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Chapter 283 Mikkelsen's Antarctic Adventure

 The dimensional door brought the Mikkelsens to a narrow passage, which looked like an abandoned subway station, with a section of narrow-gauge track in the center of the platforms on both sides.

Apparently the workers who were responsible for building the body warehouse used to transport supplies through this track. Mickelson calmly threw an inconspicuous spider robot to the ground.

Perhaps because of the trust in these fanatical believers, or perhaps because of the sense of security brought by the closed camp, no one checked the backpacks of these volunteers, and all the technical equipment brought by the first Mikkelsen was brought in smoothly.

"Follow me. There is a sacred mission waiting for you ahead. This is your pilgrimage." The high priest's tone was perfunctory, and he was not even willing to perform for a while longer, so he turned around and walked at the front.

Four armed guards with guns behind him used their weapons to ensure the behavior of these volunteers, and they were almost escorted deep into the tunnel.

Walking in a tunnel with no coordinates to refer to, Mikkelsen could only rely on steps to measure the distance he had traveled. The group of people just moved forward in the silent tunnel.

Fortunately, the Blazers didn't have the luxury of building a shield in the tunnel. Mikkelsen located his position through a clone far away.

He was located about five kilometers west of the port camp, with an altitude difference of about 133 meters, and the direction they were heading was exactly the direction of the camp.

This group of cultists played a clever trick and planned to lead them around in a circle first, a simple but effective way to keep secrets.

At least the three non-Mikkelson volunteers seemed very excited, and they devoted themselves wholeheartedly to this 'big show'.

Mikkelsen judged from the uneven surfaces of the rock walls on both sides that when the tunnel was originally dug, the pioneers most likely used some unconventional means or some kind of destructive supernatural ability.

After walking for about two kilometers, there was an obvious uphill slope in the tunnel, and at the same time, Mikkelsen's familiar thundering sound appeared in front of the tunnel - it was the roar of the hungry stomach of the Big Stomach God.

The Mikkelsens covered each other and blocked the guards' sight with their bodies, allowing No. 1 to quietly bury several fist-sized explosives tens of meters apart in the soil.

This is a very cumbersome process. It requires the first five Mikkelsens to exert force at the same position to rub the hard surface of the frozen soil out of the burrow. Then No. 1 takes the opportunity to properly place the explosives, and then the finishing No. 7 Simply bury the explosives.

Fortunately, the roar of the Big Stomach helped Mikkelsen cover up the sound of the entire process, and no one noticed anything unusual until all four explosives were placed.

They walked for a total of forty minutes on the five-kilometer road. At this time, the group's position almost overlapped with the bottomless pit.

And Mikkelsen finally saw more artificial facilities. The road under his feet changed from frozen soil to composite materials, and the walls on both sides were also. A few dozen meters away, there was a huge airtight door large enough to pass a truck. It's already in front of you.

As the space on both sides suddenly widened, Mikkelsen knew that this was the 'starting station'. At the end of the narrow-gauge railway was an electric-driven locomotive, and more armed guards gathered here.

On the other side of the airtight door is obviously the legendary Big Stomach God, that monster that eats everything. It obviously makes the guards here a little nervous. Most of them will turn their heads and look in the direction of the airtight door every few seconds.

For a while, he seemed to be expecting something, and at the same time he seemed to be worried about something.

With the arrival of Mikkelsen and his team, these people were obviously relieved, as if they had seen a savior. This strong aura of blame-shifting made Mikkelsen aware that something was wrong.

An officer wearing a heating blanket rubbed his hands while walking forward, frowning at the people behind the priest and complaining: "Why are there so few people?"

"What we need are devout believers, the secret of the descendant..." The priest was interrupted by the officer as soon as he started speaking in an official tone.

"We don't have time to waste, speak human words!" The officer lowered his voice, but Mikkelsen still heard every word keenly.

"The people in the camp cannot be 100% guaranteed to be loyal. They can only choose from people they can trust. They don't want to lose too many people at once." The priest spread his hands: "These people have volunteered to die. You can use them first."


The officer glanced at the volunteers and sighed. Obviously he was not satisfied with the result, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Mikkelsen and the others were placed next to a heater near the gate, with warm air blowing across their cheeks, and someone poured them a large cup of hot coffee, but none of the surrounding guards expressed dissatisfaction.

Soon, the previous officer sent people over and gave them a bunch of tools. Four Mikkelsens got one-meter-long metal rods, two Mikkelsens got shields as high as a person, and the last one got a

Mikkelsen was handed something similar to a harpoon.

Three other volunteers were also issued similar tools, and Mikkelsen noticed that the guards around him gradually became nervous.

Two sets of head-mounted communication devices with cameras were given to the volunteers, and luckily both were issued to Mikkelsen.

"Very good, you all got the tools." The priest stood in front of them and cleared his throat: "Behind that door are the divine machines used to serve the Big Stomach God, but for some reason, they are now frozen.

Now, you must clear the ice off the surface."

Mikkelsen looked at the metal rod in his hand. It was obviously cut from something temporarily and was not suitable for this kind of work at all.

"Of course you have to face the test from the Big Stomach God. Its minions will attack you. You must maintain firm faith in order to pass this test." The priest simply fooled: "Believe in the shield and fork in the hands of your companions.

Cooperate with each other to complete this sacred task!"

Mikkelsen noticed that the three non-Mikkelsen volunteers became excited after the priest's perfunctory speech. It was obvious that the priest was also a superhuman being and had some kind of ability to confuse people.

In order not to be discovered, the Mikkelsens also symbolically expressed their excitement, but fortunately the priest didn't care at all. He was shivering from the cold and now just wanted to hide in a warm room.

"When the door opens, you can start. There are a total of four machines that need to be cleaned. All must be completed before the door will open again. That's it." After the priest said that, he turned around and left.

The officer took one look at these volunteers and felt that these people were really stupid.

He is a naturalized person who was sent to this damn Antarctic base a while ago. He is mainly responsible for collecting the flesh and blood materials of the monster behind the door.

This damn job greatly dampened his enthusiasm for working for the Adventers. It is said that the previous person in charge of this job accidentally fell into the abyss and was eaten by the monster. He did not want to follow in the same footsteps.

But unfortunately, the higher-ups didn't know why they had to increase the collection. This behavior obviously angered the monsters below. During this period, their manpower losses doubled than before.

Moreover, the monster has also learned a new trick. It will deliberately spit food body fluids onto the collection equipment. In a few minutes, they will be frozen solid. Once the ice layer is thick enough, it will be difficult for the machine to unfold.

Those who descended said that this was the monster's subconscious counterattack, and its main consciousness was still sleeping, so they could not risk directly cleaning the ice by heating to prevent the temperature in the pit from rising and awakening the monster's main consciousness.

They also cannot use thermal weapons to shoot the monster, also to avoid waking it up.

The officer thought this was nonsense. Unless the monster's subconscious was already smarter than the soldiers under his command, they wouldn't lose men every time they performed a cleanup mission.

This time, the reason why he called for support from the Advent sect above was because those bastards just threw a whole whale into the pit to save trouble a few days ago.

The abundant biological fluid was directly sprayed up by those tentacle-like things, freezing all the equipment. Even the camera was completely frozen and nothing could be seen.

Eight hours ago, a team of twelve people was sent in to perform the cleanup operation. As a result, no news has been returned until now. It is obviously more serious than bad.

The monster had either woken up or was brewing some conspiracy. The officer no longer planned to send his own men to die. In the spirit of whoever made the mistake would be the one to solve the problem, he reported this problem to the superiors.

Then, after the judgment of the Adventer, the current scene occurred. Ten fanatic believers were sent to carry out this suicide mission.

If they fail, the next group of people will continue to perform the task.

Although Mikkelsen didn't want to admit it, he quickly figured out what was going on. The reason for this was ultimately his fault.

Because he had too many sect members in that small village, there were such big mistakes in the handling of ingredients.

If Mikkelsen is given enough time, he may be able to learn how to butcher a whale and complete the related work of dismantling it.

But at that time, he didn't take it seriously at all and just threw the whole whale into it. The reason why no one came out to stop him was because of the problem of the proportion of people. Only Mikkelsen participated in the whole session...

Following the officer's order, the guards all left the vicinity of the airtight door. A few tall guards held cutting saws in their hands and stood guard on both sides of the door, their faces full of vigilance.

This kind of atmosphere made the three non-Mikkelson volunteers immersed in their ambitions and lofty ideals couldn't help but become nervous. However, seeing that the "Mikkelson Brothers" around them were so indifferent, they also pretended to be uncomfortable.

As if satisfied.

For a time, the entire team formed a sharp contrast with the guards, and they were unspeakably loyal...

The warning light on the air-tight door kept flashing orange light. Amidst the low alarm sounds, it opened from the middle. The front and rear air-tight doors opened to the left, right, and up and down respectively.

The louder roar of the Big Stomach God rushed in like a wave of air. From this distance, the sound did not sound like it was caused by gastrointestinal peristalsis, but more like the death cries of dozens of people dying tragically.

Outside the airtight door is a ring-shaped metal grid platform. Dim lights are turned on and illuminated from a higher place, making everything look even more terrifying, as if it is opening the door to hell.

The last time Mikkelsen climbed down the rope, he didn't notice such a facility. Of course, there was no light to guide him at the time.

In the pitch-black environment, Mikkelsen could not accurately calculate how high he had free-falled. He only remembered that he seemed to be swallowed up by the darkness as he fell, without any pain.

Mikkelsen was very motivated to revisit his old place. He didn't need any urging from the guards next to him, and he walked out of the gate first.

Ten people just filed out and stood on the metal platform. The door behind them slowly closed again. Now only an unknown number of meters of lights above their heads were left to provide them with the necessary lighting.

"You need to divide into two teams and go down the stairs on the left and right sides. The equipment that needs to be cleaned is fifteen meters below the platform." The officer's voice came from the communicator: "It seems that you are lucky today, that

Weird... The Big Stomach God is sleeping soundly, you'd better be careful and pray that it doesn't wake up."

Of course, there is no need for more communication between Mikkelsen. They naturally grouped up and dispersed the three non-Mikkelsen members into two teams.

If it weren't for the transformation that takes a certain amount of time, the three of them would join the big family in the next second.

There was a non-Mikkelson member in the Mikkelsen 1 team. They went down the stairs on the right and soon saw the so-called machine that served the gods——

It was a retractable, large-scale cutting saw nearly three meters long...

At this time, the thing was in a folded state, with a thick layer of dark red ice frozen on its surface.

On the other side, Mickelson No. 7's team is on the other side of the platform. The equipment they want to clean is the same type of telescopic arm, but the front part is a huge mechanical clamp.

"They really treated you like a pig and slaughtered it." Mikkelsen No. 2 knocked on the ice with his hand, and then chopped it with the metal rod in his hand without hesitation.


The dull sound was incompatible with the roar of the Great Stomach God, echoing throughout the pit.

This seemed to be a ritual that awakened something in the pit, and the Mikkelsens keenly heard the slippery sound of the mucus being pulled.

The next second, Mikkelsen No. 1, who was the first to witness the grace of the Big Stomach God, saw a tentacle about 20 centimeters in diameter, dark red in color, with a chrysanthemum-like tip that revealed sharp teeth inside, emerging from the bottom of the platform.


"Be careful, they have no vision and hearing, but rely on sensing vibrations to find targets. It will be difficult for them to find you if you stay still." The officer reminded: "But you must complete the cleaning work before the door will open again, so I suggest

You should complete this task as quickly as possible when you have sufficient physical strength."

Just as the officer was speaking, more than a dozen tentacles, thick and thin, appeared from all directions, and people stood around the volunteers, as if waiting for the next shock call.

"How on earth have you evolved? Gluttony, I almost vomited, really." Mikkelsen No. 6 reached out and gently touched one of the tentacles. Its surface was covered with mucus.

This chapter has been completed!
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