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Chapter 697: Looking for Tiger Shadow

Chapter 700 Looking for Huying

Throughout the first half of NC-13, the world's attention has been focused on the Night City area. From this point of view, Night City can be said to have restored its social status before Apocalypse.

People in other shelters can only watch the shelters in Night City, like ants, constantly building their own ant nests on the surface and expanding their activity areas.

Even though it has been reduced to ruins, Night City was once one of the most developed cities in the world. Its remains are like a whale falling to the bottom of the sea, allowing survivors hiding underground to find enough to rebuild around the pile of wreckage.

Materials of civilization.

Anthony's Behemoth was just a drop in the bucket. When the Valentinos made a deal with Luther and found a still usable battery production line in the underground warehouse of Watson Industrial Zone, the real competition had just begun.

"We need a more durable anti-interference coating, Anthony." A greasy mechanic rubbed his hands on his apron and wrote down a value in his notebook: "We also need a denser metal grille.

Although Beamon is a strong guy, when a big storm blows, stones may still cause damage to the coating itself."

"This is the end of the world. Where can I find a more durable coating for you?" Anthony leaned on a rocking chair, shaking the chair with the sound of the wind outside.

In order to show that he had left the shelter, Anthony built a small nest where he found Beamon. No one could live here during the strong wind period, but it was considered a qualified stronghold during the weak wind period.

The news that Anthony is going to travel is not a secret in all the shelters in Night City. Although the Beamon armored transport vehicle is a valuable asset of the Apocalypse, considering the missing Tang Ji and the nearby Wang Zhengdao,

, no supervisor wants to take advantage of this car.

After these human spirits realized that they could not take plunder by force, they immediately showed great enthusiasm for Anthony's journey. They were willing to provide all the materials and personnel that Anthony needed to show their respective


The purpose of their eager return to the surface is not to compete with the few remaining similar species, but to allow civilization to return as soon as possible.

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, these people are preaching it anyway.

Therefore, Anthony's life is relatively easy. Staying in the shelter for more than ten years can always cultivate a group of alternative people who are not afraid of death, so now he is ready to travel far, and there are already seven people who plan to set off with Anthony.

According to the plan, their first stop was Shelter 315 in Palm Springs. Because the shelter was located in the Colorado Desert, the surrounding environment did not suffer much damage during the Apocalypse, but protection against electromagnetic interference and solid particles was still a challenge.

Big problem.

Fortunately, Anthony has received a lot of technical support, such as Dr. Wu Qianying.

At the beginning of the year, Dr. Wu, who was awakened from hibernation as usual, heard about what happened in Night City and used his deep connections in Vault Zero to get the experts to come up with a set of tools for Beamon armored transport.

Complete car modification program.

Anne, on the other hand, has been planning how to make Anthony use Vault Zero as one of the routes on his journey. She cannot stay in this refuge for a day.

"I heard that the Tiger Claw Gang used to have a modified car store. They had a very special paint. I don't know if it is still there after more than ten years or if it can be used." The mechanic also spent the night before entering the shelter.

A legendary figure in the city's modified car industry.

But the people who really take modified cars to the extreme are the people from the Tiger Claw Gang.

"Tiger Claw Gang?" When Anthony heard the name, he even remembered this gang in a daze. They seemed to have sunk into hell with Night City, and there has been no news in the past ten years or so.

Of course, it is not that there are no members of the Tiger Claw Gang living in various shelters as individuals, but among the major gangs in Night City, the Violent Bear Gang became the Animal Gang, and the Valentino Gang became the current

The Valentino people, and even the street girls from the Mox Gang, a large number of them have lived in shelters because of Liz's connections.

Only the Tiger Claw Gang disappeared completely. No one knows whether they finally found a suitable shelter before the Day of Apocalypse.

Everyone knows that the Tiger Claw Gang relies on the Arasaka Group.

Although the Arasaka Group crashed in the Crystal Palace and fell into despair after the death of Saburo Arasaka, they still survived the Apocalypse Day tenaciously and still use their huge power to rule the island nation of Neon.

Their influence on Neon is even greater than it was before Apocalypse, because the number of official Neon shelters is far less than the number of Arasaka Group.

As an island country, the wind and waves caused by the big storm in the coastal areas also caused heavy losses to the island country. More than one-third of the shelters were submerged by the sea water. No one knew what those who took shelter at the last second before death.

Do the residents of the place regret that they chose the wrong way to die?

Although the hope is slim, Anthony and the others still have to try. After all, Beamon allows them to explore further than others.

When the wind level is lower than level 16, this behemoth can easily pass through urban terrain. Its weight has become the most advantageous weapon. The only thing to note is that it will often be trapped in sandy terrain. Every time

All need to be dug out manually.

So in addition to the anti-interference coating, Anthony and the others also plan to convert this thing from wheeled to tracked.

"How far is it from here to the modification factory you mentioned?" Anthony said as he said, taking out the map of Night City before and comparing it with the satellite image of Apocalypse in the future.

The mechanic circled a location on the old map, and then the two of them tried to find the corresponding location on the satellite map. But in the end, what they found on the satellite map was just a desert with not even a single building wreckage.

The destruction was very complete.

"Is it still necessary to go there?" The mechanic sighed, took a transparent film pad and drew a path on the satellite map with a marker that he didn't know if it could be passed. After hesitating for a moment, he erased it and drew a new one.

It is difficult to find a road that allows Beamon to pass smoothly. They need to avoid places where the sand is too deep and where there are too many building debris. But after excluding these, the routes they can choose are very limited.

"The Valentino people may be willing to go there with us. They have always wanted to expand their search scope." Anthony finally determined his route on the map, made up his mind, and planned to contact backup.

The interior space of Beamon is large enough to accommodate a road construction team to work directly in the carriage, so every time we travel, Valentino people are willing to cooperate together.


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