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Chapter 405: Besieged

At night, the secret guard came to report to Huang Chenling: "Your Majesty, the second emperor was assassinated on his way back to Beijing. His life or death is uncertain."

He stopped writing and gave an order: "Go and find the person immediately. Send more shadow guards to look for him. If you want to see the person alive, you want to see the body if he is dead."

Wang Xiulin was holding a bird's nest cup. When he heard the news of his adoptive father's assassination, the bird's nest cup in his hand fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

"What are you talking about? You said my adoptive father was assassinated?" she asked nervously.

Huang Chenling waved the secret guard to leave first, and he would explain the matter in person.

"Who wants to assassinate him? What happened to my adoptive father?" Wang Xiulin stepped forward to ask.

"Still in limbo. The person who secretly murdered him has not yet been found." Huang Chenling took back the pen and commented on the memorial as she spoke.

"My adoptive father's life or death is uncertain now. You are still in the mood to criticize the memorial as if nothing happened! Stop criticizing!" Wang Xiulin angrily pushed down a pile of memorials on the table.

Huang Chenling put down her pen, stood up and said, "I'll take you back to the palace. The Second Emperor's uncle should be fine. There are so many masters and guards around him, so you don't have to worry too much."

"You keep telling me not to worry, but in your heart you really want my foster father to be assassinated, so that you don't have to be threatened by him anymore. Or are you secretly sending these assassins! The thief shouts, catch the thief!" Wang Xiulin couldn't boil the pot.

He picked up the pot and suddenly pointed the finger at him.

Huang Chenling was not angry at first, but when she said this, she became really angry.

"Use your little chicken's heart to weigh it carefully. Am I not treating you well? If I harm him, do you need to endure it until now?"

"Patience, you are putting up with me from the bottom of your heart. I will never be as good as the ugly girl in your heart. Even if the great emperor asked you to have a concubine, you would be eager to do it quickly!"

The more Wang Xiulin talked, the more barbaric she became. Huang Chenling didn't know what topic she was talking about and what it had to do with the concubine Li.

"I'm really too lazy to explain it to you!" He flicked his sleeves and strode towards the door. Wang Xiulin was left chopping his feet in anger.

The night wind was so strong that the windows rattled loudly. Xianjian got up and went to close the window, but a bloody man suddenly appeared and was so frightened that he disappeared.


He saw clearly that this tattered and bloody man turned out to be the illusion himself.

"Why are you the only one, where is Yunxi?" Xian Jianlan quickly came out and supported him.

"She, I got separated from her, and the killer was stopped by me..." Huan fainted on him before he finished speaking.

"Huan, Huan! Hold on!" Xian Jianluo carried him on his back and went in for treatment.

The large and small scars on his body were all caused by new weapons. After Xian Jian's inspection, he learned that these killers were probably sent by people from the West. The most important thing is that many of the wounds on his body were caused by Western guns.

. Even copper and iron can't stop these bullets.

Fortunately, the location in the phantom didn't hurt any vital parts, but he fainted due to excessive blood loss.

In the early morning of the next day, Yun Xi felt sore all over from sleeping, so she got up and stretched.

"Oh, the leaves are spread so thickly, it makes my whole body hurt even when I sleep."

She reached out and touched Huang Guiyuan's forehead to see if he still had a fever.

Huang Guiyuan's fever has not subsided and he is still feeling uncomfortable. Coupled with the wind and cold last night, his illness is even worse now.

"Oh no."

She set out to look for anti-inflammatory herbs nearby. She walked around the area several times, only to find some edible wild vegetables and only one or two anti-inflammatory herbs.

There is no need to fry the herbs, just chew them with your mouth and stuff them into Huang Guiyuan's mouth. Yesterday he was conscious enough to swallow them, but now he is not even conscious. He can't swallow them.

"Your Majesty, please wake up and cheer up." Yun Xi carefully supported him in his arms and tried to awaken his consciousness.

Unfortunately, there was no response, and Huang Guiyuan's lips were even paler than last night. If he continued like this, he would die before anyone came to rescue him.

Yun Xi slightly lifted his chin, chewed the herbs into minced juice as much as possible with his own mouth, and put it into his mouth bit by bit. The key was to insert his tongue and press his tongue so that he could have it.

The conditioned reflex of swallowing.

The bitter herb slowly entered Huang Guiyuan's throat. In order to prevent him from choking, he couldn't help but pinch his Adam's apple with his hands.

After feeding him the herbs, I went to feed him some wild vegetables. Although it can't reduce inflammation, it can reduce the deficiency fire.

"Your Majesty, if you die, I will really have saved you in vain."

The unconscious Huang Guiyuan seemed to have heard her words, and his expression improved slightly.

She took care of him until noon. She felt that she could not wait any longer and had to send him back to the city and treat him at the hospital. But she didn't know if those killers were still lurking in the forest, and she didn't know what Huan was doing now or why he didn't come.

Find her.,

After much deliberation, she decided to give it a try.

She tore off her own clothes, carried Huang Guiyuan behind her back, tied him tightly to her back with her clothes, and rode with him on the horse.

She rushed out of the forest at full speed. With good luck, she didn't meet the killer and reached the inn at the edge of the forest along the way.

There is an inn here, and a small amount of supplies can be replenished.

After being thrown into the inn, I was finally able to give Huang Guiyuan further treatment and untie his clothes. It turned out that the two arrow wounds had become inflamed and filled with pus. No wonder his high fever did not go away and became more serious.

She wanted debridement treatment, and it took her half an hour to cut his wound with a dagger.

It was already evening after I reapplied the medicine and bandaged it.

She was so tired that she just lay down beside the bed and fell asleep.

Huang Guiyuan woke up vaguely, and the back of his hand felt a little sore and numb from her pressure.

He moved the back of his hand, but was pressed so hard that he couldn't move at all. He looked at the person beside the bed with a slightly slanted face.

She is still here and has not left me.

He closed his eyes again and continued to rest.

Xian Jianlu finished treating Huan, but Huan still hadn't woken up due to his severe injuries. He took a carriage to Huang Fengmo's mansion to report the matter to the Supreme Emperor.

"Uncle Xian!" As soon as Xiaoling saw him, she happily ran over and hugged her thigh.

"Okay, Xiao Ling, don't hold my thigh. I have something important to see the Emperor." Xian Jianru touched his little head and said.

"Looking for the Supreme Emperor, who is it?" Xiaoling still didn't know that Huang Shenhuang was the Supreme Emperor because Yan Ruozhen had not mentioned it in front of him.

"Brother Xian, come here!" Yan Ruocheng pushed Huang Fengmo and slowly came over.

"Ruocheng, the eldest prince, I have something to tell you." Xian Jiannan said.

Xiaoling touched her head and interrupted: "Uncle Xian, didn't you just say you were looking for the Supreme Emperor? Why are you looking for your mother and Uncle Mo now?"

It was not a big deal for him to ask, but from what Huang Fengmo heard, it was Xian Jianlu who felt that he, the eldest prince, was of no use, so he went directly to the Supreme Emperor.

Xian Jianlan was a little embarrassed, and Huang Fengmo's face became a lot gloomier.

"Uh, Xiao Ling, you go over there and play. The adults are talking and the children should not interrupt." Yan Ruozhen pushed Xiao Ling away and told him to stop talking nonsense.

"Okay." Xiao Ling walked away boredly.

"Brother Xian, stop standing here. Let's go into the hall and talk slowly." Yan Ruocheng pushed Huang Fengmo away and said to Xian Jianque.

Xian Jianlan nodded and followed them.

In the hall.

Xian Jianlu told them what happened last night.

"How is Huan doing now? Is it serious?" Yan Ruocheng asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I just lost too much blood and haven't woken up yet." Xian Jianlan said comfortingly.

"I really need to discuss this matter with my father. I'm afraid the Western gun matter is related to my great uncle." Huang Fengmo was silent for a while before saying.

"I've heard it." Huang Shenhuang heard their conversation as soon as he came back.

"See the Supreme Emperor." Xian Jianlan bowed.

"No need to be polite, what you said is true. I'm sure those injuries were caused by Western guns." Huang Shenhuang wanted to make sure.

"It's absolutely true. I also brought the evidence." Xian Jianlan took out the bullet he took out from the phantom wound and showed it to him.

Huang Shenhuang frowned and couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect things to develop faster than I expected. I'm afraid the enemy has already invaded the Central Plains." He walked over slowly and sat down passively.

"Father, what happened? Stop hiding it and tell me." Huang Fengmo could tell that there was something hidden in Huang Shenhuang's words.

"He doesn't want to hide it, he just doesn't know how to say it." Silver Shadow also came in and said.

"How did the investigation go when I asked you to investigate it?" Huang Shenhuang asked her.

"We found out that a large number of Westerners have disguised themselves as businessmen and sneaked into Huangcheng. They are probably the ones who assassinated the Second Emperor this time." Yinying said analytically. She had just entered the palace, and Huang Chen

Ling told her about the assassination of the second emperor's uncle and asked her to tell Huang Shenhuang.

"The Central Plains are now preparing for a war with the Westerners. The Westerners have quietly invaded the Central Plains, and the ministers in the DPRK are also wagging their tails to get closer to the Westerners." Huang Shenhuang concluded.

"Father, is Chen Ling safe in the palace? I'm worried that the eldest uncle will take action against him." Huang Fengmo asked worriedly.

"It's safe for now. I sent many secret guards around him. Tian Chang hasn't planned to take action yet, and Chen Ling hasn't completed the order he gave." Huang Shenhuang said.

"Uncle Great Emperor, what order did he give to Chen Ling?" Huang Fengmo asked.

"Ask Chen Ling to raise money to buy him Western weapons. Chen Ling has already used his own methods to deliberately delay the time." Huang Shenhuang said simply.

Yan Ruozhen frowned when he heard this. He thought Huang Chenling would be very safe in the palace, but he was surrounded by enemies from all sides.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?" she asked interjectingly.

"You can't do anything. If the shadow guards come to you for treatment, just treat them well." Huang Shenhuang said, aiming at her.

"Okay." She responded casually, depressed.

"Father, you also think I'm useless, so why did you take so long to tell me?" Huang Fengmo asked him in return.

Huang Shenhuang stopped pampering him this time and said directly: "You are of no use in your current state. You can't help much even if you take good care of yourself." Then, pointing at Xian Jianlan, he said: "You follow me.

come over."

Huang Shenhuang took Xian Jianlan out alone.

This chapter has been completed!
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