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Chapter 18 The Bears

 As the countdown ended, the magnetic levitation helicopter suspended in mid-air used its heavy firepower to bloodbath the motorcycle riders on the entire street.

The 12.7mm caliber bullet easily tore apart the human body and machinery, leaving deep pits of more than ten meters on the road, filling the air with gunpowder smoke.

Big E stopped the car in the middle of the road, held his head in his hands, his whole body was shaking like an epilepsy, and he couldn't say a complete sentence.

The weapons operators of the trauma team were undoubtedly experienced veterans. The bullet belts swept close to the sides of the taxi without causing any accidental injuries.

When the gunfire ended, the whole world fell silent. Not to mention Big E, even Tang Ji was exposed to such fire coverage at close range for the first time.

"Please stay in the car and don't move. Our rescue team is approaching your location." The helicopter heard again: "The threat has not been cleared yet. Please wait for the rescue personnel to arrive."

The flames crackled and burned the bodies and the wreckage of the motorcycle, making it feel like hell.

Tang Ji leaned on the side of the car door, blood pooling at his feet along the lower edge of his body armor, making it so slippery that he had nowhere to lean on.

"Tang Ji, how are you?" The phone rang, and Wu Qianying's voice came from inside: "Sorry, there is something wrong within the company. The traitor has been dealt with. We have purchased the platinum-level rescue service of the trauma team, hoping that it will be in time.


"They arrived just in time. If it were any later, our cooperation would be in vain." Tang Ji stuffed a ball of tourniquet into his body armor and blocked the wound: "But besides the Tiger Claw Gang, there are other people looking for me today.


"Don't worry, the trauma team is capable of sending you to me." Wu Qianying's voice remained calm, as if she didn't care about the conflict outside.

"I hope they are as powerful as you said. They will be very busy tonight." Tang Ji had never even heard of this organization before, but the weapons operators on the plane were indeed very good.

Tang Ji heard a fierce exchange of fire coming from the street corner. A few minutes later, two five-person assault teams quickly approached the taxi from the street and the end of the street.

These people wore light green tactical uniforms and white face-covered helmets, with rice-shaped medical personnel logos painted on their foreheads and shoulders.

It's really weird. The color of this equipment makes them look like doctors and nurses who have just walked out of the hospital, but when these people pass by the wounded of the Tiger Claw Gang, they will not hesitate to shoot them.

"Former NCPD member, Tang Ji, is that you?" The two teams squatted on the ground in a semicircle, with long and short firearms pointing in different directions, guarding against all possible attacks.

"It's me." Tang Ji wanted to reach out and open the door, but the car door fell directly to the ground.

"Brother! Are you getting off the car? A total of 28,000 federal coins!" Big E suddenly said: "Cash or credit card will do!"

Two guns were pointed at Big E's head from different directions, but this DJ driver was obviously a man who wanted money rather than his life. He stiffened his neck and said to Tang Ji: "I know who you are! Don't even think about defaulting on your account!"

Tang Ji sighed, covered his wound and asked the commander of the trauma team: "Can you pay the fare? It will be put on the Lhasa Road account."

"Sudden expenses will be subject to an additional 20% handling fee." The other party did not hesitate and took out the PDA directly and listed an electronic bill on it: "You can sign or fingerprint."

Tang Ji reached out and pressed a bloody fingerprint on the PDA, and said to Big E: "Give me a business card. I'll see you next time I need a car."

"Say it! I like passengers like you who are happy to pay!" Big E shook his head and handed over a business card: "I have to say it first, I still have to tell the Valentino gang about you later.

, Boss Fu is covering me up, I can’t break my promise.”

"It's up to you." Tang Ji got out of the car holding on to the door frame, and was immediately carried on a stretcher by two members of the trauma team.

One of the members pulled off Tang Ji's body armor and took out a scalpel to check quickly: "Penetrating injury, moderate bleeding, not life-threatening. Prepare coagulant and high-temperature healing gun and send him up!"

Following his words, another team member began to instruct the helicopter overhead to lower its height, and four special ropes were hung down, just enough to be hung on the stretcher.



"Boss, everyone in the Tiger Claw Gang is dead. The man is about to escape. Can we get up?" A muscular man two meters away looked at the helicopter through binoculars and asked through the intercom.

"Keep him here, we must show our power!"

"Understood!" The strong man shouted excitedly: "Open fire! Use a big guy! Shoot down that helicopter for me!"

Amid the excited shouts of the strong man, three rockets were launched from different directions and flew towards the helicopter!

"Damn it! Rockets! Emergency evasion! Fire jamming bombs!" The pilot reacted immediately and tried to avoid the rockets, but his height and distance were too low to make any big moves.

"There's no reaction from the radar. It's a direct-aimed rocket! Jammers are useless!" The weapon operator calmly analyzed the situation: "Look up! Use the bottom armor to resist!"

At the critical moment, the helicopter completed effective actions and blocked two rockets fired from directly in front, while the third one blew a hole in the tail fin from the side.

The helicopter suddenly lost its balance, spun and fell to the ground. It was finally only a dozen meters above the ground. The basic structure withstood the crash.

As for Tang Ji, he rolled off the stretcher as soon as he saw the rocket. Then he was pressed by the neck by members of the trauma team and ran into a building in a half-crouch.

"The eagle was attacked and has landed. The eagle cub is intact and is protecting the chicks." The commander reported the situation calmly, and then said to the team members: "Backup support will arrive within five minutes, and a defense line will be established on the spot to stop the attack.


Tang Ji broke free from the protector's control and found a suitable position to look out the window: "They are from the Violent Bear Gang. Only they collect those outdated rockets. Let me remind you, these guys like heavy firepower the most.


As soon as he finished speaking, a violent hail of bullets covered the main entrance of the building.

Two strong men who were taller and heavier than normal people, wore engineering-type exoskeletons, and advanced slowly with 9mm caliber miniguns in their hands.

The muscle guys of the Brutal Bear Gang like to do this kind of thing, as if using airborne weapons can better demonstrate their strength.

The members of the trauma team may have experienced hundreds of battles, but they must not have encountered the top mental illness in the Night City, and they were completely suppressed for a while.

Tang Ji, on the other hand, recovered after being given a shot of coagulant and stimulant. He leaned against the load-bearing pillar and calmly waited for the opportunity.

This chapter has been completed!
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