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Chapter 99 I live there

Lawyer Bernard did what he said. There was no trial at all. Tang Ji was sent to the Night City Prison on the island by special car that night. It seemed that someone was more anxious than him.

The two neutral law enforcers were driving the car. They looked ahead and did not have any communication with Tang Ji along the way. They kept looking left and right for fear that someone would attack the prison car on the way.

Maybe it was to avoid the attention of the media, maybe it was because he knew that he was in the wrong, but the prison car entered the Night City Prison quietly.

Knowing that the 'big client' was coming, the warden, who had just taken office not long ago, personally went to the gate to greet Tang Ji.

He had heard about Tang Ji for a long time, and he also knew that this encounter with Tang Ji was the result of the secret manipulation and exchange of interests by the prisoners behind him.

This is also a test for him. After all, this prison is visibly turning into a gold mine. There are countless people who want to be mine owners, but those who want to secure this position must be able to please all shareholders.

Those who lock themselves in and control the overall situation are shareholders. Those who sit in the city government office and drink tea are also shareholders. Green Wave Lake, who contracted the Night City Law Enforcement Bureau, is a shareholder. Even the big boss who is far away on Capitol Hill is worried about the entire federation.

We are also shareholders.

Now, these shareholders have reached an agreement on this matter. The prisoner named Tangji must die, and he must die at the hands of Night City gang members.

Tang Ji represents chaos. He ignores the law and does not abide by underground rules. The powerful do not like such people. He is like a slap in the face of the street gangs and a slap in the face of the city government.

His death will symbolize the end of this chaos, that the Night City government still controls the entire city, and that the gangs in Night City are still strong.

The warden stood behind the prison gate, looking at Tang Ji like a lord in the feudal era.

From the first glance, he knew why so many people hiding behind the scenes didn't like Tang Ji. His eyes were like a pool of stagnant water, without any fluctuation. Anyone who was stared at by him couldn't help but take half a step back.

For a moment, the warden even felt that if Tang Ji suddenly broke out and killed everyone, including himself, there wouldn't be much psychological shock.

"Welcome to Night City Prison." The warden looked at Tang Ji with a smile, especially on his prosthetic limbs.

A prison guard whispered in the warden's ear, and the warden frowned slightly: "Take him to take a bath, change clothes, and then let the doctor check his body. Before dawn, I want to see him lining up in the cafeteria.

Beat the onions.”



"This is really a miracle of bionics. It is so flexible and has perfect human-machine effect! It can almost completely simulate a real arm." Dr. Paddington inspected Tang Ji's prosthetic limb and exclaimed: "It is indeed a real arm.

Lhasa Road, they are far ahead of everyone else on this road."

"How much did you spend?" Dr. Paddington measured the position of his shoulder: "Does the paving have to start from the shoulder joint?"

"This is custom-made, using a lot of advanced technology." Tang Ji looked at the doctor who had chopped off an arm and had it reshaped, so he had to explain.

"Doctor, the warden wants you to find a way to remove this prosthetic leg." The prison guard on the side reminded: "We have enough evidence to prove that this thing can break a person's throat."

"His natural arm can do it, too. I've watched his live broadcast." Dr. Paddington seemed to have a hard time dealing with the prison guards: "My system shows that he can enter the prison area with a prosthetic limb."

"The warden said to give him a new one." The prison guard took out an extremely simple prosthetic leg that didn't even have auxiliary power and placed it in front of Tang Ji. He didn't dare to look Tang Ji in the eyes: "The warden said it's enough.


"Are you kidding? His prosthetic limb is worth millions. It uses brand-new nerve signal transmission technology, and the possibility of disassembly was not considered when it was installed." Dr. Paddington turned the screen to the prison guard, full of proper nouns.

The paper is right there.

The only word Tang Ji could understand was the signature after the author's line - Wu Qianying.

"Removal of this arm requires authorization from Lazarus Company, and full compensation needs to be paid in advance, including but not limited to R&D and manufacturing costs." Dr. Paddington sneered: "Even if someone is willing to pay this money,

You have to submit an application with Lazarus Company three months in advance, and you can ask Warden Munstein to initiate the application now."

The prison guard was speechless and could only report to the warden through the communicator.

That disgusting face soon appeared in the doctor's office: "Dr. Paddington, I hope you will consider from the standpoint of this prison whether it is right for such a dangerous mortal to enter with such a weapons-grade prosthetic limb.

Great harm!”

"I have no intention of stopping you at all, I just kindly remind you that this is a warning issued by the Lazarus Group." Dr. Paddington had no respect for the warden: "And you can be detained with a prosthetic limb, which is also a famous thing in the settlement agreement.


"And based on my observation, there are quite a lot of weapons-grade items circulating in the prison under your rule. There is no need to worry about a prosthetic limb." Doctor Paddington casually tossed out a stack of medical cases: "These are all victims of gunshot wounds."

With a record of injuries, you'd better control the black market transactions in prison."

"Hmph, be careful doctor, you won't be able to stay here for long. Instead of helping others, it's better to think about how to help yourself." Warden Munstein looked at Doctor Paddington with gloomy eyes, and then glanced at Tang, who was still silent.

Ji, waved his hand: "After registration, send him to Area C!"

"Yes!" The two prison guards tried to pull Tang Ji up, but failed. One of them immediately pulled out the electric baton, but before he could turn on the switch, Tang Ji kicked him in the knee and he knelt down.

I couldn't get up from the ground for a long time.

"We will meet again, warden, keep that prosthetic leg, it will come in handy." Tang Ji bumped into another prison guard and stood in front of the warden: "It won't be long."


The prison guard who fell to the ground stabbed Tang Ji in the leg with an electric baton, but Tang Ji, who had experienced electric shocks from the restraint ring before, withstood the damage caused by the electric baton.

Tang Ji didn't know whether this was a change brought about by the incarnation of rage or a change brought about by the weird system, but his body was becoming stronger and stronger.

As a former law enforcer, he knew very well that the electric baton used by the prison guards was enough to knock down any prisoner who tried to resist, but he just shook his head and resisted.

The warden was forced to take two steps back by Tang Ji's eyes. Before he could get angry, Tang Ji had already walked out of the doctor's office. He stood at the door and urged impatiently: "Lead the way, I'm in a hurry."

The two prison guards looked at the warden and then at Tang Ji at a loss. They didn't react until the warden snorted. They hurriedly caught up with Tang Ji, looking more like they were following a tiger.


Area C is a prison area used to hold serious criminals. You need to pass through Areas AB to enter. Tang Ji wore shackles and walked through most of the prison under the escort of prison guards.

There are a total of 3,700 criminals detained in the entire Night City Prison, and most of them are concentrated in the AB area.

Area A has the largest number of people. Some of these people have been caught for petty theft or tax evasion. They are useless after being imprisoned for a few months and then released.

There are also some people who are real street boys. They are the main force that fills up this prison. Of course, the street boys in Area A were either caught stealing cars, or they happened to encounter law enforcement while buying and selling prohibited items on the street.


When Tang Ji appeared, these little minions from the bottom of Night City gathered around like tourists visiting a zoo.

Everyone was whispering at first, and then when someone recognized Tang Ji's face, the whole area A suddenly boiled like a volcano erupting!

"It's Enforcer Don! That bastard is coming in too!"

"You're dead! You're dead!"

"Brothers! Here's your chance to become famous overnight! Look for this face! Remember this face! Kill him, and you will be the new legend of Night City!"

"Legend! Legend!"

The eyes of the street boys, whose average age was no more than twenty years old, lit up. Everyone here knew that the bosses living in Area C had issued a reward for Tang, the law enforcer.

They said they would put Tang Ji in jail, but the grievances between law enforcer Tang and the Night City gangs can only be resolved on the street, and the person who solves Tang Ji will be regarded as a criminal by the Night City gangs.


No one wants to become a legend, especially these low-class street kids. Most of them will not live to be forty years old. They may die in a prison fight tomorrow or die in a gunfight after being released from prison.

Today's wine is their motto. These people don't care who Tang Ji is, and they don't want to think about why killing him will make him a legend. They only know that this is an opportunity that they can see and touch.

"I will kill you! Just tomorrow! I will wait for you in the restaurant! You have to always watch your back, because I will appear at any time and cut your throat!" A man with a pale face looked like he was trying to save his life.

The drug addicts who were experiencing withdrawal reactions clawed at the railing and screamed at Tang Ji.

When Tang Ji passed by his cell, he kicked hard on the iron railing. The dull sound could only be heard by the prisoners in several nearby cells, but everyone could see that the railing was bent after being kicked.

The addict seemed to have been hit by a car. He hit the toilet behind him, vomited blood, and rolled back and forth like a salted fish, clutching his chest.

The two prison guards acted as if they hadn't seen him, and followed Tang Ji to the left and right. One of them reported to the police on the intercom: "The prisoner in cell A-23 fell down. Send someone to take a look."

The clamor in Area A gradually weakened. People with brains realized that Tang Ji was a ruthless character, while the remaining brainless people were considering whether to go to nightclubs on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, or 2nd 4th after they became legends.

Go to nightclub six.

Area A leads to Area B through two thick metal doors. There are prison guards on both sides, and there are detectors in the middle corridor.

When Jianlibao Company first launched its own cheap weapons, they were all made of plastic, which really caused headaches for places like airports and prisons.

Fortunately, a new generation of detection devices has also been launched, using complex shape detection systems to issue alarms by identifying the shapes of items classified as dangerous.

Tang Ji and the prison guard responsible for escorting him quickly passed the security check and entered Area B, where vicious criminals are housed, with sentences generally exceeding eight years.

There is currently no death penalty in federal law, so in Tang Ji's eyes, these people are basically hopeless villains. The only reason why they are not included on the list is that the lower limit of Night City is low enough.

Seeing Tang Ji appear, the prisoners in Area B were not too surprised. They were all backbones of major gangs and had their own information channels. They already knew who Tang Ji was, what he had done, and when he was going to leave.


Some people whistled and made obscene gestures towards Tang Ji, some threw wet toilet paper from high places to welcome the newcomers, and others hugged their shoulders and coldly made gestures like slitting Tang Ji's throat.

Tang Ji glanced around with some regret, but didn't see any familiar faces. These people made him a little uninterested.

"The Tiger Claw Gang salutes you." A strong man with an Asian face and a full body of tattoos living in a single room nodded slightly to Tang Ji through the railing: "We have not participated in the action against you. If you are willing, we are willing to help you.

Provide shelter.”

The Tiger Claw gang members received bursts of boos at his words, and some people shouted at him: "You can't even defend your own territory, take care of yourselves first!"

Tang Ji didn't even bother to look at each other. The gangs in Night City have never brought the Tiger Claw Gang to play. The reason is that the financial backers behind them come from different forces.

Capital from Neon has always been discriminated against, and the Tiger Claw Gang's willingness to help him is even more of a joke. The Tiger Claw Gang was the first to send people to attack him.

The prison guards cautiously opened the door to Area C. Unlike the previous Area AB, Area C was renovated. The ground was paved with wooden floors, and the walls were painted an atmospheric dark red. There were a pair of colorful curtains placed a few meters apart.

Stylish oil paintings are hung on the walls.

If it weren't for the cells separated by railings on the left and right sides, you would even think this was a three-star hotel.

The interior of the cell is also extremely luxuriously decorated. Single cells are basically about ten square meters in size, with built-in sofas, soft beds, separate bathrooms, and even fitness equipment and electronic equipment.

Up high, the doors on the upper floors were not locked at all. Else Benbieber and other scumbags on the list stood there in suits and ties, looking at Tangji.

"Welcome to my kingdom!" Else Benbieber held up a red wine glass and embraced Tang Jizhangka: "As you can see, because of you, I had to give up some businesses and move my family to

Come here." "Why can he move freely?" Tang Ji turned to the prison guard and asked, but the prison guard moved his eyes in other directions and did not answer Tang Ji's question at all.

"Haha, he is questioning the fairness of justice." Els Benbieber smiled at the people around him: "Put the tiger in a cage, and it will no longer be dangerous, right?"

"Put him in that cell!" The accountant who controls the gang's money bag shouted, urging the prison guards: "Our game starts from now on!" But before they could get happy, Tang Ji borrowed

Using the power of his prosthetic limbs, he broke the shackles and pointed to one of the cells with luxurious soft furnishings: "I live there!"

This chapter has been completed!
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