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Chapter 350: The little poison that makes people laugh

Huang Chenling was now in the meridians where the toxicity had spread to both lungs. Yan Ruozhen used the soft force acupuncture technique that she had just learned with half success, and performed strict and continuous acupuncture.

An hour later, she wiped her sweat and finally suppressed the poison again.

"There is no danger for now."

"How long can we last like this?" Wang Xiulin asked worriedly.

"I can hold on for a day or two at most. I'm afraid it won't work any longer," Yan Ruocheng said.

"Then why don't you think of a solution? The imperial doctor may not be able to arrive in a carriage in a day or two." Wang Xiulin twisted Yan Ruocheng's collar and said angrily.

"I've done everything I have to do. I'm really powerless." Yan Ruocheng shook his head and said helplessly.

"Weren't you very powerful before? Why have you become so useless now? It's useless at all." Wang Xiulin pulled her close to him and said.

"If I'm useless, then you come and ask me to heal him again." Yan Ruocheng said angrily.

"Do you really think you are great?" Wang Xiulin twisted her collar tighter and tighter.

Huang Fengmo came over to persuade: "Okay, stop arguing, okay? Now that Huang Chenling is still lying here, what's the use of you two arguing."

"Humph!" Wang Xiulin let go of Yan Ruocheng and sat back on the bed unhappily.

Huang Fengmo took Yan Ruocheng out to prevent them from arguing.

Later, Huang Chenling gradually woke up with some consciousness, and said with trembling lips: "If... if... if... if..."

Wang Xiulin heard him calling Yan Ruocheng, and said with tears: "Why don't you call me at this time? I am your wife, do you really not love me at all? You don't even feel a little bit.

No. Why? Why can’t I compare to her!”

As Wang Xiulin said this, he couldn't help but beat Huang Chenling's chest with his hand. The poison had originally supplied her lungs, but after being beaten by her like this, she immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Ah! Chen Ling! I didn't mean it." Wang Xiulin hurriedly wiped the blood around his mouth with his hand.

"Xiulin..." Huang Chenling squinted at her slightly, and was hit by an accidental blow from her just now, forcing out part of the poisonous blood. It made him feel that his heart was not so painful.

, breathing became much smoother.

"Chen Ling? Are you awake? It's okay. The imperial doctor will be here soon. You will be fine." Wang Xiulin wiped his tears and said.

"I know, everything will be fine. Don't worry, don't cry, your eyes are red." Huang Chenling squeezed out a smile and said.

Wang Xiulin held his big hand, kissed it lightly and said, "You can still laugh."

"It's better to smile than to have a sad face." Huang Chenling said as she looked through her and scanned the surroundings, not seeing Yan Ruocheng's figure.

He was unconscious just now, and he kept hearing Yan Ruocheng calling him, so he slowly walked out of the darkness. But when he woke up, he couldn't see her figure.

"You can continue to rest." Wang Xiulin covered him for life and continued to sit by the bed.

Yan Ruocheng was banging his head against the red pillar, muttering to himself: "Oh, why haven't I memorized those acupuncture techniques? Am I becoming stupid?"

Huang Fengmo blocked her forehead with his palm and said, "Don't hit her. If you hit her again, you will really become stupid."

"Your Highness, actually I almost gave the wrong injection just now, and Chen Ling almost died. I don't dare to give him a second time." Yan Ruocheng frowned and said depressedly.

"You are just unskilled. Don't be afraid. He has stabilized now. He can persist until the doctor arrives." Huang Fengmo said comfortingly.

At this time, the guards came to inform Huang Fengmo.

"His Royal Highness, Mr. Lu said he wants to see you. He is waiting in the hall."

"Okay. I'll be there right away."

Not long after Huang Fengmo left, Yan Ruocheng saw Yinying jumping over the wall with two jugs of wine.

"Yin Fei, where have you been? You left me alone and disappeared." Yan Ruocheng ran over, stopped her and said.

"Silly maid, you are old enough to know how to come back on your own. You don't need me to follow you. Don't block the way. I want to drink with Shenhuang." Yinying said in turn.

Yan Ruocheng was so angry that she stood there speechless for a moment.

Back in the room, "Shenhuang, I'm back, I bought some wine, and the investigation is over." Yinying said with a smile while pouring the wine.

"How was the investigation?" Huang Shenhuang asked.

"It's related to Bailing City. It seems like everything was done by them. The third princess of Bailing City came to the tribe." Silver Shadow reported. She just went to the tribe to investigate.

, let Yan Ruocheng observe the altar alone.

"Apart from these, have other important things been completed?"

"It's done, don't worry about me doing my job." Yinying took the wine glass to him and said with a chuckle.

"Well, very good." Huang Shenhuang took the cup with satisfaction.

In the hall, the magistrate came to report to Huang Fengmo about the prophecy altar.

"Your Highness, I have sent people to stop those nonsense talkers from spreading on the streets," Master Lu said.

"How many people can you block, others will spread the word sooner or later. The only way that works now is to post notices on the streets. They are prohibited from using the Holy Spirit to discuss topics. As for those who are suffering from the plague,

Catch them all and lock them in the same place to prevent the plague from spreading again." Huang Fengmo analyzed it and said.

"Okay. I'll do as you please." Mr. Lu nodded and said.

Tonight is a full moon night. Yan Ruocheng was reading a medical book and fell asleep at midnight.

Some people in the city suddenly screamed in the middle of the night, not only in the city, but also in the tribe.

In addition to the plague, another strange phenomenon occurred.

Early in the morning, Mr. Lu came again to see Huang Fengmo.

"Master Lu, what happened? You were clamoring to see me early in the morning." Huang Fengmo had just gotten up and almost laughed when he saw Master Lu's appearance.

"Pfft! Haha, Mr. Lu, your eyebrows and nose hairs? What's going on with your face?" Huang Fengmo asked, suppressing a smile.

Overnight, Mr. Lu's eyebrows and nose hairs grew thick and long, and his whole face turned red.

"I don't know, Your Highness, I became like this as soon as I woke up. Not only me, but also the people in the city and the people in the tribe also became like this. I asked the doctor to see it, and the doctor said that this is not the case.

Maybe there is a strange epidemic disease." Mr. Lu said.

"Okay, I understand, you go back first. I want to think of a countermeasure before informing you." Huang Fengmo said.

During the meal in the morning, Huang Fengmo told Huang Shenhuang, the others, and Yan Ruocheng about the situation that Mr. Lu had told them.

"No, is there such a strange disease in the world? I think it must be man-made. However, I don't know who would be so boring to do such a thing." Yan Ruocheng said directly after hearing this.

Silver Shadow gave her a piece of lean meat and said, "I'm not the boring person. I put strange medicine in the water of several wells in the city and the tribe. This medicine is nothing. If you drink the water with the medicine, you will be healed."

Like Mr. Lu, his eyebrows and nose hairs are long and thick, and his face is red, but the symptoms will disappear after a few days."

"Scared?" Huang Fengmo and Yan Ruozhen both looked at Yinying at the same time.

"Concubine Yinmu, why do you do this?" Huang Fengmo asked.

"Try it out." Huang Shenhuang said.

"Father, could it be that you ordered Concubine Yin to do this? Why?" Huang Fengmo asked again.

Huang Shenhuang sharply picked up a half-dead vegetable insect and put it on the Huangfeng ink bowl, and then said: "You eat it, I will tell you slowly."

Yan Ruocheng was watching from the side. At this scene, it seemed that this person had begun to teach his children in his own unique way. She was mourning for this vegetable insect.

Huang Fengmo picked up the vegetable worm, his hands were shaking a little, and he didn't want to swallow it into his mouth.

"Father, can I not eat?" Huang Fengmo hesitated for a moment, then put down his chopsticks and said.

"Okay. I don't need to explain." Huang Shenhuang said calmly.

"Ruocheng, help me take this vegetable worm and bury it. All things have spirits and should be treated kindly." Huang Fengmo gave the vegetable worm to Yan Ruocheng.

Instead, Yan Ruozhen looked at the dishworms passed by and thought about why the Supreme Emperor did this. He couldn't help but said: "It's a joint relationship. I think the Supreme Emperor wanted to create a joint relationship to disrupt the enemy's plan. There are people in the city and the tribe.

If someone is hit, it is possible that the enemy will also be hit. Although the method is a bit strange, it does not hurt anyone. It just scares the opponent and messes up the pace, which is also a good method."

Huang Shenhuang was very satisfied with Yan Ruocheng's explanation, so he personally gave her a piece of green vegetables and said, "Feng Mo, if you don't understand, you should ask the bald maid next to you. She is half right about it."

"Your Majesty, what's the other half?" Yan Ruocheng asked curiously.

"We are still halfway to punishing the Third Princess of Bailing City. I guess she is not only screaming now, but also frightened by her own appearance." Silver Shadow said with a smile.

In the tribe.

Screams really came from Qingboya's tent. Qingboya was frightened by his own appearance and fainted on the spot.

Besides her, there was another place where the screams were particularly loud, and that was in Anga's tent.

Seeing his own face like Guan Gong, he had no idea what was going on. He heard that many people outside had become like this. He was worried that Lanlan would also become so ugly.

Regardless of his appearance, an arrow ran towards her.

"Lanlan! Are you okay?"

Lan Lan was fine, but was frightened by his appearance.

"An? Anka? What's wrong with your face?" Lanlan asked in surprise.

Only then did Anka remember his face, and he quickly pulled down the curtain next to him to cover his face, and said, "I wish you were fine. I looked like this when I woke up. I don't know what happened."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Lanlan followed him, called out to him and said, "Hey! Don't leave, I need to go see the doctor."

Anka ignored her and walked away quickly.

Lan Lan looked at An Ka's figure, feeling increasingly uneasy.

At noon, all the tribesmen went out to eat. Those suffering from strange diseases hid in the tents and were not allowed to come out. This included Anga.

"Lanlan, where are you going?" Lanlan quietly came out with her lunch, but was stopped by Han Yida.

"The tent is too stuffy. I want to go to the grassland to eat, okay." Lan Lan said angrily.

"I'll go with you." Han Yida wanted to help her carry the plate, but Lan Lan quickly dodged and said, "No, I just want to eat by myself, so don't come with me. Otherwise, I'll hate you."


"Don't, don't hate me. It's rare that you are so close to me. Don't hate me. Just go ahead and come back early after eating. The clan leader won't let you leave the tent for so long." Han Yida said.

"I understand. I'll be back soon." Lan Lan said.

For tribesmen who suffer from strange diseases, other people have relatives in their tents who bring food to them. But Anka is alone, so naturally no one comes to bring him food.

"Hey, how should I shave my eyebrows to make them look good?" He was slowly shaving his eyebrows with a knife. Because his hands were too clumsy, his eyebrows were made one long and one short, and there were many scratches.

Lanlan came in quietly and saw him shaving in front of a bronze mirror by himself with a knife.

"Cough! Cough!" She pretended to cough a few times to remind him.

"Uh? Is it Lanlan?" Anka heard her voice and turned around immediately, but he shaved his eyebrows too ugly and didn't want to turn around to face her.

Lanlan saw that he had no intention of turning around, so she flattened her lips and said, "You heard my voice and you didn't turn around. I brought you lunch. You must have not eaten yet."


"You can just put it over there. I'll eat it myself later." Anga still refused to turn around and said with his back to her.

Lan Lan angrily put the food plate on the wooden table aside, walked over and pulled him around.

"When you speak, speak to me, don't turn your back to me!"

Anga immediately covered his eyebrows with his hands in embarrassment, but his nose hairs were also trimmed unevenly and stood up a little. His face was now covered with two big characters of Embarrassment.

"Pfft! Hahaha..." Lanlan couldn't help it any longer and burst out laughing. His look was so funny. Even though she was going to keep a straight face, she really couldn't help it.

"Stop laughing, I'm already quite embarrassed." Anka turned away and said helplessly.

After Lanlan smiled for a long time, she said, "Take your hand away and let me see your eyebrows."

Anka reluctantly moved his hand away and said: "I don't look good when I shave. I have a long hair and a short hair. If you want to laugh, just laugh."

His originally red face became even redder. He couldn't wait for Lanlan's smile, but he waited until her fingers gently touched the side of his eyebrows.

Lan Lan was really distressed that he scratched the side of his eyebrows, and sighed and said: "Idiot, this is not how you shave your eyebrows. Let me trim them for you."

Anga pushed her hand back and said, "No, I'm afraid that such a strange disease may be transmitted to others, so you'd better leave."

This chapter has been completed!
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