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Chapter 520: Working together at night

Re-dress the carriage, change the costumes of several people, and try it again.

It was Miao Xiaoxuan who dressed up as a Persian girl, and she immediately attracted the attention of the Western soldiers and stopped their carriage.

"How dare you, do you know who my young lady is, how dare you stop our carriage?" Yan Ruozhen changed into a maid's outfit, and she came out of the carriage to lead the charge.

After some nonsense, they said that Miao Xiaoxuan was a famous singer in Persia, and the Western soldiers immediately captured her, and then took the others back with her.

Because the Western general Petratse liked to listen to Persian music, of course these Western soldiers were captured and taken back to claim credit.

The Western soldiers temporarily locked them all in a large tent and treated them quite well. Someone brought them tea.

When no one came in, Miao Xiaoxuan sat next to Yan Ruocheng and said in a loud voice: "Empress, why did you just say that I was a singer? In addition to singing, I can also do other things well. Singing

It’s simply impossible, I’m tone-deaf. I’m sure to get into trouble as soon as I see the general. What should I do?”

Yan Ruocheng said: "You just said that your throat is inflamed, so you can't sing for the time being. In short, your task is to delay time, try to get as long as possible, and let the Western general keep you for a few days. We have enough

It’s time to find the eldest prince.”

"Okay." Miao Xiaoxuan nodded.

After a long time, the Western general sent a servant over and said he wanted to see Miao Xiaoxuan.

Shangguan Moxuan was worried that Miao Xiaoxuan would go alone, so he forcefully said that he was Miao Xiaoxuan's harmonious partner, so he had to go with him.

After the two of them went out, Yan Ruocheng and the others were the only ones in the tent now. Let Huan Shan go out first and explore the environment first. The others were waiting to take action.

Miao Xiaoxuan and Shangguan Moxuan were taken to the main camp of the Western general Petra Tese.

"Marshal, I've been brought here. She is the Persian soprano Beiping, and her harmony partner." After the servant introduced her, he went out.

"I like to listen to Persian songs. The voice is high enough. Come and perform a piece for me to listen to." The Western general Petratse knew Persian, so he used Persian language to communicate with them.

Fortunately, Miao Xiaoxuan knew Persian, so she deliberately pretended to be hoarse and said: "Marshal, the little girl has been angry recently and her throat is a little hoarse. She can't sing for the time being. How about you let me rest for a few days to recuperate my throat?"

, I will sing for you again."

The Western general Petratse touched his chin, listened to her explanation, believed her words, and agreed: "Okay. You can just rest for a few days and then perform again. Someone, take them back to the tent to rest."

Miao Xiaoxuan breathed a sigh of relief when he came out of here. Shangguan Moxuan looked around and found that there was no sign of the general's wife. Could it be that she was not in the main camp.

After returning, they reported the situation to Yan Ruocheng. Soon, Huan also came back.

"I didn't find the cage with the eldest prince? It's strange. My subordinates said they had seen it in the tent before." Huan said.

"Could it be that they took it away? There may be other places to camp." Yan Ruocheng thought for a while and said.

"The Imperial Concubine, what should we do now?" Fan Xu Li Sotu asked.

"Don't worry, I have a trump card. In order to determine the specific location of the eldest prince, I have to rely on it." Yan Ruocheng took out a small wooden tube from the small waist bag on his body.

Everyone immediately stared curiously at the small wooden tube in her hand. She explained: "The small wooden tube contains the little bees that I usually breed. The eldest prince has the nectar and fragrance powder that they like to collect. As long as you let them out, it will be fine." We can confirm whether he is here or not."

"It's been so many days, are you sure the nectar powder on his body won't change its smell?" Na Xiao asked.

Yan Ruocheng said firmly: "It won't change the smell. Once that kind of fragrant powder touches someone's body, it won't dissipate easily. I like to have it on all the eldest prince's clothes, both outside and inside. This kind of nectar-flavored powder also has One of its functions is to absorb sweat. Even if you sweat and your body is smelly, you can feel cool and comfortable once you use it."

"Where can I buy it? Imperial Concubine, I want it too! The smelly sweat in the armpits is super annoying!" Miao Xiaoxuan listened so immersedly that Shangguan Moxuan beside him snickered.

"Ahem, I'm talking about strategy now. Please be more serious. If you like it, complete the mission and go back, and I will give you a few bottles." Yan Ruocheng said helplessly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Imperial Concubine, please continue talking." Miao Xiaoxuan stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

"Huan, please follow these little bees out again." Yan Ruocheng said to Huan.

Huan nodded, it didn't matter.

Opening the small wooden tube, three little bees flew out at once. After circling in a circle, they flew out separately. Huan quickly followed.

Yan Ruozhen silently prayed that he could find Huang Fengmo.

Huang Fengmo fell into a pile of grass. He was in terrible pain all over his body. The hot whip marks stung. In addition, his hands and feet were tied behind his back again. He had not been able to get a drop of water for two days. He was either dying of pain or dying of thirst. .

Even so, he still believed that someone would come to rescue him, so he couldn't give up so easily. He lay down to minimize his physical strength.

Huan followed these three little bees, and two of them went off course. One of them bypassed all the tents, entered the forest, and came to another camp. By coincidence, Huan followed the right bees, and when he arrived here he met the general's wife. Dame Tabitha.

Sure enough, Yan Ruocheng guessed it correctly. Huang Fengmo was imprisoned here.

The little bee flew into a particularly dirty tent, thinking it was used for raising poultry. Before it even got close, a smell hit its nose.

Huan was a little suspicious that the little bee flew here because of the smell.

While his servants were not paying attention, he managed to sneak into this particularly dirty tent. The tent was rectangular and dark, so he groped around for it.

Unexpectedly, when locked in a cage, various wild animals roared vigilantly when they saw someone approaching. This attracted the attention of people outside, who came in to take a look. Huan hurriedly hid.

"What are you arguing about? If you continue to argue, I won't give you food!" said the servant.

"Go and see if that person is dead? Or if he is dead, it's not necessarily the case that these beasts are roaring," said the servant Yi.

The two of them walked towards the innermost part, used an oil lamp to shine on Huang Fengmo's position to make sure he was still alive, and then went out.

It also made Huan discover Huang Fengmo.

"Your Highness, the eldest prince, hold on, we will come to rescue you at night. Do you hear me?" Huan told him in a low voice.

Huang Fengmo nodded weakly, knowing that he was Huan, and he was finally saved.

Huan immediately ran back and informed Yan Ruocheng of the situation.

Listening to his description, Yan Ruozhen was heartbroken about Huang Fengmo's situation. She wished she could rescue him immediately.

Feeling anxious, they endured it until nightfall, when it was quiet and there were few people around. The group of them was about to start taking action, and they all changed into night clothes.

Huan took the lead and led them. Yan Ruozhen gave each of them a large bag of soothing powder, which would cause people to fall asleep if they sprinkled it. They sprinkled the powder as they walked. Just like moths spreading powder at night, they spread it all around. Guarded

The Western soldier slept peacefully.

Slowly we came to another camp. There were more Western soldiers here than during the day. It might not be that easy to get in.

"What should I do? There are a lot of people." Yan Ruocheng asked Huan quietly.

"What can we do? Send someone pretending to be a wild boar to lure them away." Huan whispered and looked at Shangguan Moxuan.

Shangguan Moxuan has better skills and is the first choice for pretending to be a wild boar.

"You want me to pretend to be a wild boar?" Shangguan Moxuan said softly.

"Well, you can do it. I think your skills can dodge their Western bullets." Huan was a little afraid of the marksmanship of those Western soldiers and did not dare to take risks on his own.

"No, it's so dangerous! I don't agree. Mo Xuan's Kung Fu is just a three-legged cat." Miao Xiaoxuan immediately objected and protected Shangguan Mo Xuan.

"How about we separate and lure them away. Huan and Ruozhen will go in to save people, otherwise there will be no other way." Na Xiao suggested.

"Okay, I'll join." Fan Xuli Sotu nodded in agreement.

"Xiaoxuan, I'll go with you to lure him." Shangguan Moxuan touched Miao Xiaoxuan's head and said.

"Yeah, okay." Miao Xiaoxuan also agreed.

After several people discussed it, they started to act separately.

After a long time, a pretended wild boar voice came from far away in the woods: "Snoring, snoring..." It was Miao Xiaoxuan who was pretending.

In another place, Phan Xu Li Sotu deliberately threw stones at the bushes farther away, causing a rustling sound.

Naxiao deliberately lit some dead leaves to make smoke.

Several Western soldiers on guard went over to take a look with oil lamps.

With a few less guards, it would be easier to get in. Huan flew in with Yan Ruocheng.

The two of them had a tacit understanding inside, hiding left and right and cooperating with each other. Soon they entered the particularly dirty tent.

I thought I would see Huang Fengmo soon, but the person in the cage disappeared.

"Where's the man? Huan, didn't you say he was here?" Yan Ruocheng asked.

"Don't worry, it must still be nearby. Let's go out and look for it." Huan said.

The two of them came out and searched separately.

Yan Ruozhen's spiritual nose smelled the fragrance of Huang Fengmo.

She looked towards a very high tent. She closed her eyes and made sure again that the scent was coming from that tent.

He hid behind the tent with his hands and feet, and used a dagger to make a small hole to peek inside.

Huang Fengmo was covered in injuries and tied to the ground.

Dame Tabetha picked up the whip and whipped him hard. His mouth was sealed and he couldn't make a sound even if he wanted to scream in pain.

Yan Ruocheng took out his unique hidden weapon, aimed it at Baroness Tabitha's neck, and fired it. The poisonous needle pierced her neck at once, and she quickly fell down slowly.

She cut open the tent and got directly in. She hugged Huang Fengmo who was on the ground and said, "Feng Mo, I'm late, I'm sorry."

Before the servants noticed him, he picked him up and fled quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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