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Chapter 515 Enjoy life in the special zone, scum

The special zone is called a special zone because it is completely independent of existing rules and requires a special management system. It is directly responsible to the federal commander Luther, or more specifically, it is under the supervision of Miko.

Directly managed by Erson.

With the arrival of a new day, the Special Administrative Region welcomed a group of new residents, about five hundred desperate and frustrated people, or adventurers seeking excitement, who settled in Roseville under the leadership of the receptionist.

Those properties abandoned by the indigenous people were generously given to the newcomers, and the residents who had settled in the city before were waiting with curiosity for the real protagonists to move in.

Outsiders, this is a neutral name for players in the special zone. Everyone knows that those outsiders are waiting in a camp outside Roswell.

If your curiosity is strong enough, climb up to the high platform of the Goddard Planetarium and use the telescope bought in the gift shop to look towards the Chihuahuan Desert. The four to five hundred gathering places of superhumans will definitely satisfy all your needs for superhumans.


They were like a group of restless fleas, constantly demonstrating their supernatural abilities in the camp. On average, conflicts broke out twice every eight minutes, day and night.

Just last night, several outsiders who sneaked out broke into the city, causing an accident that killed three people and injured 27 others.

A glimpse of the leopard shows that many locals who do not have the courage to face life and want to use the policy to get compensation from the federal authorities have given up and started to pack their bags and plan to leave this city before the last window closes.

The city.

Mitch Shepard faithfully captured all this with a camera, including the nostalgic eyes of the movers, the couples hugging each other to say goodbye to neighbors or other relatives who insisted on staying behind, and the confused looks of the new arrivals.

This small city is full of news.

Unfortunately, federal authorities have not yet opened network ports, and all data needs to be reviewed before being offshored.

Some well-known talk show hosts, reporters, and Internet celebrities like Mitchell are the focus of the review.

Dorbis Sargent called Mitch in the morning and asked if he needed help. After receiving a negative reply, there was no news.

Mitch put on the body armor he purchased in advance, inserted a Lexington M10 pistol into his waist, and walked out of the room, feeling as if he had returned to the era of working as a law enforcer in Night City.

Even for civilian personnel, firearms and body armor are her indispensable partners. When those street fighters focus on you, they don't care about your professional background.

Several prisoners on the street wearing conspicuous orange-red prison uniforms with explosive collars around their necks attracted everyone's attention.

They were all obviously superhumans. Under the command of guards wearing heavy black body armor, they cleared the debris on the road as if by magic and began to repair the damaged houses on both sides.

Mitch could clearly see that the prison uniforms and guards had the words "Night City Central Prison" on them.

"Hi! Can I interview you?" Mitch stood five meters away and motioned to the guards with the camera in his hand: "I am a reporter from Night City News Channel 54!"

Perhaps the words "Night City" made the guard feel friendly. The guard did not point the gun at Mi Qie, but simply pointed at the drone hovering above his head and shook his head.

Instead, a prisoner who was using his mind to control the slowly rising building materials whistled at Michie. As a result, the guard immediately threw out his folding tactical stick without saying a word, and hit the prisoner on the back of the head with the stick, which was completely cruel.

It is according to the degree of death.

"Prisoner W-23 violated Article 2 of the Central Prison Offshore Labor Protection Law and conducted unauthorized interactions. A warning is given." The guard looked at the building materials that had fallen to the ground because the force was unconscious and continued to report expressionlessly.

: "Prisoner W-23 caused damage to federal property due to work errors. An additional sentence will be added. The specific length will be announced after nucleic acid testing by the Central Prison Administration Center."

It was not until the guards finished saying these words that two prisoners, also wearing prison uniforms but with red crosses on their armbands, dragged W-23 away and took him to the prison van parked at the corner.

The guard closed his tactical stick and turned to scan the other prisoners. The atmosphere suddenly became quiet, and no prisoner dared to take another step beyond the boundaries.

Even if each of them is really talented, daring, and extremely vicious.

But after all, the Central Prison is different from other federal prisons. The warden here is Tang Ji, and the real manager behind the scenes is a pervert who plants trees all over the world. His informants are everywhere and he knows everything.

As for the guards, due to the special environment inside the Central Prison, the guards will not interfere with the prisoners' daily behavior most of the time. However, when guards need to intervene, the prisoners usually do not end well.

This time, the central prison inmates who were assigned to perform community labor in Roseville were basically the lucky ones with suitable abilities and suitable to work on construction sites.

Mikkelsen hoped that they would not mistakenly feel that their crimes had been forgiven because of their contact with society again, so the order given to the guards was that if anyone crossed the line, the crime would be increased.

The W-23 who was whistling just now was a prisoner who had just been transferred to the Central Prison. He had barely adapted to the internal environment of the Central Prison. This time he had the opportunity to be released from the labor camp, and he felt a little carried away for a while.

That whistle represented that he was still full of contempt for the order represented by the guards and the detention center, and that he still placed his personal desires above reason, other people's feelings, and even the law.

For these guards who have received a second education in the Central Prison, W-23's behavior means that the oppression exerted on him by the Central Prison is not strong enough. Today he can whistle under supervision, but in the future he will dare to do so without supervision.

Committing worse behavior under supervision.

Mitch didn't know what the guards thought about this matter, but she was really shocked by their behavior. She only felt that the direct leader of these guards was Tang Ji. When she handled complaints and public relations issues for Tang Ji,

, I often encounter this kind of thing.

Tang Ji's status in the City of Night did not begin with his awakening as a superhuman. On this point, those 'victims' who ended their street careers early due to disability and death can stand up and speak for W-23 - that is

This taste is unmistakable.

Michie stayed a little further away and took a few photos of the scene with his camera, which was the end of his meeting with the fellow villagers.

But what she didn't know was that in the days to come, more fellow villagers would continue to come here to join her.

Mikkelsen knew that Markarian was an old fox, but he also knew that Markarian could not control the specific actions of the players now, so he threw the biggest bait he had into the special zone.

Central Prison.

The disheveled Chaval Ortega, wearing a pair of yellowed and tattered linen clothes, stood in front of an abandoned Wal-Mart supermarket, looking at an electronic promotional screen fixed in front of the door by vines.

This was the most advanced man-made object he had seen in the past two weeks, and the moon-white light even made him want to cry.

Six months ago, Shavar Ortega was the hottest new star in the Dnieper gang. Relying on his awakened supernatural abilities, he was almost above the law.

Four months ago, Chaval Ortega was arrested by a passing senior cadre of the Ark organization because he participated in many murder cases and caused a large number of civilian casualties in several operations. He was transferred to the European Union High Court for trial, and

He was soon tried in a different place and imprisoned to serve his sentence.

Three months ago, Chaval Ortega was lucky enough to be selected to participate in the European Union and the Federation's cooperation project on superhuman crimes. He was personally escorted by Wang Zhengdao from the far north of Europe to the Night City on the west coast of the Federation.

Central prison.

Two months ago, Chaval Ortega deeply realized that his past arrogance and arrogance were a mental illness that could be cured by restraining his behavior.

A month ago, Chaval Ortega left the central prison area and chose to venture to the outer ring.

Two weeks ago, Chaval Ortega exchanged the bitter berries he collected in the three-dimensional forest for two and a half cigarettes. He smokes them until now and still has one cigarette left.

There are too many arrogant superhuman beings imprisoned in the Central Prison, and when there are more people, there will be gangs and transactions, which is how the cigarettes in his hands came from.

These cigarettes were either circulated from prisoners who were eligible to go out for labor camps, or were brought in with the help of some prison guards.

Shavar didn't care where these cigarettes came from. He was just surprised at how quickly he adapted. He had almost forgotten the days when he was making waves in the Dnieper River area. How to fill his stomach was the biggest pursuit of these people.

Once, these people in prison felt that rules and order bound them, but the days in the Central Prison made them understand that without rules and order, they are just small fish in the pond, and there are bigger sharks.

The ocean is waiting for them.

The area of ​​the central prison is large enough, and it is getting larger and larger. The plants that form the tree walls around the prison are alive, and Chaval has personally heard the sound of those things moving slowly and expanding outward.

He looked at the fast electronic screen, took out the last cigarette from his arms, lit it with his treasured lighter, took a long puff, stepped forward, and pressed his fingerprint on the screen.

What was written on the screen was - Notice to all prisoners. From now on, prisoners who voluntarily go to the Special Administrative Region can receive a one-to-one market reduction in their sentences.

Of course, there are more than 4,000 words of detailed rules below, but those prisoners who pressed their fingerprints and agreed to go to the Special Zone are just like Chaval Ortega. They just want to leave this hellish place and don't care about the detailed rules at all.

They believe that this is the worst place in the world, and what they say is not wrong.

Chaval Ortega forgot how he was put down. He only remembered that he felt dizzy after pressing his fingerprints. When he woke up again, he was already fixed in the restraint box in the aircraft cargo area and was covered with strange-colored clothes.

The vines were wrapped tightly, leaving only the face outside.

Oh, not entirely. Chaval saw that opposite him was a well-known gang leader in the outer ring area. He had charming eyes and could confuse people's minds by making eye contact. At this time, the upper half of his face was wrapped in vines.

Stay in it.

"I know that you people think this is a good opportunity. Some of you may have heard that the District is in Roseville, but I want to say that you are totally wrong. For you, this is the expressway to hell.

Private plane." The heavily armed guard strode through the cabin and mocked: "I guess none of you illiterate people have read the details on that statement carefully, so the higher ups sent me to give it to you dying people.


"You idiots, idiots, you'd better open your ears and listen carefully. First, you can't harm anyone without a red mark in the special zone. As for what a red mark is," the guard deliberately paused for a few seconds before saying loudly: "Because

For some technical reasons, we will ask you to highlight specific people in red when you see them!

Second, if you are unfortunately caught by someone with a red mark, they will take away your body, because those with red marks are aliens with octopus heads and tentacles all over their bodies. They will infiltrate

Enter your brain, eat your soul and consciousness, and then take over your body."

Chaval Ortega felt as if he had made a big mistake, but no one cared except himself.

"In order to prevent you from forgetting your identity as a prisoner, I am happy to remind you that there is a very advanced nano-robot in your body. Once you try to leave the special zone and try to harm people without red marks, those robots will destroy your heart.

Sudden stop." The guard's voice echoed in every prisoner's ears like a nightmare: "I don't know how you scum will die, but I am very sure that you will definitely die."

"In addition, you must also pay attention to your personal behavior. All illegal activities are prohibited. In addition to killing you, those little robots can also create some small electric currents, making you powerless.

Rotten meat." The guard said and snapped his fingers: "Just like this."

Chawar immediately felt the "little electric current" in the guard's mouth. After the indescribable tremor, he felt as if he peed his pants.

"Of course, you are the most important asset of the Central Prison. We can't let you starve to death. Your death is worthless, so be happy, scum, you bastards will have wages from now on." The guard said in a cheerful tone.

Introduction: "As long as you are still alive and your own soul still lives in your mind, you can receive a subsidy of 80 federal dollars every day, which will not only allow you to eat well, but also smoke a few cigarettes."

"It's a pity that you can't applaud, otherwise you'd better give me a hard drum now." The guard shrugged, with some regret: "One last thing to remind you, only those who have been actively reported to us by aliens will be

Mark red, but unfortunately, they are almost as bastards as you, and they will definitely not report everyone to us. You should understand when I say this, right?"

"Enjoy life in the District, scum."

This chapter has been completed!
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