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Chapter 304: Destined to rescue him again

"He was kidnapped, so we had to send guards with high martial arts skills to rescue him. You don't have to worry so much. Most of the ministers in the court are from me. Even if Chen Ling doesn't go to court, no one will suspect anything.

It can take a few more days to find him and come back." Huang Guiyuan said calmly.

"Father, I'm so angry with you. I'm not concerned about the problems in the court, but I'm worried about whether they will hurt Brother Chenling? You're still so calm," Wang Xiulin said angrily.

"Then let him suffer. Anyway, he doesn't know how to be blessed in the midst of blessings, and he often doesn't care about your feelings. Recently, he has some objections to what I have said. You can also take this opportunity to give in.

He has a long memory." Huang Guiyuan said nonchalantly.

"Father, how could you do this? However, what you said makes sense. Let him suffer a little, otherwise he will only remember that ugly woman. Hum, when the time comes I will send someone to rescue him, and he will know

Who is the best?" After hearing this, Wang Xiulin thought for a while and agreed with Huang Guiyuan's approach.

Two days later, as all the servants driving the carriage had returned to the countryside, Yan Ruocheng drove the carriage alone to replace Xian Jianlu and deliver some precious medicinal materials to Beilin and deliver them to Boss He.

Beilin is close to a long Changchuan River. Generally, merchants use large ships to transport goods across the river to shorten the distance.

When Yan Ruozhen arrived at the agreed time, Boss He was asking his servants to carry the goods onto the ship.

"Boss He, I delivered the medicinal materials you asked for. Please check and sort them out." Yan Ruocheng got off the carriage and talked to Boss He.

"Why are you the only woman delivering the goods? Dr. Xian must be too stingy. He didn't ask for one more servant. Why didn't he deliver the goods himself?" Boss He asked in confusion.

"No, my servant is going back early to celebrate the New Year. Dr. Xian broke his leg two days ago, so I sent the medicinal materials on your behalf. Boss He, if there is no problem with the medicinal materials, I will collect the remaining money and go back to explain.

Already." Yan Ruocheng said with a smile.

"I'll check it slowly. You can sit there and take a rest first." Boss He said cautiously, pointing to the small teahouse not far away.

"Okay, check it slowly. The medicinal materials are all of high quality." Yan Ruocheng walked to the side, fearing that he would do something wrong, so he didn't dare to go far.

There were two skinny servants who were carrying a large wooden box filled with grass. They didn't have much strength. When they moved in front of her, the person in front swerved, and the person behind them slumped.

He lost his balance and knocked over the entire large wooden box.

Yan Ruozhen dodged and took a few steps back. Boss He came over angrily and said, "Do you have anything to eat? Moving a wooden box will knock it over, so hurry up and move it up."

The two servants hurriedly turned the big wooden box over and moved it away. Without anyone noticing, a small red object fell out of the wooden box.

The little red thing rolled straight like a small ball and accidentally rolled to Yan Ruocheng's feet.

Yan Ruozhen took a step to the left and accidentally stepped on this little thing.

"What's this from?" She picked it up casually and took a closer look. It was a lucky bag.

Who dropped a lucky bag here? It's very similar to the one she gave to Huang Chenling. But the one she gave him had a paper thousand cranes stuffed inside, which meant to bless good health.

She was curious about what other people would put in their lucky bags, so her curiosity aroused, she put it in and took it out to take a look. Huh? It was also a thousand paper cranes.

And why was this paper thousand crane folded so similar to hers? She remembered that her folding was not very beautiful, and the position of the thousand crane's mouth was a little crooked. Even the crooked places were the same.

The more she looked at the lucky bag, the more suspicious it became. She smelled it with her nose. If it really belonged to Huang Chenling, it would be stained with his fragrance.

Hey! It really has his fragrance! The fragrance is quite strong, it must have just fallen off his body not long ago.

"Miss Yan, the medicinal materials have been inspected and the quality is acceptable. I will clear the rest of the money for you." Boss He came to say to her, interrupting her train of thought.

"Uh, okay, okay. Boss He, have you ever sent medicinal materials to the palace?" Yan Ruocheng asked.

"No. How can the palace's medicinal materials be obtained from me? I just transport these medicinal materials to other places." Boss He said.

Yan Ruocheng was thoughtful, watching boxes of goods being loaded onto the ship, feeling suspicious.

"Miss Yan, here are five thousand three hundred and sixty-eight taels of silver notes. You can count them yourself." Boss He handed the banknotes to her.

"Okay. Thank you, Boss He. Please come again next time." Yan Ruocheng took the banknote, counted it, and it was all right, and politely thanked him.

Boss He nodded and continued to tell his servants to move faster. She overheard that he planned to transport the goods to the border.

Yan Ruozhen walked back to her carriage and observed the sailboat. There were a few people dressed like some tribesmen standing at the bow. She had an unprecedented intuition in her heart that Huang Chenling was on the sailboat.


This idea was too outrageous and unrealistic, but picking up the lucky bag on his body made her believe it was true.

She felt that she would feel uneasy if she didn't go up to check clearly. She should at least check those wooden boxes.

So, she hid the carriage in the woods, tied the horses next to a tree, then sneakily blended in with the servants who were carrying them, and opportunistically slipped into the ship.

There was still more than half of the big wooden box below to be moved, and she expected to have enough time to find the big wooden box stuffed with grass just now.

"Where is that wooden box?" She came to the cargo warehouse inside the ship. There were piles of wooden boxes here. She could only rely on feeling and smell to find them.

"Huang Chenling, are you there? Chen Ling... Chen Ling..." she called softly.

Huang Chenling was drugged with anesthesia, her mouth was gagged, and she was tied in a wooden box. In her hazy consciousness, she vaguely heard Yan Ruocheng calling and thought she was hearing hallucinations. He didn't care about Sanqi.

Twenty-one, banging the inside of the big wooden box as hard as possible with his body.

Yan Ruocheng heard some noise and hurriedly looked for where it came from. Unexpectedly, someone came in at this time.

She quickly hid in a corner. The people who came in were Boss He and the tribesmen who were standing at the bow of the boat just now.

As soon as they came in, they heard Huang Chenling making a sound in the wooden box. One of them, who had a black mole on his forehead, said fiercely to Boss He: "What did you do? I told you to use Ma Fei San to knock him out."

, what if a soldier discovers us when we get to the pass?"

"I'm afraid that if the anesthesia boils too much, he won't be able to breathe if he's closed inside, which could lead to death," Boss He said helplessly.

"You don't care whether he dies or not. Once such a foolish king dies, the next one will still take office. In short, we are just acting according to the mission and cannot make any mistakes along the way. Hurry up and use more Ma Fei San to stun him." This forehead.

The man with the black mole said gruffly.

After he finished speaking, he went out first, leaving Boss He and a few of his subordinates here.

Boss He asked his men to take down the wooden box and open it. Huang Chenling was really stuffed inside.

Yan Ruocheng peeked at them quietly and saw Boss He taking a big bag of hemp powder and throwing it all on Huang Chenling's face. Huang Chenling fainted immediately. They sealed the wooden box again.

Stay and put it back in its original position.

She waited for everyone to go out, closed the door, and made sure no one came in again. Then she dared to slowly come out and rescue Huang Chenling.

Yan Ruocheng used the dagger she carried with her to pry open the iron nails of the wooden box. Her strength was not strong enough, and it took a lot of time to open the wooden lid.

At this time, the hull of the ship shook a little, and it was obvious that it had set sail.

"Chen Ling! Wake up!" She slapped Huang Chenling's handsome face vigorously.

He still didn't react at all and was very dazed by Ma Fei Powder. She had to get him out of the wooden box first.

Stuff some small wooden boxes into it and cover the wooden boxes again to prevent them from being discovered.

Yan Ruozhen dragged Huang Chenling to a corner and hid. The door was locked, so there was no way to get out. And there was no way to escape. The boat had already sailed out.

During this period of time, we need to wake up Huang Chenling first, and then we can think of a solution together.

Yan Ruocheng fumbled for the self-defense powders he carried. Apart from itching powder and purgative powder, the rest were detoxifying powders.

If her detoxification powder is taken together with Mafei Powder, it will become a laxative.

Yan Ruocheng slapped Huang Chenling's handsome face hard and hard, until a few reddish finger prints appeared on both sides of his face, but he still didn't wake up.

There is no other way. It is better to let him have diarrhea because of his stomachache than to keep him awake all the time.

So, she poured all the detoxification powder on her body into his mouth and let him swallow as much as he could according to the natural reaction of his throat.

Yan Ruozhen didn't know how long she waited before Huang Chenling gradually woke up.

"Toilet, toilet!" As soon as he woke up, he pressed his belly and stood up impatiently, stupidly looking for the toilet to solve the problem.

"If you can't get out, you can deal with it on the spot." Yan Ruocheng held his chin and said calmly.

"Ah, I, I can't do it!" Huang Chenling was so anxious that she rushed to a corner to solve the problem.

Yan Ruozhi helped hold a pile of grass, held his nose, handed it to him and said, "You can take these and use them."

Huang Chenling took the grass she gave her and said nothing.

After he finished solving the problem, Yan Ruocheng stood by the only vent, breathing in the air.

Huang Chenling dismissed her embarrassment as a passing thing, walked over seriously and asked, "Why are you here?"

Yan Ruozhen held her breath and made no sound. She just moved her hands toward him, waving her hand first to tell him not to come over. Then she waved her hand to tell him to take a few steps back and not bring the stench over.

.Finally, she made a shushing gesture to signal him to be quiet first.

Seeing her dislike him so much, Huang Chenling's face twitched a few times, and she was so angry that veins almost appeared on her forehead.

This chapter has been completed!
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