to go over and meet them?

Zhang Junping held his chin and started thinking.

In the end, Zhang Junping decided to go there and meet with the purchasing group to learn about their purchasing situation.

It can also avoid conflicts between your next arrangements and the purchasing group.

Just do it when you think about it.

Zhang Junping went to the front desk, checked out of the room, and drove his car quickly back to Berlin.

Even so, it was already noon when we arrived in Berlin.

The newspaper didn't say which hotel the purchasing group stayed in, but it didn't bother Zhang Junping.

Drive directly to the embassy.

If you have difficulties abroad, just contact the embassy.

When he arrived at the embassy, ​​he took out his passport and after some negotiation, Zhang Junping met the secretary of the Commercial Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Prussia.

"You are also a member of the purchasing group, why didn't you go with the purchasing group?

We checked your entry record and found that you have been here for nine days, why didn't you contact the embassy?" Secretary Shi asked with a serious face.

"As for why I didn't go with the purchasing group, that's a secret and you have no right to know.

If you must ask, I will report this situation to my superiors!" Zhang Junping also replied righteously.

Damn, who are you trying to scare?

Come on! Let’s see who can bluff whom.

Zhang Junping secretly cursed in his heart.

Sure enough, Secretary Shi was frightened by Zhang Junping and did not dare to continue asking.

In case what Zhang Junping said was true, he would ask one more question.

Once Zhang Junping reports back, he will be faced with returning to China and being examined.

Not many people are willing to accept this kind of review.

Put a person under a magnifying glass and study over and over every word and deed, when he met whom and what he said.

Once reviewed, there is no privacy at all.

"Okay, since that's the case, I won't ask any more questions.

The purchasing group went to the Technical University of Berlin today, where they will have a day of friendly exchanges and have dinner with our Chinese students in Berlin." Secretary Shi's attitude became much better and he explained to Zhang Junping with a smile.

"I won't go to the Technical University of Berlin! They are staying in that hotel, so I will go directly to the hotel to wait for them." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

After saying that, he looked at Secretary Shi and said, "By the way, can I leave now?"

"Yes, you can leave at any time! If you need any help from us in the future, you can come to the embassy at any time." Secretary Shi politely sent Zhang Junping to the door of the embassy.

Zhang Junping came to the hotel where the purchasing group stayed and checked in.

I didn't dare to be embarrassed, but chose a standard room to stay.

We found a place to have lunch and returned to the hotel.

The people in the purchasing group are still broadening their horizons at the Technical University of Berlin, and Zhang Junping has nothing to do now.

I can't sleep. I slept for almost twenty-four hours yesterday.

This will make you feel so good that you will overflow with energy.

Suddenly I thought of some oil paintings I had painted before and took them out to take a look.

I suddenly felt awkward looking at it, just like a college student looking back at the homework I wrote in elementary school. I wanted to tear it up and destroy it so that no one could find out how naive I was.

This is how Zhang Junping feels now.

Such a childish painting, actually painted by yourself?

Zhang Junping became even more depressed when he thought that he had sold two paintings.

Zhang Junping, who was originally proud of being able to obtain the contact information of executives of Volkswagen Group and Continental Group, now wanted to go to the two people's homes and steal the paintings back.

Completely destroyed.

Nothing happened, so Zhang Junping simply went out and bought a canvas, returned to his room, set up his easel, and started his second creation.

Oil painting can use special oil painting paper or canvas.

Generally, novices who learn painting use oil painting paper, which is relatively cheap.

Now that I have officially started creating, I can use canvas.

There are also several types of canvas, including linen, nylon fiber cloth and cotton.

The best thing is linen.

What Zhang Junping bought when he went out was linen, and it was the best linen, produced in Colombia.

Not short of money.

Zhang Junping has a good memory, and the scenes he has painted before are all clearly imprinted in his mind.

Close your eyes and remember, then start creating.

As soon as I started writing, I immediately felt something different. The same scenery had a different understanding in Zhang Junping's eyes.

There are also different changes in the use and matching of colors.

The painted pictures are more realistic and the three-dimensional effect is stronger.

Zhang Junping has a mountain in his mind, and his writing is like a spirit.

In one afternoon, Zhang Junping painted three paintings in succession.

One is a depiction of the nameless square, the other is a portrait of the Virgin Mary, and the other is a depiction of the Place BMW.

Looking at the three oil paintings, Zhang Junping was extremely satisfied.

This is your own level.

Look at the time, it's almost time.

I picked up the phone, called the front desk, and asked if anyone from the purchasing group was back.

I was told that I haven't come back yet.

Only then did Zhang Junping remember that Secretary Shi had said before that he seemed to want to have dinner with those international students.

Zhang Junping simply went out and dealt with it himself.

Back to the hotel, I continued to create and re-created all the oil paintings I had done before.

As for the original paintings, Zhang Junping was not willing to destroy them. Instead, he put them into the museum space and let them continue to witness their growth.

After painting until late at night, Zhang Junping finished all the previous paintings and painted another picture of the flea market in his memory.

There was nothing left to draw, but Zhang Junping's energy was still full and overflowing at this time.


It would be great if this was in Honzi Country. Zhang Junping couldn't help but think of Takeuchi Emi and Kamei from Honzi Country.

If they were here, I wouldn't be lonely all night tonight.

There are two beauties as models, and I can draw ten or eight human body oil paintings in one night.

While Zhang Junping was thinking wildly, a day's work had already begun in Benzi Country.

Yamashita Shinichi was sitting in his office worrying about not having enough money.

The TV factory we acquired before can only be regarded as an assembly workshop. All components, including TV casings, were purchased from other factories.

What we need to do now is to purchase relevant processing machine tools and production technology.

There is a saying that it is easier said than done. At first, Yamashita Shinichi and Zhang Junping did not expect it to be so troublesome.

Ignoring the needs of a TV: power board, backlight board, motherboard, logic board, display screen, chassis, picture tube, deflection coil, high-voltage package, tuner, microprocessor, IF processing integrated block, input signal selection switch

Integrated blocks, small signal processing blocks such as line and field scanning and color decoding, sound amplifier integrated blocks, speakers, switching power supplies, line tubes, field output integrated blocks, video amplifier tubes, various high and low frequency small power tubes, various electrolytic

Capacitors, various dielectric capacitors, various resistors with different powers and resistance values, various input and output interfaces, etc.

It also contains many patented technologies, and if you want to produce them, you need to pay patent royalties.

The core technology of TV display screens is in the hands of Benzi and Bald Eagle.

The second- and third-level technical cores developed based on core technologies are in the hands of Benzi, Bald Eagle, and Bangzi.

Moreover, all those who master these core technologies are giants, and it is impossible for them to sell core patented technologies.

Yamashita Shinichi couldn't help but think, if only his husband were here, he would definitely be able to solve these problems.

Then I started to blame myself again. How much trust did my husband have in entrusting me with such an important matter?

I actually want to push the difficulties onto my husband?

Thinking of this, Yamashita Shinichi slapped himself twice in the mouth.

Then ask the secretary to notify the heads of each department to have a meeting in the conference room.

"I know that we have encountered many problems recently, and the establishment of the TV factory has encountered many obstacles. The company's funds are insufficient to support the establishment of a complete production line.

Many core technologies are not sold to us.

These difficulties are currently beyond our ability to solve.

Then we'll put it on hold for now.

Let’s start with simple projects that our funds can support.

When we have enough funds, we can go back and start setting up a complete production line again. Then you will issue it. It turns out that the problem is that simple.

We are not in a hurry, we are still young.

We can afford to fight, but we can also afford to lose!

Gentlemen, let us work together to fight for a common cause!" Yamashita Shinichi shouted, waving his fist.

I have to say that Yamashita Shinichi’s words are very provocative and very inspiring.

His morale, which had been somewhat low due to setbacks in the past few days, was cheered up by him.

“Let’s focus our main attention on the textile factory.

Study the patented technology reserves of this factory.

Which of these patents are in market demand, and how to transform these patents into production technology?" Yamashita Shinichi assigned work tasks to the people in the business development department.

Most of the people who were originally responsible for the television project were transferred back to work on the textile factory project.

"Gentlemen, please!" Yamashita Shinichi bowed deeply to everyone.

"Hi!" Everyone quickly stood up and agreed.

The transformation of patented technology into production technology is not that easy.

Otherwise, there would not be so many patents issued every year, but less than one percent can actually be transformed into production process technology.

Two big chapters in one

By the way, there is an event in the book review area, a fan post competition, you can go and participate.

Someone said in the group that they don’t know how to write a fan post, but it’s actually very simple.

Just choose a character in the novel and write a short story for him.

Or you feel that the author's writing of a certain plot is not perfect or complete, so you can complete it and modify the plot to what you think is perfect.

For example, you can write about the protagonist going to a Japanese museum to buy items for zero yuan.

Then throw a pile of coal into a public toilet.

This chapter has been completed!
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