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Chapter 234 He knows

 As a killer, Shadow doesn't like surprises, but there were too many surprises today.

Although the ability after awakening gave him vision compensation, he still did not dare to enter the building rashly. He was not an assaulter and could not handle this type of building attack and defense.

And his only helper was a rookie who couldn't even tell the difference between north, south, east, and west, and relied on landmarks and buildings to tell the direction.

After much hesitation, Shadow gave up his plan to storm the building. He planned to let the rookie return to the nest and report the matter to the Taha Gang. As long as someone could open and enter the building, Shadow's ability would be enough for him to see clearly what's inside.


Simply put, he needs cannon fodder to travel.

And with the arrival of morning, Shadow finally realized that the damage caused by his artificial eyes was not just as simple as blindness.

The constant pain made Shadow exhausted physically and mentally. He needed to find a doctor to dig out his prosthetic eyes, clean them, and repair the neural interface.

Of course, the latter requires a high-level prosthetic doctor to operate it. He knew that Anthony could do it, but he didn't know if there was a doctor of this level in the Taha gang.

Just when Shadow was about to evacuate, the accident happened again.

From a new perspective that can be connected, Shadow 'saw' that the other party was looking at the body of the invisible man, and then that perspective directly locked its direction.

Although there are several buildings between the direction seen from this perspective and the shadow, the shadow is still keenly aware that the other party has indeed locked its direction.

Shadow couldn't care about the rookie anymore. He immediately picked up the gun and started moving, but the perspective was still locked on him.

And as Shadow moved, another perspective from the air also entered Shadow's ability. He was able to watch his body staggeringly running on the road from a bird's-eye view, and then tripped.

This accident caused Shadow to disconnect from the external perspective and switch back to the third-person perspective. The sudden switching of perspectives made Shadow almost lose his balance again and fall to the ground.

This time, there is no rookie assistance, multi-view positioning is not possible, and even the shadow cannot hit such a moving target with one shot.

He fired a shot, but missed the target. Instead, the guy on the broom shot him with a rifle. If it weren't for the reliable quality of the body armor, Shadow would have been killed.

Shadow rolled and crawled into a half-remaining building, but before he could find a chance to fight back, with a terrifying roar, the remains of the building that had survived the nuclear explosion collapsed.


"Bah! Bah!" Shadow emerged from the gravel pile in embarrassment, his head and face covered with dirt. However, the connectable perspectives that appeared nearby made Shadow realize that he was being surrounded.

He didn't even have time to use these intertwined perspectives to calculate target points for shooting, so he could only continue to flee in panic.

There were at least four metahumans. Shadow quickly determined the identity of the besiegers through the movement of these people. They were all jealous puppets.

There is no connection between these superhuman beings, but they cooperate tacitly and consciously drive the shadows towards the northwest.

Shadow has realized this, otherwise they would have pressed him, a blind man, to the ground and rubbed him.

Especially the being who didn't know where the person was but kept bombarding his bunker with javelins, so the shadow could only run away along the road in an orderly manner.

They were using themselves as bait. Shadow saw the jealous intentions, but he could only move forward along the path of escape deliberately left by the other party.

He knew that this proved that Tang Ji was still out of Jealousy's sight, and that he had almost joined Wang Zhengdao. Jealousy could only use this method to lure Tang Ji to sacrifice himself.

As a mercenary, it would be nonsense to say that Shadow has the spirit to sacrifice himself in order not to expose his teammates, so Shadow is constantly sensing the existence of new perspectives on the way to escape.

There is only one person who can fight the monster that is hiding in the dark and controlling everything, and that is Tang Ji. As a killer, the big bosses in Shadow's original team are more sensitive.

When he was first put into this team by the Lazarus Group, there was an element of monitoring this team.

It's just that Tang Ji's growth rate is too fast. The Lazarus Group has long decided to make friends instead of enemies, and has tacitly allowed Tang Ji's team and Wu Qianying's laboratory to operate in a semi-independent state.

Even in the later period, the Lazarus Group had taken the initiative to distance itself from the relationship with Tang Ji. They suddenly discovered that Tang Ji was involved in more muddy waters than they could get involved in.

Therefore, including Shadow, the Lazarus Group directly severed the relationship with Tang Ji's team, retaining only the role of a logistics provider.



"Another EMP attack has been detected in District 13. It is indeed once an hour." Outside District 13, Miwako took the newly obtained intelligence and said to Ethan: "Do you want to shoot the drone in now?"


"It's already in!" Ethan was lying on a specially made chair, with a tube in the back of his head, and his eyes were covered by a data analyzer: "I have to notify the head of the changes outside. You don't understand what that statement means. I'll study it."

Overdone archives.”

"His wife's death is related to Losas. I know this is not a secret on the Internet." Miwako was dressed in military uniform and patted the small dragon tattoo on her arm.

"No, I mean you don't understand what it's like when you're angry." Ethan whistled: "When he was still an ordinary person, he had sex with Losas. On the Red Sun Memorial Day

He single-handedly killed a Lotus superhuman! A drone captured everything, and although that information was later erased, it was circulated on the dark web for a while!"

"The first time I saw him, he was cutting a superhuman as sashimi, so I wasn't surprised at all." Miwako thought of Nagagusa Shiro and suddenly felt a pain from the replacement prosthetic limb.

The little evil dragon swimming around the arm slowly raised its head, showing a concerned expression with its big eyes.

"You should have seen how the leader killed the opponent at that time. He really hated the name Losas to his core." Ethan controlled his drone group and approached District 13. There were a total of one hundred and sixty different drones.

model of drone.

Valley mandarin

Ethan not only had to break through the Gallic military blockade, but also had to disperse the drone swarm evenly to District 13, and in the process he still had time to chat with Miwako.

After awakening, Ethan felt that he was like the human incarnation of a drone that became a spirit, and that the drone was his true body.

"Okay, it's time to light up the map. Let me see where you are." Ethan focused on his mission, and the secrets of the entire Thirteenth District began to unfold in front of him one by one.

This is a huge group of ruins covering an area of ​​nearly ten square kilometers. It becomes more and more dilapidated from the inside out. Fortunately, Ethan does not need to search the entire thirteenth district.

The actual area of ​​activity of the Taha Gang is mainly located in the northeastern part of District 13, near the direction of District 5. The earliest underground bunkers were converted from secret passages and warehouses dug by the Taha Gang for smuggling out.

Ethan soon discovered the moving target, a flying metahuman who shot down one of his drones with a rifle.

Feeling provoked, Ethan immediately let a nearby drone equipped with offensive weapons cruise into the area and shoot at him from a distance, but was shot down by a bullet fired from the ground.

Time was running out, so Ethan gave up his plan to confront the opponent and continued to focus on finding the target.

The drones quickly passed over the streets, and the simple speakers played the voice recorded by Ethan in advance: "I am Ethan, call the law enforcement, I am Ethan, call the law enforcement!"

Ethan also has a drone equipped with a life detector in his hand, which is searching the grid areas one by one along the grid that has been divided in advance.

But due to its size, as soon as the aircraft started working, Avalon regarded it as a turkey and hit it with one shot.

"I hate barbarians who throw spears!" Ethan slammed the chair hard and could only continue to use a small drone to search for Tangji.

Fortunately, he quickly found a teammate, but the other party's situation was very bad...

"Shadow, you are in such a mess!" A drone the size of a basketball hovered in front of Shadow, keeping pace with him, and the wind blown by its rotors could even make Shadow feel cool.

"I'm blind, can't you see?" Shadow gasped and took the time to say: "I found the superhuman who created the EMP attack. There is a steeple about 1.5 kilometers southeast behind me.

Building! A civilian said that if the thing creates two more EMP shock waves, it will be strong enough to kill people!"

"Wow! I have to sell this video to the media. It will definitely fetch a good price!" Ethan joked, and then said to Shadow: "I didn't know you could run so fast after you were blind. You are behind you.

Those pursuers look like they are deliberately trying to drive you away."

"I know, they want me to be the bait to lure them out!" Shadow gritted his teeth and turned suddenly to the right, because there was a wall directly in front of him that was turning red, and the next second the wall suddenly melted like hot chocolate.

This is the ability of a superhuman behind him. Whenever he stands still and stares at a target, that thing will be heated and melt.

Shadow has been forced to change direction four times by this superhuman, but judging from the perspective he switched to, the superhuman's condition is obviously not good.

From that perspective, the entire world was red, as if it was being cooked. The time it took for him to melt the target was getting shorter and shorter, but the red color fed back from the perspective was getting redder and redder.

A few seconds later, Ethan's voice suddenly came from the drone, shouting: "Oh my God, man, the superhuman behind you just melted while walking!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Find a way for me quickly, I can't run anymore!" Shadow found himself muttering about how annoying Ethan was. When he cooperated with Ethan before, he was basically on the outside of the battlefield. One reported points and the other started.


But now, when he thought of Ethan lying leisurely in the car and watching him run away in confusion, the shadow broke through.

"Since they want you to lead the head out, they must know the approximate hiding place of the head. Why don't you run first and I will explore the way in front of you?" Ethan asked kindly, but Shadow no longer wanted to answer.

Fortunately, Tang Ji didn't let Ethan wait too long. A drone that was cruising around the neighborhood was grabbed by the saint who was parkouring on the roof.

"Saint, are you alive too? That's great. I just saw Shadow running away by himself. I thought you were dead!" Ethan saw Saint's face in the camera and greeted him warmly.

The next second he felt his arm being pinched hard: "I really don't know how your teammates let you live until now! Let's get down to business!"

"Yes, do you know where the head is? I have something important to inform him!" Ethan watched as the camera flipped, and the saint moved quickly like an acrobat on the top of the uneven building, and soon slid into a

Hiding places everywhere.

Tang Ji was sitting on a chair with only three legs left, using a dagger to notch bullets. Although he had many special bullets available, he still preferred this homemade DUM bullet.

"Head, Ethan's drone!" The saint looked back and glanced nearby. He didn't find the pursuer before turning around and handing the drone to Tang Ji.

"I finally got in touch with you. This night was really difficult. The types of drones they prepared for me were not complete at all." Ethan's drone floated in front of Tang Ji: "I have a whole page here.

I have to tell you the matter, but considering that Shadow is being driven towards you to escape for his life, let’s talk to him first.”

"He is three streets away, with three pursuers behind him. His prosthetic eye is ruined and he is in urgent need of your rescue." Ethan briefly introduced the situation: "In addition, he discovered the superhuman who caused the EMP attack. After two attacks,

The electromagnetic pulse he creates will cause lethal effects on unprotected personnel!"

"..." After saying this, Ethan was silent for a few seconds, and finally spoke again: "In addition, perhaps because they are afraid that Wang Zhengdao will lead us away, those players sent a message to you in the name of Losas.

A letter of challenge."

"Losas?" Tang Ji's dagger failed to control its power and cut the warhead in half: "What kind of challenge did they make?"

"They said they would resolve the historical issue with you in Paris. They also said that if you don't fight or leave Paris, they will detonate a nuclear bomb here." Ethan said nervously: "They also mentioned your wife...


"What did they say?" Tang Ji casually crushed the bullet casing into a small ball and left it on the ground. Even Lindsay could see that this man had become different.

"They said... this tragedy was a complete accident and was not their intention." Ethan chose his words carefully.

"Speak to the original text." Tang Ji's tone was very calm, but the flames of hatred spreading along the floor did not behave like this. Saint and Lindsay had been forced into a corner by the flames.

"Well, they said her death was the same as the destroyed buildings and cars. They didn't care." After Ethan said this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and directly disconnected the connection with the drone.

Contact me and plan to wait for a few minutes to calm down before calling back.

Too much pressure...

This chapter has been completed!
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