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Chapter 281 I’m bald and I’ve become stronger... Go to hell!

 "I have already stamped the pattern on this gun. It looks like a variant of runes." Wu Qianying looked at the gun carefully, her eyes full of curiosity.

Although Wu Qianying had already experienced the supernatural abilities of the Seven Deadly Sins level, this change in small details still attracted her infinitely, giving her a feeling of knowing the subtleties.

"This is an orderly transformation of matter, and it represents a lot of meaning..." Wu Qianying not only printed a copy, but also asked Ethan to make a one-to-one metal print.

"Just like the Avalon you met in the European Union, her abilities are documented, and the same is true for the runes on your guns." Wu Qianying instructed Tang Ji to dismantle the prelude into parts.

Taking a closer look at the mysterious symbols that are seemingly undetectable on the surface: "Have you ever thought that this birth of a superhuman being may not be the first time in human history?"

"I haven't thought about it, and I don't care." Tang Ji neatly laid out the parts of the prelude. He was as familiar with the gun as he was with his own body.

This may not be accurate, because Tang Ji is no longer familiar with his body.

His physical fitness is increasing day by day. The most obvious example is that in his daily state, he can occasionally see the afterimage left by Surte.

He doesn't care about what happened in history because it has nothing to do with him.

When Tang Ji received basic education, the Federation was in the recovery period after the war. Going to school was more for having a full meal. As for what the teacher was talking about, I am afraid that even the teacher himself did not care much.

The reason why he did not become illiterate like Martin and the Saints was entirely because of Angelina...she has always been a good student with both good character and academic performance.

I don’t know how many times Tang Ji has a pistol on his left hand and a schoolbag on his right. The former means that if he is lucky enough to survive, he can easily earn a week’s food expenses, while the latter means that he can only eat

A full meal.

Tang Ji himself couldn't tell whether he was more afraid of death or not seeing the figure after death.

In short, he stumbled through high school. Although he failed to enter college like Angelina, he still got a diploma.

Without that diploma, Tang Ji would not have the opportunity to enter the Law Enforcement Academy for further studies and eventually become an official law enforcement officer.


Wu Qianying slapped Tang Ji hard on the back of the head: "Why are you dazed? You told me before that this gun is now bound to you in a certain state and is classified into the concept of rage? What does this mean?"

Ah? What does this mean? Literally? Tang Ji woke up and quickly glanced at his attribute interface——

[Weapon of Revenge (Awakening, unable to fully read information): Based on your unforgettable hatred, you can choose a weapon as your own weapon. You will have a special perception of the weapon, and the weapon will follow you.

The use of it has gradually been incorporated into the concept of rage...]

That's right, he recited it without any problem. Tang Ji looked at Wu Qianying doubtfully, his eyes seemed to say "I know this much, the rest is up to you to analyze this sentence."

The look in Wu Qianying's eyes reminded Tang Ji of his class teacher, and he quickly averted his eyes in shame.

"Okay, I understand, I will take care of it. Once I get the translation of these runes from my friend, I will start studying the problem of your pistol." Wu Qianying sighed, she was already used to Tang Ji's style.


Obviously, in his opinion, since this thing can still fire as before and does not jam, then it is a good pistol, and if it is rune-free, it is just a decoration.

"If you have any other secrets, tell them and I will write them down together." Although Wu Qianying said disgusting words on her lips, the light in her eyes could not deceive anyone.

Wu Qianying is full of curiosity about any changes that happen to Tang Ji. He is the first research subject of her data, and he is also a super human at the level of the Seven Deadly Sins.

It's like a biologist studying prehistoric creatures who keeps a saber-toothed tiger as a pet at home and can take samples for research at any time.

Wu Qianying even has a sample of Tang Ji's genetic material from when he was an ordinary person. Since Tang Ji's awakening, Wu Qianying has maintained a good habit of sampling regularly to facilitate the most intuitive comparison.

In Wu Qianying's expectation, or "force", Tang Ji described in detail the ability of [Death Fight Invitation] and the record of two failures of this ability.

"It sounds like it has not failed in the literal sense. Mr. Wen's ability is like some kind of projection displacement. He and the objects he comes into contact with do not exist in the physical world, so your ability cannot take effect on him, because inviting this

Behavior requires two main entities to take effect." Wu Qianying frowned, she had just overturned the ability model she established for Tang Ji.

The ability to invite to a deathmatch has very little to do with the system of Rage itself, and the model she built before could not generate similar abilities at all.

There must be something wrong with her...

"As for Kang Orr, I'm afraid he is the same level of superhuman as the Child of Time and Wang Zhengdao you mentioned before." Wu Qianying put the model issue aside for the time being and said to Tang Ji: "I guess his resurrection

Ability, to be more precise, should be rebirth, not resurrection."

"You mean that every time he dies, he is truly dead. The resurrected individual has nothing to do with the previous deceased individual and only inherited the memory?" Tang Ji felt that he became much smarter around Wu Qianying, so confusing

He understood one thing almost instantly.

"Yes, it's like clones, but they share memories." Wu Qianying showed a teachable smile.

For Wu Qianying, the abilities of Resurrectionist Kang and Wang Zhengdao are within the scope of her understanding. The former only has the ability to clone himself at any time. He even follows the law of conservation of matter. Every time a new clone appears, it will consume

Use the previous clone as consumables.

And Wang Zhengdao has only mastered some kind of biological curvature movement technology or magnetic field application, which she can understand... What she doesn't understand is where the energy consumed by these people comes from.

In the middle of the last century, the federal government's famous Philadelphia experiment moved a destroyer hundreds of kilometers, but the energy consumption was almost equivalent to the electricity consumption of a medium-sized city for an entire year.

But Wang Zhengdao can take up to five people and travel thousands of kilometers at a time, consuming a bottle of water and a cigarette. This is incomprehensible to a science girl like Wu Qianying.

The reason why she chose Chrissy Cunningham as her main research subject is because she is representative. Her ability completely violates the definition of thermodynamics, and the entire process outputs energy at a uniform speed, which gives Wu Qianying the opportunity to observe.


It's a pity that so far, Wu Qianying and her omniscient but omnipotent assistant Alia can only sense the flow of energy, but cannot find where this energy comes from.

But now, Wu Qianying has found new clues from the Seven Deadly Sins. The words similar to runes in the prelude cannot be patterns that were randomly combined. They must have their origin.

In any case, Wu Qianying is confident that she plans to conduct further research. She doesn't want to take a look at how superhuman supernatural abilities can be transformed into practical applications. She wants to study their origins and find out where they come from and why.

Coming, and how to control...

Tang Ji just looked at Wu Qianying's face, which changed from confused to excited, several times in three minutes.

He knew that Wu Qianying was obsessed with thinking about the problem, but he still subconsciously reached out and touched the other person's forehead to see if she had a fever, because Wu Qianying's cheeks began to turn red.

Tang Ji frowned when he touched it a little. The temperature on Wu Qianying's forehead was definitely not at the level that a human fever can reach!

"Anthony!" Tang Ji shook Wu Qianying vigorously, but the other party was still immersed in his own world with blurred eyes. He had seen the other party fall into this state several times before, but it was not so exaggerated at that time. Wu Qianying's hair was all wet

It has begun to roll and exudes a burnt smell.

He didn't dare to continue shaking Wu Qianying, so he just laid her flat on the table, picked up a magazine and fanned her hard to cool down.

"What's going on?" Anthony frowned as soon as he came in: "Sulte! Get my medical bag!"


Soult came almost immediately, bringing not only Anthony's medical bag but also the operating bed.

"She looks like she's overloaded." Tang Ji used a very accurate word to describe Wu Qianying.

"The body surface temperature is 67 degrees Celsius, which is very dangerous!" Anthony touched Wu Qianying's wrist and said to Sirte: "Heat the glucose solution to 40 degrees and bring it back quickly."

Sirte turned around and disappeared. Anthony said to Tangji: "Before further examination, I do not recommend any more intervention. Her condition looks very dangerous, but her breathing is steady and her heart rate is stable. If I say, she may be


"Awakening?" Tang Ji was stunned. He had never thought about this situation at all: "You mean she is going to become a super human?"

"It's very possible. Haven't you noticed that a lot of people in our team have awakened recently?" Anthony took the warm glucose solution brought back by Sirte and started intravenous drip: "I will give her a little sedative to relieve the symptoms.

, if there is no difficulty in breathing, heart failure, or cardiac arrest, we just have to wait."

"Are you sure?" Tang Ji suddenly felt a little flustered. The first thing he thought of was if something happened to Wu Qianying, what would Tang Anran do?

But after a few seconds, he clearly realized that the reason why he was flustered was because of himself, and An Ran was just an excuse for him to block his heart.

Tang Ji suddenly realized that he didn't know when his feelings for this woman had gone beyond a mutually beneficial partnership.

In other words, he had realized it a long time ago, but he just didn't want to admit it. He didn't want to admit that he had so many emotions besides hatred.

He has been forcing himself to attribute his feelings for Wu Qianying to gratitude, which means that he owes the other person a big favor.

But in fact, Tang Ji knew very well how much Wu Qianying had paid during this period. She almost gave up everything, just because of Tang Ji's words.

Don't lie to yourself, man, you have fallen in love with her. You have fallen in love with her since she risked her life and death to protect Tang Anran...

"Don't let her die, Anthony." However, a thousand words finally turned into this sentence on Tang Ji's lips: "She is too important."

"I know." Anthony said without looking back. At this time, Surte had moved all the professional equipment from the second floor and placed it around, making it look like a professional ward.

This made Tang Ji relax a little, and the expression on Wu Qianying's face didn't look like she was about to die soon. There was a smile on her lips, which was the smile she would show every time she made a major breakthrough in academics.

"Her brain is very active and the brain temperature is very high." Anthony asked inquiringly: "For safety, I want to cut her hair to keep the heat dissipated and prevent her from cooking her brain."

"I'll do it." Tang Ji did not hesitate, took out his dagger and used it as a razor to cut off Dr. Wu's three thousand troubles without any scruples.

This process is not troublesome. On the one hand, Tang Ji's knife skills are superb, and on the other hand, the roots of the hair are basically cokeed in the high temperature and fall off as soon as they are touched.

"When she wakes up, you'd better buy her a nice hat." Even Anthony, the oldest bachelor, knows that this matter will not end well when Wu Qianying wakes up.

In his opinion, this woman is the only strong person who can clearly control Tang Ji. Now that such a strong person has awakened as a superhuman, even if she grows three heads, six arms, and a

He wasn't surprised either by the Purple Flame Snake Spear or the Fire Pointed Spear.

She deserves...

Fortunately, that didn't happen. Sixteen minutes later, Wu Qianying's body temperature began to drop. At this time, all the team members who had not gone out gathered here and looked at Dr. Wu's new image.

They must admit that most of the time, Wu Qianying's knowledge and ability make people ignore her appearance. For example, the three LSPs, Martin, Ethan and Tony, have met Wu Qianying several times, but they are completely unaware of her gender.

After all, the opponent's aura in other aspects is too strong. Even one of the series of titles is slightly higher than the total academic qualifications of this group of people.

But now, when Wu Qianying was lying there unconscious with a bald head, Tony suddenly discovered that the other person was a rare beauty, even without the hair as a foil.

He conveyed this discovery to Martin and Ethan, but they just wanted to stay away from Tony.

"I'm just telling the truth. In terms of facial features, I have never seen a woman who is more perfect than Dr. Wu." Tony said with an experienced expression, preaching to the 'rookie' saint: "Have you heard of the golden section?

Huh? It is said that only one out of every 100,000 women has facial features with a natural golden section."

"Thank you for the compliment, but can anyone tell me what's going on with my hair?" Wu Qianying suddenly opened her eyes, as if she had been in a daze just now.

"Well?" Wu Qianying put aside the hair issue in an instant, she squinted her eyes and muttered to herself thoughtfully: "My thinking frequency has increased by 113%, I... have awakened?


This chapter has been completed!
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