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Chapter 88 Guarding the Corpse

"Name." Tang Ji looked down through the glass. The armed men coming out of the car caused panic on the street.

"Who are you?" Enoa leaned against the corner of the elevator holding a small bag. After the initial panic, she actually calmed down.

"Tang Ji." Tang Ji reported his name, and then looked at the floor where the elevator was located. They had just passed the thirty-first floor, and the top floor was on the sixtieth floor: "You can waste your time as you like, but when the elevator

When I get to the top and I don't ask what I want to know, I shoot."

The moment she heard Tang Ji's name, Inoa showed a panicked expression. Whether as a naturalized person or an Internet troll, she didn't want to face this person face to face.

"What do you want to know?" Inoa quietly pressed the alarm in her handbag so that those downstairs could locate her.

"Name." Tang Ji repeated his first question. At this time, the floor had risen to the thirty-eighth floor.

"Cristia Inoa!" Inoa became even more nervous because of Tang Ji's eyes. She argued: "Is it because I scolded you online? I apologize! I was wrong!"

"How long have you been a naturalized person?" Tang Ji continued to ask, level 42.

"Two years! I joined two years ago!" Inoa's face was ashen, all luck had been washed away, and her psychological defense was frighteningly fragile.

"Why?" Tang Ji asked, and at this time, the elevator slowly stopped at the forty-fifth floor.

The elevator door opened, and a white-collar man in a suit and tie holding a briefcase froze in place. He looked at Tang Ji's gun, then at Inoa, and took a step back.

The elevator door closed again, and Inoa almost leaned her whole body weight on the glass before she stood still.

Then she felt a shaking, a ball of fireworks erupted from dozens of meters below the elevator, and someone hit another elevator with a missile.

"Why?" Inoa collapsed and screamed: "They gave me a chance! Let me become a master in this hellish place! There is a whole world behind them, just the styles that have been popular in recent decades.

, can make me the queen of fashion!”

"Tell me the information about that world, tell me everything you heard about that world." Tang Ji looked at the floor number, fifty-three.

"Can I survive if I tell you?" Inoa's toughness only lasted a few seconds. No matter what she went through, she was still essentially a 21-year-old girl with low academic qualifications.

"There are five more floors." Tang Ji pointed his gun at Inoa.

His past record and the look in his eyes emphasized to Inoa that this man would not hesitate at all when shooting.

He might actually kill a player!

Inoa had ulterior relationships with several players, and she vaguely heard them talking about it, but those people couldn't confirm this. After all, only one player died, so it couldn't be ruled out that it was an accident.

But Inoa already felt that those players showed a clear sense of alienation towards her before leaving this time, and all the flattery she spent a lot of time and energy on was in vain!

"They are also human beings, at least they look the same as us in appearance." Inoa tried hard to recall the useful things in her memory: "They are more developed and more civilized than us. They already have unlimited clean energy. They

He also said they were making orbital rings or something, I didn’t understand..."

"Why can they come to our world?" Tang Ji felt the elevator gradually slow down and asked.

"I don't know, they never talked about it!" Inoa also discovered this. While making up nonsense to fool the man in front of her, she clenched a ball of hair mixed with flesh and blood in her bag.

Inoa's status among the naturalized people is very special. Apart from the abnormal relationship between her and the players, she is also an attempt by the pioneers to transform the world.

Guide this world from the spiritual and cultural realm and make it appear to be closer to your own world.

In the entertainment industry, Losas' layout was completely messed up by the Prophet. The movies they spent huge sums of money to shoot and the audio-visual and text works they published either could not be released, or were squeezed out by the commercial giants of the same period and had no influence at all.

Inoa's popularity in the fashion world is entirely due to these changes in appearance, which are not harmful to the world. At most, they only increase the player's gaming experience.

"You still have a chance to say something useful." Tang Ji looked at the elevator that was steadily stopping on the top floor and gave Inoa a death notice.

Perhaps by taking this man back, the Prophet could interrogate more things, but in Tang Ji's opinion, the Prophet's method was too appeasement.

For this world, taking the initiative to understand the culture of players is harmful and useless, and can only allow more weak people to find excuses.

Compromise will ultimately bring a burden to the next generation, and Tang Ji does not want to leave this problem to the next generation.

"I remembered! I know they..." Inoa seemed to have made up her mind. While Tang Ji was attracted by her words, she suddenly took out the mass of flesh and hair from her handbag and stuffed it into her handbag.

He said, "You will regret provoking me!"


Tang Ji shattered Inoa's head with one shot, and a large piece of the tempered glass behind her was also broken.

"Wow, I remember you asked me just now if I wanted to catch someone alive." Wang Zhengdao looked at the blood mist exploding in the elevator with a telescope and shook his head: "Is there anything to gain?"

"No, it's all nonsense." Tang Ji stopped in place, looking at the bloody part above Inoa's neck and slowly closing the wound: "But she just turned into a super human, is this an unexpected gain?"

It seems that the skills of those players have improved again. If Wolfgang wants to obtain superhuman abilities, he needs to enjoy a whole-person feast in his spare time. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that this is due to his personal preferences.

Jealousy, on the other hand, clearly requires that the weight of flesh and blood provided must be greater than two kilograms. Only with the blood of greed can the ability of gluttony be truly absorbed.

But Inoa only swallowed something the size of a fist and completed the transformation.

And what kind of woman would stuff such a disgusting thing in her handbag and carry it with her every day? Tang Ji grabbed one of the legs of the corpse and dragged her out of the elevator.

He glanced at the time. The last time he hunted that player, Tang Ji had no time to calculate the time. He only knew that he recovered quickly.

Now this regret can be made up for, and he can take this opportunity to evaluate his recovery ability from gluttony.

"If you don't mind, let's be a bait on the rooftop first. All the armed forces in Paris bribed by naturalized people are rushing here." Wang Zhengdao suddenly appeared next to Tang Ji: "I'm going to bring a few people over.

Catch all those traitors in one fell swoop."

"I just have time." Tang Ji looked at the body that had returned to the position of the tip of his nose and smiled.

This chapter has been completed!
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