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Chapter 514 Greedys New Recipe

As a spokesman for greed, Wolfgang had eaten several superhumans with physical self-healing abilities before he was ambushed by the pioneers, but those people's abilities were not as exaggerated as the body he now occupies.

The predecessor's greedy power was so supreme that he could allow the surrounding regimes to proactively donate superhuman beings as food. His breadth and strength of ability must be far superior to Wolfgang's.

At least judging from these peeking scenes, Wolfgang feels that the other party is at least at the LV4 stage.

So the question is, with such greed, why would there be a trace on the skull that remained until death?

Wolfgang stroked the marks on his skull with one hand, and scratched his head with the other hand, his eyes full of doubts.

As a cannibal, he was very familiar with this kind of knife edge and this position. Opening the knife here was just enough to take out the entire brain tissue without being damaged by the curvature of the skull edge.

But why?

Wolfgang continued to study this incision. Judging from its smoothness, a very sharp medium must have been used to easily cut such an incision on the greedy skull.

In addition, this incision has a subtle chamfer near the right side of the back of the head. It would be difficult to detect it if it had not been simmered for a long time to clean up the impurities on the surface.

Wolfgang used his own head to demonstrate, and found that if he opened his own craniotomy, and the craniotomy was a normal right-hander, he would start cutting from the right side of the forehead, and that position would be exactly where the cutting medium is.

Switch the right hand to the left hand node.

Therefore, this incision is the trace left by the craniotomy performed by Greedy himself. If this is the message he deliberately left, then...

Wolfgang was suddenly stunned, and the previous memories appeared in his mind like lightning.

He saw that he easily drove jealousy to a dead end, and the other person was restrained by him on the dining table with almost no resistance. He watched as he cut open the skull with a table knife and dug out the protective material inside with a spoon.

Then I became that bastard's slave!

A trace of anger appeared on Wolfgang's face. Even now, he still can't forgive himself for being reckless.

That’s right!

He now knows the correct way to eat jealousy!

You can't talk about that stuff at all! My ex Greedy used brain replacement to gain the ability to be jealous!

He understands it all!

Wolfgang seemed to see the ruthless king sitting on his throne, using a sharp weapon to cut open his skull and dig out his brain. That was his most vulnerable moment. He could not trust anyone and could only do it himself!

Jealousy, who had no ability to resist, also had his Tianling Cap opened. Like a tribute, he knelt on the dinner plate and watched in despair as the other party took away his brain. His eyes kept wandering due to the pulling of the optic nerve, and finally a strange feeling

All perception is lost in the feeling of emptiness.

Greed, on the other hand, is like replacing a CPU, throwing a new brain into his skull, turning his eyes, and regaining his sanity.

Wolfgang stared at the skull in his hand, the black hollows in his hand seeming to be laughing at him.

The brain has never been the core of greed. Wolfgang has already verified this. He even broke away from the shackles of the body and only floated in the void as consciousness for a while.

Therefore, the operation of replacing the brain is completely achievable. He thought that hunting the Seven Deadly Sins was too simple before. He was like a barbarian who had never eaten cooked food, and gave such delicacies as jealousy to


Think about it, what did he do then?

He used a can opener usually used to open cans to chop the head, which symbolized the seven deadly sins of jealousy, and then used an ordinary spoon with no pattern on it to insert it directly into the unique brain!

Like a beast that feeds on hair and drinks blood! He ruined everything!

Ritual and ritual sense are very symbolic in the process of greedy eating, and the brain is the most representative organ of jealousy.

This is not knowledge written in a book, but more like some kind of instinct. He innately knows that the part of jealousy symbolizes the origin of his ability.

That is the inheritance written in genes and engraved in reincarnation!

But he wasted his best opportunity, and instead of being jealous, he seized the opportunity and tried his best to humiliate him and take advantage of him.

If Fury hadn't intervened from the middle, Wolfgang couldn't even imagine what his fate would have been, and the skull of his predecessor Greedy seemed to be examining his qualifications as Greedy, without saying a word.

Hunting the Seven Deadly Sins is the process of greed leading to perfection, and jealousy replacing the brain. Hell, this was the answer written on the table, but he just turned in a blank paper.

Wolfgang understood everything now. The representative of jealousy is the brain, gluttony is the stomach, the arrogant face, the indescribable parts of lust, and the furious blood!

As for laziness, Wolfgang couldn't figure it out yet. He was either too mysterious or hadn't awakened yet. He decided to put laziness very late in the plan.

The good news is that he now knows where the jealous brain, the gluttonous stomach, and the furious blood are, and can roughly determine where the arrogant face is.

The bad news is that to get these things, he needs to face Tanguy and Mikkelson, especially Tanguy.

Even the predecessor Greedy could only swallow his anger when faced with rage, and even his final death was related to rage.

Wolfgang had long understood how difficult Tanguy was to mess with, and Mikkelsen didn't think much about whether he was prepared for himself or his own plan. What if one day he stepped on a nuclear landmine when he went out?

, that must have been Mikkelsen’s doing.

Wolfgang crushed the useless skull of his predecessor and burned the drained bones cleanly, thus ending an era.

The new era has its contradictions, and Wolfgang has no intention of destroying the cooperative relationship with Tanguy and Mikkelsen just yet.

But if they start to fight among themselves first, he has no objection to the fishermen benefiting from it and getting what they want to complete it first.

By then, he may not be able to do what Tanguy and Mikkelsen can't do. If the power of the Seven Deadly Sins can be concentrated on one person, then the outcome of this war will be self-evident.

Far away in Hawaii, Central Mikkelsen sneezed. Suspecting that he had been exposed to too much wind recently, he got off the beach chair, stretched his muscles, and jumped directly from the roof of the building.

Below the building is a huge swimming pool. The height of tens of meters is not threatening to a superhuman like Mikkelsen. He swam happily before stepping on the steps to surface.

Since he took complete control of the Military Technology Group, the entire Hawaii headquarters was gradually filled with clones within two months. The employees in their original positions either disappeared directly or were transferred to other branches of the company to act as yes-men.

It’s hard to imagine how the last middle-level company cadre who left alive felt when he packed his luggage and went to the airport. In short, when more than 1,300 Mikkelsens stood at different windows to see him off, the other person’s expression looked like

It's like I just worshiped Cthulhu.

Mikkelsen was no longer too lazy to hide himself in front of such a role. He just openly occupied the administrative area of ​​​​Military Technology on Hawaii Island, and in the true sense he was all his own.

The armed personnel residential areas and industrial areas on the other side of the island knew nothing about this. The only thing they could feel was that the administrative efficiency of the entire group was improving rapidly, and many demands were made within five minutes.

Mature solutions were pushed back, so that middle managers and technical staff in these two areas were a little unable to keep up.

This change was quickly reflected in production capacity. The entire military technology group was like a clockwork machine, starting a one-sided arms race from top to bottom.

A large number of production tasks have been issued, even scheduled until March next year. Several new production lines have also been planned, and the project progress is advancing at an unimaginable speed.

Dr. Klenchikov's central nervous system enhancement system has also been moved here for more practical testing. Military technology engineers are doing their best to improve the second-generation product, and the first-generation product has already entered the production line.

Production costs are visibly reduced.

The team led by Dr. Sean Westan has got rid of its dependence on Surte's blood. Through the characteristics of gluttonous biomass, it has successfully cloned biomass materials that can directly extract time-sensitive hormones.

Although the effect is further weakened, in terms of production capacity and cost, the new generation of time-sensitive hormones can be placed in pharmacies and sold as over-the-counter drugs.

The internal arms of military technology are promoting prosthetics such as central nervous system enhancement systems on a large scale. After being equipped with time-sensitive elements, the rules of close combat have been completely changed.

The new generation of prosthetic soldiers with central nervous system enhancement systems generally prefer matching prosthetic leg accessories to enhance their ability to advance, and their requirements for weapon feedback speed have also doubled.

In this regard, because Tang Ji's existence is the prelude to the global arms market, he suddenly has a tactical advantage in addition to his popular attributes.

Soldiers injected with time-sensitive hormones and equipped with this double-action large-caliber revolver can maximize firepower output on the basis of safety and reliability.

If we follow the Elwin counting method that Dr. Wu Qianying preset for convenience a while ago, a soldier equipped with a central nervous system enhancement system, trained with time-sensitive hormones, and equipped with appropriate equipment can perform approximately the same as 11 Elwin in a complex environment.

The combat effectiveness of Erwin's units.

Most newly awakened parahumans only have a combat power of 1 to 4 Elwin units, and a few strong parahumans have a combat power of more than 10 Elwin units in the early stages of awakening.

The biggest achievement of the Lost Mountain Base in recent times is to raise the prepared soldiers to a level above the average combat effectiveness of superhuman beings.

This is also a situation Mikkelsen is happy to see. You can't lead a group of children to defeat adults, but if the children enter adolescence, it's hard to say.

For this reason, Mikkelsen even deliberately allowed spies from other competitors to secretly take away the information on these two technologies from Hawaii Island.

Expanding production capacity? Military technology alone cannot drive the entire civilization to completion. This was originally the responsibility of the real regime, but now he can only count on these rotten fish and shrimps to be greedy and take the initiative to complete it.

Therefore, after the data was stolen, the central nervous system enhancement system of military technology quickly became the most sought-after item on the black market in major cities. Prosthetics doctors in those underground clinics can always obtain military technology with reasonable prices and stable supply.

Genuine licensed goods.

The same is true for time-sensitive hormone. Although Mikkelsen does not directly sell it at a low price, the production capacity spread privately is enough for street gangs to use this thing as regular equipment.

For a time, many joint gangs and underground forces inside and outside the Federation, the European Union and the European Union all praised the benevolence and justice of military technology. For a time, the stock price of military technology rose against the trend in the periodic financial crisis, becoming a unique unicorn.


Companies like Arasaka, Constitution Military Industries, and Marshall Defense Industries originally thought they had stolen a treasure, but in the blink of an eye, Military Technology gave up on itself and began to use new equipment as cabbage, forcing other companies to give up their profits.

, start to spread the market to ensure that your basic market will not be destroyed.

Among them, perhaps only the helmsman of the Arasaka Group, Saburo Arasaka, can clearly see Mikkelsen's conspiracy, but unfortunately, Saburo Arasaka has not intervened in the specific operations of the Arasaka Empire for a long time, and even others are still on the surface preparing the final plan in the Crystal Palace.

No one knows about the preparations for separation.

However, the changes that the central nervous system has brought to the world have actually begun to appear.

Roseville, DC

Mitch Shepard spent a sleepless night in her apartment. The cold wind at night made her take out all her luggage to keep out the cold, but to no avail. The alarm sounded all night, which also made people noisy.

Can't sleep.

She watched as the ambulance parked across the street and took away four bodies and several injured people from the damaged houses on both sides. The camera faithfully recorded all this.

The law enforcement officer responsible for maintaining order saw Miche's camera, and his only reaction was to tighten his mask.

Before dawn, staff with a sign from the Special Administrative Region Disaster Countermeasures Command Center came to the house and delivered some food and fresh water. They also said that the house would be repaired within seventy-two hours. In addition, all those who were attacked would receive a compensation.

Other than that, there was nothing else. Miche was actually quite adaptable to all this. At least the local management agency responded quickly and had everything handled before dawn.

She still remembered that when she was working as a law enforcer in Night City, she made a complaint. An unlucky Night City citizen was unfortunately involved in a street war. A grenade was thrown into the bedroom. Fortunately, no one was home at the time.

, unfortunately there were over three thousand steel balls throughout the house that needed cleaning.

The municipal department delayed the matter for three months. In the end, a blind middleman negotiated with the two conflicting gangs. In the end, because they could not determine which party threw the grenade, both sides were compensated 15,000 federal dollars.

There is a result.

Mitch later took this matter to a talk show and mocked the Night City municipal department, but now, after just one night, she realized that everything that happened here was different from what happened in Night City.

It is legal for outsiders to kill people. The only response the government made was to pay compensation. An inexplicable shame and anger appeared in Mi Qie's heart.

Then there was fear. She felt like a poultry living in a pasture and might be hunted and killed at any time.

PS: I estimate that when you read this chapter, it will already be the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. I wish everyone that the lights will shine for thousands of miles and that there will be reunion everywhere.

This chapter has been completed!
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