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Chapter 66: Do one good deed every day, and you will be rewarded

Zhang Junping arranged for Scarface to take the old man to the scale, and he took out an apple from the basket, "This apple counts as one pound. After the scale is over, I will give the uncle an extra pound!"

After Zhang Junping finished explaining, he took the apple and walked forward to catch up with the aunt just now, "Aunt, I'm sorry for you just now! You didn't buy the apple because of the trouble. This apple is my apology."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the aunt to speak, she directly put the apples into the aunt's basket, turned around and left.

"Oh! You little comrade..." The aunt wanted to call out to Zhang Junping, but Zhang Junping had already slipped into the crowd and could not be seen.

An apple is not worth much, but an apple can make a person unhappy for a day, or it can make a person happy for a day.

Zhang Junping, who does good deeds every day, is already squatting at another stall in a happy mood.

"Uncle, how do you sell your books?" The book seller was a well-dressed old man.

"Ten yuan a book, no bargaining!" Hearing Zhang Junping's question, the old man said without raising his head.

Zhang Junping was stunned. It costs ten yuan a book. Even if it is a rare ancient book, the price is not cheap.

However, Zhang Junping also understands that for those who love books, books are priceless.

Zhang Junping lowered his head and prepared to take a closer look at what kind of rare ancient books were worth ten yuan each.

I was shocked when I saw this.

Good guy, most of them are foreign books.

The total number of books Zhang Junping has read in his two lifetimes does not exceed twenty years.

In English, I only know twenty-six letters, yes and NO.

However, this does not prevent him from identifying.

The age of a book can be judged by its paper, and its value can also be judged by the publishing quality of the book itself.

These foreign books should have a history of more than a hundred years. Judging from this time point, these books are exquisitely printed and luxuriously framed.

Zhang Junping browsed through them in general, and found that not all of them were foreign books, but some rare ancient books in Chinese.

There is a set of "Four Books" with ancient annotations, and a "Banqiao Collection".

After reading it in general, Zhang Junping basically understood, "Uncle, I want all of your books!"

"You...all...want it?" The old man couldn't believe his ears.

These books were taken out without any thought of actually selling them.

The price the old man asked for didn't look like someone who really wanted to sell books.

"Yes, I want them all. If you still have them at home, I want them too!" Zhang Junping smiled brightly.

"There are thirty-seven books here in total. You give me three hundred and seventy yuan."

"Uncle, I'll give you four hundred yuan, and you can give me one piece of this ruler!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

The old man stared at Zhang Junping for a while, then grinned and said, "The ruler is not for sale!"

"No! Master, the price is negotiable. You've already laid it out, how can you not sell it?" Zhang Junping hurriedly advised.

"This pair of rulers is a hidden Hetian jade carving made by Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi from the Ming Dynasty.

Let’s not talk about the carving work. Take a look at the quality of this jade. This is the only high-quality white jade that can be compared to mutton-fat jade.

Looking at the carving again, the scratch on the ruler was caused by Yu Boya playing the harp under the moonlight.

On this ruler is Zhong Ziqi listening to music on the mountain.

The characters are vivid and the lines are smooth...

How much do you think a pair of rulers like this is worth?" the old man asked with a smile.

"You are always an expert, so you might as well just say how much it will cost you." Zhang Junping knew that the other party was an expert, so it was impossible to pick up the slack, so he could only throw money at it.

"These books, plus these pair of rulers, cost one thousand yuan."

"Five hundred yuan! Hotan jade, first-class white jade, can be purchased for a pound in Hotan for 100 yuan.

The carving is really good, but you don’t have the money to make a ruler, so I’ll give you five hundred yuan at most.” Zhang Junping directly blocked the middle.

"Uncle, I see that you are dressed like a traveler. These should be your own collections.

The reason why I took it out must be that I encountered difficulties.

These books of yours can't be sold here for even five yuan, let alone ten yuan.

You should also experience this."

"Little comrade, what do you want to say?" The old man asked with a frown, perhaps because Zhang Junping touched on something painful.

"As I said just now, I want these books of yours for ten yuan. I won't bargain, not because they are worth the money, but out of respect for the books.

The ruler is just for fun, so if I should bargain, I have to bargain!

For this ruler, the most I can give you when I get it from the cultural relics store is one hundred yuan, and I gave you one hundred and thirty, which is quite a lot."

"Little comrade, you are very good at talking and bargaining.

However, five hundred is definitely not enough. If you want it, it will cost you at least six hundred yuan, any less." The old man smiled and said stubbornly.

"Okay! Just as you said, six hundred is six hundred!

You give me this piece of baggage, otherwise I won't be able to take it." Zhang Junping smiled and nodded.

"Boy, if you want this baggage, add another hundred yuan!" The old man showed a cunning look and smiled at Zhang Junping.

"Old man, I'm convinced! It's seven hundred yuan in total, right? Here you go, take it!" Zhang Junping shook his head with a smile, took out seven hundred yuan from his bag and handed it to the old man.

"Uncle, is this money enough for you to solve your problem?

If it's not enough, I'll go home with you and collect more?" After paying the money, Zhang Junping asked without giving up.

"With your one hundred, it's just enough!" The old man proudly put the money into his pocket.

“Okay, you!

This is my phone number. If you need anything, just give me a call." Zhang Junping took out a pen and paper, wrote down the phone number of his work unit and office, and handed it to the old man.

"Little comrade, it's not easy!" The old man took the note, glanced at it, and exclaimed.

"Just a casual meal!"

"I'm talking about your handwriting. It's not easy for you to be able to write such a handwriting at your age!

I’ve already seen God!” the old man praised.

"Old man, thank you for your praise. I'm still not far behind in my skills. I'm just getting started!" Zhang Junping said modestly.

When he was just writing, Zhang Junping himself was shocked. He didn't expect that elementary regular script calligraphy could be so good.

Just a basic level of regular script calligraphy has exceeded the threshold of the National Calligraphy Association.

This threshold does not refer to being able to join the Chinese Calligraphers Association, but to the level.

Many so-called calligraphy masters write bullshit, and the things they spend money on do not count.

In Zhang Junping's understanding, the calligraphy of members of national calligraphy associations must have their own charm.

Zhang Junping has now reached this level, and his regular script calligraphy has its own charm.

"Young man, there is no need to be modest. Although you have a strong sense of craftsmanship, if you have God, you have it. This is undeniable.

Work hard, and you will definitely have a place in the Chinese calligraphy world in the future." The old man encouraged me kindly.

"I'd like to lend you some good advice!"

"Go and sit at home when you have time. I'm lucky today. Not only did I solve the problem, but I also met an interesting kid like you." The old man smiled and took out a pen and paper, and also wrote a note and gave it to Zhang Junping.

"Ouch! This kid can't see Taishan, so it's you!" Zhang Junping took the note and looked at it, he couldn't believe his eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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