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Chapter 127 Taking advantage of the situation

 "Rafal?" Tang Ji didn't have Rafal's photo, he only knew that he was a man about forty years old, and the three people in front of him all met this requirement.

The three of them ignored Tang Ji's question. After working in this industry for so long, they could not compromise so easily. They would not give up any chance to save themselves.

As for Tang Ji, his method was very simple. He threw out a wad of money and waved to the girls, who chose to take the money and leave without hesitation.

Some of them might go to the nightclub security, but Tang Ji didn't need that long.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and twisted the throat of the person closest to him: "You are not Rafael."

"Who is Rafael?" Tang Ji looked at the next person. He didn't care if he killed the wrong person. Anyway, everyone in Held's team could answer the question he wanted to ask.

If they kidnapped the Ice Princess, everyone in the team would be an insider. If not, then all of them, including Rafael, are worthless.

Without waiting for the man to answer, Tang Ji nodded to the saint. The saint who devoutly believed in God and hated evil did not hesitate to use the sharp end of the cross to make a hole in the target's neck.

Seeing the saint slowly leaning the body on the sofa and blocking the wound with a towel to slow down the bleeding, Tang Ji pointed at the last person: "You are Rafael."

"I am Rafael!" The man who had pretended to sleep before was stunned for a second and immediately responded, and responded cooperatively: "I am really Rafael!"

"I actually don't care who you are. Did you kidnap Chris Cunningham?" Tang Ji took out the photo of the Ice and Snow Princess from his pocket and placed it on the table.

‘Rafal’ picked up the photo and looked at it seriously: “I have never seen this person, it was not us who did it!”

"You have been selling superhuman beings recently, who is the buyer?" Tang Ji took back the photo, but the conditions were limited. He could not quickly get an experienced kidnapper to tell the truth.

Moreover, it was too noisy here, and he couldn't judge the authenticity by listening to the other person's heartbeat and intuition. In this environment, he needed to concentrate even to hear the other person's words clearly.

"We are trading on the Black Butterfly Forum. Someone puts up a commission and we are responsible for completing it." Rafael, who does not know whether it is true or not, confessed: "We don't know who the buyer is. We will send the target to the location specified by the buyer, together with the vehicle.

Stay together."

"This is not the answer I want." Tang Ji reached out and broke the glass, pressing one of the fragments into Rafael's thigh.

"We are a star team in this industry! How can we destroy the Great Wall! We are also reputable!" Rafael said through gritted teeth, holding back the pain in his leg.

Although it was ridiculous, Tang Ji did see some kind of "foolish faith" in his expression. But what reason could make a group of kidnappers become fearless and fearless of death?

Tang Ji frowned. This feeling always gave him a bad association. At the same time, he also noticed that there were already men in black suits and body armors searching everywhere.

Obviously, the prisoner who was taken away had readily explained the reason for his stay here today.

"Where are the other members of Held's team?" Tang Ji picked another piece of glass of moderate size from the glass fragments and pressed it in along the previous wound.

"I will die if I tell you my hiding place!" Rafael replied forcefully: "I can tell by the look in your eyes that you have no intention of surviving! Go to hell!"

"You guessed it wrong." Tang Ji looked at a few people in the distance who were wearing the same clothes as the security guards, but with completely different temperaments, approaching here intentionally or unintentionally: "I will leave you to professionals, you'd better pray.

They will be as gentle as me."

After saying that, Tang Ji suddenly picked up a fork from the table and stabbed Rafael in the abdomen six times, avoiding all the vital points that would cause immediate death.

But he punctured Rafael's stomach, kidneys and liver. If he didn't get effective treatment within thirty minutes, he would be dead.

"You're not Rafael, but it doesn't matter. You just looked in the direction of the dance floor four times. I know he's there." As Tang Ji spoke, he made a homemade Molotov with the alcohol, napkins and lighters on hand.

Cocktail and then hit it hard on the booth table.

His words made 'Raphael', who was seriously injured and lying on the sofa, widen his eyes and seemed to want to say something, but the rapid loss of strength and the stabbed internal organs made him can only lie on the sofa and groan,

Watching the nearby flames getting closer and closer to me.

The flames ignited in the darkness immediately caused a commotion. Tang Ji glanced at the militants who were no longer bothering to conceal their identities. They took out their firearms one by one, forcefully pushed away the real security guards, and surrounded the place where the flames were ignited.

Tang Ji and Saint had already taken advantage of the chaos and disappeared into the crowd.

"Raphael is here. There is a problem with the Helder gang. We have to take some risks." Tang Ji said in the saint's ear: "The military technology people will block the scene immediately. We must stay here to find Raphael."

Farr, start splitting up now. If you are exposed, don't resist. Trust me, I will take you out."

"Got it!" The saint nodded solemnly, turned around and stuffed his weaponized cross into a decorative flower pot.

Tang Ji took advantage of the chaos and sneaked into the luxurious bathroom of the nightclub, occupied a cubicle, and took out a bunch of scattered items. This was Ethan's joke. It was very bold, but Tang Ji thought it was very effective.

At the same time, the seriously injured 'Rafal' was escorted by four men in black and carried out on a stretcher.

Just like Tang Ji said, the military technology people didn't have that much patience to investigate the case. They pursued a powerful idea and directly took over the entire nightclub.

The soldiers cut off the music and used bullets to wake up the crowd in the carnival. Then soldiers wearing body armor violently separated the crowd and forced them to form a long queue with guns and bayonets. Several men in black held a

A scanner scans every guest.

Anyone who disagrees with this will receive a gun butt with the logo of the Military Technology Group.

If necessary, they will temporarily detain every customer who appears in the nightclub tonight until they find the target.

"All personnel please cooperate with the inspection! To avoid unnecessary conflicts!" A few minutes later, armed soldiers wearing heavy body armor took over all exits of the nightclub and cordoned off: "Please note that we are not law enforcers.

Any attempt to breach the cordon without warning! We will open fire!"

As the headlights in the nightclub came on, this dark corner of the night that harbored dirt and evil was completely lit up. A large number of young men and women who were unconscious and had been staying here for who knows how long were shaken until they were almost blind, and started shouting and screaming.

According to the information provided by Alia, Rafael is a ruthless, but cautious and suspicious character. He spent several years waiting for an opportunity to clean up the Held brothers, and took over the entire team.

Perhaps because of his past, Rafael personally visited the scene during several operations and supervised every step of the operation, which was completely different from the previous Held brothers.

Tang Ji believed that Rafael would definitely be present in person when it came to matters involving his own future. The previous substitute was the best proof.

But fortunately, people from the Military Technology Group are also looking for him. In this regard, soldiers with more numbers are more efficient.

As revelers with dark circles under their eyes and staggering when walking were kicked out to the street, there were fewer and fewer people in the nightclub.

Military technology soldiers picked out many unconscious poisonous insects from various dark corners. These people were scanned one by one and matched with the personal information in the database. If there was even the slightest suspicion, they would be taken away individually.

The saint used his appearance to find a cover. At this time, he was holding a blond-haired beauty in his arms. He was relatively far behind in the queue, and his expression was very calm.

He knew that there were too many identity problems and he could not pass the inspection of military technology, but he believed in Tang Ji.

As for Tang Ji, he was sitting on the toilet at this time. He didn't want to try to challenge the hell copy of the military technology armed team on his own. He dared to use military technology to force Rafael out, so he naturally had a backup plan.

He took off his pants and shirt, revealing the ginger suit pants underneath, and took out a folded mask that was only as thick as a playing card, soaked it in the water in the water tank, and the mask moved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Stretch out a little.

This is a bionic mask that Ethan printed overnight. It is based on the internal resources of the LS Road Group. This time he brought a lot of small equipment purely out of interest.

At this time, two armed personnel from military technology just pushed the door open and walked in. They violently kicked open every compartment and checked for suspicious persons.

Tang Ji looked at the speed at which the mask unfolded and knew that he would not have time to complete the disguise before the soldiers came over to check.

He could also hear someone in the cubicle next to his, and this person was taking a deep and nervous breath because of the approaching armed soldiers. He hoped that the guy next door could buy him more time.


The door next door was kicked open, and to Tang Ji's dismay, the man screamed nervously at the gunpoint, and then was knocked down with the butt of a gun and dragged out.

But this also gave Tang Ji a chance. When the armed soldier was about to kick open the door of his cubicle, Tang Ji opened the door. The other person kicked the door open and knocked him in. Tang Ji easily solved it.


Before he had time to change into the opponent's clothes, Tang Ji picked up the opponent's weapon and took a look at it. He found that there was a biometric identification system and threw it aside.

Tang Ji quietly hid at the door of the bathroom and stood close to the wall, waiting for the soldier who had dragged him away to return. However, he waited quietly for thirty seconds, and the soldier still did not come back.

He suddenly realized that he had been tricked!

Tang Ji returned to the compartment where the screaming man was hiding, and sure enough, he wrote a sentence in lipstick on the inside of the door: "Thank you for creating the opportunity for me. It's a pity that you will never find me, stranger." - La

Yours sincerely, Fal."

Looking at the writing left on the door, Tang Ji was not angry. The other party had indeed tricked him. He knew that he was going to kill this soldier and took advantage of this opportunity to kill another soldier. By now, he would probably be fishing in troubled waters and looking for an opportunity to leave through other exits.


Tang Ji glanced at the unconscious military technology soldier on the ground. The communicator on the other party had been cut off. When a communication node did not feedback a signal within the specified time, it would be automatically disconnected and wait for the communication link to re-verify the identity.

Return to the web.

If Rafael thought he could evade detection with these clothes, he would probably be disappointed. These people may not be detectives, but they are professionals in fighting.

Tang Ji finally took the mask out of the water tank, shook off the water stains, and fastened it on his face, making it fit tightly. He adjusted the position of the mask, and finally put on a top hat that looked a little wrinkled because of the folding.

When Tang Ji put on all the disguises, what appeared in the mirror was the expressionless face of Pyla Mikkelsen.

"Hello, I am the senior special commissioner of the Joint Investigation Office, Mikkelsen, and I want to see your commander." Tang Ji imitated Mikkelsen's lifeless voice and practiced it in front of the mirror, feeling that his voice sounded a bit


I don't need you to be nice, Mikkelsen won't be so polite when facing these people.

But fortunately, there was no problem with the expression. Mikkelsen's dead face was perfect for imitating with a mask. Tang Ji didn't know if anyone had done this before, but when he did it, his heart was filled with a strange sense of pleasure.


Before Tang Ji could audition again, a four-person team had already rushed into the bathroom, aiming their guns and cannons at Tang Ji.

"Hands up! You only have one warning!" The leading soldier approached Tang Ji. The safety of the submachine gun in his hand had been released. They had already seen their companion lying on the ground.

"I am a senior commissioner of the Joint Investigation Office. Let your supreme commander come to see me." Tang Ji looked at the soldier, stretched out his finger and gently pushed away the muzzle of the gun pointed at him: "Next time, I won't

I can guarantee that you will be as lucky as him."

After finishing speaking, Tang Ji took out the black business card and handed it to the soldier: "Give him this, he knows how to do it."

Everything is fake, but this business card is definitely real.

The name of the Joint Investigation Office is very bluffing, and the name of Senior Special Correspondent is even more bluffing, but what really bluffs people is Mikkelsen's face.

Because Mikkelsen has been really active in San Diego recently, many people in military technology have seen him, including one of these four soldiers.

The soldier took a step forward, pulled his companion away, shook his head slightly, and reported the situation here on the communication channel.



"Cuff him and take him away." Tang Ji pointed at the saint's face as he passed by him. Several wolf-like military technology soldiers immediately pushed the confused saint to the ground.

The on-site person in charge of Military Technology did not even consider verifying Mikkelsen's identity. The moment he saw the business card, he directly ordered that all the special commissioner's requirements be met.

The Saint made a symbolic resistance and was dragged away by military technology soldiers. He determined the identity of Mikkelsen from Tangji's leather shoes.

"There is an extremely important target hidden here. I will supervise you to find him." Mikkelsen stood next to the person in charge and looked at the men and women who were being inspected with sad faces: "I hope you will cooperate with my work."

"Of course, it's my pleasure!

This chapter has been completed!
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