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Chapter 89 Cancer Recovery

 Today's fashion capital is extremely noisy. Tang Ji stood on the rooftop and surveyed the surrounding seven or eight blocks. There were exchanges of fire everywhere with the building where he was located as the center.

The vehicles that were heading towards each other a moment ago suddenly turned and collided with each other as they approached. The heavily armed mercenaries jumped out of the back seats and suddenly swung their fire towards the other side.

No one cares about who they work for, and no one cares about their life or death. The employers on both sides only regard them as pawns. As for how much effect they can have, the employers themselves don't care.

The naturalized people have been secretly accumulating strength because of their own special characteristics, while the prophet temporarily hired all the available people by spreading money, at a premium of 300%.

However, considering the size of the prophet's property, Tang Ji estimated that she might not be spending money as fast as she was making money.

From the beginning to the end, the Law Enforcement Bureau of the Fashion City has remained silent, with no intention of coming out to maintain order. Tang Ji has heard about the current situation of the Law Enforcement Bureau here before, and compared with it, the Night City Law Enforcement Bureau that was contracted out is nothing.

The troops and horses are strong.

The climax of the street war appeared in the air. After four helicopters registered with different companies approached the building where Tang Ji was located, they took off their camouflage, revealing heavy weapons that should not be there. They restrained each other, attacked each other, and just fought.

The aftermath caused the deaths of dozens of people on the ground.

When Tang Ji lowered his head again, Inoya had grown more than half of his head, his nostrils were fluttering and he was breathing.

He was curious about whether Inoa was resurrected after being resurrected like this? Or was a replacement printed based on her DNA?

He shot and smashed Inoa's head, and the brain was bleeding all over the floor. Will the brain that grows back remember everything?

The lost flesh and blood and the lost body fluids when recovering from injuries all need to be re-created by the body. Where does the energy and material required for this process come from?

Fortunately, Tang Jiyi had the opportunity to interrogate the victim in person, which was a rare experience.



Inoa couldn't feel her own presence. The last scene in her memory was that the man really shot, and he didn't even ask himself any questions!

But the chaos in her mind prevented Inoya from thinking complexly. She seemed to have returned to the source of life and walked the path of birth all over again.

It wasn't until her eyes turned blood red, the cold wind blew across her mucus-covered face, and a burst of coldness stimulated her to open her eyes that she realized that she had really survived.

But she really wished she hadn't survived. At this moment, she even regretted why she swallowed the ball of seeds.

"You remember me? Very good, we can save a lot of trouble in the future." Tang Ji fired again, and the prelude shot a powerful bullet, shattering Inoa's head again.

This time, she didn't even have a chance to say her last words.

After firing the gun, Tang Ji lowered his head and looked at the time, seven and a half minutes.

Next, Inoa was still tenacious and reborn, while Tang Ji waited patiently beside him.

In the fourth time, Inoa completely collapsed and started screaming before her brain had grown up. Tang Ji gave up his plan to start interrogation and gave her another pleasure.

Tang Ji now knows that without external influence, the ability of [cancer recovery] will consume his own fat and muscles to supply those parts that need to grow at full capacity.

Tang Ji saw that he and Inoa quickly transformed from plump young girls to skinny and bones, with several tumors growing on the surface of their bodies.

"Please...please, please!" After practicing more than a dozen times, Inoa was finally able to face death calmly, but now she could hardly maintain her human form: "I...surrender...


The tumors and alienated limbs all over her body made her look like she came out of the Cthulhu Mythos.

"There is no such option." Tang Ji shook his head and pulled the trigger again, making Inoa completely calm.

After a total of nineteen rebirths, the ability of [cancer recovery] drained away the last bit of residue from the woman named Inoa. In the end, this woman who once weighed more than fifty kilograms was left with only a lump of cystic tissue the size of a basketball.

The air in front of Tang Ji suddenly blurred, and Wang Zhengdao appeared staggeringly. He sat on the ground and gasped: "What is this?"

"Cristino Inoa?" Tang Ji replied somewhat uncertainly.

"What did you do to her?" Wang Zhengdao took a few steps back and looked at the tumor with a look of shame on his face.

"I guess she ate part of that gluttony and mixed it with the blood of greed." Tang Ji used the prelude to provoke a tumor, which looked like it was about to explode at any time: "I now know that those players are now

Why do you want Larry Jackman?"

"Forget it, we have to leave here quickly. The non-interference agreement is also time-limited. I think the Gallic Rooster is going crazy now." Wang Zhengdao put one hand on Tang Ji's shoulder: "Let's find a place to rest.

Take a few days before taking action.”

After saying that, the two people disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving only the tumor in place, which exploded with a pop.



"Madam, Inoa is dead." A man in a suit knelt on one knee in front of a high-backed chair: "According to our informant, this is a revenge action launched by Ark against the players, and they are cutting off the players' wings.


"Why Leonard, don't you dare to look up at me?" A charming female voice sounded, but there was no one on the high-backed chair. The man in the suit seemed to be kneeling before the air.

"I dare not look directly at your beauty, and my fragile heart cannot bear your charm." Leonard still lowered his head and did not dare to move.

"Huh, boring." The voice in the air lost interest in the man: "If you die, just die. She has betrayed me, so death is not a pity."

"Your infiltration plan for that group will not be affected, right?" The man still remained respectful, but his words were a little urgent: "We still have some reserve personnel. If you can generously give us your ability, we..."

"Why don't you raise your head and take a look at me, my eyes will tell you the answer, hahaha." The woman's voice surrounded the woman, rising and falling, making the man sweat.

The next second, he suddenly felt something pressing against his chin, forcing him to raise his head.

"Madam! Why? What did I do wrong?" The man used all his strength to resist this force. The veins on his neck popped out, but his head was still slowly raised.

"Look at me, Leonard, am I not the most beautiful woman you have ever seen?" The voice chuckled, but the tone became serious.

"Bitch! Are you going to kill me?" The man gave up all pretense and yelled loudly: "Do you think you can use those dirty tricks to defeat us? You won't succeed!"


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