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Chapter 305: Desperately jumping into the water

Huang Chenling strode up to her and forced her to ask, "Are you thinking I'm dirty and smelly?"

Yan Ruozhen covered her nose and said helplessly: "Calm down, the air here is not very good, so stop arguing."

Huang Chenling snorted, observed the surrounding environment, and said, "How did you know that I was caught here? And you took the risk to save me."

Yan Ruozhen vomited while explaining: "I just came here to deliver goods. I accidentally found the lucky bag on your body, so I suspected that they had arrested you. I didn't expect that they actually arrested you, the emperor. The guards in your palace are really

It’s not strict at all.”

Huang Chenling suppressed a smile and said, "Perhaps it is destined that I can be with you in this situation."

"How long has it been before you still joke about something like this? Why don't you think of a way and escape." Yan Ruocheng said pretending to be bored.

"Do you have a dagger?" Huang Chenling asked.

"Yes, what do you want?" Yan Ruozhen handed him the dagger to see what solution he came up with.

"Of course it's to pry open the door." Huang Chenling took the dagger and said simply.

Yan Ruocheng grabbed him quickly and said angrily: "If we break the door now, won't we attract people to catch us? At least we have to wait until night, and we won't be able to guard the outside. Are you a pig?"

"That's right. You are a pig. You are talking to me like this. Let's just sit here and wait until night." After Huang Chenling finished speaking, she sat down casually.

Yan Ruocheng wanted to deliberately keep a distance from him, so he moved the soles of his feet slightly to the right.

From the corner of her eye, Huang Chenling caught a glimpse of her moving away from him, and immediately grabbed her hand and pulled her to sit down together.

"Sit together until evening."

"I want to sit over there."


"Don't think that now that you are the emperor, I have to obey your orders."

"Whether I am the emperor or not, you are willing to obey my orders." Huang Chenling said confidently.

"I don't obey all your orders, huh!" Yan Ruocheng couldn't refute much at the moment, but after thinking about it carefully, she did voluntarily obey his orders time and time again.

Huang Chenling suddenly covered her mouth, frowned slightly, and her body was trembling.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"I'm a little nauseous and want to vomit! What did you feed me just now? Why do I have diarrhea as soon as I wake up and feel uncomfortable all over?"

"Uh, this, I didn't want to. Who asked you to be given so much numbing powder? I slapped you dozens of times, but you didn't wake up. I had to give you detoxification powder, but it has some side effects.

Diarrhea, almost the same as laxatives."

"You slapped me dozens of times, no wonder I feel a little pain on my face." After hearing this, Huang Chenling belatedly touched her handsome face and said a little uncomfortably.

"Bring your hands to me and press the acupoints. I don't have any medicine that can cure nausea, but pressing the acupoints can slowly relieve the pain." Yan Ruocheng said.

Huang Chenling obediently handed her her hand to press. The two of them stayed like this until the evening.

At night, everyone on the boat went to have their meal, and there was no one guarding the board.

Huang Chenling and the others felt that the time was right, so they began to escape.

Carefully, he used a dagger to quietly lift up the outer crossbar from the middle door crack. After the crossbar was lifted, the door opened immediately.

After the two closed the door, they sneaked to the pile of debris on the plywood and hid for a while.

The sailboat has sailed from the river to the sea, surrounded by endless sea water.

"What should I do? Even if I escape here, I can't escape from the boat." Yan Ruocheng, a landlubber, said at his wits' end as soon as he saw the sea.

"There is a way. Can't you see the hoisted boat over there?" Huang Chenling inspected it, pointed to an escape boat not far away and said.

"Then we have to get it down. There seems to be a rough man guarding the bow of the boat." Yan Ruozhen glanced at a muscular rough man standing near the boat, and said to Huang Chenling with a frown.

"I'll knock that man out and put a boat down. You can find a way to climb into the boat and hide yourself. We'll split up." Huang Chenling said commandingly.

"Be careful." Yan Ruocheng said worriedly.

"I know you're nervous about me." Huang Chenling pulled her head, kissed her on the forehead, and ran out with a smile.

"I'm not worried about you!" Yan Ruocheng said duplicitously and took action.

Huang Chenling picked up a big wooden stick and wanted to approach the man slowly. Yan Ruocheng was not worried that he was alone, so she followed him.

She accidentally knocked over one of the small wooden boxes, attracting the rough man's attention.

"Girl? Who are you? Why are you on the boat?" The rough man came over and approached her in confusion.

"Hey, I accidentally boarded the wrong boat, and I don't know what to do now?" Yan Ruozhen said with an incoherent giggle.

Huang Chenling took the opportunity to attack the rough man from behind. With a snap, the stick broke, but the rough man was not stunned at all. Instead, he scratched his head with his hand and turned to see who was beating him.

Huang Chenling punched him hard in the stomach again. The rough man just exhaled, and after a few cracking sounds were heard from the bones of his fist, he felt severe pain and became weak. His whole body shrank in pain.

Yan Ruozhen stood there and almost lost her sight. She took out the itching powder from her body and sprinkled it on the thick man. Then she used a silver needle to aim at the dizzy point. After one prick, the whole rough man fell to the ground. She immediately pulled Huang Chen.

Ling quickly retreated.

"If you can't beat him, don't waste your time trying to be cool. Hurry up and get the boat down." Yan Ruozhen said vomiting.

"It's not that I can't beat him, it's just that his skin is too thick and I can't hit him." Huang Chenling said desperately.

The two worked together to get the boat down. Yan Ruozhen jumped into the boat first. When it was Huang Chenling's turn, someone came out on the deck and saw them escaping. He immediately called someone out to stop them.

There was also a hemp rope tied to one corner of the boat. Huang Chenling needed to cut the rope. She was on top of it, fighting with others, and cutting the rope with a dagger.

Just as he cut the rope, someone shot a bow and arrow. The arrow hit his back and he fell down together with the boat. Yan Ruocheng caught him below.

"Hurry up and row the boat!" Huang Chenling protected Yan Ruocheng with her body and asked her to row the boat quickly.

Yan Ruozhen picked up the oar and rowed out with all his strength, but the big boat was chasing after him.

Bows and arrows kept flying towards them. Huang Chenling was hit by another arrow in the back and fell unsteadily into the water. Upon seeing this, Yan Ruocheng jumped into the water without thinking.

She didn't understand the nature of water, so not only could she not save Huang Chenling, but she also got into trouble with herself.

Huang Chenling endured the severe pain in her back, swam desperately towards her in the water, and breathed to her with her mouth.

The people on the boat used torches to shine on the water, looking for their figures, but no one emerged from the water for a long time. They thought they had drowned.

The news that Yan Ruozhen disappeared after delivering the medicine accidentally reached Huang Fengmo's ears, and he rushed over to ask Xian Jianque what happened.

"You said she went to deliver the medicine by herself, then left the carriage in the woods and then disappeared. What happened?" Huang Fengmo asked excitedly.

"I don't know what's going on. I haven't heard of any bandits in Beilin. How could she be missing? Could it be Chen Ling who sent someone to kidnap her?" Xian Jianluo said speculatively.

"I'm not sure either. I haven't seen Chen Ling in the past few days. I want to go back to the palace and ask. I will send the guards around to search. If you think of any clues, tell the guards. I'll leave first!" Huang Fengmo After saying that, he strode away.

"Yunxi, when you found the carriage, did you really not see anyone?" Xianjian asked Yunxi again. She was the first person to find the location of the carriage.

"I didn't see anyone, but I asked the firewood collectors nearby. Except for the people on the cargo ship, there won't be anyone passing by in Beilin." Yun Xi explained.

"No wonder Ruozhen got on the boat with Boss He. It's impossible. What was she doing on the boat?" Xian Jianluo said in random thoughts.

"Second Senior Brother, don't think too much. Since the eldest prince will send people to find him, you don't have to worry so much." Yun Xi said.

A few days later, in a small fishing village near the coast.


Yan Ruocheng woke up from the smell of smelly salted fish.

"Where is this place?" She held her aching head and pushed herself up with some dizziness. She looked around and saw that it was a very dilapidated wooden house with large and small salted fish hanging on it.

She touched the clothes on her body and found that they had been changed into fishermen's clothes.

"Girl, are you awake?" An old woman came in carrying a bamboo basket and asked with a smile when she saw her waking up.

"Huh? Madam, where is this? Did you save me?" Yan Ruocheng asked in confusion.

"Hey, it wasn't me, it was my wife who saw you in distress when she was out at sea, so she rescued you. Your husband-in-law hasn't woken up yet," the old woman explained.

"Ms. sir? Ah, where is he? I want to see him." Yan Ruocheng couldn't wait to climb out of bed. His body was too weak for a while and he fell to the ground.

"Girl, don't worry, your husband-in-law is fine. We have called the village doctor to treat him. He is right next door." The old woman went over to help her up and said.

"Thank you. I hope he's fine." Yan Ruocheng comforted himself and breathed a sigh of relief.

The old woman helped her walk over, and Huang Chenling was lying on the wooden bed with a pale face, her body wrapped with a white cloth, and she was quietly unconscious.

Yan Ruozhen was extremely worried, and walked to the bedside to hold his hand. His palm was also wrapped with thick wooden boards, and the five fingers were fixed with small wooden bamboos. This hand should be used to beat rough men. It was broken at some point.

"Girl, please stay with him. Your husband-in-law should wake up soon." The old woman blindly treated them as husband and wife.

Yan Ruozhen was not in the mood to clarify, so he just nodded and said, "Well, aunt, go ahead and do your work. I can take care of him myself. Thank you."

"You're welcome, it's just a small effort." The old woman said and went out.

Yan Ruozhen gently stroked the side of Huang Chenling's face, recalling the moment when she saw him fall into the water after being hit by an arrow, her world really collapsed for a moment, and that's why she jumped into the water regardless of her own safety.

Thinking of this, she was in a bad state and became very depressed. She had clearly made up her mind to leave him, but it seemed that her heart had never left him at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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