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Chapter 233 Helper

 Before the outbreak of the corporate war, the Federation, as the most powerful entity in the world, realized that it was difficult to continue to lead other regions through sustained development, so it chose to embark on another path.

It creates chaos all over the world and does not hesitate to bring the entire human civilization to a standstill. Then it relies on its own primitive accumulation to maintain its advantage, drags down other competitors, and then gets back on the road.

It's a pity that they met their opponents, and the Federation's good calculation was influenced by the pioneers, and the entire plan went astray from the beginning.

As the ambitious leader of the first generation and his staff either died unexpectedly or were imprisoned, the original intention of the entire plan has been changed beyond recognition.

And those generals who truly hold power and have no term limits have become vested interests.

The pioneers launched their plan with the intention of conquering the entire civilization. This plan was carried out step by step in ten years.

As for the politicians and generals of the Federation, although there were a few noble people who aimed at the country, they could not see the full picture of the pioneers' plans and were deceived and deceived.

And most of them, their vision is limited to a certain family or individual, and they are manipulated by the pioneers.

John Fleming, an elegant old man who seemed to be gentle and harmless to humans and animals, was sitting in the best light position in the cafe, enjoying the best coffee and sunshine in Little Rock.

He was watching the news pushed on his personal terminal with great interest, looking like an ordinary melon-eater.

But he is not an unknown person. Even before the outbreak of the first corporate war, he was already the core staff around the commander-in-chief.

The vicious plan that would not hesitate to drag the whole world into a stinking ditch and then climb out of it was formulated and started to be executed by a group of them.

As a result, before the plan even started, a lawsuit was filed against him in the federal court, and he was sentenced to 137 years in prison for a series of crimes including tax evasion and bribery.

He witnessed the outbreak of two corporate wars in prison. After the first corporate war, John Fleming's privileges in prison were revoked, and almost all of his old friends who had been taking care of him died there.

In the midst of a corporate war.

Finally, Fleming still had some savings and bribed several gangs in the prison so that the street fighters would not come to him and cause trouble.

But the second corporate war that followed made his life much more difficult. The prison where he was held was contracted to a private party overnight to provide cheap human resources services to companies that were in fierce war across the federation.

The new warden has simple values, which is to either pay for a case and enjoy expensive medical package services, or go to the battlefield with a gun and serve as cannon fodder. A qualified capital prison will not support useless people.

By the time the second corporate war finally settled, Fleming was bankrupt.

To be honest, he really made a lot of money when he was in office, but he couldn't survive the second corporate war because the bank where he saved his money didn't exist.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Fleming to become a superhuman. Although he was already fifty-seven years old at the time, the probability of awakening obviously does not depend on age.


His ability is called [Invisible Servant], a very simple but very practical ability. A pixel humanoid that only Fleming can see will execute all his commands.

Initially, it could not leave the ten-meter distance around Fleming, and its power and speed were almost the same as Fleming himself.

But it can ignore any obstacles, pass through the prison fence and use a sharpened fork to make a hole in the throat of an inmate.

And as Fleming gradually mastered this ability, the range of activities of the invisible slave also became wider and wider. When the prison authorities were finally forced to allow him to be released on parole, the range had expanded to 800 meters.

It is not only Fleming's invisible servant, but also his invisible assassin and invisible messenger.

In the few years after his release from prison, Fleming transformed himself into a well-known middleman through his connections in prison.

He has been secretly investigating why he was imprisoned, what happened to his 'old friends', and who overturned the Federation.

Now, Fleming is almost eighty years old. Perhaps because he is a superhuman, or perhaps because he has replaced many prosthetic organs, he does not look that old.

Now Fleming represents not only himself, but an invisible force standing behind him, those "patriots" in the traditional sense.

Most of these people, like him, are old guys who have lived from the prosperous era of the Federation to the present, and some are the so-called old money class. They did not have time to find a suitable step in the emerging industrial chain, and could only gradually decline.

These people have no clear alliance or even fixed connections. They are just vaguely connected by people like Fleming, and they are willing to facilitate each other for the sake of the lost federal dream.

"Edward? Recently, you have been in contact with us much more frequently than before. Is it because of that boy?" Fleming felt the coffee passing through his throat bit by bit, and sighed happily: "Yes, I saw it.

He got into trouble again in Paris."

"I understand, I used to be so close to my son, until he wanted to kill me and inherit my inheritance." Fleming replied slowly: "Paris is not our sphere of influence, and it is no better than before. We have no influence on Europe."

The influence of the joint alliance is not as great as that of the Ark organization."

Suddenly, Fleming's face of enjoying life disappeared, and the man who once decided the direction of the entire federation over tea came back: "Are you sure, Edward, that is the organization behind Losas?"

"We are friends, and I don't want you to deceive me, especially if you use this reason..." Fleming looked out the window. It took a few minutes for a car to pass by on the deserted street. He couldn't see a single pedestrian for a long time, only those with waists.

Only street warriors without guns would walk by with a swagger.

Although Little Rock is not a big city, it is the capital of Arkansas after all, and it should never be like this.

However, this is the current Federation. Except for the metropolitan areas formed by a few super cities, there is decay and depression everywhere.

"I believe you, old friend, I will go there." Fleming left a few banknotes on the table and left the cafe: "Although I don't think the law enforcer Don needs my help, but I

Promise I'll do whatever I can to help."

"You're welcome, I've long been tired of this world. If it weren't for finding out the truth, I would rather go back to prison to retire." Fleming hung up the phone with a smile, and the invisible slave helped him put on his clothes behind him: "Help

I’ll book ten tickets to Paris, first class.”

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