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Chapter 297 Returning to the Siheyuan Seat

The hotel waiter was very familiar with Xu Jingang. As soon as they entered the hotel, a middle-aged woman greeted them with a smile.

"Captain Xu, you are here! What would you like to eat today?"

This enthusiasm made Zhang Junping almost think that he had traveled back to the 1990s again.

However, Zhang Junping soon figured out that it had nothing to do with the era. Just look at what people ordered, it was all in that era.

"Find us a private room and bring us a pot of tea first! Two friends will be coming over in a while. We will order food when they arrive." Xu Jingang said casually.

"Okay, please go inside first!" The middle-aged woman led Xu Jingang and three others into the private room.

Turning around and going out to make tea for them, Zhang Junping glanced at Xia Guoxiang, who quickly got up and followed him out.

"Time flies so fast! In the blink of an eye, it has been almost three years since we were discharged from the army. Everyone has gone their separate ways. Many people have simply lost contact. I don't know how everyone is doing?" Xu Jingang said with emotion.

"Yes! It's really not easy for people from all over the world to come together again." Zhang Junping nodded in agreement.

It turns out that when he was doing procurement, he could often visit his comrades. Now that he no longer does procurement, it is really not easy to see his comrades again.

This is not the future, with convenient transportation and advanced communications. With a phone call, people can arrive on the same day even if they are far away from the world.

The comrades-in-arms always had endless things to talk about. The two of them talked about their respective current situations. Xia Guoxiang walked in carrying a teapot and a thermos.

He poured water for Xu Jingang and Zhang Junping, and then poured himself a glass. He sat aside and listened quietly to the two people talking.

"Eh? There's something wrong with this tea!" When Xia Guoxiang poured the tea, Xu Jingang smelled it as if it tasted different from what he usually drank.

At that time, I didn't pay much attention, thinking that the store had changed the tea leaves.

As a result, after drinking it, he immediately felt that there was something wrong with this tea. It tasted better than the tea he drank in their captain's office.

"This is the tea I brought! I still have a lot of it in the car. I'll get you two jins later!" Zhang Junping explained with a smile.

"Then we have a good relationship, and I won't be polite to you anymore." Xu Jingang didn't give in.

"Why are you being polite to me? Isn't it time to compete with me for meat in the army?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Bullshit! It's obviously your kid who competed with me for meat, okay? It's such a big piece of fat, and as soon as I picked it up, your kid snatched it away." As soon as he mentioned snatching meat, Xu Jingang cursed his mother angrily.

"Fuck your mother's bitch, I was the one who dug it up. Just when I was about to pinch it, you beat me to it! If you hadn't insisted on grabbing it from me, would you have allowed that bastard Zhao Jianguo to take advantage?

"Zhang Junping also cursed angrily.

"Zhang Junping, your grandma, when did I offend you? You piece of shit, you actually cursed people behind their backs." Zhao Jianguo and Liu Xuemin pushed the door open and came in. Zhao Jianguo cursed angrily.

"You bitch, why are you scolding you? Back then, you attacked me from behind and took my meat away. Now that I think about it, I still want to beat you up!" Zhang Junping cursed.

"Yes! Zhao Jianguo, you are the most shameless bitch. In order to steal the meat, you actually spit on the meat!" Xu Jingang also started to curse.

"Hahaha! You know nothing! A bunch of reckless people, that's what I call a strategy!" Upon hearing this, Zhao Jianguo lost his anger and said proudly.

"Hit him!" Zhang Junping and Xu Jingang looked at each other, pushed Zhao Jianguo to the ground, and beat him.

"I said the three of you are about the same. It's just a piece of meat. Jianguo will give you two pieces for each of you later!" Liu Xuemin hurriedly stepped forward to start a fight.

"You are such a naughty person that you will make trouble. If you hadn't come up with random ideas, we wouldn't have been punished!" Xu Jingang pulled Liu Xuemin over, held him down and beat him.

Naturally, Liu Xuemin was not willing to be beaten, and resisted with Zhao Jianguo. The four people fought more and more chaotically. One moment, Zhang Junping and Xu Jingang joined forces to beat Zhao Jianguo, the next moment they joined forces with Zhao Jianguo to beat Xu Jingang, and the next moment they were joined by Zhao Jianguo and Liu Xuemin.


After fighting for a while, the four people lay on the ground and laughed.

Zhang Junping smiled happily.

I haven't been this relaxed for a long time.

The four of them didn't care that the ground was clean, so they just lay on the ground and started chatting.

"I didn't expect that among us, you are the best. In the blink of an eye, you actually jumped to the position of a division-level cadre." Xu Jingang said with emotion.

Not jealous, but genuinely happy.

"Come on, don't be envious, you are not bad now, captain of the Customs Detective Team!"

"Bullshit, that's because the hotel proprietress is flattering me. I'm just a team leader, and my rank is just a deputy section level." Xu Jingang scolded with a smile.

"That's better than me. I took over my old man's job and joined the public security bureau. I was just an ordinary policeman.

The third child of my family has returned from being an educated youth in the countryside, and I still don’t know how to resettle him!" Zhao Jianguo sighed.

"Who is not the same? My second son also went to the countryside as an educated youth, and I still don't know how to settle it! He is twenty-five this year, and he is as big as a bottle. If he doesn't talk about his wife, he will be an old bachelor, but he has no job, so how can he be so easy to talk about?

It’s my wife’s.” Xu Jingang also said with a smile.

"Now, who's family is not in this situation? It's just the fourth child in my family. He just came back from the country. If he doesn't get married, he will become an old girl.

However, I am worried about getting married. I am afraid that if I marry poorly, I will suffer hardship in the future. But if I want to marry well, I will not have a job..."


Are you disgusting with these three idiots? They are running around in circles for me, playing tricks on me?

I despise you!" Zhang Jun lay flat on the ground and showed his middle finger to the three people.

"What's disgusting?"

“Not disgusting at all!”

"Yes! Why are you embarrassed about working for your younger siblings?"

"What's the point of being embarrassed? Why don't you beg me! If you beg me, I will arrange a job for my sister!" Zhang Junping said with a proud smile.

"You bitch, aren't we worried that you will be in trouble? Please give me a beating!" The three men pushed Zhang Junping to the ground and beat them until Zhang Junping begged for mercy and agreed to arrange jobs for their younger brothers and sisters.

Let him get up.

They are all comrades-in-arms, and the friendship of saving each other's lives on the battlefield is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary comrades-in-arms.

Xia Guoxiang hid in a corner the whole time and watched the master and the other party quarreling, and did not dare to interrupt.

After a while of fussing, the food was served, and a few people sat down, poured wine and started drinking.

After a few glasses of wine, Zhang Junping began to speak: "Well, I came here this time, as I told Gangzi before, just to contact China Ocean Shipping's business.

It just so happens that my younger siblings don't have jobs, and I lack a department specifically responsible for coordinating transportation.

Let the three of them go to the newly established logistics department.

Section Chief, let me serve as my apprentice for the time being. When they grow up, we will see who is suitable.

By the way, this is my apprentice, Xia Guoxiang, who will temporarily serve as my assistant." Zhang Junping introduced Xia Guoxiang to his three comrades.

"Hello, uncle!" Xia Guoxiang heard Zhang Junping introduce himself and quickly stood up to say hello.

"It turns out to be my nephew! Then you should have a good drink or two!" Xu Jingang said with a smile.

"Get out of here! Don't try to make my apprentice drink. This apprentice of mine doesn't know how to drink.

If you like drinking, ask his senior sister to toast you later, but you won’t be able to drink to death!” Zhang Junping scolded with a smile.

"Hey! Pingzi, how many disciples do you have?"

“Currently there are five, four domestically and one abroad.

The two older ones followed me, and the remaining three are still young and are all in school."

"Hey! Do you still have apprentices abroad?"

"That's what I'm saying, bro, I'm a world-famous artist now! You idiots like me can't compare to me!" Zhang Junping said sternly.

"Damn! You deserve a beating, don't you?" the three men threatened, glaring.

"You guys are awesome. Come and drink if you have the guts. If I drink the three of you by myself, I won't kill you!" Zhang Junping glared.

"Hey! Pingzi is not only very capable, but also very drunk. Come on, let me see how you can knock us down three times by yourself." Xu Jingang, Zhao Jianguo, and Liu Xuemin suddenly became unhappy and shouted and shouted:

Zhang Junping fights wine.

They are all from the Eighth Company of the Xijiang Military Region. Who is afraid of whom?

The Eighth Company is not only awesome at fighting, but also disobeys anyone when it comes to drinking.

Over in Western Xinjiang, standing guard and patrolling in the ice and snow, I really can't stand it without drinking.

The Tibetan people in Western Xinjiang can endure without food. They can survive a few hungry meals, but they really can't stand without wine.

Basically, those who serve as soldiers in Western Xinjiang have developed a good drinking tolerance after a few years.

Zhang Junping didn't cheat. With his current inhuman physique, he just drank the three of Xu Jingang to the ground by himself.

He himself was almost there. He was just breathing heavily while sitting on the chair, not daring to move. If he moved, he would drink.

Xia Guoxiang helped the four people onto the jeep. As for their bicycles, he handed them over to the hotel and they would come back to ride them tomorrow.

Xia Guoxiang found a guest house nearby, opened a room with five beds, and got four people into the room.

Zhang Junping is a little better, his brain is clear, but his hands and feet are not in control.

That night, Xia Guoxiang had a hard time. He only had to clean the house for four people. After a while, one vomited, and just after cleaning, the other vomited again.

By the next day, Zhang Junping and the four of them had sobered up, but Xia Guoxiang was drunk.

He told Xu Jingang and the other three that their younger brothers and sisters should go to BJ to go through the employment procedures with him.

This time, the purpose of coming here was to get together with his comrades. As for contacting China Ocean Shipping, Xu Jingang naturally helped him with it.

Now that Xu Jingang's younger brother is here, Zhang Junping doesn't have to worry about it. The three of them are the local gangsters in Tianjin Port, so it's more secure to leave them to them.

There are also Xu Jingang and Xu Jingang's father helping behind the scenes, so don't worry about them not being able to handle it.

Back to BJ, Zhang Junping was driving the whole way. Xia Guoxiang's drinking capacity was not that bad. Yesterday, four people vomited and the smell of alcohol in their breath made Xia Guoxiang drunk.

When I got back to BJ, I was just in time to go to the courtyard for a wedding banquet.

After going home and saying hello to Qiu Wenyan, Zhang Junping rode his bicycle to the courtyard.

"Hey! Manager Zhang is here, but I haven't seen you for a while!"

"Brother Zhu, hello. I haven't seen you for a while. You look better and your face is rosy. This means a happy event is coming!" Zhang Junping flattered you with a smile.

"Haha! Otherwise, you can be a leader! Your vision is really amazing. My second son has just dated someone. It is estimated that in a while, it will be time to serve wine. Then I will ask Manager Zhang to come and honor me.

Drink." Brother Zhu smiled brightly.

I was originally thinking about how to mention it to Zhang Junping, but Zhang Junping took the initiative to build the ladder himself.

"Okay! No problem. My eldest nephew is getting married. This is a great event. As long as I'm at BJ, I'll definitely come."

Zhang Junping was also a little depressed. He just answered smoothly and said auspicious words, but who knew it would come true.

Zhang Junping said a few words to Brother Zhu, said it was a good bike, and entered the yard.

At the accounting office, a gift of ten yuan was given.

"Pingzi, you..." The accountant was Uncle Liu. When he saw Zhang Junping's ten-dollar gift, he was stunned for a moment, and then reminded him in a low voice.

In this era, gifts are not given in such large amounts. They are usually only one yuan and fifty cents, and those for closest relatives are only three and a half yuan.

When Zhang Junping got married, the people in the courtyard gave him one dollar as a gift.

"It's okay, Uncle Liu, you can just enter the account. Shuan Zhu works in an art company. Today I am not only a neighbor, but also his leader." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Manager Zhang is here! Please come in quickly!" Aunt Wang and Uncle Wang came forward to welcome Zhang Junping and enthusiastically led Zhang Junping into the chair at the first table in the yard.

Originally, he was asked to take the lead, but Zhang Junping declined and gave the lead to his mother's family.

The person from your mother's family who sees you off is the guest of honor today.

Zhang Junping would not steal other people's limelight and do such offending things.

Sit quietly in your seat and wait for the meal to begin.

"Here comes Pingzi! You are now a big leader. It's really hard to meet you!"

"Brother Li, you are flattering me! What kind of big boss am I? I am just the manager of a painting shop." Zhang Jun said with a flat smile.

When I was transferred to the art shop, Brother Li stepped on him very hard.

That look of gloating over someone else's misfortune is still fresh in Zhang Junping's memory.

However, Zhang Junping was too lazy to pay attention to him.

"Hingzi, please stop being so modest with me. Didn't your art shop become that art company? I saw your art in the newspaper yesterday. Good guys, they are all going on tour abroad.


"Haha! It's nothing!" Zhang Junping smiled lightly.

"Hingzi, look back and get your eldest niece to work in an art company!"

Zhang Junping glanced at Brother Li and couldn't believe how he could so confidently ask him to arrange a job for his daughter.

"I'm sorry! I don't have any say in this matter. I also have leaders above me."

"As a big manager, how can you arrange personal arrangements with more than just a word? Pingzi, we are all old neighbors. You can't look down on these old neighbors when you become a leader."

"Brother Li, it really doesn't matter what I said about this matter. It's the decision of the superiors to recruit people." Zhang Junping explained patiently.

If it hadn't been for the wedding banquet at Aunt Wang's house today, Zhang Junping would have really wanted to turn around and leave. Anyone who cares about such a person would lose his identity and could only hide far away.

"Pingzi, we all live in the same courtyard. Old neighbor, do you look down on your brother Li? Why do you arrange work for Lao Wang's family but not my family?" Brother Li asked angrily.

"Brother Li, you have misunderstood. It was because the painting shop has not had people in it for twenty years. The bureau recruits and takes care of employees, and each person has a quota.

I only had one quota, so I couldn’t use it, so I just happened to have Zhuan Zhu come back, so I gave it to him." Zhang Jun explained with a flat smile.

"Oh! You're really blind to give her to him. That kid Shuanzhu has been stealing and cheating since he was a child. He doesn't do anything serious. You might as well give it to my daughter!" Brother Li sighed.

"Brother Li, I don't know what the conflict is between you and Aunt Wang. Today is Shuanzhu's special day, and this table is also for entertaining her mother's family.

Your mother-in-law's family will arrive soon, please be careful what you say.

If you disturb someone else's wedding banquet, be careful Aunt Wang will destroy your house." Zhang Junping put away his smile and reminded him seriously.

"This..., that's what I said."

"Brother Li, you have to pay attention to the occasion when you speak. Don't say some random things. Do you want to have a deadly feud with Aunt Wang's family? Aunt Wang's family has three sons." Zhang Junping reminded with a sneer.

In fact, there is no need to remind you at all. It is estimated that Brother Li will know why the flowers are so red by tomorrow.

Aunt BJ is not that easy to mess with.

"Pingzi is here!" Mrs. Zhou led her granddaughter over.

"Aunt Zhou, you look very good!

Lingling, call me uncle!" Zhang Junping said hello to Mrs. Zhou first, then bent down to say hello to Zhou Lingling.

Because the Huaizhi brothers took Zhang Junping as their teacher, Zhang Junping changed his name to Aunt Zhou instead of the unfamiliar name of Mrs. Zhou.

"Hello Uncle Zhang!"

"How good! Uncle, treat you to some candies!" Zhang Junping took out a handful of double-headed eagle fruit candies from his pocket and stuffed them into Zhou Lingling's pocket.

"It's not all thanks to you! Otherwise, we orphans and widowers wouldn't know how to live!"

"You are wrong. I just gave you the idea. Your family's life was earned through Sister Tian's efforts!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Besides! Isn't it just speculation? If you live a good life, you might be arrested one day." Brother Li whispered jealously next to him.

Widows are not easy to deal with.

Those widows who can raise their children independently are not easy to mess with.

Mrs. Zhou is a senior widow and is not easy to mess with.

When I heard what Brother Li said, I stared at him and wanted to argue with him, first scratching his face.

"Aunt Zhou!" Zhang Junping quickly held down Mrs. Zhou who was about to explode.

"Today is a big happy event for Aunt Wang's family. If anything happens, we'll talk about it tomorrow!"

"Huh!" Mrs. Zhou snorted coldly and led her granddaughter away.

"Brother Li, is the banquet about to begin? Why don't you hurry up and grab a seat?" Zhang Junping reminded with a smile.

"It's okay. I can just sit at this table. Let's have a couple of drinks next to each other."

"Brother Li, this table is a wedding banquet, and the company has been arranged in advance." Zhang Junping reminded him kindly.


Brother Li really didn't notice that this table was a wedding banquet. He only found out after Zhang Junping reminded him.

He quickly stood up and left with a blushing face.

"Pingzi, let's have a nice drink together someday." He said before leaving.

This chapter has been completed!
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