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Chapter 284 Raid!

 A shield-wielding Mikkelsen protected the others behind him. Apparently the guards had lost the cold weapons specially designed to deal with this kind of thing. This shield was an explosion-proof shield they took out from the arsenal.

Also has a flashlight.

Mikkelsen, who was holding an explosion-proof fork, glanced at the fork in his hand, and then at the dozens of thick and powerful-looking tentacles on the opposite side, showing an expression of disgust.

As for the only volunteer in the team who was not Mikkelsen, his legs had begun to tremble at this time, but the opponent's spirit was still high.

He believed that these tentacles were pets of the Big Stomach God, or parts of his body. His knowledge was not wrong, but these tentacles didn't care about their followers at all.

After a brief moment of fear, the believer pushed Mikkelsen in front and opened his arms, trying to hug one of the tentacles.

The other Mikkelsen just gave way quietly, intending to see what would happen next.

"What happened to him? Are you crazy? Do you understand that thing eats people?" The officer's voice sounded through the communicator, but Mikkelsen just took off his earphones and threw them into the abyss.

As expected, the gluttonous mutated limb eagerly accepted the believer. The tentacles and mouthparts that opened to the limit suddenly lifted up, swooping down from top to bottom and swallowing the believer's upper part of the chest with a mouthful of snake.

The tentacle holding the food in its mouth flicked suddenly, raising the believer's head and feet and swallowing it hard, but the other tentacles also rushed forward, biting the believer's body crazily and still struggling wildly!


The fragile human body was torn into four pieces, and blood mixed with internal organs was sprinkled on the platform, causing other tentacles to dance wildly.

Mikkelsen, who cooperated tacitly, did not waste time to watch the gluttonous cannibal show. They cooperated tacitly with the red iron rod and smashed the ice with force, freeing the giant cutting machine from its restraints.

Feeling the vibration, the tentacles quickly surrounded them, and they even knew how to cooperate with each other to attack the Mikkelsens from different directions.

But the Mikkelsens used shields, forks, and sticks to form a tight defense line to drive away Gluttony's attack.

Another team responsible for cleaning the mechanical clamps also completed their work. In order to ensure efficiency, the Mikkelsens took the initiative to 'sacrifice' a non-Mikkelsen teammate.

They only need to inadvertently leave a gap in their defense line, which is enough for Gluttony to succeed.

The Mikkelsens, who had freed two machines in succession, quickly retreated to the upper platform, and then used metal rods to smash the air-tight door.

The only surviving non-Mikkelson did not notice at all that one of his companions, Mikkelson No. 1, quietly stayed on the lower platform.

He moved quietly on the platform without making any sound, while vigilantly dodging the tentacles that surged upward crazily.

On the upper platform, Mikkelsen 2 had a shield in one hand and a metal rod in one hand, just like an ancient Roman infantryman, blocking the tentacles directly in front of him, while using the metal rod in his hand to beat its mouthparts hard.

Several other Mikkelsens with weapons will also focus on attacking this tentacle. They fight like a pack of wolves, covering each other and cooperating with each other. At the same time, every blow is so powerful and heavy, even if the tiger's mouth is cracked by the metal shock, blood will flow out.

I don't even care about the splashing.

The tentacle was soon outnumbered and it shrank back in confusion.

At this time, Mikkelsen No. 1, located on the lower platform, had already locked onto the injured tentacle among the dozens of tentacles that were constantly disturbing and looked exactly the same.

He took a few steps back, jumped out of the platform, and hugged the tentacle. The slimy touch not only provided heat preservation and moisturizing functions, but also made it difficult to grasp.

Wang Zhengdawson No. 1 just slid down slowly along the tentacles, with a flashlight in his mouth and a flare gun equipped with flares on his waist.

The officer behind the airtight door finally opened the airtight door, allowing the remaining seven people to escape in embarrassment. The experienced guard used a chain saw to cut off several tentacles that followed them and then closed the door.

"Your work is not done yet!" The officer stood in front of the volunteers impatiently: "I should watch you die outside the door!"

"We have lost all communication equipment and cameras, and there are insufficient weapons and protective equipment. We can't find where the other two machines are." Wangzheng Dawson No. 2 said in a neither arrogant nor humble manner. The clothes on his body belonged to humans and monsters.

The officer's bodily fluids subconsciously doubted the other party's words.

"Damn it, I don't have anything more to give you!" The officer's eyes swept over the seven people one by one. Except for one person who was huddled in the corner crying, the other six looked like tough guys, much tougher than the guards under him.

Much stronger.

"At least tell me the specific location." Wangzheng Dawson No. 2 dropped the bent metal rod in his hand on the ground: "Give me some more useful tools!"

"Okay, you convinced me." The officer was firm and declined Shu Feng Qisen's request.

He has lost too many men below, and the already low morale of the guards cannot withstand such a torment. The group in front of them seems to be useful, after all, they have completed half of the work.

"There are two ladders going down on the edge of the lower platform. Only one person can pass at a time." The officer explained to Shu Feng Qisen: "That is the reserved maintenance channel. You need to climb a distance of five meters on the ladder.

You can see two other frozen devices...

"We will all die there." Wang Zhengdawson easily discovered the weakness of this officer. He was actually a 'good guy'.

Although this is dark humor, it is true

From the other party's previous reaction and conversation, Shu Fengqisen had already concluded that this officer was a humane guy.

He couldn't bear to send his men to death, and he even had some sympathy for a group of strangers like them. Compared to the priest who was in the room and didn't even want to leave the door, this officer was already considered a good person.


Wang Zhengdawson took advantage of this without any conviction: "We need more weapons!"

"At most, I'll give you a chain saw!" The officer thought for a few seconds, and finally rejected the request to a limited extent. He was more worried that the other party would wake up the monster.

But Wang Zhengdawson's real purpose is far more than that. He wants to solve the two cards in the opponent's hand at once, Gluttony and Body Warehouse.

Wangzheng Dawson No. 1 had already slid down more than twenty meters and landed on the surface of 'Gluttony'.

By calculating the length of those telescopic arms and the strength of the tentacles themselves, Wang Zhengdawson guessed that Gluttony's body would not be too far away, and he was right.

The light of the flashlight swept across, and Wang Zhengdawson determined his direction.

Under the feet, dense tentacles of different lengths and thicknesses cover the entire surface. Obviously, the tentacles that can go to the platform to hunt for food are the best of their kind.

Seeing another tentacle rising up not far away, Wang Zhengdawson unhesitatingly lowered his body and smeared the mucus all over his body, then lay prone on the tentacle and squirmed forward.

The light of the flashlight did not cause any harm. Shu Fengqisen calmly avoided those tentacles that were only as long as human arms. They were obviously more sensitive.

Wang Zhengdawson squirmed toward the middle area little by little. The strong stench almost made his sense of smell fail. He guessed that Gluttony should have a larger eating organ here.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be able to eat such a big whale just with these tentacles.

On the upper platform, the re-armed Wang Zhengdawson walked out of the airtight door again. The already frightened Fei Shufeng Qisen was frightened to death, and his whole person seemed to have lost his mental state.

The moment the airtight door closed, Wang Zhengdawson and the others did not 'occupy' him, and now there was no room for stray fish to survive.

The central king, Zheng Dawson, who was sitting far away in Hawaii Island, controlled the delayed reconnaissance spider to move forward in the opposite direction along the edge of the railway track.

The little spider spent more than an hour traveling 5.5 kilometers at cruising speed, consuming 45% of the power, but still did not reach the legendary body warehouse, and instead encountered a fork in the road.

Even a steady dog ​​like Wang Zhengdawson couldn't help but slap the table hard at this time, causing the secretary at the door to look over before going back to work.

Half of his goal has been accomplished. Gluttony's location has been found, but the other half has not yet been found.

For Shu Feng Qisen, gluttony is actually far more important than the body warehouse. As long as players master gluttony, their bodies will always have the ability of [cancer recovery].

In front of a pervert like Cathy, [cancer recovery] may be a joke, but this ability has truly changed the mode of war.

It almost turned small-caliber weapons into waste and gave those superhumans who backed the Pioneer Group a strategic advantage.

Not every battlefield has people like Cathy charging into battle. Armed teams from the Joint Investigation Office are also at war with pioneers, converts, and even Advent sects all over the world.

Because of [cancer recovery], they often have to pay several times more casualties in order to get an effective kill.

In fact, even Wang Zhengdawson himself would find it difficult to cause effective damage to enemies who are supposed to be minor players without any preparation.

Especially now that Gluttony has advanced to the LV3 level, a special team composed entirely of Shu Feng Qisen will also need to expend huge efforts to truly kill enemies equipped with [Cancer Recovery LV3].

They are like invincible villains who can withstand the frontal spray of flamethrowers and ignore the penetrating damage caused by bullets. If they have enough time and enough food, they can regenerate their limbs in a few hours.

Wang Zhengdawson's team finally had to throw the enemy into a pool of acid to completely solidify him. The collateral damage caused by the entire transportation process was too great for him to bear.

After making complicated choices, Wang Zhengdawson gave the scout spider a right instruction, and the spider robot immediately continued its mission along the right channel.

Deep underground, Wang Zhengdawson No. 2 and others had moved to the ladder entrance mentioned by the officer. Looking at the ladder that could only accommodate one person, Shu Feng Qisen and others chose to send two people to climb down.

Others stand on the platform, repeating the previous work, attracting the attention of those strong tentacles.


Wang Zhengdawson No. 2 used a metal rod to knock the metal railing hard, and through the perspective of Wang Zheng Dawson No. 1, he saw those dozen "old friends" rising up again.

Wangzheng Dawson No. 1 also took this opportunity to move forward quickly. The next second, the light of the flashlight illuminated a blank area without tentacles.

A huge black hole with a diameter of more than five meters. The edge of the black hole is a circle of slightly raised, dark brown 'hills'. The sound of thunder that Wang Zhengdawson did not hear came from the hole.

That's the mouth of Gluttony.

"You greedy bastard." Wangzheng Dawson No. 1 climbed to the edge of the hill with great strength, let out a sigh of relief, and inserted a delicate locator hard on the edge of the flesh.

At this time, Central Wang Zhengdawson on Hawaii Island took out his phone...

"He found Gluttony!" Wu Qianying, who was wearing a wig, held up her mobile phone, rushed into the bathroom, and shouted to Shu Feng, who was shaving.

"Who?" Cathy asked subconsciously, then quickly reacted, threw away the razor, splashed cold water on her face and rushed to the living room.

"Everyone gather!" Cathy's roar made all the team members immediately stop what they were doing and did not move towards the living room.

In just two minutes, Cathy and his team members were armed. They had already been ready to go, they were just waiting for the signal.

Coulson, who was attending an ECS Bureau meeting in the European Union, glanced at the messages on his phone, gestured to the participants with regret, and turned around and walked into the bathroom.

But these people waited for five minutes. A member of his entourage rushed into the bathroom and kicked open the door to the bathroom. As a result, the room was empty, and his expression suddenly changed.

Before he was controlled by others, he had successfully sent out the news of Colson's disappearance, and soon the pioneers, converts, Advent sect and other forces knew about it.

"Who is their target?" Shu Feng. Walter protected Mrs. Generosity from going offline while watching the entire Walter Group fluttering around, his expression normally ugly.

But now the form is stronger than the human, Shu Feng has no choice but to do it even if he is angry. Cathy has the advantage. His only weakness is mobility and he needs Coulson's assistance. This gives the Blazers a buffer time.

Take refuge offline.

She has never been so embarrassed by the natives, not even during her first pioneering mission, but now she has become accustomed to it.

Tangji. Walter took one last look at the huge LOGO of Walter Group, closed his eyes and did not perform any offline operations.

As the two times gradually complete the time flow synchronization, the cost of traveling between the two worlds is indeed getting lower and lower, but the corresponding decoupling time required for each time they detach from the body is also increasing.

In the past, it only took them a few seconds to complete the offline command, but now they need to wait two to three minutes depending on their emotional activity before going offline dangerously, otherwise it will cause soul shock.

Breaking away from the shackles of the body and going offline directly by dying is still the most effective method, but it requires bearing the greatest impact on the soul. The elite forces of the pioneers who relied on their teammates to kill and survive in the Battle of Paris have not yet been able to survive.

Recover from soul shock.

At the last second before going offline, Shu Feng suddenly thought of the polar warehouse, and her mind wandered, but it was too late. Her consciousness suddenly pulled away and she left that world.

This chapter has been completed!
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