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Chapter 128 Mysterious Employers and Pretenders

Rafael sullenly mingled among several drug addicts, and a few small tubes of bulk Elysium made them accept their new friends without reservation.

He originally thought that disguising himself as a soldier would give him a chance to slip out of the emergency exit. Since the idiot in the toilet also chose to hide, it proved that his identity could not withstand inspection.

As long as the opponent creates some disturbance, he can use the cover to sneak out.

But the imagined riot did not happen, and the soldiers with military technology even reconfirmed everyone's position in the communication link.

This forced Rafael to take off his disguise and hide in the crowd to look for other opportunities.

As a fairly good hacker, Rafael always felt that it was too dangerous for the Held brothers to focus on kidnapping rich boys, ladies, and corporate executives to disrupt business cooperation.

With their technical level, they can completely target the safer middle class. They can accurately locate the target, reasonably estimate the target assets, and find a balance between taking risks and losing money to avoid disasters.

The single profit may not be that high, but it saves a lot of trouble. At least they don't have to risk breaking through the corporate intranet firewall, or bother to bypass the protection of the security company.

Fortunately, the Held brothers soon experienced consequences. Being shot dead in the street by law enforcement was not an accidental exposure. Rafael secretly sent the Held brothers' information to a corporate executive who had been kidnapped by them.

Unfortunately, only one of the brothers died in the end, and Rafael had to kill the other one himself. He didn't want to do this because it would cause dissatisfaction among other members of the team.

The Held team is a mature and professional team. He and the Held brothers formed a technical team responsible for collecting information, determining targets, and fixing all network-related equipment.

In addition to being a hacker, Rafael himself is also the commander-in-chief of operations, responsible for coordinating the operation of the entire team.

In addition, most of the people in the team are multi-functional. Some are responsible for contacting the target, responsible for using force to coerce, responsible for planning the route, and responsible for overcoming the target's psychological defense.

The reason why he would rather kill the Held brothers than leave is because it is too difficult to recruit such a group of professionals.

Almost a year ago, someone contacted the Held gang and placed a big order, a big order that Rafael had never seen in his career.

The other party 'acquires' superhuman beings in unlimited quantities, and prices them based on their abilities and overall qualities. In addition to the unexpectedly high prices, they can also provide many additional amazing services.

But the Held brothers rejected the order because of their ridiculous moral values ​​and caution——

The other party did not contact them through the dark web or an intermediary, but directly found the secret base of their small team, which frightened them at the time.

The other party obviously investigated the Held team. They quickly bypassed the Held brothers and secretly re-reached an agreement with Rafael.

Of course, Rafael felt that the other party was not only wooing him in private, because after he killed the Held brothers, the entire team acted so cooperatively that no one stood up to express dissatisfaction, and everyone naturally 'submitted' to him.

This performance made Rafael always feel insecure, but this insecurity was quickly resolved by his employer.

When Rafael's team delivered four consecutive superhumans in just one month, his employer offered to help him solve the problem of team loyalty. The only requirement was that he must start the next month and double the number of deliveries.


Rafael didn't know how the other party did it. He only knew that his team members went to Africa, and when they came back, there were some unexplainable changes.

They have become loyal and dedicated, and their obedience has skyrocketed, although they will occasionally become dazed.

This miraculous performance made Rafael full of awe and vigilance towards his employer, but fortunately the only requirement his employer had for him was to ensure delivery.

Then they suddenly placed a new order for Rafael a month ago, and the order was for a woman, Chrissie Cunningham, nicknamed the Ice Princess.

To Rafael and his team, such a helpless superhuman with no background and who has not yet left the school gate is like a little sheep sent to their door.

It only took Rafael one day to formulate a perfect kidnapping plan. Because the target was a well-known figure with a large number of fans, he had to carefully consider the aftermath.

The psychologists in the team established an almost perfect lover persona for Chris through her childhood experiences, and then communicated with her through the Internet. In just two or three days, she became Chris' new best friend.

Then it became easy. According to Rafael's plan, they could make an appointment with Chris within a week at most, and unfold the follow-up story of passionate love and lovelorn love.

In the end, when Chris disappeared, everyone thought she was trapped in love and committed suicide by jumping into the sea.

But before this perfect plan could be implemented, Chris disappeared!

She's been kidnapped!

Rafael couldn't express his anger. This feeling of embarrassment was stronger than being raped in front of someone!

He didn't know what the consequences would be if he couldn't fulfill his employer's commission, but from a career perspective, this would definitely be a huge stain.

Rafael used his connections and contacted all the teams he knew, but there was no clue that it was not his local colleagues.

However, before Rafael could start looking for the possible dragon crossing the river, people from United View Group and Military Technology intervened in the matter.

The girl whose online name is Ice and Snow Princess suddenly became the queen in the center of the stage, and everyone was looking for her!

The military technology group is like a wild boar that broke into the garden, completely ignoring the local order. Whether it is the state government, the San Diego city government, or the underground forces, they are as thin as a piece of paper in front of military technology.

They blockaded the roads arbitrarily, sent armed personnel to raid all relevant forces, and captured possible targets. In just three days, two small gangs were wiped out, and a team of kidnappers whose tail was caught disappeared without a trace after being arrested.

No trace.

Those violent maniacs unscrupulously checked all transportation leaving from San Diego, even though everyone knew that if the girl had been kidnapped by professionals, she might have appeared anywhere.

But military technology doesn't care. In addition to investigating the girl's clues, they are also using this to show their power.

Yesterday they even launched a fighter jet from an aircraft carrier and struck a small group trying to drive away from San Diego.

Under such circumstances, Rafael had to start thinking of ways to save himself. He tried to contact a colleague who had connections in the local area and wanted to use the other person's hiding place to hide temporarily.

Out of caution, although Rafael and his men arrived four hours in advance, they planned to go to the joint twenty minutes late. As a result, people from Military Technology suddenly appeared and took away the contact person.

Rafal originally planned to leave here, but the sudden appearance of the Asian ruined Rafal's plan. He used the simplest method to stimulate the military technology group.

No one can leave now.



"Show your ID!" the armed soldier pointed his gun at a drug addict who was slumped on the ground and looked delirious and shouted.

But the drug addict just giggled at the soldier, and his brain circuit, which was almost filled up, could not understand what the soldier said at all.

He even reached out to touch the opponent's gun with a smile. The soldier smashed the opponent's chest with the butt of his gun in disgust, and watched the opponent vomit all over the floor before he was satisfied with using the scanner to scan the addict's face.

The remaining drug addicts were cleared out one by one by the soldiers, and those with doubtful identities were dragged away directly. At this time, there were not many drug addicts standing in front of Rafael.

The heavily armed soldiers made Rafael lose almost all opportunities. He touched the tube of mysterious liquid in his pocket, and his expression kept changing.

It was a magical potion given by the employer here, and it was also one of Rafael's rewards. According to the employer, this thing could make people awaken into superhuman beings.

But Rafael couldn't trust the other party, but because of the other party's previous miraculous performance, when the employer added this magical potion to the reward list, he still exchanged it for one.

Rafael didn't know what would happen to the superhumans he turned in, but considering that his employer could now provide a variety of designated awakening directions, his intuition told him that the fate of those superhumans would not be good.

If possible, Rafael certainly wants to become an awakened person who can control people's hearts, so that he doesn't have to worry about the abnormal members of his team all the time.

But the employer is obviously not generous to that extent. The range of potion choices provided are basically physical-oriented, and the most valuable ability among them is an ability called [Flesh and Blood Resurrection].

The employer thoughtfully prepared a cover-up video for this ability. In the video, the mosaiced person used a knife to cut a deep wound on his arm, but the wound healed within five minutes.

Rafael was not fooled by the promotional video. He was not a combatant. This ability was completely meaningless to him except that it allowed him to suffer more physical pain.

Moreover, the eager attitude shown by the employer also made Rafael wary, as it seemed that the employer was actively promoting this ability.

In the end, Rafael chose the ability [Disguise] that was strongly promoted by another employer. It allows the awakened person to disguise himself as another person. It has many restrictions, but it is not suitable for people like Rafael who need to hide behind the scenes.

I mean, it's quite appropriate.

Under the cover of the addict, Rafael drank the tube of light blue potion in one gulp, as if something covered him from the inside out, and then turned over.

That feeling made Rafael tremble all over, his eyes were closed tightly, and he was constantly sweating. However, considering the state of other addicts around him, this abnormality did not attract unnecessary attention.

Fortunately, the abnormality disappeared as quickly as it came. Rafael quickly regained control of his body, even better than before. He could even vaguely feel the movements of every hair on his skin.

Rafael lowered his head, and when he raised his head again, his whole person had changed into the appearance of another person. This was a business executive he had kidnapped before, and he had no bad record.

Soon, the military technology soldier walked up to Rafael and looked at him coldly: "Name, social number."

Rafael skillfully reported his social number, and then the other party picked up the scanner and scanned his face, then ignored him.


Rafael couldn't help but smile. He felt that he should have used this thing a long time ago. If he didn't have too much concern for that magical employer, he wouldn't be trapped in this damn place.

Soon, Rafael, along with other people who were proven to be fine, were escorted to the entrance of the nightclub by soldiers.

Here, he saw one of his previous attackers, the guy with a cross tattooed on his face, standing next to a strange man in a suit.

Their eyes were scanning everyone passing by, and Rafael's lips curved into a sarcastic smile.

"Mr. Special Commissioner, we have checked everyone. Seventy-one people have criminal records. In addition, we have recorded all the people present, whether they have suspicious identities or not." The person in charge of Military Technology handed over a USB flash drive.

Tang Ji: "We will temporarily detain these people, but you can look at the list again for up to 24 hours."

"Very good, I will." Tang Ji took one last look at the people being escorted to the bus, with a straight face, trying not to show any expression.

But is Rafael among them? How did he pass the inspection?

Tang Ji knew that he could no longer waste time. He didn't know how many bodies Mikkelsen had. He was worried that his fake Li Gui would meet the real Li Kui, so he could only take the saint and leave temporarily.

Their eyes were scanning everyone passing by, and Rafael's lips curved into a sarcastic smile.

"Mr. Special Commissioner, we have checked everyone. Seventy-one people have criminal records. In addition, we have recorded all the people present, whether they have suspicious identities or not." The person in charge of Military Technology handed over a USB flash drive.

Tang Ji: "We will temporarily detain these people, but you can look at the list again for up to 24 hours."

"Very good, I will." Tang Ji took one last look at the people being escorted to the bus, with a straight face, trying not to show any expression.

But is Rafael among them? How did he pass the inspection?

Tang Ji knew that he could no longer waste time. He didn't know how many bodies Mikkelsen had. He was worried that his fake Li Gui would meet the real Li Kui, so he could only take the saint and leave temporarily.

Their eyes were scanning everyone passing by, and Rafael's lips curved into a sarcastic smile.

"Mr. Special Commissioner, we have checked everyone. Seventy-one people have criminal records. In addition, we have recorded all the people present, whether they have suspicious identities or not." The person in charge of Military Technology handed over a USB flash drive.

Tang Ji: "We will temporarily detain these people, but you can look at the list again for up to 24 hours."

"Very good, I will." Tang Ji took one last look at the people being escorted to the bus, with a straight face, trying not to show any expression.

This chapter has been completed!
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