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Chapter 404: The Second Emperor's Assassination

Yun Xi ordered someone to bring a basin of warm water to wash the blood from the wound on his head.

"Your Majesty, there is a saying that misfortunes never come singly. Haha, you are no different this time." She gently wiped the blood from his forehead and said with a smile.

"If you laugh at me again, I will no longer answer your questions." Huang Guiyuan said with a straight face.

"No, I'm not laughing." Yun Xi coaxed.

"What do you want to ask me?" Huang Guiyuan's attitude softened a bit.

"I have made many medicines, but they all failed. What's the reason? Did you remember wrongly one of the medicines?" Yun Xi returned to the topic.

"No, I have already written down everything I remember. Maybe it is the medicinal materials that I don't remember that are the key to success." Huang Guiyuan said it was the same as not saying anything.

"It's not an option if this continues. I have to go back to find my senior brother for help." Yun Xi couldn't help but say, and helped him apply medicine and bandage.

Huang Guiyuan's head tilted slightly.

"Are you leaving?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Instead of wasting time here, it's better to find reliable people for help. I'm afraid that Yan Ruocheng won't wait long, and the toxins in her body will soon be precipitated to a certain extent." Yun Xi said seriously.

Huang Guiyuan didn't say anything anymore, silently waiting for her to finish bandaging.

"Don't you think poisoning a woman like this is not the behavior of a gentleman?" Yun Xi asked deliberately looking for trouble.

"In the past, I was too much of a gentleman to hurt my own woman. I don't want to carry this word with me anymore." He answered seriously.

Yunxi just wanted to tease him, so she asked like this, but he answered seriously, letting her play with her, and said: "If you don't be a gentleman, will your Majesty be a gangster?"

After hearing this, Huang Guiyuan raised the corner of his mouth and smiled slightly, saying, "A rogue?"

His hand suddenly grabbed Yun Xi's little hand, trying to pull her over and get closer.

Yun Xi is not a vegetarian. He has a foundation in martial arts and is very strong. He could not move even when he pulled her.

Huang Guiyuan was quite embarrassed. He did this unexpectedly and unexpectedly, but it failed.

"You can stand so firmly, why did you sprain my waist in the first place?" Huang Guiyuan recalled the embarrassing incident when the two of them fell together when they first met her.

"Everyone makes a mistake, and a horse makes a mistake. It's a mistake. Your Majesty, you won't hold grudges until now, right?" Yun Xi said.

"I do hold a grudge, but if you don't mention that I provided the antidote formula after you go back, this grudge can be resolved." Huang Guiyuan said calmly.

"Why do you have to be a bad person? If you are willing to hand over the detoxification formula, it proves that your heart is not bad." Yun Xi approached him, reached out and touched his heart, and said.

"What do you understand about me? What you see on the surface does not mean that I am good." Huang Guiyuan said boringly.

"At least you didn't send experts to arrest us and put us in jail." Yun Xi added.

"All the experts are sent to perform other tasks, so they will waste people on you nobodys." Huang Guiyuan said casually, which was an explanation to her and a cover-up for his own partiality.

"Since you are so stubborn, I have nothing to say to persuade you to stop. Just take care of yourself. The old injury on your back will still need to take medicine for a few days before it will get better. As for your forehead, it will be better if you change the dressing frequently and don't get wet.

Heal yourself quickly. Don't eat raw, cold or spicy food, and stop eating." Yun Xi explained his injuries in detail as a final farewell.

Huang Guiyuan didn't answer her, he just waved his hand and told her to stop talking and leave.

"Your Majesty, you take your time and rest, I'm going out."

Huan saw her coming out and asked a little nervously: "Did he touch your hands or feet?"

When Yun Xi heard this, he said playfully: "I've already touched him. He regarded me as the woman he liked, and couldn't help but become intimate with me. He kissed me on the back of my hand, and he asked me if I wanted to go with him.

He was together, and I said we need to think about it."

After hearing the hallucination, I no longer believed her.

"Lie. I just tried it on you, you just said these things so innocently, hahaha, do you think I will believe it?" He said with a fake smile.

Yunxi stepped on his feet and said, "Humph, if you don't believe me, you ask again. Besides, it's none of your business, a courageous person like you." After saying that, he ran away with an arrow.

"Who do you think has no courage? Tell me clearly. Why are you running? Just stop!"

Huan was chasing her behind, while Huang Guiyuan leaned against the window, quietly peeking at their movements.

In the early morning of the next day, Yunxi and Huan packed up their things and quickly returned to the city. They each rode a horse and galloped away.

In fact, Huang Guiyuan also left the abandoned city on this day, riding a carriage with a group of guards and soldiers following him.

When the carriage entered the forest, it was attacked by an ambush from all sides, and more than twenty black-clad killers flew out from all directions.

Their mission is to assassinate Huang Guiyuan alone.

The guards protected the carriage and fled first, leaving the soldiers to stop the assassin.

However, there were more than twenty assassins. When the carriage arrived near the cliff, more than a dozen masked men in black with iron hooks flew over.

They tied the wheels of the carriage with eagle hooks, causing the carriage to brake suddenly and roll over.

The guards tried their best to protect the carriage and prevent the assassin from getting closer.

Huang Guiyuan climbed out of the carriage in embarrassment, picked up his sword and fled.

The killer shot arrows at him. He blocked several of them with his knife, but he was also hit by two, one in the back and one in the thigh. He almost fell to the ground, and he used his sword to hold on to his body, which was about to collapse.


"Am I going to die here today..." He no longer had any worries in his heart and muttered silently: "Xiao Nie, I'm here to see you."

A fierce arrow was about to hit his heart. With a flash of the sword, the arrow split into two.

The person standing in front of him was Xuan Ni, no, it was Yun Xi. The severe pain from the arrow wound made his consciousness gradually blur.

"Your Majesty, it's a good thing that I'm nearby, otherwise you would really be in trouble today." Yunxi walked over to him and cut off half of the long arrow on his body.

"Yunxi, you take him away first. I will follow later." Huan led the other shadow guards and tried their best to resist arrow attacks from all directions.

"Be careful." Yunxi put Huang Guiyuan on his horse and took him away quickly.

The horse walked through the forest and came to a place with a waterfall.

When Yunxi saw that there were no pursuers, he helped Huang Guiyuan off his horse.

Make a fire and help him pull out these two arrows.

"Your Majesty, I want to help you pull out the arrow. If you don't pull it out now, you will lose too much blood."

Huang Guiyuan leaned weakly against the rock and had no objection to her words. However, the arrow in his back was inserted into his old injury, and he was afraid that he would not be able to bear the pain.

He made a rare request: "Knock me out and then pull it out."

"You're almost fainting now, do you still need me to knock you out?" Yun Xi said with a chuckle.

Huang Gui was weak and said: "The arrow is stuck in the old wound in my back. It hurts too much. I can't bear the pain. Please knock me out."

Yun Xi took out Ma Fei Powder from his body and gave him a smell. Huang Guiyuan gradually fainted.

"I brought Ma Fei Powder. No matter how painful it is, it can temporarily anesthetize it."

After heating it with a dagger, she made a small slit at the location of the arrowhead, and then quickly pulled out the arrowhead. Since this was an old problem, she carefully sealed several acupuncture points on his back with silver needles, and poured out Jinchuang Medicine and Mafei.

After that, he tore off his own clothes and bandaged them up for him. He also treated the arrow wounds on his remaining thighs in the same way.

She waited for Huan Qian to join her, and waited until night.

If Huang Guiyuan hadn't been unable to move now, she would have run away to find the illusion.

I grilled a few small fishes and ate them boringly.

"Hiss...ah!" Huang Guiyuan gradually woke up, groaning in pain as soon as he woke up.

"Don't move. The bleeding just stopped." Yun Xi glanced at him and said.

Huang Guiyuan endured the severe pain in his back and found himself lying on a pile of thick leaves. Yunxi had probably picked them to make a bed.

He squinted at her slightly, and Yunxi felt his gaze.

"Do you want some fish?"

"No, I'm not hungry."

He said this, but his stomach didn't live up to expectations and made a few uncharacteristic growls. Although it was very quiet, it could still be heard in the quiet woods.

Yun Xi took a piece of fish over, tore off a piece of fish meat, stuffed it into his mouth, and said, "Eat it. If you don't eat it, if the killer comes after you, you won't have the energy to run."

The fish meat was stuffed in his mouth, and Huang Guiyuan swallowed it slowly and politely.

Yunxi slowly fed him and continued to eat. After eating all the fish, he was a little thirsty, so she filled some water with her hand for him to drink.

Huang Guiyuan recovered a little bit of his strength, and when he spoke, he was no longer vain: "Why did you pass by here?" The road he took was different from the previous trade routes.

"It's just a coincidence. I remembered that there are some rare herbs in the forest here, and I wanted to pick some back. Huan also happened to be discussing something with his subordinates, so he came here. I didn't expect that you would be attacked by so many assassins when I saw you, Your Majesty.

Chase." Yun Xi explained.

"With great power, people will naturally come to hunt you down. It's a natural thing." He said calmly.

"Now that you know someone is coming to hunt you, but you sent the master away and left useless guards to protect you, do you think you have a long life?" Yun Xi said a little unhappy.

"It's true that life is too long..." He opened his eyes slightly wider and looked at the clear moon in the sky.

"I really don't know what to say about you," Yun Xi said boringly.

Ignoring him, he sat back by the fire, squatting and dozing off.

The night wind was strong and soon blew out the fire. She shuddered and woke up. Then she built a new fire to warm herself up.

She felt cold, so she looked up at Huang Guiyuan, who was lying far away. He must have been extremely cold too.

Huang Guiyuan was now not only cold, but also had a fever. His body was trembling and his lips were very pale.

Seeing this, Yun Xi had to lie down next to him and use her own body temperature to warm him up. The injury on his back was quite serious and he couldn't move, so she lay down like this.

She held his big hand and breathed some warmth. This man was so cold that he didn't even wake her up just now.

"It's so cold..." Huang Guiyuan felt a warm embrace beside him. He moved his body close to it and said vaguely.

"You should have spoken out earlier if you knew it was cold." Yun Xi said angrily.

This chapter has been completed!
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