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Chapter 282 Mr. Luck is at work

 Wu Qianying's awakening was a near miss, and it was even on her own schedule. According to her, if a superhuman at the level of the Seven Deadly Sins is a source of radiation, then she must have been deeply contaminated.

The reason why she awakened later than several other superhumans in the team, Wu Qianying believed that it was some kind of group effect, and that long-term dangerous missions put human cells or the spirit in a state of high tension for a long time, which accelerated the process.

"This requires a large number of control group experiments for comparison. It would be great if we could get the experimental results of the players." Wu Qianying brushed her hair out of habit, her face suddenly stiffened, and she looked at Tang Ji sideways.

The members of the small team who were watching the excitement had already dispersed. No one wanted to offend the real mastermind behind the team. Even Vicky asked to purchase ingredients and went out on the street with Miwako and the others.

This is the first time she has truly understood this city. Night City is a truly legendary city. Even as far away as the European Union, she has heard of the name of this city.

It is not only the city that never sleeps, but also the famous leader of the Free State Movement. Its reconstruction is a landmark event in the substantial disintegration of the Federation.

Vicky looked at the bustling crowds on the street. The nuclear explosion that had just passed less than a week ago seemed to have had little impact on the residents of this city, or in other words, the impact was far less obvious than what it reflected in the financial market.

According to Night City media statistics, the number of victims who died directly in the nuclear explosion may be only half as many as the collateral casualties caused by the bankruptcy and reorganization of the Corrinin Company.

Hundreds of people were destitute because of the fluctuations in the stock market and chose to end their lives to escape it all. Hundreds more died in various street wars to snatch anti-radiation supplies.

There are also an uncountable number of scavengers who have overdosed on radiation due to venturing into central areas to pick up trash, causing various diseases.

This is a city where the jungle thrives, as Vicky quickly learned.

Vicky, who habitually uses the [Shielding] ability to fade away from interpersonal relationships, can easily see the dark side of this city.

She saw several street boys gathered together, winked at each other, and followed a girl dressed in a fashionable style and wearing a short jacket into an alley.

However, soon there was a burst of gunfire in the alley. Only two of the previous street boys escaped in embarrassment, while the rest all fell in the alley.

There, four scantily clad girls happily high-fived each other, seemingly celebrating their hunting success. Apparently they were inspired by Lizzy's deeds and wanted to take revenge on the street boys who often caused trouble for them.

"Hey, sister, don't be afraid, we don't usually do this!" To Vicky's expectation, one of the girls seemed to have noticed her: "But you'd better not just walk into an unfamiliar alley like this. You can't be so lucky to meet us every time."

As the girl spoke, she also threw a pistol taken from the corpse over: "It's up to you to see it. Treat this as an adventure in your dream and don't tell anyone!"

"Mary, who are you talking to?" Another girl who was searching for trophies raised her head and asked doubtfully, thinking that her companion was joking again.

But it wasn't until she saw Mary picking up a pistol and throwing it in the open space that she realized the problem.

"There is a little girl there, haven't you seen it?" Mary asked, pointing in the direction of the intersection, but when she looked back again, Vicky's figure had disappeared. The only thing that proved that she was crazy was the pistol.


"What an evil thing!" Mary's companions listened to the whole process, looked at the bodies on the ground, and couldn't help but shuddered: "Let's get out of here quickly!"

Vicky squatted behind a trash can a few meters away and breathed a sigh of relief after watching them leave. It was obvious that the girl before was an awakening superhuman. Her abilities came and went, and she could detect dimensions in the [shielded] state.


She looked at the pistol in her arms and smiled, planning to regard it as a gift from the city to herself.

Then, Vicky stood there and saw the law enforcement officers who arrived belatedly half an hour later. The two law enforcement officers just took one look at the scene and cursed and called for backup.

They are not interested at all in who died here or who the murderer was.

The street tattoos on the corpses are like proof that they voluntarily are not bound by the city's rules and voluntarily give up the protection provided by the Night City official to civilians.

The law enforcement officers simply sealed off the scene and simply recorded the identity of the deceased, preparing to delete it from the system when the case was concluded.

About half an hour later, an Asian superhuman riding a motorcycle arrived at the scene. Vicky watched as he used his own abilities to recreate the crime scene using virtual images.

"It should be those crazy women from the Mox Gang. It's none of our business." The superhuman operator's words confirmed the law enforcer's guess.

"Call the cleaners. They are all immigrants and no one has claimed their bodies." A law enforcement officer glanced at the information and smiled. The other two seemed to be very satisfied with it.

Out of curiosity about witnessing the murder, Vicky stood at the crime scene and watched the entire process.

As an 'elite' trained by the Ark Organization, Vicky has seen a lot of big scenes, and it was even more eye-opening after following Tang Ji.

But this was the first time she saw a Night City-style crime and a Night City-style law enforcement scene.

How should I put it, the whole process was very efficient. No matter which party, even the one lying on the ground now, died very simply, and no one was seriously injured and wanted to leave a last message.

Because of her insistence at the end of the play, Vicky waited until the "cleaner" the law enforcer called appeared, and then she was stunned to see the "cleaner" in gray uniform exchange each corpse for two thousand federal dollars in cash.

Give it directly to those law enforcers.

Vicki had indeed never seen the dark side of society, but at least she knew that these corpses had been lying in the warm morning sun for almost an hour, and the blood in their bodies was almost drained.

Even organ dealers who sell organs shouldn't come to collect scraps, right?

Vicky watched several cleaners throw the body into the black cold chain transport truck, and her brain suddenly seized the opportunity to get into the cab in advance, and then sat in the back seat of the cab.

I sat on the chair and planned to follow along to see what happened.

She took the time to send the license plate number and address to Miwako. She did not dare to trouble Tang Ji with such a small risk to satisfy her curiosity.

Maybe it was seeing Tang Ji punishing the Trail Blazers twice in a row that made Vicky change. Maybe she actually had a heart to prove herself under her quiet appearance. In short, Vicky wanted to witness this with her own eyes.

What exactly is hidden?

Vicky, who bravely stepped out of her comfort zone, had her heart beat faster and her cheeks turned red because of her boldness. Her whole body was in a state of excitement, especially the pistol at her waist, which made her have the urge to pull the trigger and shoot something.

In order to calm down, Vicky took a few deep breaths, and then she saw two cleaners sitting in the front row of the cab and started the truck.

Because of [shielding], they didn't notice that there was someone sitting in the back seat.

"Tell the boss, we harvested a total of fifteen corpses today." The main driver's cleaner looked at the form and said to the co-pilot.

"The Adventist Sect handed over fifty-two corpses yesterday, and their performance is far ahead of ours." The cleaner in the passenger seat took out the walkie-talkie and replied: "I feel like I will almost forget the mission here if I keep working.

Yeah, why do they need so many corpses?"

"Who knows, they used to ask for living people, but now they want corpses. I feel that those descendants are quite perverted." The cleaner who was driving the car continued: "But fortunately, they have always been so happy to give money, so I ran away.


"I'm going to start reporting. Stop complaining and don't let your head hear, otherwise we both have to lie down in the back." The co-pilot's cleaner coughed and reminded.

The car immediately fell silent, including Vicky, who was curled up under the back seat. She subconsciously hid when she heard the word "Adventurer".

At this time, Vicky's eyes widened, and she covered her mouth tightly with both hands to prevent herself from making any sound. Her face turned red from holding back, and she looked as if she was about to faint.

Vicky carefully took out her phone, checked to make sure it was on silent, and then started frantically texting all the team members.

At the same time, Mr. Lucky, who was about to swim a few laps in the swimming pool to relax on the Moonlight Gold, sneezed.

"Hell, this is a bad omen, I might be drowned in the swimming pool." Carl Wilo wrapped his blanket tightly, turned around and walked back to the room without hesitation, planning to vent out today's experience on the Internet.



Mikkelsen No. 1 checked his cold-weather clothes one last time, nodded with satisfaction, patted Mikkelsen No. 2 on the shoulder, and pointed to the explosive that accidentally leaked out of the opponent's backpack. The opponent's face was full of warmth.

He zipped it up and nodded to him.

There are a total of seven Mikkelsens here. For the convenience of distinction, they are numbered No. 1, No. 2, and No. 17.

Mikkelsen's clones actually get together easily. They have the same thinking mode. When they get together, their movements will synchronize and their reactions will appear at the same frequency from time to time.

Fortunately, with Mikkelsen's previous promotion, not only did the number of clones double and the individual abilities of the superhuman clones be retained, but the independence between clones also became stronger.

This is a feeling that is difficult to describe to others. He is still Mikkelsen, an integration of a total of 4,096 clones.

The high priest requires ten volunteers, seven of whom are Mikkelsen, and the black humor is self-evident.

The other three people clearly felt a sense of exclusion, as if the other seven people were a small group they had known each other for a long time, and they were all new arrivals.

If it weren't for the heavily armed guards outside the door, Mikkelsen originally planned to unify the voice of the small group here.

But he is not in a hurry. As long as his identity is not exposed, he has plenty of time to slowly penetrate. The top priority now is to determine the location of the body warehouse.

Mikkelsen has analyzed the subsequent reactions of the players. If they don't want to be squeezed out by Tang Ji, then increasing the total number of players is the simplest and most effective way to deal with it.

The pioneers, with a total of less than 300 people, can only control everything secretly behind the scenes. But if the number of these immortal players exceeds 10,000, Mikkelsen cannot think of any other means they can use to restrict these players.

Tang Ji alone is obviously unable to achieve strategic deterrence.

But on the other hand, Mikkelsen knew very well that destroying the body warehouse was actually a temporary solution rather than a permanent solution. When the first batch of pioneers arrived, there were no body bodies, but they still came and stood firm.


Obviously, for players, the existence of the body is not a hard requirement, it is just a better solution.

If they are willing, they can smash directly into this world like a meteor, looking for any individual they are interested in to use as a body to invade.

When he thought of that scene, Mikkelsen felt a deep sense of frustration, and the dark plan he had buried deepest resurfaced again.

No, not now.

Mikkelsen forcefully dispelled this idea. He firmly believed that mankind still had a chance and was willing to continue working hard for it. This is why his clones are now in Antarctica.

"This is a difficult and glorious mission." The high priest walked into the tent, looked at the volunteers and said slowly: "You will be lucky enough to see the true form of the Big Stomach God with your own eyes, and gain the favor of those who come."

Mikkelsen showed surprise and excitement at the right time. As an old actor with countless incarnations, if he wants to, he can play a woman with all kinds of charms.

"But as a price, you will not come back here again. You will go to work in more important places, and you may remain anonymous forever from now on." The high priest looked at these volunteers and said this, but in fact, he already had it in his heart.

These people were secretly sentenced to death.

He had done so countless times without remorse, and their deaths were necessary and honorable for a higher purpose.

"Now, I will show you the divinity given by the descendant. Don't panic or panic. Move along the golden light, and then you will see the true God." The high priest said in a hypnotic tone while pretending.

of dancing.

Then, in the eyes of Mikkelsen and others without any expectation, he opened a dimensional door.

Just as he said, the Mikkelsens walked along the golden light and walked directly into the dimensional gate without any fear.

This decisiveness made the high priest regret for a while whether he should leave a few such true believers to serve as helpers around him.

But the Mikkelsens didn't give him a chance to return, and filed into the dimensional gate.

At the same time, the locator that had been swallowed by several Mikkelsens in advance also started working, and a new location was lit up on Mikkelsen's map.

"Welcome to the Promised Land of the Adventer." On the other side of the dimensional gate, a man dressed similarly to the high priest opened his arms and welcomed them.


This chapter has been completed!
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