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Chapter 473 Cultural Export

After solving Gluttony for the second time, the hot spot of the war between the two sides moved to a new area. On the one hand, the pioneers wanted to replicate what happened in Toronto in an unnoticed corner, let Gluttony return to control again, and restart the war of greed.

Blood production line.

On the other hand, these pioneers were somewhat fortunate that this plan temporarily delayed Tang Ji's progress, so they did not fully implement the confidentiality principle when implementing it.

As a result, in the next three weeks, Mikkelsen's agents captured more than twenty naturalized people in the water supply systems of many very large cities.

Biochemical weapons that are easily soluble in water, have an infection rate of over 90%, and a 100% fatality rate are definitely among the most lethal and terrifying weapons in the world.

Fortunately, after studying this kind of biological and chemical weapons at the Lost Mountain base, they quickly found their weaknesses - they were easy to detect.

Only a small test strip is needed, and the cost is almost negligible.

Several small factories were operating at full capacity, and it took only three days to produce enough test strips for the whole world to use for two months.

The method of use is also very simple. Put the test paper into the water. If the test paper turns red, the water contains the virus and cannot be drunk. Otherwise, if it turns green, it means the water is drinkable.

Because of the tragedy that happened in Toronto, this test strip became a long-acting product as soon as it appeared.

The influence of the Mikkelsen-Luthor coalition and the Ark organization has allowed this test strip to be sold at an affordable price around the world in an anti-capital way.

At least until the influence of that tragedy ends, no one can interfere with this business.

In contrast, the medical injections that were once promoted by the Walter Group as a landmark product became illegal with the advent of this disaster.

Although most of the supply was either recycled by the Trail Blazers or seized by Mikkelsen, it is conservatively estimated that there are more than 50,000 medical injections collected by various forces.

You know, everyone who has used it has given 100% positive reviews, which made this injection once a legendary panacea. The price on the black market was as high as 25,000 federal dollars each, and there were

Price has no market value.

Anthony has been recharging his batteries recently. As a doctor, he is naturally interested in gluttony, which can cure all known diseases.

Moreover, his body does not support him from continuing to attack the Blazers all over the world with Tang Ji and others like before, unless he, like Tony, chooses to become a large-scale prosthetic body.

Anthony is used to his current life and doesn't want to bother with it.

Life at the Lost Mountain Base was the same as in the military camp. There were canteens, dormitories, and a regular life. He didn't have to think about it so much. The things he needed to do were already scheduled for next month.

Those doctors didn't need anyone to advise them, they just needed executors, and Anthony was the best executor.

He is a very high-level surgeon with a strong battlefield style. He often chooses a route with greater side effects and sequelae for the sake of speed.

But there is no denying that in terms of speed alone, he is the fastest doctor even in the Lost Mountain base.

Especially when there are still many times in the cold storage, when the doctors are still meeting to discuss the surgical plan, Anthony has already taken out the things they need from the body.

With Tang Ji's efficiency, Anthony has gained an in-depth understanding of three digits of superhuman corpses in the past year.

Unlike Tang Ji, Anthony was very gentle when treating these remains, because in his hands, these people no longer had the attributes of players. They were innocent people who were unfortunate to be involved in this war.

Anthony can understand Tangji. As a rage, he must maintain his anger and hatred towards the players.

During the not-so-brief time they worked together, Anthony had a very deep understanding of Tang Ji. He knew who the other person was. Without that unforgettable hatred, he would not have been able to do all this.

Anthony knew that Tang Ji had serious psychological problems, and Tang Ji didn't even dare to think about the problems he was thinking about, and all of this was covered up by Tang Ji's strong appearance and way of doing things.

He is now like a spring, being continuously compressed, and no one knows when it will break.

Wu Qianying may have noticed, but in Anthony's eyes, although Dr. Wu is an outstanding scientific researcher, she is not the kind of woman who makes people feel like home.

Her way of thinking is very different from ordinary people. Anthony believes that if one day all mankind is destroyed in front of her, Dr. Wu can calmly think about how to create a new world starting from cloning technology.

Mikkelsen must have noticed it, but Anthony couldn't see through him. He only knew that the other party had lived for a long time, because he had seen Mikkelsen's signature on a document at the Lost Mountain base, and the time stamp was from the last century.


Immortals may view the world from a higher perspective, and as time goes by, Mikkelsen can view this disaster in a more ruthless and calm way.

Anthony understands this very well, and he can already accept that the world is destined to go downhill, and that the end is most likely a cliff.

But all this is based on the days and nights he has experienced. Anthony can't imagine how big he would be if he encountered all this when Tang Ji was so young, and the fate of the whole world rested on his shoulders.


As for the others, Tang Ji performed too well and was too strong. They were used to relying on Tang Ji and gave him all the choices.

However, although Anthony saw all this, he didn't know how to intervene.

He didn't know if his rash intervention would be the straw that broke the camel's back.

So Anthony's choice is to do his part as well as possible, to perfection, and then pray that Tang Ji can persevere to the end.

"Our plan no longer has the conditions for success, Lord Markarian." Hofheim appeared in front of Markarian again: "When the Corpse Man Project was first established, it was built with the goal of war weapons.

, I didn’t consider the issue of concealment.”

"And now, a century later, it is difficult for us to make major modifications to the virus itself on this basis. It is a pity." Hofheim said this, but Markarian always felt that the other party

There was a feeling of relief.

In fact, this is indeed the case. As an expert in the field of virology, Hofheim has certainly heard of Wu Qianying. That woman who shines in most of the biological world with the name of genius has become a star for many people from the day she emerged.

A ruthless character who must be mentioned in the paper.

And the result of this air-to-air confrontation also proves that the reputation is not empty.

The opponent came up with countermeasures so quickly that Hofheim couldn't react. He could only be sure of one thing, and that was that there was already a generation gap between the two sides in terms of research and development levels.

Markarian just nodded silently and motioned for Hofheim to get out.

In a short period of time, he doesn't plan to see the other person for a third time, if he doesn't still need the other person.

As new players continue to enter this world, both sides have been engaged in low-intensity wars. Yes, wars. Markarian has to admit that the natives of this world have done it.

They turned this game into something like a war, and even though the players didn't know it, the players were indeed bleeding, constantly bleeding.

Tang Ji is like a perpetual motion machine, constantly looking for traces of players, and he is never picky about food. In a large stronghold with fifty players, he will rush in excitedly, leaving a pile of corpses and leave. In a small stronghold with four people, he will

He would also make a special trip to kill three of them, leaving one survivor who believed in Tang Ji's words and let him spread fear.

Markarian certainly knows what kind of news those surviving players are spreading in his world. This is something that has never happened in hundreds of years.

Of course, what makes Markarian even more troublesome is the ambiguous attitude from the Supreme Beings. They seem to attach great importance to this world, but also seem not to care at all.

This makes Markarian wonder what attitude he should use to drive the players. Is it a universal attack regardless of life and death, or is it a slow and steady plan?

So far, he has brought more than 4,500 players to the world. According to the Pioneers' past experience, players of this magnitude have already passed the initial stage——

That is to say, the era when the indigenous people dominated the world order has ended. Where the whole world goes next will be controlled by the players and they will be familiar with their own epic stories.

But now, the situation is obviously not going so smoothly, and Markarian doesn't even dare to let the players make big moves.

As the Seven Deadly Sins, Tang Ji and his difficult friends wield powerful power that grows stronger day by day.

What happened in the city of Toronto not only made the world's intimidation reach a new peak for Tangji, but also allowed new players to see Tangji's power.

The name Tang Ji has been circulating among players, and now everyone knows why he is so difficult to mess with.

Quan Zhe is one of them. He saw the news about Toronto in a Berber camp. This seemingly ignorant and barbaric tribe is also connected to the Internet and has enough terminal devices to browse.

A few weeks ago, he had successfully convinced his captor that it was valuable to keep him.

Perhaps it was the player's fearless attitude towards the entire world that made the chief feel that what Quan Zhe said was reasonable. In short, he survived and found an ancient ruins near the camp.

It was the ruins of a temple used by the Berbers for worship. It was said to be more than a thousand years old. Quan Zhe didn't care at all how long these historical relics from another world had gone through the test of wind and frost.

What really concerned him was that the murals on this ruins implicitly stated how a god named Jealousy ruled this land.

As an achievement explorer who had just studied the history of the Seven Deadly Sins, Quan Zhe immediately realized that he had come into contact with the shadow of the main quest.

This is not really a coincidence. The planning department has a higher-dimensional perspective. If they intentionally guide certain events to happen, this kind of thing will happen.

Maybe they are lucky achievement explorers, or they may be ordinary players, who will find some key information due to various coincidences.

This was not the first time Quan Zhe had encountered this kind of thing. He could only lament that he was lucky enough to be favored by the planning department.

But how to correctly interpret the story about this ancient god is a big problem.

Although a player who has inherited the talent of body language will not learn the language from scratch in this world, these ancient strokes and vague text descriptions require him to learn the language of the ancient Berbers.

Fortunately, Quan Zhe has an aboriginal friend in this world who can help him solve this problem. After all, that friend is obviously also very interested in the origin of the Seven Deadly Sins.

For Mikkelsen, this is not a surprise, because there is still a question whether the weird pronoun on the mural can be translated as jealousy.

Although Quan Zhe assured him that it was jealousy, Mikkelsen would not just believe that the so-called planning department had such a high perspective. If they were really that powerful, they would have already started to solve Tang Ji's problem.

"They can only look forward through the superficial time flow, but before they are completely connected to your world, they have been observing your world for a long time." Quan Zhe simply explained the little secret of the planning department: "You

You can think of it as a photo frozen in time, very blurry, but some things can still be distinguished."

Wearing archaeological clothing, Mikkelsen covered the sun with his hands and looked at the construction team not far away who were destructively dismantling the temple to facilitate observation of the murals in the cave beneath the temple.

The local tribe of raiders were quite hostile to this act of sabotage, but with Mikkelsen showing up and handing over a sum of money, they are now responsible for perimeter security.

The chief was obviously very happy that Quan Zhe could bring economic benefits so quickly, so he returned all his belongings to him.

With the increasing number of metahumans in the main line, some non-mainstream academic opinions are that this is not the first time that superhumans have appeared in this land.

Wu Qianying also supports this view. Her evidence is Avalon, that superhuman who seems to have come out of Homer's epic poem, or should we call him a demigod?

Another strong evidence is Greed. He is not an awakened super human in this era, but has always been relatively lonely and isolated from the real world.

If there was an era in the past, just like now, a large number of superhuman beings awakened and walked in the world, then what was the cause of their awakening? And why did they become silent?

Mikkelsen is very curious about this and is also looking forward to Quan Zhe finding something useful. The contact between him and Quan Zhe is just an attempt.

Try to copy Karcalf's experience. Since there is something in this world that can conquer a player wholeheartedly, why can't a second Karcalf appear?

And curiosity is the key to cultural output

PS: Argentina won the World Cup and Mbappe won personal honors. It’s a win-win situation. I was a little late watching the game.

This chapter has been completed!
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